Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 154: Subjugating the Savages

Mance Rayder, the new King Beyond the Wall.

He was originally a Night's Watchman. He was once trapped outside the Wall during a mission and was later rescued by a wildling woman. Because his clothes were torn during the journey, the wildling woman sewed his clothes with red cloth.

After returning to the Night's Watch, because everyone was required to wear black clothes, and his black clothes obviously did not meet the requirements, Mance Rayder betrayed the Night's Watch's oath and came to the Wall to become a wildling.

Obviously this is a very capable person.

Because he quickly integrated the nearby wildling tribes of all sizes and became the new King of the Wildlings!

The King Beyond the Wall looked at the skinchangers on the ground and was very anxious: "The White Walkers are slaughtering us wantonly. We must cross the Great Wall and use the Great Wall to resist the invasion of the White Walkers!"

"Mance, what should we do now?"

"What happened to the skinchangers? I have never seen this yellow flame before!"

The other wildling leaders also sat around him, hoping that he could come up with a good solution.

Now their most powerful skinchanger has lost his mind due to the pain, and they can't get more information.

The King Beyond the Wall didn't know what happened to the skinchanger, but after looking at the north, he made up his mind: "Keep going south, let's attack the Wall!"

No matter what wizards there are on the other side of the Wall, at least they are easier to deal with than the wights!

The wildling army set out in a mighty manner. They have actually reached a dead end, because the wights don't care what camp you are in, as long as they see a living creature, they will rush up and kill it.

And the wights themselves are immortal, and the poor wildlings have no way to resist.

Mance Rayder's heart is very desolate and confused. He doesn't know where the road ahead is, because he is not sure to climb the Wall.

He looked at the back of the team, where his child was, the child born to him and the wild woman who saved him before, and his blood is flowing in his body.

For his child to grow up healthily, he is willing to give everything.


Just as the wild army was advancing in panic, a huge figure emerged from the distance in the mist of the wind and snow, accompanied by a soul-shaking roar.

The King of the Outer Wall immediately became alert, holding a weapon, staring at the front, and began to have a bad premonition.

Is it related to the experience of the skinchanger just now?

He began to think wildly, and was not moved at all even if the wind and snow hit his face.

Then, the wild people saw an unforgettable scene in their lives:

Two dragons pierced the barrier of wind and snow, and descended in front of everyone with scorching air waves, not only dispelling the chill of everyone, but even the scorching air waves made them feel that the clothes on their bodies were really redundant.

The huge body of the dragon was several times larger than the largest white bear they had seen controlled by the skinchanger. The largest one was almost the size of five or six houses stacked together!

When humans faced such a terrifying creature, the first thought that came to their mind was to run away!

In fact, many wild people did this. When they saw the dragon coming, they ran away directly.

The entire wildling team began to become loose.

Bran snorted coldly, these people are too ignorant!

He took off in the Spring and drew a huge wall of fire in front of the wildlings' escape route.

All the wildlings' escape routes were blocked by the wall of fire. They dared not move forward anymore, and their faces showed terrified expressions.

But many wildlings felt a little relieved by this action.

The dragon did not kill them directly, which meant that at least there would be no slaughter now.

Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, stammered: "Great... Great Dragon Master, what... What are you doing here?"

Robb, standing on the back of the dragon, said as a matter of course: "Of course I came to you."

"I don't know what we can do for you."

Mance Rayder's tone and posture were very humble, and there was nothing wrong with it according to the common etiquette of Westeros.

Although he was a legendary figure beyond the wall, in front of two dragons, no matter how legendary he was, he had to bow down!

Even if he doesn't care about his own life, he still cares about the lives of the wildlings and his children who follow him!

Robb got straight to the point: "I heard that the White Walkers here are reviving. I need some people to help me defend the Wall. You are a good candidate."

Mance was stunned. He didn't expect it to be such a simple thing!

This was what he wanted to do with the wildlings!

Now a mysterious great being riding a dragon has appeared. Not only does he pull them together to fight against the White Walkers, but he is also willing to let them pass the Wall? !

Mance felt as if he was dreaming. Could there be such a good thing in the world?

Seeing that the other party had not responded for a long time, Robb was a little impatient: "Do you want to refuse me?"

"No, of course not!"

Mance Rayder almost got anxious. If he didn't seize this opportunity, he would really slap himself twice!

Under Robb's indifferent gaze, the King-Beyond-the-Wall half-knelt on the ground and said in a hurried and humble voice: "Great mysterious being, I am willing to accept your conditions. Please let us pass through the Wall. We are willing to shed our last drop of blood to resist the White Walkers!"

Seeing that the other party was willing to surrender, Robb nodded: "You must be the King Beyond the Wall. My ancestors once fought with the King Beyond the Wall against the Night King. Now that you can surrender, it is in line with the ancient reincarnation."

The King in the North and the King Beyond the Wall once joined forces to fight against the Night King and his "Corpse Queen" when the Night King ruled the Wall.

The situation now is somewhat similar to that of the past, and Robb also felt a sense of fateful reincarnation.

Mance Rayder was a little confused. Last time when Robert visited the Great Wall, he pretended to be a pipe musician and sneaked into the banquet.

There, he saw Eddard, the then Warden of the North, and King Robert.

At that time, he never thought that the Northern Guardian who looked very simple and honest would actually have such a powerful son!

Under the pressure of the dragon, the King Beyond the Wall finally surrendered to the North.

Robb said to Mance Rayder: "You can go directly to the Great Wall. I have given an order to the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch over there. You can take your people directly to the Great Wall and they will let you go."

Mance Rayder burst into tears of gratitude: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

He knew that with Robb's promise, at least these wildlings would not all die at the hands of the wights!

