After Robb announced his treatment of Cersei, Joffrey easily agreed.

He was a little neurasthenic due to Aria, and his already somewhat retarded IQ was even more retarded. What he was doing now was entirely for the safety of his own life.

Not to mention trying his mother now, even if he were to judge the Seven Gods, he wouldn't even blink an eye.

Physical taming has already made Joffrey psychologically tamed by Robb.

It's like Skinny's domestication of Reek.

Cersei and James on the side felt a little incredible: "I am your mother, how could you do this!"

Joffrey was still a little afraid when facing his mother's angry gaze, but he continued to defend himself: "I didn't, it was others who forced me to do this. I didn't want to do this..."

Robb coughed slightly.

This hell-like sound instantly frightened Joffrey so much that he trembled all over. He was a little frightened and changed everything he said just now.

Joffrey trembled and said to Cersei: "You... you are a sinful woman, I will not forgive you..."

Because of Cersei's long-term pampering, Joffrey had no sense of chivalry or honor at all, so he quickly fell to his knees in the face of the more terrifying Robb.

This doting eventually came back to Cersei herself.

Cersei's face turned pale, nothing could be more despairing than her son's trial.

Cersei could say she was sorry to anyone, but she absolutely devoted all her love to her three children.

When this kind of love was replaced by hatred and backlash, this huge mental blow also began to make her mental state a little unstable.

She knelt on the ground blankly, her eyes were extremely dull, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

With the Lannisters finished, Robb pronounces the family's final punishment.

"The false king Joffrey knows his mistakes and can correct them. He is willing to personally judge his mother, so he is exempted from the death penalty. However, he will personally hold a trial ceremony for his mother in three days. My subordinates will tell you the specific process."

"Cersei, the evil consequences you are suffering now are all caused by your previous madness, so after the parade, you can find a place to live an ordinary life with your son Joffrey."

"James, you are deprived of all honors and noble titles, and your inheritance rights are given to your brother, the little devil. Your son and daughter can live with you, or they can be raised by the little devil. They are innocent, and I will not embarrass you. them."

Robb has always taken revenge fairly and accurately. Of course, Cersei and Joffrey must bear all the consequences of their madness.

As for letting them go, Robb was telling the truth.

But Robb believes that once Cersei and Joffrey lose the title of House Lannister or King and are just ordinary people, their enemies will not let them survive for more than a week.

During Tywin's reign, he made countless enemies.

How cruel Tywin's dogs were when they plundered the Riverlands, and how crazy those who have been hurt are now.

The blood feud may not be avenged to Tommen and Myrcella, two children who don't understand anything, but Cersei and Joffrey are real Lannister members who have been in power!

Even in name, everything Tywin did was their order!

When Joffrey heard that he was no longer the king, he almost became angry again, but thought that he could still save his life, so he calmed down a little.

Cersei still said nothing, she was completely heartbroken.

James was a little secretly happy. With this, he and Cersei could finally live an ordinary life that ordinary people dream of!

James and Cersei are true love, but James does not understand Cersei's desire and obsession for power anyway. He thought that he could live an ordinary life with Cersei and no longer be troubled by the world.

But he will never understand what Cersei would be like if she lost her power.

The little devil's mood is very complicated. He betrayed, but his father is already dead!

If Tywin was still here, he would have inherited everything from the Lannister family in front of him, and Lannister had completely declined at this time. He could not be the Guardian of the West, and at most he would be the power of a baron.

Under the blow from both sides, Tywin might be furious to death.

What a pity...

Of course, Robb did not kill the other surrenderer: "Varys, just continue your intelligence work and hand over everything you have to my Minister of Rebellion, Earl Wildcrow."

"As for you, Mr. Littlefinger..."

Robb's trial came to Littlefinger and looked at this man who was elegant and calm on the surface, but in fact he was panicked and at a loss inside.

Robb said playfully: "You must already know that my aunt in the Arryn Valley has been placed under house arrest by me. I know everything you have done. How are you going to save your life? Well, I will give you three A chance of one sentence, three sentences, if you can impress me, I will spare your life."

Littlefinger forced a smile: "Your Majesty, I haven't done anything..."

Robb interrupted him: "I don't like this sentence. You still have a chance to say two sentences, so cherish it."

Littlefinger's face turned pale, and he was at his wits' end at this moment.

Originally, when he participated in this game of power and stirred up troubles across the continent, his greatest confidence was the valley.

But the Vale has been taken over by Robb. As the initiator of the whole chaos, he feels powerless because things have been beyond his control.

Now if he was asked to come up with something that would impress Robb, what could he come up with?

"I am the Chancellor of Finance. I am in charge of the entire finance of King's Landing. I can..."

Robb said disdainfully: "Forget it, I have long mastered the Iron Bank of Essos. I know better than you how much King's Landing owes the Iron Bank, both overtly and covertly."

Littlefinger was a little desperate and could only play one last emotional card: "Your mother and I grew up together and we are good friends! I can also help you take care of the finances of the entire Westeros. I have this ability. We all know."

"That makes sense," Robb finally nodded.

Littlefinger felt a little relieved, he was saved!

But Robb had not finished the second half of his sentence.

"So you don't have to be beheaded by me, which is really gratifying. Call the people from the Peeling Family over. Have they not been active for a long time?"

The smile on Littlefinger's face was instantly replaced by panic before it showed up.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! You said you wouldn't kill me!"

