Robb looked at the information in his hand and fell into deep thought: The Thousand-Faced God and the Lord of Light don't get along, and he and the Lord of Light have reached a tacit understanding, so he actually suffered an unprovoked disaster?

But after thinking about it, Robb thought of another possibility.

He wanted to conquer the continent of Westeros, and perhaps he didn't get along with all the gods except the Lord of Light who was entrenched in Essos.

Including the cold god who was determined to go south, the old gods who were now in decline, the Drowned God who found a spokesperson, and the seven gods believed in by the Andals.

The incarnation of the Thousand-Faced God is one of the seven gods. Regardless of whether they are one or not, this action is definitely related to these two forces, after all, Lannister is involved.

Forget it, this god and that god, alone is not his opponent at all, now he should steadily advance his secular career and slowly carve his name in history.

As for one against many, Robb has not considered it yet.

"However, these gods are indeed difficult to kill. After all, this is the real world, unlike the game world, where bosses stay in a room and wait for you to kill them."

After two battles with gods, Robb was surprised to find that he had not killed any god.

Not to mention the Drowned God, he wanted to escape in the sea, and he had no other means to stop him.

Although the Thousand-Faced God was half dead, the Stranger Faith, one of the Seven Gods, should be able to keep him alive and not completely disappear.

"Although the process was a bit tortuous, the purpose of this wedding was achieved."

Robb held a wedding for his uncle Edmure. The primary purpose was to pull out the nails that Tywin had buried next to him. Now it seems that the effect is very good.

And with this deterrence, his prestige has obviously risen to a higher level.

When dealing with the Bracken family, he easily erased a noble from history, but no one came up to dissuade him. Everyone thought it should be done.

"Uncle Edmure's wedding is over, and next is my wedding."

The marriage with Highgarden is also a very important part. Highgarden has many resources and mysteries waiting for Robb to explore, especially the Citadel.

Highgarden itself has little control over the Citadel, let alone Robb, a king who has nothing to do with it.

By exerting influence on Highgarden, Robb can also legitimately intervene in the investigation of the Citadel.

This is the only way to unify the entire Westeros continent.


The next morning, everything in Luanhe City returned to normal.

It seemed that nothing happened last night. The bloodstains had been cleaned up long ago, and the air was still fresh.

Edmure Tully and his newlywed wife woke up from the bed. He was very satisfied with his performance last night, whether it was his own or his wife's. At this time, he dressed proudly and prepared to meet his old father-in-law.

"Get up, dear. After seeing your father, we will go back to Riverrun. Damn it, there are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with."

Roseline's face turned pale in an instant. She knew that her husband was about to encounter something terrible, but she was powerless.

Edmure was still boasting: "I can guarantee that we will have a child soon. Haha, I mean, according to the frequency of last night, the child will probably be born this year!"

Roseline prayed in her heart: I hope our child is a girl, otherwise you will be killed.

Roseline's feelings for Edmure are very complicated. On the one hand, influenced by the secular world, she naturally has a good impression and responsibility for her husband, and Edmure treats her very gently, just like those people said when they joked.

Edmure is a person who understands girls very well...Roseline's face flushed slightly.

But when she thought of what she was about to face, she felt uneasy.

Beep beep.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Lord Edmure, His Majesty Robb wants you to take your bride to see him. We are going back to Riverrun!"

"Coming!" Edmure agreed. Seeing that he and his wife were dressed, he was ready to open the door.

Roslin seemed to hear the devil's voice from hell, and whispered in horror to stop him: "Don't..."

Edmure didn't hear her words and opened the door casually. To Roslin's surprise, there were no fully armed Frey soldiers outside as she imagined, but people from the North.

They joked and teased Edmure... Everything was so normal.

Roslin looked puzzled: What happened last night?



The lords of the Reach were invited to come to this white Dali city to attend the banquet.

Because of the inconvenient transportation and the wartime, it was difficult to hold a banquet attended by most lords.

So most lords knew very well that this was a banquet in name, but it was actually an important political meeting.

Queen Elena of Thorns did not want her son to be embarrassed outside, so the host of the banquet was our paunchy Duke of Mace.

Duke of Mace held up his wine glass and talked to his vassals: "Hahaha, I heard that my king's son-in-law did a great job. A bloody wedding, what a legendary thing, isn't it?"

Earl Redwyne, a nobleman of the Reach and Robb's maritime minister, responded: "Yes, everything is within the plan of His Majesty the King. The poor old weasel must be regretting it now."