Robb added: "Letting you enter the Great Wall is conditional. You wildlings will become the main force against the White Walkers. If you cannot abide by the agreement, you will face the wrath of the dragon."

It was impossible for Robb to directly give these savages the same treatment as the old people in the north. This would definitely cause dissatisfaction and be detrimental to the spread of his beliefs.

Therefore, some events are needed to make people in the north strengthen their recognition of the savages. Organizing the savages to become the main force against the ghouls is a good opportunity.

Because people in the north are very hard-hearted people, they also have a good impression of tough guys.

Robb gave Mance Rayder a token that represented his identity. As long as he showed it to the people on the Wall, he could successfully enter the Great Wall.

After doing all this, Robb and Bran drove away on the dragon.

The process of subduing the savages this time was very smooth, mainly because the two parties were in the two-way rush stage of "the man is in love and the concubine is interested".

Robb was in a very good mood and continued to follow Bran to the area where he sensed the call.


Robb is very satisfied with Bran's performance. Whether it is subduing the wildlings or finding the old bear, it shows that Bran has grown very quickly and can take the initiative to help Robb do something.

Robb did not hesitate to praise: "You did a good job, Bran. Now you have gradually become a noble who can stand alone."

Bran was a little embarrassed: "Actually, it's because I learned gravity magic. It feels good to be able to move freely again!"

In the past, Bran still had some inferiority complex, because the disability of his legs was a flaw that could not be concealed.

But now Bran is getting more and more calm. This is the confidence that gravity magic brings to him!

So he has always been very grateful to Robb. If it weren't for his brother, he would not have achieved what he has today.

Robb nodded with satisfaction: "It's actually a good thing that you are so confident, because next you need to do a very difficult thing. This is your test. If you can pass it, you can completely emerge from your cocoon and become a butterfly."

"Is it about the Three-Eyed Raven?"

Bran had already had a premonition of what he was going to do. When he was a child, he often saw crows with three eyes appearing around him.

And his shapeshifting powers are gradually awakening, and he can now control and sense beasts far away.

He even controlled Ghost, who had sensed Jon, and the direwolf that Arya had let go while sleeping.

The most frequent was his own summer.

But he has never controlled Robb's Gray Wind, which Bran also finds strange, because the number of times Gray Wind is around him is second only to Summer, but every time he unconsciously comes around Gray Wind, he will I felt a thick barrier separating the two.

Robb said that Gray Wind was no longer an ordinary direwolf, but a brand new magical creature. Bran probably was too weak to control magical creatures.

Robb explained: "There are actually gods in this world. The old god we believe in in the north still exists in the weirwood, but his power has been very weakened."

Bran responded quickly: "I know, because the Andals invaded and burned all the unexpected weirwood trees in the north!"

Robb began to explain the authority of the old gods: "Yes, the old gods record the history of the entire continent through the weirwood. He exists in the past, in the future, and also in the present. He is a very strange type of god."

"But his shortcoming is also obvious, that is, he can only rely on weirwood trees for eternal life. If the weirwood trees are cut down by humans, he will also die."

"That's why he drove thousands of children of the forest to activate the powerful [Poseidon's Hammer] magic to isolate the continent of Essos and the continent of Westeros. The purpose was to limit the unscrupulous invasion of the Andals."

"Then he launched [Poseidon's Hammer] again, but this time due to inexplicable reasons, it was only half successful. This formed the swamp that isolates our north and south."

"The weirwood was able to be preserved in the north, but the old gods also lost the past, present and future of the south."

Bran listened to these mythical stories that were like legends, and was attracted by this fantastic and grand world view for a while, and his heart was filled with admiration.

Then, he thought that he seemed to often dream about the past and the future. Could this be the power possessed by the old gods?

When the gods were involved, Bran's face became a little more serious: "So, brother, what should I do?"

Robb chuckled and said, "I want you to replace the old gods and become the new priests of the gods in this world!"

When Bran heard this, he was at a loss for a moment. He was actually still a teenager. Hearing those mythical stories was already very shocking. As for replacing the gods?

What a joke!

He stammered a little: "I...I'm afraid of myself..."

Robb slapped Bran on the head: "What are you afraid of! I'm not letting you face all this alone, you still have my brother!"

Hearing Robb's confident words, Bran actually relaxed a little.

Robb gave him a sense of security that no one else could give him. When he killed the God before, Robb fell from the sky and turned into a huge meteor and directly smashed the Drowned God. The scene of uncertain life and death was still vivid in his mind.

Since my brother can even kill the Drowned God, it is not impossible to help him take over a body to replace a god...

Bran felt a little excited and excited. To him, this was like a game.

Following Bran's perception, the two quickly flew to the bottom of a cliff. Here, Bran could clearly feel that his perception had reached its maximum.

The spring beneath him was also more anxious than ever before, as if there was something hidden inside that made it very uncomfortable.

Under the cliff, a huge door stood in it, looking extremely solemn.

Bran said uncertain words in a firm tone: "It should be right here, brother."

Robb closed his eyes and felt it, and the Elden Ring in his hand immediately began to tremble, as if he was feeling some wonderful food.

Any living thing or thing with living characteristics has the instinct to complete itself.

The Ring of Elden was sent to this world by Lani. The transition between worlds and the acclimatization and other reasons made it no longer so complete.

Now it can feel that there is a being very similar to its previous host inside this door, which of course arouses its appetite.

It can't wait to enter this door, imprint itself on the god behind the door, and then crazily absorb the power of this world!

Robb confirmed the location of the god and was very excited. After killing the Drowned God last time, he was able to communicate with the astral world and establish a connection with Lani.

I don’t know what kind of improvement I will get after absorbing the power of the old gods this time.

Thanks to [Daily Home Feelings and Drowsiness] for the reward

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