Robb nodded: "Yes, just skinning, you will definitely not die. I think you haven't gone to Luanhe City to meet the old weasel. He is not dead yet. Human vitality is too tenacious!" And don’t worry, even if you die, we still have experts here who can resurrect you. If I say you won’t die, you will never die.”

"No! Your Majesty, I regretted it. Please kill me. Please! Kill me! I regretted it, Your Majesty!!!"

Littlefinger cried out in despair. If he had known that there would be such an end, he would have committed suicide!

What kind of torture is it to be skinned and hung on the city wall without being able to die?

It would be more satisfying to actually die!

But Robb didn't care about his cries and simply asked his men to take him away.

Littlefinger is the source of the beginning of the entire story. All the wars and tragic deaths of civilians in the world are basically caused by Littlefinger alone.

He arouses desire in everyone's heart just to fill his own insatiable abyss.

If he succeeds, then from a lowly noble to a powerful noble, one can naturally admire his calculation.

But if he fails, he must bear all the consequences.

Then he has to pay for it slowly because of his tragic death due to his ambition.

Winners and losers, that's how the world is.

Cobain on the other side was about to pee with fright. Littlefinger's fate was not very good. If he had the same fate as Littlefinger, he would have died on the spot.

Robb glanced at him: "Since you like to conduct human experiments so much, let's tie you up. If all your experimental subjects are still alive, rescue them and let them discuss how to deal with you. "

Coburn's face froze. He knew very well how he treated those experimental subjects. If he fell into their hands, he might as well just die!

Cobain pried open the poison behind his back molar, preparing to eat it and die immediately.

His speed was very fast, his face instantly turned livid, and his orifices were bleeding.

He died here simply.

Robb waved his hand: "Call the red-robed monk Thoros over and resurrect him first. I'm very curious about how much poison this guy can prepare for himself."

Joffrey was frightened and cried on the spot. This scene was countless times more brutal than when he was king!

After taking care of most of the nobles in King's Landing, Robb finally fulfilled his ambition to unify the entire Westeros continent.

The next step is to destroy the churches of the seven gods and completely eliminate the influence of the other gods.

Now all the important city-states in Westeros will be planted with golden trees, subtly absorbing the power of the believers.

Robb breathed a sigh of relief, finally achieving his small goal.


Three days later, a huge ceremony began where the last king tried the queen mother.

Joffrey was dressed gorgeously and stood in the stands where Duke Eddard Stark was being tried. His eyes were a little confused, which was completely different from the high-spirited look he had back then.

He looked at his already somewhat demented mother and whispered: "I'm sorry..."

But Cersei didn't seem to hear him at all, her eyes remained dull.

The parade began, and Cersei began to walk forward like a robot, Joffrey following behind her, ringing a bell in his hand.


The guard on the side immediately reminded: "You still want to be judged with such a low voice?"


"Still can't hear it!"


On both sides of the street, countless spectators wearing coarse clothes also began to revel.

"The Bastard King and the Bitch Queen!"

In the stands, Robb pronounced his sentence on the exhibitionist: "Throw him into jail.

Most of the members of the Stark family were in the stands, especially Sansa and Arya, who had witnessed their father's tragic death. Both of them burst into tears.

I remember that the crowd here cheered like this.

They don't care who is righteous.

Thinking of this, Arya and Sansa felt a little bored.

Caitlin burst into tears. She is an extremely emotional person, and the philosophical question of whether revenge is meaningful does not exist for her at all.

For the sake of her children, her husband, and her relatives, she wanted to take revenge fiercely!

Revenge can bring her great satisfaction!

She just wants to live in the pain of endless anger and revenge, and then vent it all out at the moment of revenge!

She is a very pure person, and because of this she is taken advantage of and does stupid things.

Bran is a little indifferent. He is somewhat tainted with divinity and is not very interested in ordinary human emotions.

The youngest Rickon still couldn't understand what was going on. He was eating walnuts and felt a little pitiful for the people below.

After watching for a while, Aaliya said calmly: "They will cheer to avenge our father, but they don't understand the injustice we have suffered at all, they are just shouting unconsciously."

Robb said to Arya: "If you follow your heart, then you don't need to care about what others think."

"If you want others to see you, then you have to keep winning, because others won't see your efforts, they can only see the bright side."

Arya nodded and looked at Cersei parading below, feeling that something was still wrong: "Why is she so obedient?"

Robb smiled and said, "Because she wanted to find an opportunity to escape from the control of our guards, then find the place where the wildfire is buried, and die with us."

Robb knew all about Cersei's little thoughts, but he didn't expose her on the spot.

Instead, he tells Jaime to follow Cersei and Joffrey to follow Cersei.

The purpose was to make her suffer again.

When she is determined to kill everyone, what will her lover who still has some sense do?

What will her son who is greedy for life and afraid of death do?

Robb didn't care at all what Cersei was doing, because it was as ridiculous as a little ant waving its pincers at an adult.

But it is interesting to let Cersei die in despair and watch them go to destruction because of their own desires.

Aaliya understood what her brother meant and couldn't help laughing: "That would be countless times more uncomfortable than killing her."

During the parade, the guards finally began to be unable to resist the restless crowd.

Under Robb's indulgence, this parade finally began to become chaotic.

At this time, Cersei's dull eyes finally had some sparkle.

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