Game of Gods

Chapter 406 Arrest

The news given by Yuan Chenfei shocked High Priest Philip.

"Catch him at any cost!"

"I will, High Priest, but I'm afraid that requires higher authority."

"What did you say? It's impossible, you already have level five authority!" High Priest Philip's stinginess is not only reflected in money, but also in authority.

This may be because Yuan Chenfei's relationship with the human race made him inherently difficult to trust. Even if he had the mission of the gods, he couldn't really feel at ease.

After all, the gods.

It's a game for fun, who knows what kind of trouble they will make.

As a veteran player of the game of the gods, Feili knows very well that the most untrustworthy people in the world are the gods.

"But the Magic Machine Tower is a place where only level 6 authority can go."

"Magic Machine Tower? You mean Magic Machine Tower? Do you think he will go there?"

The magic machine tower is the place where the goblins research and survive the magic mechs. If the flying field is an important air force for the goblins, then the magic mechs are the goblins' rampant reliance, and its importance is even stronger than the airship .

Regardless of whether it is the magic mecha or the airship, it needs to be dispatched by the central government. If this human alchemist invades the magic machine tower, it may indeed bring a heavy blow to the goblins.

So Yuan Chenfei's analysis that the other party will go to the Magic Machine Tower is really very reasonable.

"If I elevate your authority, can you catch him?" Feili asked in a deep voice.

"High Priest Philip, I have had enough of your distrust. This is the last time I will take the initiative to help you. If you are still like this, then I will choose to remain silent."

Feili was silent for a while, and finally said: "Okay, I will give you level-6 authority, and I will send you two additional special forces."

"I don't need a special operations team, I just need you to bring a few devices that can release space interference to the Magic Machine Tower. Also, if I catch him, everything on him will be mine!"

"Yes!" High Priest Philip finally stood up.


Magic Tower.

In the control room, the goblin master Abdi said impatiently: "The defense here is very tight, I don't think that guy can invade here. I suggest you leave here as soon as possible, and don't disturb my work."

Abdi is one of the creators of the Goblin Fel Mech. With his status, even High Priest Phili doesn't look down on him.

However, Yuan Chenfei obviously didn't care about his status and fame. He put his hands behind his back and said coldly: "You underestimate our opponents too much. I admit that the magic machines of the goblins have strong combat effectiveness, but your electronic warfare level is obviously not good enough." How about it."

"Electronic warfare?" Abdi obviously didn't understand.

"A tactic based on the existence of network information engineering, connecting all devices through electronic networks, can also be invaded..." Yuan Chenfei explained the principle of electronic warfare.

"Magic Technology doesn't have this kind of network."

"Actually, you have." Yuan Chenfei pointed to a computer above: "I don't know where you got these devices, but obviously you haven't really understood how they are used. These computers can be connected to each other, making It can also be accessed from the outside, and even forcibly take over the command here...Didn’t the people who gave you computers tell you this?”

Abdi's face changed drastically: "Is there such a thing?"

He really didn't know.

Due to some special reasons, the goblins obtained part of the D-ball technology and used it in combination with their own technology.

Facts have proved that this kind of equipment is indeed very useful. The powerful computing power and precise information transmission have brought their control and command of the magic mecha to a new level.

But I didn't expect that these devices could be hacked from the outside.

At this moment, a control device issued a beeping alarm.

A manipulation goblin horrified: "The message is being read!"

Yuan Chen walked over quickly and looked at it: "It has been taken over."

"How did you do it?" Abdi asked anxiously.

"It can be done by invading the base station, which is the signal transmission point."

"Cut off all external connections immediately!" Abdi yelled.

Although he doesn't understand information warfare, as long as he knows the basic intrusion principle of the opponent, he knows how to deal with it.

Yuan Chenfei stopped him: "Don't worry, that human is invading, and now is the time to catch him. Disconnecting will make him run away."

"But he will steal all the construction knowledge about the magic armor!"

"Isn't it enough to catch the person?" Yuan Chenfei replied leisurely: "You always know where the nearest signal transmission site is?"

"Yes." Abdi nodded immediately, opened the map of the fortress and pointed out one by one: "Here, the twelfth block."

"That should be here." Yuan Chenfei walked out: "Let's go. Let's catch that little mouse."

If Abdi knew a little bit of network knowledge, he would know that the nearest signal site is not necessarily related to network intrusion, and Yuan Chenfei's logic is simply not valid.

