The Duke of Metz was jubilant and pulled Tywin out. After pouring a basin of cold water on him, Tywin regained consciousness.

But he quickly wanted to faint immediately and didn't want to accept the fact.

"Lord Tywin, don't sleep." Duke Mace laughed loudly, "You are now my prisoner, and His Majesty Robb wants to see you."

"Take me there. I also want to meet His Majesty Robb."

When he heard that it was Robb who wanted to see him, Tywin's eyes immediately flashed with light and returned to his previous stern and cold look.

This was a meeting between the actual leaders of both camps. Tywin didn't want to be looked down upon by looking like he was in a state of despair, so he at least wanted to maintain the most basic decency.

In front of Mace, Tywin can pretend to be weak and then try to find an opportunity to escape.

But Tywin knew that his calculations had no effect in front of Robb, so he simply returned to his true nature.

Lord Mace pushed Tywin to the tree where Robb rested.

It's actually a bit strange to say that this is the first time Robb and Tywin have met. Although their troops have clashed several times on the battlefield, the two have always maintained a sense of mystery about each other.

"You are younger than I thought." Tywin was kicked in the knee by Randyll, and he half-knelt in front of Robb reluctantly.

Robb sat lazily under the tree, stroking Gray Wind's head and looking at Tywin boredly: "You are much older than I thought."

Afterwards, the two fell into silence.

Tywin was a little restless. He knew very well that this was a negotiation technique. The party with the advantage would use silence to put pressure on the other party.

Until the other party couldn't help but speak first, at this time, his psychological defense was almost broken.

Tywin used to use this trick on others, but this time his identity was reversed, which made him very uncomfortable.

In the end, Tywin couldn't help himself: "So, Your Majesty Robb, what are you going to do with me?"

Robb said calmly: "I have always been fair. The person who killed my father was Joffrey, the false king, so he should pay the blood debt."

Hearing Robb's promise, Tywin breathed a sigh of relief: "If you are willing to let me go back, I will dedicate Joffrey to you, and King's Landing and the West will also surrender to you."

Robb found it a little funny: "Let's not talk about King's Landing. The West is already in my possession. Why do you think the West is still your bargaining chip?

Just because your surname is Lannister, do you still have the title of Warden of the West?

Since you think so, then I declare in the name of the king that Tywin Lannister has committed treason and his crime is too great to be described in words, so I will strip you of your noble title. "

Tywin's expression changed: "No, you can't do this! Our family has guarded the Western Region for many years, and you can't take away my title."

"I'll just take it away, so what?" Robb asked with a smile, "Do you still want to rebel? But you are in my hands now, and the Western Territory is also under my control. How can you rebel? "

Tywin was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Robb's actions may have violated the rules of the game in Westeros, but no one was willing or able to help him.

Tywin felt a little desperate.

Robb glanced at Tywin's expression: "You were of some use value to me before this battle was over, but now, you have no use value to me at all."

Tywin was startled: "You said Joffrey killed your father, you can't kill me!"

"Why do you all like to teach me how to do things?"

Robb heard such words again and felt a little helpless. These people really didn't understand what their current situation was.

Everyone likes to hold on to their previous glory and rules to tell themselves what they should and should not do.

But Robb was very surprised. You, a person defeated by me, have what qualifications do you have to educate yourself?

"Of course he will repay Joffrey's blood debt, but you don't think you are a pure white lotus, do you? Have you forgotten about the Frey family wedding? If you want to use some conspiracy, just let me die. , isn’t this a blood debt?”

Tywin's heart suddenly sank. He could not refute what Robb said. He could only change his perspective: "I am still useful to you. I can help you solve many things. If you want to unify Westeros, , I can help you do it!”

"I can do it myself," Robb said flatly. "As you said, I'm much younger than you think."


Tywin didn't know what to say. He thought he still had hope of survival, but looking at Robb's performance, his estimate of himself was still too optimistic.

Robb stood up, and Gray Wind beside him also stood up, looking at Tywin with his huge body and sharp eyes.

Tywin remembered the direwolf.

It kills everyone on the battlefield, and many soldiers wearing armor are no match for it.

Are you going to die here today?

Tywin asked tremblingly: "Is my use value so insignificant? My use value is not important to you at all?"

Robb stopped looking at Tywin and left with Gray Wind in the direction of Highgarden: "But it's better for me without you."

