Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 3 Military Law Team Xiong Family

"This is pure murder. I demand blood for blood!"

In the meeting room of Winterfell, Lord Mage Severn blushed and roared at the lords of the North.

"My people were just defending themselves. It was your people who followed them secretly. After being discovered, they were not as good as them in fighting. They deserved to die."

The one who confronted the Severn family was a man who looked gentle, but anyone could see that he was cruel in his bones. He was the current Earl of the notorious Flayed Family - the Bolton Family, Roose Bolton, nicknamed Old Flayed.

Roose Bolton's voice was not loud, but gentle, which made everyone present concentrate to hear what he said clearly.

Mickey Severn was furious: "Bullshit! What kind of duel is this? Can stabbing someone in the back be called a duel? It's clearly a sneak attack! Murder!"

"Putting that aside, you want to destroy the alliance by spying on each other at this time?"

"Your men are not destroying the alliance if they suddenly kill people?"

Both sides insisted on their own opinions. The other lords did not speak, but looked meaningfully at the young man sitting in the first place, their current nominal leader, Young Wolf Lord Robb.

They wanted to see how Robb would deal with this matter.

In fact, this matter was ultimately caused by Robb's order to Mickey Severn to spy on Old Skinner's men. Unexpectedly, he was discovered and killed by the other party before he had been spying for a few days. There was still some gap in the strength of his men.

But it was just the right opportunity to take some power into his own hands.

Robb shrugged helplessly, and then slowly spoke under the watchful eyes of the crowd: "Killing someone means paying with your life, blood debt means paying with blood. This is a rule that has been passed down from ancient times. Earl Roose, hand over the man, I will kill him myself."

Old Flayed's face suddenly became ugly, and he stared at Robb with gloomy eyes.

He originally thought that Robb, who was only a teenager, was a little guy who was easy to control. Even if he had some skills, he still needed to hone them. Unexpectedly, after entering the city, he was monitored and suppressed everywhere, and the other party did not give him a chance at all.

The Flayed Family is also very powerful in the North, so they have always been dissatisfied with the management of the Stark Family and often rebelled.

But three hundred years ago, the leader of the Stark Family led his soldiers to surround the Flayed Family in the castle for several months, and they had to surrender when they ran out of ammunition and food.

Nowadays, Ned Stark's prestige in the North is unmatched, and he has a close relationship with King Robert. Even if Old Flayed wants to replace him, he is powerless.

But now Robert died suddenly, Ned's life and death are unknown, and the Stark family has only Robb, a teenager, as the head of the family. This gave the old peeling a glimmer of hope, so he had already begun to contact forces outside the North in secret frequently, hoping to seize the flaws and kill them with one blow.

As for why he did not contact and communicate with the forces in the North, it was because they were all die-hard fans of the Stark family. The old peeling had no doubt that he had just said the plan in the last second, and the next second the Stark family's army would appear in front of him.

This time, the old peeling was indeed wrong, but the old peeling just wanted to make a fuss and fool the matter, so that the lords of the North would see the weakness of the young wolf.

When the head wolf showed fatigue, it was the best time for the wolves to attack.

But he was a little surprised that Robb's decisiveness seemed not what a fifteen-year-old child should show.

Now the people's hearts and morality are not on the side of the old peeling, and he failed to intimidate the young wolf, so the old peeling decided to hold back for now.

"As you wish, Lord."

Robb got an unsatisfactory answer. He actually hoped that Old Flay would reject him, so that he would give him a reason that was hard to refuse and further enhance his prestige.

Looking around, looking at these loyal but unruly lords, Robb cleared his throat.

"Everyone, our goal is to enter King's Landing and rescue my father. You are all lords of the North. I don't want what happened today to happen again. If everyone uses all their energy on internal consumption, not only will King's Landing fail to be taken, but we will also die without a burial place."

"So, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of our army and to prevent such a chaotic killing from happening again, I decided to set up a military court."

All the lords present frowned. They didn't know what this military court did, but they had a bad feeling just by hearing the name.

"I have asked Maester Luwin to draft a military order, which clearly states what should be done and what should not be done."

The lords all understood this. Although they did not have a written military order, everyone had their own rules, and the lords would also constrain their subordinates, so there was no reaction.

"All teams will adapt to all military orders. You can add rules by yourself, but you must not delete any one. All soldiers in the Northern Army who violated the military order will be executed by the military law team I just mentioned in accordance with the military order!"

The lords below were in an uproar. In the past, everyone fought with their own soldiers. The lord decided who would go up, and they would lead their men to charge and that was it. As for the internal affairs of the team, they would solve it by themselves.

Now that the young wolf has obtained the right to punish part of the army, it makes them a little uncomfortable.

"This matter is good. Everyone will set the rules in a unified way, so that some people will not work hard and turn a blind eye to their deserters!"

"No, who will preside over the military law team? If the old skinner is in charge, I will be the first to quit!"

"What are you arguing about? Will the young wolf lord let that coward old skinner take over? Use your brain!"

"I object. This matter is very complicated. Why should my men be handed over to others?"

Old skinner's face was gloomy. He knew that this group of people were playing a double act just to prevent him from becoming the captain of the military law team.

There was a lot of noise below, but Robb, who made this suggestion, sat on the chair and played with Grey Wind's chin, making the dire wolf purr comfortably.

When everyone's voices of discussion were quiet, Robb shifted his attention from Grey Wind to the group of lords under him.

"Have you finished discussing? I have already chosen the captain of the military court, Lord Maggie Mormont of Bear Island."

A lord objected on the spot: "Huh? A woman?! Why let a woman..."

Someone covered his mouth: "Shh, do you want to be beaten? That's the Earl of Bear Island!"

Robb smiled and introduced to the lord who was still a little unconvinced: "People from Bear Island are all powerful warriors. Maggie's brother is the current commander-in-chief of the Night's Watch, and her nephew is the former Kingsguard. As for her..."

As she spoke, a middle-aged woman stood up. She looked to be in her fifties or sixties, with white hair, scars all over her face, and wearing a coat made of wolf skin and bear skin. She was tall and strong, more than twice as tall as Robb now, and more ferocious than most men present.

Somewhat strangely, her right hand was wrapped in a bandage, which looked like a recent injury.

She was angry without being intimidated, and slowly scanned the lords present. Under the intimidation of this momentum, few lords dared to look at her, and the lords who had boasted before wanted to lower their heads under the table.

Maggie laughed: "Hahahaha, it seems that some people's balls have shrunk into their stomachs."

Then, she left her seat and came to Robb's side, looking at this little kid who was two or three times smaller than her, and recalled the scene when the two first met:

At that time, Maggie, like many people, was still a little suspicious of this child, and wanted to give the lord in front of her a warning, so she used a little force when shaking hands.

The result was that her right hand was wrapped in a bandage. According to the bachelor's examination, these broken bones may take a month before she can hold a sword again.

From then on, Maggie offered her loyalty without reservation.

She knelt down in front of Robb willingly: "Thank you for your trust. I will be impartial and spread your justice and fairness to every corner of the army."

Everyone looked at Robb sitting in front of the behemoth with a normal face, casually covering his hand on Maggie's head to honor her, and their hearts were full of surprise.

When did this young wolf tame this unruly giant bear?

Robb smiled and said: "This matter is settled. By the way, if anyone objects, you can take your people back to your castle now, but I promise that when I come back from fighting Lannister, I will pull you out of the bed, cut off your heads and hang them on the spear."

"As for whether I can do it, my enemies will know."

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