Game of Gods

Chapter 407 Special Envoy (Part 1)

High Priest Philip's face was very ugly.

He and Yuan Chenfei separately captured the two human infiltrators, but Yuan Chenfei caught them, but he didn't.

what is this?

I am still doubting whether others have two hearts, but it turns out that he has made the credit.

If you add the previous suggestion, Yuan Chenfei's judgment is more accurate every time, High Priest Feili almost doubts that the untrustworthy guy is himself.

This greatly improved his attitude towards Yuan Chenfei.

"Where is that human?"

In the command center of the large cabin, High Priest Philip asked.

"Go to the Light of Judgment."

"Isn't it already caught? Why use the Light of Judgment?"

"Although it has been confirmed that the other party is a human being, it is not ruled out that there are other humans sneaking in and sacrificing themselves if necessary to cover the alchemist. Therefore, further identification is still necessary." Yuan Chenfei replied.

High Priest Philip felt ashamed again.

This is no longer a crushing on IQ, but also a crushing on attitude—their devotion to the goblins is even more than their own.

Of course, this is also because the quality of self-sacrifice basically does not exist in goblins.

"Mr. Yuan, you are a good friend of the goblins. This time you captured that nasty human alchemist and eliminated a major threat from the goblins. I should thank you very much, and I am willing to reward you... a thousand military achievements."

He gritted his teeth and said this thousand military achievements.

Yuan Chenfei was very dissatisfied: "I think it's worth ten thousand... If you give me this amount, I'll help you catch that female assassin again."

"...Okay!" Fili finally agreed.

At least at this moment, he felt more relieved about Yuan Chenfei's greed - this perfectly explained why Yuan Chenfei was so dedicated to helping the goblins.

Despite the huge sacrifice, it still hurts his heart.

Yuan Chenfei said with a smile: "Then I will be disrespectful."

"But I heard that you promised to spare that alchemist from death?"

Yuan Chenfei nodded: "I knew this alchemist before. His name is Han Feiyu, and he is a very potential alchemist. But the most important thing is that he understands human technology very well and can provide a lot of knowledge for the goblins."

The three crises of Mystra made Yuan Chenfei take great care in his words and try not to tell lies, so he did not deny that he and Han Feiyu were old acquaintances.

"But this guy also destroyed nearly 50 airships of our family. Do you know how much loss that is?"

"That's why you want to keep his life and let him make up for these losses. Or do you just want to vent your anger? With all due respect, this is not the quality that a big man should have."

"But we've got people giving us that D-ball knowledge."

Sure enough, are those devices provided by the human race?

Yuan Chenfei has an idea.

He said: "Obviously, the Terrans who provide you with this knowledge and equipment are not reliable... At least they didn't tell you about electronic warfare."

"It's true." High Priest Philip was also alerted to the sudden hacking incident, and realized that those human races could not be trusted completely.

Yuan Chenfei added another sentence: "Don't forget, I am restricted by the gods and cannot provide specific information, but he does not."

In the end, these words completely moved High Priest Philip.

He needs to know information about those human professionals too much.

He asked, "Are you sure he will be faithful?"

"You don't need his loyalty, you just need him to be obedient and do things. Leave it to me, and I can handle it well."



When Han Feiyu came out of the courtroom, there were a few bruises on his face, which were caused by the angry goblin.

However, he is a professional, so this minor injury will recover soon.

Glancing at Yuan Chenfei, Han Feiyu lowered his head and said nothing.

Yuan Chenfei said: "Where are his things?"

"Checking. You know, it's the rule." Airl was obviously more polite.

When Han Feiyu was arrested, everything naturally fell into the hands of the goblins, but the Cyclops Haig was not there. Long before, Han Feiyu let Haig hide alone. Fortunately, Cyclops is a common existence in the Goblin Fortress, so it is not noticeable.

"After the inspection, send me to my room. Also, exchange my military achievements for a space bracelet."

"That requires 20,000 military merits."

"It will be available soon, pay in advance." Yuan Chenfei replied.

"Yes!" There was a glint of envy and jealousy in Airl's eyes.

The space bracelet is a storage prop made by the goblins by combining their magic energy technology with the ethereal bracelet.

Although it is not as powerful as the Ethereal Bracelet, it has the ability of spatial positioning, spatial interference, etc., but as a non-level storage item, the internal space has five cubic meters, which is already quite powerful.

Since this thing is not easy to manufacture, only a few upper echelons of the goblins can have it. If the goblins themselves want to obtain it, they must accumulate 20,000 military merits.

20,000 military merits is not a small amount, which is equivalent to killing 200 full-level flower gods.

What is this concept?

In terms of one-on-one strength, the Huashen clan is comparable to the goblins.

So except for a very small number of goblin warriors, basically no goblins can be obtained.

But now, a human being is about to obtain it, so how can he not be envious and jealous.

