Robb's army marched south along the Rose Road towards Oldtown.

Along the way, Robb passed many castles, some of which were lords who had surrendered to Robb, the most representative of which was Randyll Tarly's Horn Hill.

After the battle of Highgarden, the Hightower family in Oldtown was almost wiped out, and only a few soldiers barely escaped back.

Robb rode on his horse: "Oldtown should have known that we are going to attack. I wonder how Lord Hightower will respond."

Randyll Tarly followed Robb's left hand side. He was quite familiar with the personality characteristics of the nobles in the Reach: "According to rumors, the old man in Oldtown no longer cares much about the political affairs of the territory, and has been studying magic."

"No matter what magic he studies, it will not change the situation of the war."

In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, especially in this era of low magic, where magic is just about to revive, it should be impossible to cast miracle magic that destroys the continent again.

In these several battles with the Seven Gods, Robb gradually saw the ability of this god, and it seems that he is not the type to go down to fight directly.

He likes to influence humans and then achieve his goals.

The Thousand-Faced God, the incarnation of Stranger, one of the Seven Gods, had his godhood shattered by Robb in Heluanhe City, and it is estimated that it is difficult for him to influence reality.

The blacksmith, I don’t know what miracle he performed, making the wildfire in King’s Landing easier to make and preserve, and also designed and upgraded a lot of blueprints.

According to this idea, King’s Landing should have strong fortifications now, especially the huge crossbow arrows that can kill a dragon mother’s dragon in another timeline.

Robb lowered his head and thought: "I don’t know if Bahamut can defend against the shooting of the giant crossbow after he grows up."

"Blacksmith, Stranger, I have solved the problems of these two clones. I don’t know what other clones will do?"

But anyway, Robb’s plan is going very smoothly now.

After the army had marched for a few days, Randyll Tarly pointed to the huge spire building that was vaguely visible in the distance and said to Robb: "Your Majesty, the Oldtown is ahead."

Duke Mace was extremely excited: "Let's attack immediately. Oldtown is not worth mentioning now!"

After capturing Tywin alive, Duke Mace's fame and self-confidence soared.

At this time, he was full of energy and vowed to continue his legendary journey. Capturing Tywin alive was nothing. He also wanted to take down King's Landing, beat the bones of the Dornishmen, and reoccupy Storm's End!

The great Duke Mace is starting his second great battle!

Robb looked at his old father-in-law and thought he was a little cute and funny.

It's not that he is useless, but he can tie himself to a spear to encourage soldiers to defend the city. It's not that he has any strengths.

But Duke Mace is at least worthy of his status and did not discredit the Tyrell family.

Let's focus on encouragement.

"Let's take a look at the situation in Oldtown first. If there is no resistance, we will attack directly. If there is anything strange about the old man in Oldtown, we still have to deal with him first."

Duke Mace felt that what Robb said made sense: "That's exactly what I think."

Randal Tarly, who was standing by, had a hard time keeping his facial expression.

After the army arrived outside the wall of Oldtown, everyone felt something was wrong.

"Too quiet."

"The gates are also wide open."

"There seems to be no soldiers on the wall. It looks like they have given up resistance?"

"Then why doesn't Lord Hightower come out and surrender?"

Robb frowned. Does the other side also want to play the empty city trick with him?

If you think you can scare yourself like this, it's a bit too funny.

Robb said to Randy: "I'll take people in to take a look. You and Duke Mace will stay outside first."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Robb rushed into the city gate with Grey Wind and several centurions, and saw that Oldtown had fallen into a deathly silence.

There was no one on the street, except for the occasional sea breeze that blew the garbage everywhere.

Other than that, it was dead quiet.

Grey Wind sniffed around, then howled at a house.

Patrick Mallister got Robb's instruction and rushed in immediately. There were screams of fear and pleas for mercy. Soon, Patrick came over with a middle-aged man who looked like a craftsman.

Robb was riding on a horse, and the man didn't dare to look directly at Robb. The fierce and tall Grey Wind next to him almost scared his pants wet.

The man kept crying and begging for mercy: "Sir, please spare us, we are just innocent civilians, Sir, please spare us..."

"Answer my question and you won't have to die."

"Yes! Yes... I will tell you everything I know!"

Robb asked the question he was most concerned about: "Why is there no one in the city?"