But he didn't understand, Yuan Chenfei could take the opportunity to pretend to be aggressive.

Bullying laymen is indeed a very cool thing.


The Twelfth Street District is near the Magic Machine Tower.

Han Feiyu is happily invading - he never thought that he would have the opportunity to be a hacker from another world.

Although he knew a little about hacking before he became an alchemist, he was not a professional after all, and he was far behind the real top hackers.

What supported his successful invasion was not his hacking skills, but the ignorance of these goblins about computer knowledge—they only knew the most basic applications, and didn't really understand its principles.

This is equivalent to being completely undefended.

The downloaded knowledge goes directly to the USB flash drive inserted into the computer. Unfortunately, the download speed is not too fast. The network transmission speed of the goblins is only a pitiful 3G. The people who gave them these devices must use the worst to deal with errands .

This made Han Feiyu complain a little.

Fortunately, the improvement speed of the progress bar is not bad, it has reached 70%.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Han Feiyu urged.

Xiaoyin made a statement that I couldn't do anything about it.

It can invade the system and take over forcibly, but the problem of improving the download speed is not within its scope of competence.

At this moment, a rapid siren suddenly sounded outside.

A large number of goblins are coming to surround the entire block.

"Surround the block, take away all the goblins, and go to the courtroom to be inspected by the light of judgment. Anyone who dares to leave without authorization, kill!" Yuan Chenfei's clear voice came from outside.

"I'll go, so fast!" Han Feiyu glanced outside, the goblins were rushing into every goblin's house, no matter who they were, they took them all away.

Han Feiyu knew that time was running out.

He thought for a while, and took out a deceitful golem, which was his own face.

The progress bar is still increasing a little bit, and it has risen to 80%.

The search speed of the goblins is very fast. They are not searching from house to house, but a large number of goblins enter at the same time, and after quickly taking away a batch of goblins, they enter the next batch of areas.

Look at this, one more wave will arrive at the door.

"Get ready!" Han Feiyu said to the deceitful golem.

The deceitful golem had gone out and found a corner to squat down.

The progress has increased to ninety percent.

At this moment the patrol finally approached.

Before entering, a figure rushed out and quickly ran out of the street.

"found it!"

All the goblins yelled at the same time, and chased after the golem one after another.

Then there was Yuan Chenfei's calm voice: "It's fine for the ranger to chase after him. The other members continue to search and don't be distracted... That may be a false target."

"Brother Fei, you are too cruel." Han Feiyu muttered.

Ninety-five percent progress.

Several goblins started returning to continue the search.

Seeing that time was running out, Han Feiyu gritted his teeth, took out a bottle of burst potion and threw it towards the door.

The sudden explosion made all the goblins cautious at the same time.

Yuan Chenfei took the opportunity to say: "Sure enough, the real target is still here! Surround these two houses!"

A large number of goblins rushed over, and several magic mechas even aimed their guns.

"Come out! As long as you are willing to surrender, I will spare you!"

Han Feiyu broke his heart and shouted: "Yuan Chenfei, it's you bastard, you don't want to catch me!"

"What do you rely on, is the light of teleportation or the teleportation alchemy formation?" Yuan Chenfei said with a smile: "But it's a pity, just now, I have activated four space jammers at the same time, and you can't teleport now."

Although he knew the result, Han Feiyu still scolded: "You are ruthless!"

Han Feiyu shouted: "Okay, I surrender! You promise not to kill me!"

"Your existence is helpful to my mission, and also helpful to the goblins." Yuan Chenfei replied: "I count to three, you come out, I guarantee you are all right."

"Can't you count to ten?"

Yuan Chenfei frowned, what is this kid doing? Is it not downloaded yet?

He didn't expect the transmission speed here to be slow, but he still heard that Han Feiyu needed time.

So he nodded: "Okay! Then count to ten. Ten... nine..."

He counted very slowly.

When he counted to four, Han Feiyu finally came out.

"Okay, I surrender!"

Hands up.

Yuan Chenfei smiled slightly, and rushed over to restrain him.

My palms feel cold.

Start with the U disk.

Putting away the USB flash drive, Yuan Chenfei said to Ai Luo: "Now you can report to the high priest, the target has been caught. By the way, how about his target?"

News from the High Priest soon came.

Rouwa ran away.

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