Earl Redwyne swallowed the wine in his hand and added: "It really turned green. You will know when you go to the top of Riverrun."

The nobles of the surrounding Reach all exclaimed in amazement.

The frequency of Robb's name appearing in their ears now far exceeds that of other words. In the circle of nobles and even commoners, no one does not know Robb.

A noble whispered: "Isn't this too barbaric?"

"I don't quite understand, but it is treason after all. They violated the rights of guests and seemed to have angered the public."

Everyone had no feelings for the old weasel, and simply chatted for a few words before changing the topic.

Earl Redwyne raised his glass to salute the Duke of Mace: "The King of the North and the King of the Three Rivers will marry our Highgarden Rose. Let's toast to the Duke of Mace."

"To the Duke of Mace."

"To the Duke of Mace."

Many lords raised their glasses. They were all small nobles united with the Tyrell family and the Redwyne family.

The Duke of Mace's face was almost smiling.

After marrying Robb, as the guardian of the Reach, he will definitely lead troops with Robb to go to war. Then it will be time for him to clear his name!

He never wanted to hear insults like "I've never won a battle in my life" again!

Following his invincible son-in-law, victory would be easy to come by then, right?

Look at Redwyne, who was defeated by the Iron Fleet and almost went bankrupt. After following his son-in-law, he not only fought back but also got the position of Minister of the Sea.

His reputation was instantly great!

What about himself?

The king's father-in-law, an important general during Robb's war of unification, the winner of various battles, a representative figure of late bloomers...

When he thought of the evaluations that these noble chronicles would give him, the Duke of Mace was in a good mood.

After raising his glass to accept everyone's congratulations, he laughed with his big belly in his hands.

People who were familiar with the Duke of Mace's nature, such as his daughters and sons, knew that he was fantasizing again, and they couldn't help but cover their faces, not wanting to be embarrassed with their father.

People who were not very close to him directly called out his nickname in their hearts: The inflatable fish is dreaming of his marshal again!

Just as the Duke of Mace was laughing, an untimely voice sounded in the hall:

"What is there to celebrate? Maybe we will marry a mad king again."

This dissenting and harsh voice made the supporters of Highgarden and Earl Redwyne dissatisfied. They looked at the man and prepared to scold him.

But when they saw who was talking, they immediately became depressed.

Earl Redwyne put down his wine glass and frowned: "Sir Baelor Hightower, is this your idea or Earl Hightower's idea?"

Baelor Hightower was not afraid at all: "It is the Hightower family's idea."

The Hightower family's influence in the Reach is no less than that of the Tyrell family. They own Oldtown and the Citadel, and have a lot of resources and scholars.

They are the richest family, no worse than Earl Redwyne's Arbor Island, and Oldtown is also the cultural center of the entire continent.

They are married to nobles from all over the Reach, including Earl Redwyne and Duke Mace, who are his relatives.

The scholars they sent out were all over the continent, from Winterfell in the North to Dorne. After the scholars came out of the academy, they served these lords.

No one knew how many secrets they knew.

It was said that Earl Hightower and his mad daughter had been studying magic in the tower.

In the Reach, any family must respect the Hightower family!

As the heir of the Hightower family, Sir Baelor Hightower, any noble in the Reach must listen patiently to his words: "Why can't I feel your fear of the King of the North?

Have you ever learned about the fate of the Iron Islands and Stonehedge City?"

The lords of the Reach were all confused, and they didn't pay attention to these.

"Let me tell you, after the nobles in these places were expelled, the hand of the King of the North..."

Baelor Hightower told Robb's reform again, and his meaning was very clear, Robb was infringing on the interests of the nobles!

Although it is strange to say this, because every noble who follows Robb gets meat, he only harms his enemies, which is natural, isn't it?

"But he gets much more than others! His private army is being established, and soon he won't need the army of his vassals, and his private navy is also gathering..."

At this point, Beile Hightower glanced at Earl Redwyne.

"His vassals obey him, and his vassals also obey him directly. His minions are all over the continent, and he can hear every move on the continent. His orders can even directly interfere with every working farmer, no matter who the farmer belongs to!"

"It's no longer him issuing orders, and then the respective lords go to trouble their vassals. He can directly find your vassal and execute him! Or, order him..."

"If our lords marry such a king, how can we guarantee that our rights and interests will not be damaged?"

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