Generally speaking, the forces in the Reach can be roughly divided into four parts.

The nobles united around the Tyrell family, most of the island nobles attached to Earl Redwyne, a series of nobles influenced by the Hightower family, and finally some neutral noble factions.

After Baelor Hightower finished speaking, all the nobles in the Reach frowned and fell into deep thought.

What if, as Sir Baelor said, the King of the North is not satisfied with the current power and wants to rule the entire continent more directly?

"My lords, I think what Sir Baelor said makes sense! There is no problem with our Reach and the Northern Alliance, but it is not okay for us to directly obey the king along with our vassals."

Seeing that the nobles became silent, a small noble attached to Hightower immediately jumped out to speak.

"Yes, we can help send troops to fight, and we can also obey his orders. But he can't deprive us of our sacred rights!"

"I feel trembling all over just thinking about it! If our vassal dies for us, his territory will not return to us, but will be taken away by the king directly!"

What was said before was a bit empty. As soon as this hypothetical actual example came out, everyone immediately felt a strong crisis.

"Maybe..." A noble said cautiously, "We can ask the king to write a guarantee to defend the legitimate rights and interests of me and the lords?"

"My lords, I think this is a sacred and reasonable request! Think about it, we have already taken out a lot of food from our homes to rescue that poor and remote place. With so much food, can't we get a guarantee from the King of the North?"

"That's right, it makes sense..."

"Yes, that's right. In order to rescue the North and the Riverlands, I have emptied my family's assets. At least the King of the North should give us some guarantees."

This time, not only the forces attached to the Hightower family, but also the rest of the people are a little moved. They look at the Duke of Mace, the inflatable fish.

After all, it is Highgarden who is marrying off his daughter. The Tyrell family has the highest benefits and risks. Others are vassals and cannot and dare not interfere in this marriage.

If the Duke of Mace can make Robb write a guarantee clause as a condition for the marriage, everyone's interests can be satisfied.

When it comes to their own interests, everyone's brain will be overloaded, and everyone has their own little thoughts.

Inflatable fish The Duke of Mace did not expect the situation to take a sharp turn for the worse. He was still immersed in the fantasy of being a white-haired general just now, and now he has to deal with complex political problems by himself.

He didn't know this!

Even if he knew, he couldn't make the decision!

The Duke of Mace wiped the sweat from his forehead: "This... I will consider it, let... let me think about it, and then give everyone a satisfactory answer."

After that, the Duke of Mace fled away and went to discuss with his mother, the Queen of Thorns.

Leaving a group of nobles in the Reach gathered together and whispered.


Back garden, meeting of the Tyrell family.

Duke Mace said respectfully: "Mother, what do you think of the proposal of the Hightower family?"

Little Rose, the Knight of Flowers, and the brave Garlan were also present. They had just heard what Sir Baelor said at the meeting and were thinking about it.

The Queen of Thorns closed her eyes for a long time, and she sighed: "We have already placed a heavy bet on this King of the North. The previous investment will definitely make him grateful to us. If we make a request at this time, it will be tantamount to consuming the king's favor."

It is not a good deal to consume the favor of the Tyrell family in exchange for the rights and interests of the nobles in the River Bay, and it may also cause a bad relationship with Robb.

From the situation, most of the territories that Robb has now seized are still the territories of small and medium nobles, which do not pose a threat to great nobles like Tyrell.

But if the Tyrell family disagrees, it will affect the loyalty of the small nobles. Without the support of the younger brother, their influence in Robb's kingdom will also decline.

This is a dilemma.

The Knight of Flowers said, "This king always makes me feel different from others."

The Queen of Thorns nodded, "He has great ambitions, so great that it is incredible. If it is true as Sir Hightower said, what he wants to do may be something that Aegon has not done."

The Knight of Flowers laughed and said, "Although many people now boast that he is Aegon's rebirth, he does not have a dragon. The reason why Aegon was able to conquer the continent is not because he is so powerful, but because of his dragon!"

Little Rose pouted and spoke to her fiancé, "Even without dragons, he is no worse than King Aegon. Just look at the victories he has won."

Little Rose has a high degree of favorability towards her fiancé.

Robb is invincible, and the kingdom is developing better and better. Now he is the most famous and prestigious king in the entire continent. It is said that he is still very handsome and is the object of love for countless noble girls.

He is only in his teens!

He is not that kind of old man!

In this era, Robb's lethality to noble girls is the same as that of modern top stars.

Many girls are willing to spend all their savings just to see Robb, not to mention marrying him.

Women's admiration for strength is like men's lust, both of which are engraved in their genes.

