Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 164 Conquering King's Landing

Under Arya's endless harassment, the entire King's Landing fell into panic.

According to rumors, an invisible ghost has been wandering in King's Landing. It is the dead Duke Ned, and his purpose is revenge.

Because he was unjustly killed by the current King Joffrey, his soul has been floating in King's Landing.

All those who prevent him from taking revenge will suffer the most tragic revenge!

At this time, outside King's Landing, the Stark family has been besieging the city for several months. Coupled with this terrifying rumor, Joffrey's reputation has reached its lowest point in history.

The residents of King's Landing fell into panic. When faced with life and death threats, the first thing they thought of was not to try their best to resist, but to blame the sinner who made everything look like now.

Joffrey, the bastard!


If he hadn't killed innocent people indiscriminately, how could there be the current situation!

Everyone briefly forgot the cheers that broke out in the crowd on the day when Duke Ned was killed.

The crowd actually didn't know who was a good guy and who was a bad guy.

As long as there was excitement to watch, they would cheer.

But they can clearly tell who has the bigger fist now.

Whoever has the bigger fist has more reason.

Joffrey is now completely crazy. He has been weakened by Arya and thinks everyone wants to harm him.

He can only hide in his bedroom alone, wrapping himself in a quilt, looking at everything with suspicion, his body trembling all the time.

Cersei came to Joffrey's bedroom: "My dear son, what's wrong with you?"

"Wuwuwu... I don't want to go out. There are low-class bitches outside who want to murder me!"

Seeing Cersei, Joffrey's mood stabilized a little. His mother is one of the few people he can still trust.

He told about his inner pain and fear, and the torment of not being able to sleep all night.

Cersei touched Joffrey's head and comforted him, "It's okay. Haven't I arranged for the guards of the Lannister family to guard you? They are all powerful knights, and there will be no problem."

Joffrey sobbed: "Really?"

"Of course it's true. Come, say hello to them."

Cersei showed a weird smile on her face. I don't know when she picked up a bag from the ground, which was still dripping with blood.

Cersei smiled and took out bloody heads from the bag one by one, and began to introduce them in Joffrey's increasingly frightened eyes.

"This is Sir Vass... This is Sir At... This is... Well, I can't recognize them. It's hard to remember their names. Now I've chopped them into a meat paste. How can I tell them apart?"

Joffrey looked at Cersei, who was embarrassed, and his expression gradually became distorted. He could only feel his body trembling, but he couldn't control it. At this moment, his inner despair reached its peak.



My mother is crazy!

What is she doing? She wants to kill herself, right?

King's Landing can't be defended, she wants to drag herself to be buried with her, right?


Joffrey screamed, but was slapped hard on the face.

Cersei looked impatient: "Little beast, you're getting on my nerves."

Joffrey couldn't listen to Cersei's words at all, still screaming and crying, and the only remaining hand began to grab randomly, trying to drive everything out of his safe zone.

Cersei looked at Joffrey with disgust, and threw the heads of the guards on Joffrey: "Forget it, I don't care about you, you go deal with those terrible assassins yourself."

Cersei walked out of Joffrey's bedroom with a relaxed look. There was no one outside, only Joffrey's screams echoed in the corridor.

She took off her disguise, and her figure suddenly became much smaller, turning into a little girl like a doll.

Cersei who met Joffrey before was actually Arya Stark in disguise.

According to the memory in her mind, Arya came and went without a trace in King's Landing. With a few leaps and hops, she avoided everyone and came to a familiar residential area.

This is her temporary base and the place where the accomplice who provided intelligence is.

When the little devil heard someone push open the window, he was startled at first, and then realized that only Arya would come in through the window, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What are you going to play today?"

Arya laughed: "I dressed up as your sister, and in front of Joffrey, I threw the heads of the guards who protected him on him one by one."

The little devil was shocked and speechless: "You might as well kill him directly."

