Game of Gods

Chapter 404 Destruction (Part 1)

flying field.

Two goblin guards are guarding the door bored.

Two goblins walked up to them.

"Stop!" the guard goblin stopped.

"Hey, don't be so nervous. The high priest sent us over to check the safety of the flyfield." A little goblin replied.

"Report your identity and authority badge." The guard goblin was still loyal to his duty.

"Of course." The little goblin gave the badge.

After the guard goblin checked: "No problem, you can enter. What about him?"

"He's my assistant, hey, can I have it? I have the right to take him in. Or you report to the above now, and then we continue to waste time here until the infiltrators blow up here too?" Little Goblin Said menacingly.

"No, I'm just asking." The guard goblin confirmed that there was no problem with the badge, and let it pass.

Entering the flying field, Han Feiyu hissed.

"So nervous." He patted his chest.

"Don't be afraid, I have me." Rouwa patted him on the shoulder proudly.

"I said, where did you get the badge?"

"I got it in the alchemy workshop." Rouwa replied.

The alchemy studio is the most suitable place to get badges. Alchemists are average in strength but have high authority.

Yuan Chenfei deliberately misled Philip's judgment, making him think that the purpose of destroying the alchemy studio was to destroy the Poyin Lamps that were being made, but in fact Rouwa's real purpose was the badge.

As Yuan Chenfei said, to freely enter and exit the fortress, the real thing you can rely on is the illusion flower, not invisibility.

Of course, the more important thing is that High Priest Philip has lowered the alert level, so that everyone no longer has to panic.

Entering the flying field, you can see a large number of empty boats parked in the flying field. It is deserted and there are no goblins in sight.

Han Feiyu was overjoyed: "Opportunity!"

Rou Wa sneered: "Opportunity? Don't you think it's ridiculous? Just bombed the ogre camp. There are not many soldiers guarding such an important place as the flying field."

"you mean……"

Rouwa raised the secret magic ball, and the ball showed that there were indeed not many guards in the flying field, but in the few blocks near the flying field, there were large red dots representing goblins.

With the secret magic ball, no kind of ambush can be hidden from Rouwa.

"So this time they deliberately let us in by letting our guard down? Why do I feel like they knew we would come here?" Han Feiyu was surprised.

Rou Wa curled her lips: "It's not unusual to have that bastard Yuan Chenfei around."

"Then what should we do now? Take the opportunity to blow up an empty ship, and then use the teleportation light to leave?"

"Two beams of teleportation, exchange for an empty boat, do you lose money?" Rouwa rolled her eyes, and then she said harshly: "Since the goblins have given us a chance, of course it will be a big deal."

"You want to blow up all the airships?" Han Feiyu was taken aback: "There are hundreds of ships in this flying field, and we have to run over one by one...and we don't have that many explosives."

"To destroy the airship, you don't have to rely on explosions. Come with me!" With a turn of her eyes, Rouwa led Han Feiyu along the road to the flight control station next to it.

To the flight console?

What does she want to do?

Han Feiyu was shocked, Rouwa had brought Han Feiyu to the flight control station.

I looked around and finally found my goal.

It was a goblin technician, pouring water by the forest, and another goblin technician was waiting helplessly beside him.

The professional level of these two goblins is not high, only level 60, which is an easy target.

"Wait here for me." Rouwa took out the secret magic ball first, and after confirming that there were no hidden shadow thorns around, she dropped this sentence and began to sneak closer.

I'm going, you are going to fuck hard!

Han Feiyu was taken aback, and was ready to fight anytime.

The two goblins were unaware.

Rouwa has come behind the waiting goblins and made an assassination attempt.

System prompt: sneak attack succeeded, assassination failed.

It didn't work again.

Rouwa was so angry that she wanted to scold her.

The dagger poked the goblin's back, dealing only a little base damage.

The two goblins suddenly turned around, and the goblin who was urinating only felt a blur in front of him and fell into a state of confusion.

Nightmare Art!

The goblin who was attacked opened his mouth to scream, but Rouwa's small fist had already blasted it.

A hand was stuffed in his mouth, and at the same time the ice wolf's dagger stabbed frantically.

The goblin was gagged by her and couldn't make a sound, and hurried to release the golem.

But the ethereal bracelet on Rouwa's hand flashed, and the space interference was activated.

The goblin alchemist's golem has a low level of storage space, and it was immediately disturbed, so it couldn't be released for a while.

Rouwa had instantly released all her skills on the goblin.

She beat level 60 with a level of 100, and it was Shadow Thorn vs. Alchemy. It was really easy. The goblin made a sound of "Hehe", and was unwilling to die in the end.

At this time, the peeing goblin hadn't woken up from the nightmare, and Rouwa changed hands and made another assassination.

This time it worked.

One fatal blow, and the goblin warlock falls.

Rouwa raised her hand at Han Feiyu: "Hurry up!"

The corpses of two goblins have been dragged into the grass.

When they came out again, the two of them had turned into the appearance of these two goblins.

"What about now?" Han Feiyu asked.

"You count one, two, three."

"One... two... three..." After Han Feiyu finished speaking, he looked around, nothing happened.

"You counted too fast, you said bang."



Suddenly, a piece of gunpowder smoke sounded in the distance.

Hell, when did this girl bury the explosives far away, and she didn't even notice.

With the sound of the explosion, Rouwa rushed into the flight control station with Han Feiyu, shouting: "The flying field is under attack! Let all the airships take off!"

