Game of Gods

Chapter 405 Destruction (Part 2)

When the monk goblin died, so did the other goblins.

After all, the flight control room is not a combatant. Most of the goblins have no level, their strength is extremely poor, and they don't even have equipment.

However, the movement of the battle still alarmed the goblins outside, and some goblins were rushing here.

"What should I do now?" Han Feiyu asked.

"Have you seen Die Hard?" Rou Wa blinked at Han Feiyu.

Han Feiyu suddenly realized: "So you want to..."

"You operate it!" Putting away the pets and golems, Rouwa walked out.

"how about you?"

"Go and lure those guys away." Rouwa replied.

Han Feiyu was startled: "Be careful!"

Rouwa smiled: "Don't worry, my aunt is a scourge for thousands of years, she can't die, you should be careful, and run as soon as you are done."

As he said that, he ran out of the flight control station.

She didn't pretend to be a goblin anymore, but directly changed back to a human form. As soon as she stepped out of the flight control console, a group of goblins rushed towards her.

"There she is!" shouted the goblins and rushed over.

Rouwa smiled, turned and ran.

The goblin patrol went straight after them.

Because they got the news that there was only one human mixed in, they didn't expect that there was another human in the flight control room.

In the flight control room, Han Feiyu stood in front of the console.

He has never operated the machines here, but it doesn't bother him.

Han Feiyu directly drew an alchemy formation on the ground, and said, "Xiaoyin!"

Little Silver has already appeared.

Standing above the alchemy formation, its two arms began to elongate and were directly connected to the console.

Han Feiyu has ordered: "Lower the flight altitude and turn off all searchlights."

There is no dazzling operation, only a burst of energy radiance is poured in, the eyes of the silver phantom flashed with gorgeous brilliance, the data on the console began to change, and the height of the ground surface continued to move down.

Han Feiyu picked up the communicator and said: "I found the target, I found the target. The alarm was lifted, and all the airships descended immediately! In order to avoid assassin attacks, the searchlights are turned off, please fly according to the route instructions!"

The airship that received the command began to land again.

Looking at the airships starting to land one by one, Han Feiyu had a happy smile on his face, and at the same time worried about Rouwa, wondering what happened to her.

Soon, the first airship fell to the ground.

The wrong course and the dark sky caused the airship to fall without slowing down at all. When the light on the hull illuminated and the flying field appeared in everyone's field of vision, the flying goblin screamed terribly: "Pull up! Hurry up! !"

However, it was too late.


A huge ball of fire rose up from the flying field.

Immediately afterwards came the second ship, and the third ship... One after another, the airships exploded when they fell, turning into flames that filled the sky and charged into the sky.

The system prompts, and the points of ding ding dong dong start to be credited.

However, the flames and explosion also alerted the airship that had not yet landed.

Some airships that were still at a high place found something was wrong, climbed up in time, and escaped unharmed, while others discovered it too late, and even though desperately pulling up to reduce the falling speed, they still inevitably hit the ground.

Some unlucky airships continued to explode, and more escaped the fate of the explosion, but the airships were seriously injured.

There were also some airships that narrowly escaped the fate of the explosion, but were hit by the aftermath of other airships when they landed, just like a series of car crashes on the highway. For a while, the flying field was full of flames.

There were about 100 airships in the flying field. At this moment, more than 30 ships crashed, another third were damaged to varying degrees, and only one third escaped in time because the descent speed slowed down. Passed a catastrophe. Flying in the air, looking at the flames below, all the goblins cried out in despair: "God of Craftsman!"

Han Feiyu was a little dissatisfied seeing that there were still so many empty boats that hadn't crashed.

Suddenly, by the light of the fire, he saw something on the flying field.

"Anti-air magic cannon?" Han Feiyu smiled.

He said: "Xiaoyin, activate the air defense system, attack indiscriminately!"

Boom boom boom!

The anti-aircraft weapons on the flying field were activated one after another, and began to bombard the airships in the sky indiscriminately.

It was like a huge disaster, sweeping across the entire flying field in an instant.


High Priest Philip was still excited when the first attack occurred on the flying field.

"She really came! You are right!"

It's a pity that within three seconds of this excitement, the second explosion started, then the third, and the fourth...

The explosion and the countless fireballs made High Priest Feili completely dumbfounded.

"What's going on? Why is this happening? Why is this happening!?" He shouted at Yuan Chenfei at the top of his lungs.

Yuan Chenfei replied calmly: "Then I should ask you, Your Excellency the High Priest. I just told you that she will attack Feichang. As for how to deal with it, it is your business and has nothing to do with me."

Yuan Chenfei said and continued to watch Feichang, his heart was also full of shock.

He did mislead Feili before, and cleared the defense of the flying field to provide convenience for Rouwa. But she didn't expect Rouwa to take advantage of this convenience to do such a big thing.