Speaking of dragons, the Queen of Thorns was thoughtful: "I heard that the remnants of the Targaryen family gave birth to three dragons in Essos, and they will come back to seize the throne soon.

We must find a firm ally before she comes back. Only a strong force can fight against that Targaryen. "

The Queen of Thorns believes that the biggest enemy now is the three dragons of the Targaryen family, so whether to make a request to Robb now depends on which choice is more beneficial to her.

Robb may be dissatisfied with the request, but the marriage with Robb will not end because of this episode, and she can finally gain the respect of the nobles of the Reach.

Especially the Hightower family.

"It is rumored that Earl Hightower has been studying magic in the tower with his crazy daughter. The disappearance of dragons and magic is also related to the Citadel. Maybe they have a way to fight against dragons..."

If you don't make a request to Robb, you will naturally become the most loyal ally and friend of His Majesty Robb. Judging from the generosity of Robb's rewards to his men, as long as they can continue to win in the future, the rewards of the Tyrell family will never disappoint!

"According to Earl Redwyne, His Majesty Robb seems to know magic. He showed great power during the naval battle, defeated the sea monster, and disintegrated the Iron Fleet. "

Both sides seem to have ways to fight against dragons, but Robb has a clear record, and the old man in Oldtown has always been a legend.

In the end, the Queen of Thorns made up her mind: "Don't touch the King of the North, and maintain a good relationship. The world is about to change, and our Tyrell family must first ensure that we will not be affected too much in the turmoil."

Seeing that grandma was finally willing to support her fiancé, Little Rose smiled: "Great, grandma, you did the right thing!"

The Duke of Inflatable Fish looked at his daughter and laughed: "The wedding hasn't even taken place yet, and she's already Lady Stark."

In fact, the Duke of Mace doesn't care about these at all, he just wants his daughter to be the queen.

The Queen of Thorns rubbed her head: "Mace, you should pay more attention to other nobles, especially those of the Hightower family. When His Majesty comes to pick up Margaery, keep a close eye on that day and don't let them do anything small. "

The Duke of Mace nodded in agreement, but from his expression, everyone knew that he didn't take his mother's words to heart.


Riverrun, by the river.

At this time, Robb didn't know that a dispute had taken place in the hall of Highgarden, and it would take some time for the news of the Wolf Guard to reach Robb.

Even if he knew, Robb wouldn't take it to heart, and would sneer at the words of Sir Hightower:

Who said that only the Iron Islands and Stonehedge were taken by force?

Does Harrenhal and Fair Isle not count?

Do you count it!

Apart from that, Robb now puts all his energy on the dragon eggs in his hand.

After returning from Riverrun , most of the chores were handled by his men, so Robb wanted to hatch the eggs as soon as possible.

Robb had been carefully "taking care" of the dragon eggs these days, and the other party did not disappoint Robb's expectations.

At this time, the dragon egg was already golden all over, exuding a terrifying majesty. Ordinary people would have the urge to worship it just by looking at it.

The eggshell had been broken in many places, but Robb could feel that the vitality contained in it was very strong.

It's about to hatch, work harder today!

Robb transformed into a dragon claw, grabbed the dragon egg in his hand, and then directly released [Death of Platon Shanks].

The golden violent breath sprayed rapidly, Robb The dragon egg in his hand was shaking.

But this time the shaking was completely different from the shaking that was about to collapse before. This was a shaking of excitement and relief...!

The dragon egg gradually disintegrated in the golden breath, revealing the legendary creature inside.

A real dragon curled up in the dragon egg, like a sleeping baby.

The dragon egg that protected it gradually dissipated, and the golden breath also directly penetrated its body!

Under the stimulation of the golden breath, it gradually opened its body, stretched from the curled state, and finally stood up in Robb's hand!

Facing the golden breath that Robb tried his best to control, it was difficult for it to keep its body stable, and it almost fell. Fall.


It bathed in the dragon's breath, and the pride of being a king did not allow it to fall. It tried to spread its wings to keep its balance and let out an unyielding roar.

It worked!

Robb saw that his little dragon had finally hatched, and immediately stopped releasing the dragon's breath, and his palm returned to normal.

The little dragon fell to the ground unexpectedly, and it rolled over and stood up again, roaring at Robb, as if expressing dissatisfaction.

Robb smiled: He has a bad temper. He is like this when he was just born. What will happen in the future?

The man and the dragon looked at each other like this.

Suddenly, the little dragon opened its mouth, and a small golden breath sprayed out of its mouth, spraying towards Robb!

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