"I won't let him die so easily. I will never forget the scene when my father died. Now he should have a taste of this."

After Arya subdued the little devil by force, she relied on the map of King's Landing provided by the little devil to create terror.

This is a means of revenge, and it is also for her brother Robb to better subdue the residents of King's Landing.

Only when the people here want to get rid of Joffrey's control completely, will they welcome and accept Robb from the bottom of their hearts.

Judging from the current situation, Arya has done a good job.

The little devil is also a little anxious: "When your brother attacks King's Landing, I will not be able to hide it sooner or later. By then, you will be so skilled that you can easily run away, but I can't."

Regarding the killing of Cersei and Joffrey, the little devil now has no hesitation or sympathy.

After Tywin's death, these two assassinated him countless times. If Jaime hadn't been protecting him, or if Arya hadn't arrived when Jaime went to Dorne, the little devil at this time Just a corpse.

He also didn't understand why, as relatives, these two people wanted to die so much.

He is also a Lannister!

The resentment continued to build up, and finally they turned against each other.

But the only thing the little devil can't let go of is his brother, James.

He wanted to leave a way out for James.

Arya had already received the news: "King's Landing will be attacked in a few days. My brother's dragon army has just assembled, and Bran is back."

The little devil was a little speechless: In the current situation in King's Landing, there is no need to send out an army of giant dragons. Can't we just push it aside and be done?

At the same time, the little devil was also curious: "How did you get the news? Haven't you been playing in King's Landing?"

"I forgot to tell you that every member of our Stark family has an ability called shapeshifter, especially Bran. He can directly possess animals and use Wolf Dream to communicate with us brothers and sisters. Communicate. I heard that my brother Rickon has also awakened this ability recently. I have had it before, but the frequency is very low. "

Arya once had a wolf dream, a wolf dream of her own direwolf.

Among the Starks, only Sansa and Robb have not shown the ability to change shape. The rest basically have similar abilities.

The little devil was very envious: "I wonder when I will be able to dream of a lion..."

Then, he asked carefully: "If you break the city gate, can you not kill my brother?"

Aaliya shrugged: "I don't think his life or death is in our hands. He will definitely die for that woman."

The little devil was silent, James was indeed such a person.

Once the city is defeated, he will definitely fight to the death for that woman.

At this time, Star City.

Robb took Bran and set off on four dragons. Tiamat was still young and could only hide in the dragon palace and continue eating and drinking.

Finally unified!

Robb was also very excited. After all, it was his first time to absorb the faith of an entire continent.

In the past, he only fought alone, without the feeling of scolding Fang Qiu. Now he has strong soldiers and various magical creatures, and he has the pleasure of finally reaping the fruits of his farming.

The City of Stars is actually very close to King's Landing. With the dragon spreading its wings, it only takes an hour to see each building.

Thirty thousand troops are stationed in King's Landing. Except for the sea route, the entire city is already a dead city.

Robb nodded with satisfaction: "The time is just right. If we continue to surround us, the residents in the city will start to eat the two-legged sheep."

Bran's face was a little solemn: "I used wolf dream to communicate with Arya. She said that Cersei had buried a large number of wildfires underground throughout King's Landing, and was ready to ignite the entire city as soon as our army entered."

"This woman is the second generation Mad King. Let's go to the city to watch a family ethics drama. Send a message to Arya and ask her to capture Cersei's family. I will take her to King's Landing for trial."

Facing the most famous scene in the previous timeline, Robb certainly wanted to recreate it, and the current situation was just right.

Robb rode a dragon and landed at the camp of the three legions, met with Little Jon and other three legion commanders, and asked them to stand by here and prepare to enter King's Landing two days later.

Little Jon asked: "Your Majesty, which legion will be the main offensive?"

Robb smiled and said: "What are you going to fight about when the time comes? Get ready for the welcome ceremony."

Leaving behind a bunch of confused generals and officers, Robb and Bran hid themselves and flew straight into King's Landing.