The last words Tywin heard were from Robb.

"Cut off his head, send his head to the three armies, and then send it to King's Landing. Let Joffrey hang up Tywin's head himself. Otherwise, I will visit Joffrey in person."

"Well, at least it's better than dying on the toilet."


Back at Highgarden, the walls here are already in ruins.

Under the attack of catapults, Highgarden can hold on until now, which is considered to be of high quality, and we can't expect too much.

After cleaning up the battlefield, Randyll Tarly brought Robb a person and a manuscript.

"Sir Baelor Hightower, it's been a long time since we last met." Robb saw his old acquaintance, and he was in a good mood at the moment, so he greeted him.

Baelor Hightower burst into tears and knelt down in front of Robb: "Your Majesty... Your Majesty! Spare me, we are willing to surrender!"

Robb smiled and said, "Have you forgotten what I said when I rode the dragon south? I said that your Hightower family will not pass the test so easily, and sending a head will not solve the rebellion."

Baelor Hightower was a little desperate. He was the heir to one of the richest territories in Westeros. He was still young, and there was still a lot of wealth to inherit and a lot of life to enjoy.

How could he die here so easily?

"Your Majesty! I... I..."

Robb waved his hand and signaled the attendants to take him away: "Cut off his head and send it to the towering tower of the Hightower family. Tell the old man in Oldtown that winter has come to the Hightower family."

When Baelor Hightower learned of his fate, he did not continue to shout and scream. Instead, he was unusually calm and looked scared.

Randal Tarly looked at Baelor Hightower and felt emotional. He could still remember the passionate appearance of this knight at the Highgarden banquet.

I didn't expect that it would end up like this not long after.

"Your Majesty, these manuscripts were found in the tent of Sir Baelor Hightower. They seem to be some improved drawings."

Robb took it and looked at it, and he was dazzled.

Robb knew a lot of basic knowledge here, but on the one hand, it was too long ago and he almost forgot it. On the other hand, this full-scale drawing was densely drawn and messy, and he couldn't understand it at all.

But Robb knew that the more people saw the knowledge in it, the more it would improve the productivity of the world.

"Pack it up, although I can't understand it now, these are all valuable knowledge, and I will give them to the maesters and children to learn in the future." Robb handed the manuscript back to Lord Randyll Tarly.

Lord Randyll Tarly bowed his head and said yes.

Robb found that he hadn't seen Lord Mace for a long time, and asked curiously: "Where is Lord Mace? Why haven't I seen him since I returned to Highgarden?"

Randyll Tarly smiled bitterly: "Lord Mace fainted just after returning. He rarely went to the battlefield to hone his martial arts. When he was chasing Tywin, he burst out with a force far beyond his usual strength. I guess he needs a good rest to recover."

Robb smiled and shook his head. His old father-in-law was really funny.


After Robb dealt with Tywin, the war in the West had begun to advance according to the planned plan.

The Blood Wolf Army led by Little Jon attacked two cities in the West, and then marched south to Casterly Rock.

The River Reach army led by the Knight of Flowers and Garlan also captured Crake Hall and headed north to join the Blood Wolf Army of Little Jon.

The two armies surrounded Casterly Rock, and it was basically a matter of time before Casterly Rock was broken.

Kevan Lannister was completely defeated in the battle with Lord Blackfish. The Winter Wolf Army led by Lord Blackfish was a long-victorious army, and its momentum was at its peak.

As soon as the two sides fought, the situation was basically one-sided.

Without a powerful warrior like Robb, the battle between the two sides lasted for a long time, although most of the time it was Lord Blackfish who led his men to hunt down the remnants.

Ser Kevan fled in a panic and returned to King's Landing to survive.

At this point, almost all the armies in the West were wiped out by Robb's army.

As long as Casterly Rock was broken, Robb would basically control the entire Westerly, whether it was gold mines or land, and Robb's power also bordered the River Reach.

"The power and territory are developing very fast. I wonder how the Hightower family will respond."

After resting in Highgarden for a few days, Robb finally waited until the battlefield was cleaned up.

So Robb ordered Lord Blackfish to hold on to the road between Highgarden and King's Landing, and he took Lord Mace and Lord Randyll Tully to attack Oldtown.

Robb never intended to hold back against an openly rebellious force like Oldtown.

And taking over the rich Oldtown would also help further consolidate his power, which was a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

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