Robb raised his finger slightly, and the quaint door in front of him immediately collapsed and flew everywhere.

Behind the gate is a dark underground cave, where the roots of tree trunks are everywhere, intertwined and densely intertwined like spider webs.

Bran looked around curiously: "Brother, the road ahead is blocked by tree trunks."

"It's really similar."

The roots of the trees here cannot be burned with ordinary fire. If you want to cut them down, you must at least use a weapon made of Valyrian steel.

Robb recalled the previous scene when he was rejected by the thorns growing from the golden tree, causing him to travel to the snowy mountains and burn the wood before he could move forward.

However, Robb is different now, and this obstacle cannot stop him at all.

Robb's eyes began to glow yellow, and a feeling of madness began to emerge. Robb stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, accumulating this madness.

When the power was accumulated, Robb suddenly opened his eyes, and streams of chaotic and wild yellow flames spurted out!


Huang's madness burned everything, even the obstacles set by the old gods could not stop him at all.

The epileptic fire started to burn crazily when it touched the tree roots. In the blink of an eye, those tree roots were burned away, leaving a space for Robb and Bran to pass.

Bran marveled at the power shown by Robb: "How powerful, brother!"

The fire in Robb's pupils gradually faded and returned to normal: "Nothing, just a small trick, let's go inside."

The two continued to move forward, and after a while, they reached the depths of the cave.

The space here opens up, forming a huge circular environment, which is no longer as crowded as before.

There are thick tree roots all around, the ground is covered with tree roots, and the road is full of potholes.

However, Bran has been floating in the air, so he is basically unaffected.

In the middle of this cave, countless tree roots are intertwined, forming a tree trunk intertwined with tree roots!

Bran looked at the tree trunk made of tree roots and was immediately startled: "The Three-Eyed Crow?!"

Robb also looked at the tree trunk: "It's not the Three-Eyed Raven, it's the Green Seer."

From inside the tree trunk, a human face poked out. It can be seen that this person has become one with the tree roots. His body has been assimilated with the tree roots. At this time, it is difficult to say whether he is a human or an innocent person. tree.

No matter what, his appearance is still very scary.

But Bran quickly calmed down. He looked at the green seer who still had his eyes closed. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. This is why he just blurted out the name Three-Eyed Raven.

Bran whispered to Robb: "I don't know why, but I always feel like he is the Three-Eyed Raven who appeared in my dreams and around me in reality when I was a child!"

"He's just the three-eyed crow who's been guiding you, it's just a little trick... Hey, stop pretending to be dead, wake up quickly!"

The man on the tree trunk slowly opened his eyes. The scene in front of him was like the human face carved on the weirwood coming to life, mysterious and a bit strange.

He opened his eyes and saw Bran and Robb appearing here, and said doubtfully: "No... no, it shouldn't be you. Where is Hodor? Where are the two children in Cailin Bay..."

Robb chuckled and said: "Times have changed. What you see is the ancient future. Don't the old gods know how to keep pace with the times?"

The root man looked at Robb in confusion. The time was wrong and the person was wrong. He was awakened early and everything was messed up!

Is the future seen by the old gods an illusion?

The last greenseer in Westeros began to doubt everything about himself.

Robb said calmly: "Bran is right here. You can now take Bran to become the new Green Seer. As for you, I need you and the gods behind you as the foundation of the golden tree."

The Green Seer looked at Robb in confusion. The moment their eyes met, the Green Seer's pupils suddenly turned white, his face became pale, and his head was raised slightly, as if he was reading something.

After a few seconds, the greenseer's expression became normal and his eyes regained their clarity.

He looked at Robb with a horrified expression on his face: "You, the Godslayer!"

Robb said calmly: "That's right. Once you know it, do it as soon as possible. Don't wait and make everyone look bad."

The Green Seer has the ability to know most things in Westeros without leaving his home. It is not surprising that the Old God can deduce that he killed the Drowned God.

At this time, the green seer's face was filled with hesitation. He didn't know Robb's true purpose now, especially as the foundation of a golden tree. Why did this thing sound so dangerous?

Do you have to give up yourself?

This is a hard thing to accept!

But at this time, Robb had power that the old gods simply could not resist.

Not to mention that the opponent has already reached the door. Even if the old god is immortal and cannot be killed by any physical damage, he still has a big flaw!

Because even if He lives in the past, present and future, he still needs a carrier to complete all of this!

He relies on weirwood for everything!

The weirwoods now only exist in the North. With Robb's influence in the north, as long as Robb is willing, all weirwoods will cease to exist.

At that time, the old god will be completely dead, and there will no longer be any possibility of survival.

Now the only agents of the old gods are the Three-Eyed Crow and some children of the forest who were almost extinct. It is impossible to stop Robb.

The greenseer in front of him could be easily destroyed by Robb with just a move of his fingers, and it wouldn't even be able to turn over a wave.

Robb has always been very strong: "Give me an answer quickly. I need you as my foundation, but you are not my only choice. I have many other ways. If you are not willing, I will kill you here." , as a supplement to my nourishment.”

The green prophet fell silent, his pupils turned white again, and his head was slightly raised, as if he was communicating with some great being.

After a while, he finally returned to normal again.


This voice was hollow and clear, as if it had penetrated endless years and time, and finally reached Robb and Bran.

Robb understood that the greenseer at this time had been briefly possessed by the old god. This was the god's direct answer to his question.

Robb was very satisfied with the other party's attitude: "That's good. There is an old saying in my hometown that people who understand the current things are the real heroes."

Bran also sensed the great and familiar presence, and began to slowly float into the air, preparing to make contact with the Green Seer.