The goblin she transformed is just a technician and has no command authority, but the sudden explosion still made the goblin panic. After hearing Rouwa's shout, she suddenly realized that a flight control commander had frantically ordered: "All airships take off immediately!"

One by one, the airships began to rise into the air.

Han Feiyu stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to understand what happened.

Rou Wa's eyes were quickly patrolling the flight control room: "Two are over 40 levels, two are over 60 levels, two are over 80 levels, and there is one more than 100 levels. Good to be an archer."

The goblin who was obviously the commander in the flight control console glared at Rouwa: "Hey, what are you doing here? Go back to your position!"

Rou Wa grinned: "I'm here to kill you."

Biao rushed towards the goblin commander, a large bloody light and shadow appeared in his hand.

Scarlet Storm: Throw 100 to 300 daggers to attack the opponent, cutting countless wounds and creating a blood storm. The attack of each dagger is equivalent to the weapon's own attack power, which has a miraculous effect on low-defense targets. This attack can be blocked and dodged.

This is one of Shadow Thorn's ultimate skills.

Shadow Thorn has two ultimate skills, one is Eternal Shadow, which treats day as night and can walk freely, and the other is Blood Storm, which is also Shadow Thorn's strongest head-to-head attack skill, which can create one hundred, two hundred and Three hundred daggers attack targets, and they are best at dealing with low-defense targets.

She didn't choose Eternal Shadow, because she didn't need it.

She has Sun Stardust, which was obtained at the auction back then, and she could see day as night.

She put all the skill points after promotion into the bloody storm. At this moment, the ultimate skill of the third level broke out, and three hundred daggers appeared at the same time, and the bloody light and shadow instantly filled the audience.

Although the goblin commander is up to level 100, he is a ranger. This is because the flight controller needs powerful eagle eyes to assist in observation.

The ranger's defense was low, and the goblin didn't have any good equipment, so he raised his elbow and armpit, and the bloody storm hit the goblin commander firmly.

It's a pity that although the ice wolf dagger is a legendary dagger, it is only level 30, and its attack power is a bit low. Rouwa obtained some upgrade blueprints from killing goblins in Huashen Fortress. Level 12, plus the goblin commander's speed is not weak, so he couldn't kill it in the end, but was seriously injured, and his vitality was sapped.

Even so, all the goblins were scared to death. What's the situation?

In the next moment, Rouwa had already released the Thor Golem and the Silver Wing Golem. In addition, there were three high-level battle pets, an ice wolf.

Duel Space Gem, Ice Wolf Dagger Summon.

In order to improve Rouwa's strength, Yuan Chenfei gave her all the treasures that could strengthen her.


Three battle pets and an ice wolf rushed towards the three goblins, and the Thor Golem directly activated Thor's Wrath and launched the Thor Domain.

Countless flying wings shot towards the goblins in all directions.


Thunder God's Domain has the ability to give lightning damage to all friendly units around. This ability combined with the flying wings that ignore defense is simply invincible.

Terrible attack!

The goblin commander was the first to bear the brunt. He was hit hard by the bloody storm, and then he was shot by the flying wings. The thunder and lightning power exploded, and he died on the spot. He died simply and neatly.

At the same time, Han Feiyu also reacted, and also released his own silver-winged golem, another round of flying wings like locusts.

The goblins finally came to their senses and shouted to fight back.

It's just that facing Rouwa, the god of death, they found themselves really weak and pitiful.

The girl turned around, and with a nightmare spell, an eighty-three-level goblin was already insane. Immediately afterwards, he launched the shadow jump, which jumped behind the goblin, and it was an assassination against him.

Unfortunately, the assassination failed again.

Rouwa was not discouraged either, and continuously launched backstabs, poisonous stabs, sly strikes, killing shadows, and ghost shavings, making the goblin vomit blood wildly.

But that goblin is a monk—due to the lack of equipment, the number of goblin monks is quite large, so even though it is level 83, its life defense is stronger than that of a ranger. Roaringly launched the disintegration of the demon, all attributes immediately increased, and then launched the floating light.

Glimpses of Light: Greatly increase your own movement speed, attack speed and jumping ability, you can instantly catch up to any enemy in the field of vision, and you can also quickly get rid of the enemies chasing you.

This is one of the monk's ultimate skills, mainly to improve survival and hunting ability.

Goblins are bullying by nature, they are braver than anyone else when they have an advantage, and run away in a hurry when they are weak, so this is the ultimate skill that monks love most.

He was also decisive, but at the same time as he started, he saw a Cyclops jumping out of nothing, roaring and hugging him.

It was Haig the Cyclops.

"Betrayal!" the monk goblin screamed.

"Haig is free!" With endless hatred for the goblins, the cyclops hugged the goblins tightly and did not let go.

However, due to the disintegration of the demon, the goblin's strength has greatly increased, and even the cyclops cannot resist him.

The short body erupted with great strength, breaking the giant's arm apart. But at this moment, a red light flashed on the giant's body: "Heige!"

He roared violently, and a terrifying power erupted from his body, unexpectedly suppressing the goblin again.

"Dragon Power Potion!" the monk screamed.

The Cyclops even drank the dragon power potion, which greatly increased his strength, suppressed him in turn, and then slammed his head into the goblin frantically.

The goblin monk had a powerful speeding skill like floating light, but he couldn't use it because he was hugged, and he was killed by the head of the Cyclops.

Then he shook his arms, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the goblin in one gulp. The injured body unexpectedly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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