The man was stunned: "Yes... there are people, everyone is hiding at home and dare not come out. They heard that the master is going to fight... and want to come and see. No one dares to offend the master's army."

"Where are the soldiers?"

"They all ran away with Master Haitower!" The man's tone was filled with tears, "Master Haitower did a terrible thing, but he ran away and left us here to die!"

The man added: "I heard from a person on the dock that Master Haitower left with his daughter and soldiers three days ago, and it seems that there is a one-eyed man with them."

Leaving by boat... One-eyed man?

Robb immediately thought of a person: Euron.

After he was defeated by him, his whereabouts were unknown. Unexpectedly, he had been hiding in Oldtown and mixed up with the Hightower family.

Did the Hightower family all run away?

This was beyond Robb's expectation. In most cases, the lord would not abandon his territory because he was responsible for his territory.

Unexpectedly, the old man Earl Hightower was so decisive that he gave up such a big city.

So, he took Oldtown without bloodshed?

Robb asked a few more questions he was concerned about: "The old guys in the Starry Church also left?"

The man jumped in shock. How could he call the bishop of the Starry Church an old guy?

This is a great disrespect to God!

But he didn't dare to say it, because the Seven Gods were far away in the sky, and the old man in front of him was right in front of him, and he controlled the life and death of himself and his family.

At this time, his own life is more important than faith.

"The bishop ran away too... I heard that they were originally planning to mobilize the congregants to fight in the alleys and resist to the death... They stubbornly resisted you, sir, but not enough people responded, so they ran away."

Robb thought the man in front of him was quite interesting. He actually knew whether the wording was appropriate, which distinguished him from ordinary civilians.

But thinking that this was the Citadel, Robb was not so surprised.

The academic atmosphere in Oldtown was strong, and his own Blood Wolf Army had to be trained hard so that every soldier could write his own name.

But I'm afraid most people in Oldtown can read and write, this is the difference in culture.

Children in the North rarely read, and reading is even considered a weak thing.

The man glanced at Robb and thought: "The maesters in the Citadel don't seem to run away. They are the real people with backbone. I guess they are still doing research now."

Robb laughed and thought to himself that you haven't seen some old guys who read books by heart. They surrender faster than anyone else.

"Give him a few silver deer, and we'll go to the Citadel."

Patrick Mallister threw the silver deer to the man, who held his hands in disbelief, his eyes sparkling.

This master... doesn't seem bad?

Robb ignored him and ran directly to the Mead River.

The Citadel is located by the Mead River, and its towers and domes are connected by stone arch bridges, and the residential halls are built on the bridges.

On both sides of the main entrance are tall green sphinx statues, a monster with a lion's body, eagle wings, and a snake's tail. One of them has a male face, and the other is female.

In the middle of the two statues, there is a group of maesters in plain robes, waiting anxiously.

When they saw Robb running with his men, the crowd suddenly became agitated.

Grey Wind walked around Robb, and everyone could see at a glance that the leading young man was His Majesty Robb, who had just shined in the Battle of Highgarden.

Really young...

This was the first thought that came to everyone's mind after seeing Robb for the first time.

Compared to these old men who were basically in their fifties or sixties, Robb was full of vitality, a youth they could not envy.

The thought of such a young boy, who was actually the emperor of half of Westeros, and whose hands were stained with the blood of countless enemies.

He beheaded the infamous Mountain, defeated the arrogant Ironborn, and even defeated Tywin Lannister, a great man who was worthy of being recorded in history!

This boy is already a legend!

Not to mention, he still has a lot of time to waste.

Now, he is in control of the life and death of the entire school city.

A university scholar stepped forward respectfully, with a little sadness on his face: "Excuse me, are you His Majesty Robb Stark?"

Robb rode on his horse, looking down: "I am. Why don't you run away?"

The university scholar smiled bitterly and said honestly: "Of course we want to run away. Everyone knows that the steward of the school city is involved in the conspiracy against you. Everyone in the entire Westeros knows your cruel methods against your enemies.

But there are too many books here, we can't take them away... Even if we may die, we are worried that Your Majesty will burn this place down. In any case, we have to stay to protect these books, which are the wealth of mankind."

"No, not anymore."

Robb's light words made the university scholar a little confused. He raised his head and looked at Robb with some confusion, not knowing what he meant.

Robb smiled and explained: "Now all the books in this school city are my wealth."

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