In the original arrangement between the Green Seer and the Old Gods, Bran was originally going to be the representative of the Old Gods and the last Green Seer in the world, so he was already very familiar with this process.

The pupils of the green seers and Bran turned white at the same time, and they began to travel in the spiritual realm together, observing everything that had happened in the world since the concept of weirwood and "gods".

For green seers, they first have omniscience that represents everything, and then they have omnipotence that affects everything.

It's just that this omniscient and omnipotent being is so powerful that it not only requires weirwood as a carrier, but it is also difficult to influence the past and future.

Even if you try your best, you can only leave a trace in the past.

It is far from omniscience and omnipotence in the traditional sense.

At this time, the Green Seer is exposing Bran to all the knowledge recorded by the weirwood. This is an unknown process. Only when Bran accepts all this knowledge will he become a brand new Green Seer.

Robb felt a little bored, so he sat on the ground and waited quietly for the moment to end.

As time passed, Robb felt a little strange: Why is it not over yet?

Although Bran accepts the history of the entire Westeros continent, traveling in the spiritual world and the real world are fundamentally two concepts of time.

No matter how much knowledge Bran had received, it shouldn't have come out by now.

Robb felt that something was wrong, and the Elden Ring in his hand began to become brighter...


In the spiritual world, the Green Seer is taking Bran to observe the history of the entire Westeros continent.

"Brandon the Builder defeated the White Walkers and forged the Great Wall of the North..."

"This is the story of the Night King and the Corpse Queen... The King Beyond the Wall blew the Horn of Winter and summoned the giants..."

"After the Andals were driven by seven mysterious figures and invaded the continent of Westeros, the power of the old gods was no longer as strong as it used to be..."

"Aegon Conquered, he foretold in the dragon's dream that the night was coming..."

Bran learned about the history of the entire Westeros continent, and suddenly felt that his entire state of mind had changed.

He felt that countless knowledge was filling his mind, making him feel indifferent to more and more things in the world.

When a person experiences too much, he loses interest in everything.

Bran felt that he was becoming calmer and calmer, and the dimension of his thinking began to rise. He no longer looked at everything from a child's perspective, but looked down at the world with a more indifferent sense.

He... is losing his humanity and starting to transform like a god!


Bran, who wanted to understand, was shocked. He realized that he was losing himself!

If a person only has divinity and remains indifferent and rational to everything, then the meaning of his own existence will also be denied.

A person's existence is composed of countless anchoring cognitions. Bran clearly knows that he is a child of the Stark family, Robb's brother, Arya's brother, and Rickon's brother!

He has a family, which is his anchor in Westeros!

If he loses his humanity, then he will no longer value this family relationship. He will become a green prophet and an old god!

Even though he is still Bran, he no longer values ​​family ties, and his behavior has begun to become divine. So is he Bran or the old god?

A person looks like a certain god, acts like a certain god, and also has the power of that god!

Then he is no longer himself.

He is going to be taken away by that god!

I do not want!

Bran was very smart, and he figured out the key instantly.

The Old Gods knew they could not resist Robb's power, so they had to find other ways to survive.

The best way now is of course to invade Bran's mind, use Bran's body to be reborn, become Bran, and be reborn as yourself!

Because after Bran loses his humanity, people will see him as Him.

With the belief and anchoring blessing of the people in the north, they determined that Bran was no longer a child of the Stark family, but a carrier of the old gods.

Then Bran will disappear.

This is the plan of the old gods!

Bran began to resist, refusing to allow divinity to invade his body.

He began to recall his life, from being raised by his parents when he was a child, to his dream of becoming a knight, to the fights with Arya, to the loneliness after being pushed off the tower by Jaime and becoming disabled.

These things are proof of his being a human being!

However, these pictures are not enough.

Far from enough!

Bran clearly felt that his memories began to blur and then became indifferent, and those contents could no longer move him at all.

Those sad, happy, excited and uplifting emotions were also gradually fading.

He remembered everything in the entire Westeros continent, but began to forget his own story.

Just when Bran felt that his humanity was getting less and less, suddenly a warm current came from the top of his head.

A big hand covered Bran's head, and then he heard a gentle voice: "Don't worry, brother."

In an instant, a golden breath appeared beside Bran, and more and more memory pictures began to become clear again.

The words containing the power of the Elden Ring were like the whispers of the gods of creation, and everything they said became a reality!

It will all come true!

Bran could feel that his consciousness was gradually recovering, and his thoughts were becoming clearer and clearer.

Those ancient memories gradually became clear pictures, and Bran burst into tears instantly.

He could cry again.

For the joy and pain of the past.

"My name is Bran Stark, my parents are Eddard and Catelyn Stark, I have five brothers and sisters, our family is the guardian of the North, and my brother is the emperor of Westeros!"

Bran repeated simple words over and over again to strengthen his anchor.

Without saying it once, Bran could clearly feel that his humanity was recovering and his divinity was disappearing.

In the spiritual world, the green prophet who was originally looking at Bran with a smile suddenly changed his face and showed a look of horror: "No, what did you do?"

Bran smiled at him: "Nothing, I just remembered who I am."

In Bran's kind eyes, his body began to shine with a golden luster.

He seemed to have returned to a few years ago when he was still a carefree little boy.

Bran smiled and said something extremely terrifying to the Green Prophet: "The old god still exists in your body, but I think he will never affect me. I am now the Green Prophet and Bran."

"I know everything about Westeros, and I clearly remember the glory of the Stark family."

The Green Prophet felt desperate: "No, this is wrong, how can you..."

"After you get out, my brother will decide what to do with you."

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