However, he also knew that Yuan Chenfei was now a popular person beside the high priest, so he didn't dare to offend him, so he obediently went to exchange Yuan Chenfei for the space bracelet, and put all Han Feiyu's items and props into it, and handed it over to Yuan Chenfei.


Large cabin, control center.

Han Feiyu stood there with two goblin soldiers beside him.

In front of him were High Priest Philip and Yuan Chenfei.

High Priest Philip resisted not killing the bastard right away.

Yuan Chenfei still said: "Han Feiyu, you already know your result now. There are only two roads in front of you..."

"I know, I know! I choose to live, tell me, what do you want me to do?" Han Feiyu said simply.

His acting skills are really bad, so he just doesn't act.

Yuan Chenfei: "First, tell me all the mission content and the situation of the executor you know. Second, hand over the D-ball technology you know."

"No problem." Han Feiyu straightforwardly told all the tasks he knew.

Only then did High Priest Feili finally understand everything: "So it's for Elsa! No wonder there is such a strange mission. So, in the next battle, the Flower God Clan will fully cooperate with you?"

"To be precise, it is to cooperate with Rouwa. She is the main executor of this mission, and everything is led by her." Yuan Chenfei said.

"No wonder this girl is so powerful, I didn't even catch her." High Priest Feili quickly found an excuse for his failure.

Yuan Chenfei said: "I used to know this Rouwa. She is a very powerful girl, but I didn't expect her to grow to this level. High Priest, if you still want to continue to trust me, I will be responsible for catching her." Bar."


Yuan Chenfei nodded: "You have too many things to deal with, and you have no time to be distracted. And the goblins haven't experienced anti-terrorism much, but in D-ball, this is very common. We have a whole set of tactics and experience for anti-terrorism .”

He gave High Priest Fei Li a step, and Fei Li listened more comfortably: "Yes, I really don't have the energy to deal with this matter. The ogre camp, the flying field, and the 12th block, there are too many things that I need to deal with .Then, I will leave it to you to capture that girl."

"Thank you High Priest."

"So what are you going to do with this human being?"

Yuan Chenfei didn't speak, just looked at Han Feiyu.

Han Feiyu was in a hurry: "Hey, hey, it's okay, you won't kill me if I provide information. I still have a lot of D-ball knowledge that I haven't given you."

"Then hand it over."

"It takes time. You also know that knowledge is not something you can just take... I didn't bring a book, it's all in my head."

It was Yuan Chenfei who said: "Let him go to the Magic Machine Tower, and first teach him the hacking knowledge of how to deal with electronic warfare. The goblins are really lacking in this regard."

"Alright. Airl, send two goblins to keep an eye on him." The electronic warfare this time can be regarded as a wake-up call for Philip, and the technology of other races is not something that can be used casually.

"Let my Cyclops come." Yuan Chenfei said: "My Cyclops can contact me at any time. If he does something wrong, he can fool you, but he can't fool me."

The high priest thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "Alright."

Now he has complete trust in Yuan Chenfei.


Ten days after arriving at Huashen Fortress, Yuan Chenfei has established a certain authority in the fortress with the successful capture of Han Feiyu.

Now all the goblins who see Yuan Chenfei will bow to him.

Except for some special areas, Yuan Chenfei is free to come and go anywhere in the fortress.

But Rouwa is still at large.

This little girl's level of escape is really not low, and she keeps fanning the flames everywhere in the fortress. It's just that without Han Feiyu's help, her damage is also limited, and she can only carry out terrorist actions in some ordinary areas, but she can't make bigger waves. Of course, this is also related to Yuan Chenfei's formation of troops. Yuan Chenfei adopted a series of defensive methods against Rouwa, and even adopted a spot check system for goblins on the street.

Any goblin who walks the streets may be forcibly brought into the courtroom to be examined by the Light of Judgment.

This way of hitting the big luck seems unreliable, but it greatly restricted Rouwa, and made Rouwa scold Yuan Chenfei in private, forcing her hard enough.

But Rouwa also knows that the real persecution is yet to come.

It's just that she didn't understand what Yuan Chenfei was waiting for.

What is Yuan Chenfei waiting for?

On the contrary, Han Feiyu knew this question.

He is waiting for the second crisis.

Since the gods have arranged the test, no matter how rigorous the plan is, accidents are inevitable.

Yuan Chenfei must prepare for this.

But no matter how much Yuan Chenfei thought and prepared, Yuan Chenfei never thought that the second crisis would be this...

Today Yuan Chenfei was still in the cabin researching the defense of the fortress, when suddenly there was noise outside.

"What happened?" Yuan Chenfei asked.

Philip already knew about it, so he replied calmly: "There is someone coming from the portal, he is His Majesty's special envoy, let's go, come with me to meet him."

"Come? His Majesty's special envoy?"

"Yes, it's a human being."

Yuan Chenfei's heart skipped a beat, feeling something was wrong, he asked, "What's your name?"

"He Changqing."

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