When the Karstark family's army appeared in Winterfell, everyone knew that the army was about to set off.

Bran Stark sat on a chair, looking at the huge crowds of people in Winterfell, and was a little dazed for a moment. Even when the king came last time, there were not so many people.

However, Robb had made a lot of arrangements early on. Although there are many people now, it is not crowded. Each family is located in one side, and there are few conflicts between each other. It seems very orderly.

Bran heard that this was the peace that his brother Robb had to chop off more than a dozen heads in order to get.

"How many people came before?" Bran asked Maester Luwin curiously.

Maester Luwin has been very busy lately, writing and drawing on paper while answering: "More than 12,000 people, the Karstark family also brought more than 2,000 people. There is not much food in the city, and the team will set out soon, otherwise we will all go to the streets to beg for food."

"With less than 15,000 people, can we rescue my father?"

Luwin's scalp tingled as he calculated these numbers: "There are also swamp people, and Earl Manderly and Earl Flint in the south will join when the army arrives in their territory. There should be knights from the Barrowland near the King's Road who want to try their luck."

I heard that there will be more With so few people joining, Bran felt a little relieved. He watched the white sunburst flag on a black background of the Karstark family slowly enter the city, and he felt a little uneasy: "My brother should treat them to a banquet."

"The Karstark family is not only one family with your family more than a thousand years ago, but among the nobles who came, they, the Severn family, the Umber family, and the Bolton family are the most powerful, so your brother will definitely treat him to a banquet in the largest banquet hall."

Because there were too many nobles coming, and most of them brought their sons, the reception room in Winterfell could not accommodate these people at all. Robb could only treat them in batches according to the strength of the nobles.

Bran didn't like this kind of occasion very much. As Robb's younger brother, he would sit on Robb's left hand side, which was the most honorable position besides Robb, but as a person with crippled legs, he could feel that the lords were staring at him with resentful eyes.

Why let a cripple sit in that position?

No one said this sentence, but Bran had heard it countless times.

There was another banquet tonight, and he had to sit in that position again, accepting everyone's strange eyes. If possible, Bran really hoped that he could get sick now and get better after those people left.

But if all of them left, Robb would also leave...

Although Bran was still young, he understood the ruthlessness of war. If Robb really had an accident on the battlefield, the Stark family would really collapse.

Then his father who was still in the capital, as well as Sansa and Arya, could not be saved...

Time passed by in his wild thoughts, and soon it was time to entertain the Karstark family. The people sent by Robb asked Bran to dress up and prepare to go to the banquet hall.

Bran felt a little headache, sighed, and changed his clothes and set off.

On the way to the banquet hall, Bran felt that this road was more difficult than his brother's road to King's Landing.

Finally arrived at the door of the banquet hall, opened the door, many lords sat around a long table, the voices were noisy, and the crowd was excited. There were also several small tables next to it, all of which were young people.

Robb was the first to see Bran arrive. He stood up, took the wheelchair armrest from the servant, and pushed Bran to his left.

Bran seemed to hear those imaginary questioning voices again, but his expression was normal. Under the influence of his brother, he learned to hide his emotions and not let others see his thoughts.

After settling his brother, Robb raised his glass: "Welcome to Lord Rickard Karstark. The Stark family will not forget this friendship. Now our team has been assembled. Tonight is not only a banquet for Uncle Rickard, but also a meeting before we set off."

The people of the Severn family, the Umber family, the Bolton family and the Karstark family have all arrived. Together with the soldiers of the Stark family, the power of the North has been gathered. It's time to start the war.

"Save old Duke Ned!"

"Go to King's Landing and kill that old bitch!"

"When I and the old duke fought the Mad King, that bitch was sold nowhere. Now she dares to imprison Ned. Let's go to King's Landing and kill her!"

When the declaration of the expedition came out, all the lords of the North were excited. Some of them were eager to make achievements, some were out of comradeship with Ned, and some were simply loyal to the Stark family.

When the lords had vented their anger, Robb smiled slightly and continued: "Everyone, be ready when you go back. The army will set off at noon tomorrow."

At this time, a rough voice sounded, and the sound was so loud that it was like a thunder in people's ears: "Our family's team must go in front, at least not behind the Severn family!"

The loud noise scared everyone present, only Robb looked normal, with a faint smile on his lips.

Robb looked at the man, Jon Umber, the patriarch of the Umber family. Because his son who was flirting with him was also named Jon, people generally called him Bigjon. He was more than two meters tall, and even though he was wearing heavy armor, you could see that his sturdy body was full of amazing strength. People's first impression of him was that of a ferocious beast.

Robb said slowly: "Great Jon, you are in my army now. We can discuss the specific plan, but the result may not be what you want. Finally, this is the most important point. After the military order comes out, no matter whether you are satisfied or not, you must execute it. Do you understand?"

Great Jon didn't listen to Robb's words at all: "What military order to execute? If my team is behind, I will go back immediately!"

Meiqi Severn and Rickard Karstark on the side changed their faces.

Robb was not in a hurry. He sat leisurely on the chair and looked at Maggie, the captain of the military law team who had just taken office not long ago: "If Great Jon really leaves, according to the latest military law, what is the crime of swearing to me and then deserting in battle?"

Maggie stood up suddenly, looked at the other party with her body size that was not inferior to Great Jon, held the knife at her waist, and uttered two words word by word: "Behead."

No one doubted that as long as Robb gave an order, she would cut the other party without hesitation.

"You said I deserted the battlefield, you piss-and-green little devil?!"

The Great Jon had no reaction to beheading, but when he heard the humiliating word "deserting the battlefield", he instantly became furious. He and Ned had fought for their entire lives, and he was upright and loyal, and he regarded honor as more important than life. When he heard this, his mind was in a mess and he reached out to his waist to get a knife.


Grey Wind, who had been sitting at Robb's feet and gnawing bones, suddenly smelled the smell of danger. He suddenly jumped onto the table and looked at the Great Jon who was about to draw his knife against his master. His eyes were wide open and he opened his mouth to bite the Great Jon.

This scene happened so quickly that the nobles present did not react.

But what happened next made everyone unable to react.

An invisible suction gravity suddenly appeared on Robb, and Bran, who was close to Robb, felt it most obviously. He felt that he was about to leave the wheelchair and fly towards Robb!

Grey Wind kept the biting posture in the air, and the next second his body flew backwards under the influence of this force, landing accurately on the table in front of Robb!

This is a kind of gravity magic, which can pull the enemy towards him.

Robb controlled the direction and the main target, mainly pulling Grey Wind, otherwise everyone in the room would instantly lose balance and fall to the ground!

What kind of magical power is this?

Everyone's brain was blank for a short time. Old Gods, is this power a miracle?

"Woo woo woo woo..."

Grey Wind, who was pulled back by gravity, still instinctively wanted to pounce forward, but his whole body was suppressed by a hand. It was Robb's hand. He grabbed Grey Wind's spine and pressed him directly on the table. The struggling wolf claws overturned the pots and pans in front of Bran.

Everyone stared at Robb, who was leaning on the chair with a relaxed look. What a powerful force, easily suppressing the direwolf with one hand? !

Only Maggie was not surprised at all. Robb could crush his hand bones directly, so it was not so exaggerated to suppress a direwolf.

Robb held down the huge and frantic direwolf with one hand, and explained to it with a smile: "Don't be so excited, Grey Wind. Great Jon just wants to help us cut the most delicious piece of mutton."

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