This result was beyond his expectation, but instead of being happy about it, he was a little worried.

Sometimes too much victory may not be a good thing, because it may disrupt his plan.

Rouwa is making such a splash that it will probably drive Philly crazy.

Philly can't be crazy.

Because a crazy person can't judge his behavior, can't sort out his context, and it is not conducive to subsequent calculations.

But the situation is already like this, Yuan Chenfei can only think of a way to remedy it.

Fortunately, there is finally good news at this time.

A Goblin Hui reported: "The human being has been found, and its exact location is already known, and we are chasing it!"

"Nonsense, she's in the flying field, I know it all!" High Priest Fei Li shouted.

The goblin was obviously taken aback, and then he saw the countless rising fireballs on the display screen, and he said blankly: "How is it possible? That human is no longer in the flying field."

"What?" Feili was stunned: "Then what happened on the flying field?"

Yuan Chenfei said quickly before he could react: "There must be other humans helping her."

"What?" Feili glared at Yuan Chenfei: "Didn't you say that there was only one human being mixed in?"

"It was one at the time, but it doesn't mean it will be one in the future. She is not the only one who can use the Magic Flower." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Now what?"

Yuan Chenfei looked at the screen and analyzed: "All the airships crashed. Obviously, the human hiding in the flight control console took control of the flight control console. This is not something ordinary people can do, it should be an alchemist."

"It's impossible for an alchemist to do it casually."

"That's the help the gods gave him." Yuan Chenfei pushed directly on the gods.

Universal excuse.

Phil was speechless.

Although the gods in this mission did not limit their ability to shoot, they were restricted in all aspects of information, and Philip knew nothing about those human professionals.

"What should I do now? You'd better give me a better idea!" Feili said, holding back his anger.

Yuan Chenfei looked at the sky of the flying field. Under the bombardment of anti-aircraft cannon fodder, the airships that had survived by chance had already flown in all directions.

Yuan Chen Fei said: "The flying field is over, that professional must be running away quickly. Give me a team, and I will catch him. As for that woman, High Priest Feili, your men have already spotted him Is it? Why don't you take the responsibility."

"Okay! If you can't catch that alchemist, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You should take care of yourself first."

"Give him three special forces, and listen to his command!" Fei Li also wanted to see how capable this Yuan Chenfei was.

Although the two ambush plans were decided by himself, Feili always felt that if Yuan Chenfei didn't have the idea, the loss might not be so great.

This is completely irresponsible shirk, but to a certain extent, it is also in line with the facts.

With the Goblin Special Forces, Yuan Chenfei went straight to the flying field.

These special forces goblins are not the goblins in the flight control room. Not to mention each of them is level 100, and all of them are veterans of hundreds of battles. They usually have extra skill points and fairly good equipment. Some of them even have Awakening skills.

Yuan Chenfei went straight to the flight controller.

The goblin captain who led the team was Airl, he was a little dissatisfied: "That professional must have run away, it's too late to go there now, we should immediately spread control in all directions."

"It's useless. The other party has a phantom flower, which can turn into any of us. Unless you take all the goblins to the courtroom, you won't be able to find him. But even that's useless, after all, it's a long queue. Long queue, isn't it?"

"Can it be solved by going to the flight control room?"

"At least it can help me understand my opponent." Yuan Chenfei replied.

Came to the flight control room, which has been isolated now, and still retains the appearance of the previous battle.

While watching, Yuan Chenfei said, "Two humans, one assassin, and one alchemist."

"That's nonsense," Airl said dismissively.

"There are traces of pet fighting, at least three pets above level 50."

"How is that possible?" Airl was surprised.

"The memory ring, of course, may also be an additional skill." Yuan Chenfei replied, and then looked around: "It's the Thor Golem, that mythical golem."

"Golem of mythical quality?" Airl was shocked: "You didn't say this before!"

"There's so much I don't say because I don't have time to say it."

"Then you can talk now."

"Because these can be seen with the eyes and analyzed with the brain, I can only speak directly if the result is uncertain. And if you don't continue to disturb me, I can analyze more!"

Arrow shut up.

Yuan Chenfei has come to the body of the goblin commander: "It's a bloody storm. A third-level bloody storm, she didn't choose the eternal shadow."

Arrow felt that this news was more important, because it meant that the opponent still could not hide during the day.

Yuan Chenfei has come to the console.

Looking at the console, he said, "It's not a traditional operation, but some kind of intrusive operation, directly hacking into your console and forcibly taking over authority. Do you know what this means?"

"What?" Arrow asked stupidly.

"That human can forcibly take over all your operating equipment, even including the command center and energy center."

Airl's expression changed: "I will notify the high priest immediately!"

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