The Tully family of the Riverlands, whose family emblem is a fish, is also known as the Fish Family. Like the Stark family in the north, they are a ruling family with dukedom and are loyal to most nobles in the Riverlands.

Why did the Tully family fight with the Lannister family?

Naturally, he also responded to the call of the Stark family and prepared to go to King's Landing to rescue Ned.

The Tully family and the Stark family are related by marriage. Robb's mother is the eldest daughter of Duke Tully. Family ties and political alliances have long intertwined the interests of the two families.

There are seven great dukes in Westeros today, and only Duke Tully is Robb's absolute ally.

The Tully family's army was severely defeated by Jaime the Kingslayer, and an earl died. They were immediately in a critical juncture. This also caused Robb to be passive and his allies were besieged. The next strategic choice was It's very important. One bad move will cause a chain reaction and lead to a complete collapse of morale.

According to the intelligence from the spies, the morale of Jaime the Kingslayer's army increased greatly after winning the battle. He gathered the troops of the West and set out from the Golden Tooth City to fight towards Riverrun, the headquarters of the Tully family in the Riverlands. They encountered almost no enemies along the way. The army in the Riverlands fled when they saw the lion banner of the Lannister family, showing signs of defeat before fighting.

The army was resting and the sky was dark. All the lords and lords in the Cailin Bay Fortress also received the news. Their moods were as gloomy as the sky at this time.

In the conference room, Robb looked at the lords who had gathered. Just as he was about to start the meeting, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Robb's men all know the rules. At this important time, no one would dare to knock on this door unless there is something urgent.

"come in."

Robb's voice was not loud, but it was very powerful. The people outside the door clearly heard the coach's words in the noisy environment.

The door was almost pushed open. The first person who rushed in was not a person, but a pungent smell of blood and stench. Then a soldier with dried blood on his face and wounds all over his body rushed in before he could be bandaged. .

Robb recognized the man for a while before he recognized him as one of the knights who followed his father to King's Landing.

The first words he spoke made all the nobles present tremble: "Lord Robb! Our army is defeated, Lord Tywin is here to kill us!"

Robb waved his hand to signal the other person to calm down, and then walked up to him. Before the other person could speak, he made a fist with one hand and bowed slightly. A golden rune instantly appeared on the ground, and golden light came from the rune and Robb's hand. It burst out and enveloped the knight.

The wounds on the knight's body immediately healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Amid everyone's dull eyes, he stood up and moved his limbs incredibly, confirming that he had fully recovered. He was shocked in his heart. I didn't know what to say for a moment.

Restore prayer and perform miracles through the power of Eldon's Circle.

"This this……"

"Old God, this is a miracle!" Great Jon was the first to recover from the shock and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Is this magic? Or is it a miracle performed by the old gods?" Rickard Karstark was also stunned.

Robb waved lightly to signal all the lords to quiet down, and then asked the bruised knight just now in a calm tone: "Tell all the lords here clearly what you know."

"Yes... before Duke Ned was captured, he sent us to take people to find Lord Tywin in the name of the king, asking him to return to King's Landing to explain the frame-up of the Tully family. But when we arrived, the king had died suddenly, and Tywin They didn’t even acknowledge that we were following the king’s orders, and they led people to fight against us. We were defeated by Lord Tywin, and most of them were killed. I managed to escape, and I was separated from the others.”

Speaking of this, the knight was a little scared: "I originally wanted to go back to King's Landing to find Lord Ned, but I heard that they imprisoned Lord Ned, and Lord Tywin also led countless troops to attack the Riverlands, burning fire along the way. He has killed and looted several noble castles, and now Lord Tywin is approaching the King's Road and is preparing to capture Harrenhal."


The knight's words made all the lords present feel a chill in their hearts. Tywin's victory was beyond everyone's imagination. The war had just begun. Before his side even moved, the other side was already killing them like crazy.

Now Tywin, the old lion, is attacking along the King's Road, and his son Jaime is leading the army to hunt down the defeated soldiers from the west. The father and son of the Lannister family have shown strong military capabilities from the beginning.

Now the Lannister family has many choices. Tywin can join forces with the Kingslayer to attack the Tully family's Riverrun. Once Riverrun is lost, the northern armies will have no hope of going south.

Tywin can also fight in a roundabout way and wait for Jaime to attack Riverrun. Anyway, their side has the advantage. The people in Riverrun have long lost their will to fight. He only needs to encircle the point to bring reinforcements and wander near the King's Road. As long as Robb has Action can be taken immediately, putting the army in the north into a dilemma of being attacked from both sides.

The current situation can be said to be very bad, and the lords in the north are beginning to have differences.

Rickard Karstark first put forward an opinion: "We should go to support immediately. Jaime has bitten a main team under the Tully family. If this continues, our allies will be killed and maimed! As long as we can fight with Together, the Tully troops can capture the regicide!"

"No, no!" Great Jon objected loudly: "We should go after that old thing Tywin first. The Kingslayer is just a young boy. You don't know how insidious that old bastard Tywin is. We should attack Tywin first by surprise. As long as we catch Tywin, we can win!"

Old Peeler did not give a strategic plan, but just analyzed the current situation: "Greywater Watch is helping us guard the swamp. Tywin can't hit us. I think he is likely to go back to find his son Jaime."

"Maybe we should stay in Moat Cailin and wait until the situation outside becomes clear before going out."

"Be a coward? I want you to be one, and do we have enough food?!"

The people below were arguing, and Robb just listened silently, without rashly expressing his opinion. This is what a commander-in-chief should do.

The rest of the lords are his vassals, not friends. He can listen to their opinions, but he will never argue with them. He just needs to listen to all the information and make a decision.

The argument lasted for a long time, and everyone was a little tired of it. Then they realized that Robb, who was sitting at the top, had not spoken a word, but was listening carefully to the argument. The noise of the argument gradually died down, and everyone looked at Robb. Unconsciously, everyone was expecting Robb to come up with an idea.

There must be someone in charge.

"Master Robb, you should give us an idea." Old Roose Bolton spoke first.

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