For the two people who have mastered powerful power, the city wall is simply a decoration.

The journey was smooth and we arrived at Joffrey's palace, which was already very lively.

The Lannister family, Intelligence Minister Varys, Finance Minister Littlefinger, alchemist Qyburn and other high-ranking people gathered together.

However, most people are a little embarrassed, and it is normal to have bruises and bruises on their bodies.

When Robb's figure appeared on the field, everyone's eyes were unconsciously attracted to Robb.

Legend has it that Robb had three heads, six arms and eight legs!

There are also different opinions about Robb's appearance. Some say that he is the most handsome king in history. Others say that Robb has a green face and fangs, which is very terrifying. Otherwise, how could he conquer the dragon?

But now that they have really seen Robb, they feel that he is very different from the legendary one.

There was an indescribable feeling, just that the aura of this young man almost overwhelmed them.

The Minister of Intelligence, the eunuch Wallis, was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, you are one of our own!"

Varys, the eight-clawed spider, had always been an old party member of the previous dynasty and had contact with Daenerys Aegon. He knew that Daenerys had been taken into the harem by Robb and knew that there was no hope for the former dynasty to recover, so he took the initiative to negotiate with Robb. Bo's men got on the line.

Varys also sent out a lot of information before, although it was of little use to Robb.

Aaliya kicked Wallis in the fat belly: "Who is with your own people!"

Cersei was furious: "Traitor!"

The little devil also shouted and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, one of our own!"

It wasn't that he wanted to flatter Robb, but it made Cersei sick, so he did it.

Cersei can't stand disobedience and betrayal from others. She feels that the whole world is not trustworthy, and her eyes are about to burst into flames.

Joffrey keeps a distance from Cersei. He has a very serious fear of Cersei.

Robb looks at all the important people in King's Landing and says directly: "Surrender, or die?"

Cersei looks at Robb with a firm face. She is already a little crazy. It is better to die than to let her surrender.

But Joffrey heard a glimmer of hope: "I... Can I still live?"

Robb showed a devilish smile: "Of course, as long as you surrender, I will not do anything to you, and my men will also never touch you."

Although Joffrey felt that things did not seem so simple, the desire to survive still overwhelmed everything.

"I...what should I do?"

"I know, in fact, you have always been a good king, but you were deceived by some treacherous ministers, so you did some bad things, right?"

Joffrey nodded like a chicken pecking at rice: "Yes, yes, yes..."

"So, who do you think the treacherous ministers are?"

Joffrey shouted: "Qyburn! Littlefinger! Varys! It's all them, it's all them! I just need to kill them!"

Robb shook his head: "I don't think so."


Joffrey didn't dare to refute Robb at this time. Arya's assassination had made him weak enough, and his fear of Robb reached its peak.

Robb gave him a hint: "Everyone surrendered to me, but there is one person who doesn't seem to be very willing. Tell me, who is she?"

Joffrey and Cersei's faces began to change.

How could they not know Robb's thoughts now?

This matter is so cruel that Joffrey had to identify his mother as the root cause of the country's demise?

Jaime finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Little Joffrey, don't..."

But this sentence had the opposite effect. Joffrey looked at his uncle and mother with hatred, and gritted his teeth and said: "It's... it's Cersei..."

Cersei's face showed a desperate gray.

Being betrayed by her own son hurt her heart more than anything else.

At this moment, she felt a pang in her heart, looked around, and a feeling of oppression swept over her, and she seemed to escape from this place.

Robb clapped his hands: "So, how are you going to punish this traitor? How about letting you personally supervise your mother's parade?"

Although Robb was ready to replicate, he was not ready to replicate completely.

Because it is easy to be killed by mysterious power, he is still very afraid.

But such a scene is still interesting.

Cersei paraded in clothes, and her king son behind her rang bells and said over and over again: Shame.

This scene is no less psychologically devastating than the original.

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