Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 7: A strategy to seek death

"Don't panic, uncles."

Robb stroked the hair blown up by Gray Wind and smoothed it down one by one. The lords present inexplicably felt that their restless hearts were slowly calmed down by Robb's calm behavior. When they first heard about our army's defeat, The uneasiness caused by the overwhelming enemy force was relieved a lot, and I even regained some of my ability to think calmly.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Robb spoke slowly: "Although the Lannisters and their sons fought beautifully, they are not without their weaknesses. I heard that my father exposed Joffrey in public as the father-in-law of Jaime and Thrall. The product of Xi's close relatives, that's why he was imprisoned by them, but the news has spread throughout the continent, and I conclude that King Robert's two younger brothers will not let Joffrey sit on the throne peacefully. "

The former King Robert Baratheon was also one of the seven nobles in Westeros who could inherit the title of Duke. However, during the war against the Mad King, Ned Stark removed Jaime the Kingslayer from the Iron King. Pulled off the throne and pushed Robert up.

Therefore, the original title of the Baratheon family was held by Robert's younger brother. In addition, Robert also had a younger brother who assisted Robert in King's Landing.

Legally speaking, if Joffrey loses his legal inheritance rights, both of them have the right to inherit the throne, and both of them are titular grand dukes. One is the Duke of Storm's End of the Baratheon family, and the other is the original Duke of Storm's End. The Duke of Dragonstone ruled by the Mad King Targaryen.

Both of them have soldiers and provisions, and the law is still on their side. They will fight for the throne no matter what.

Therefore, the Lannister family that supports King's Landing is about to face a multi-front battle. Once the melee begins, they will definitely not be able to withstand the siege of the other four dukes. Time is not on their side.

That's why they launched an all-out attack on the Tully family in the Riverlands at the beginning of the war, trying to quickly reduce the four Dukes' enemies to three.

The lords present were all nobles, and they were familiar with this information. They all nodded to express their agreement with Robb's point of view, but they still looked worried.

The Lannister family is having a hard time, and I'm not much better off either!

Everyone's goal is King's Landing. Robert's two brothers will not regard themselves and others as allies, but only as secondary competitors. The battle for the throne has always been winner-take-all.

Moreover, the current pressure from the Lannister family is still there, and the old Duke Ned also needs to be rescued. Time will not be on the side of the Stark family either.

Robb continued to caress Gray Wind and said his strategic plan: "I have decided that our main force will attack Tywin first, but we will not sneak attack Tywin before he can react. We will cross Swamp, confront Tywin, trap Tywin in Harrenhal and not let him come out!"


Is Robb crazy? !

This was the first thought that came to the minds of all the nobles present.

This strategy is extremely ridiculous. Not to mention that your uncle's family is in danger to save your father and is screaming at the top of his lungs just waiting for you to rescue him. It is also quite unreasonable to cross the swamp and confront Tywin!

This is not just stupid, it is simply stupid!

Why not use the huge geographical advantage of the swamp, but instead cross the swamp and block your retreat?

Why not strike before the opponent can react?

Tywin could completely clear out all the small nobles in the riverlands near the King's Road in a short period of time, and then hide in Harrenhal to face the army in the north.

When Jaime the Kingslayer takes Riverrun and destroys the Tully family, the army in the north will be in a dangerous situation of being attacked from both sides!

Even if Robb was so mad that he figured it out and turned around to beat Jaime, then Tywin could have calmly come out of the castle and chased the North's ass.

Either take Jaime, attack Tywin by surprise, or stay in Moat Cailin.

These were three obvious strategies, but our Master Robb chose none of them. He chose to die.

Rickard Karstark wailed: "We will lose the battle!"

Roose Bolton said nothing. He stared at Robb, wanting to know what the young wolf was up to, or was he just being foolhardy and a military idiot who liked to give random orders?

The little lords below also talked a lot, some supported unconditionally, some were worried, and some strongly opposed.

The Great Jon and Meggie from Bear Island were not unusual at all. After hearing Robb's deployment, they immediately threw away all the other messy thoughts in their minds and determined to resolutely carry out Robb's military orders.

Even if he can't defeat him, he still admits it, and dying for a warrior like Robb is full of honor.

Robb glanced coldly at the reaction of the lord below: "This matter has been decided, but we are not in a hurry to set off. The cavalry of the Mandalay family and the people from the creek are on their way. We will set off when the army is assembled. Fight against Tywin!"

Seeing Robb's words, the lords knew that there was no room for further discussion on the matter, so they could only accept the result.

Robb showed his extraordinary skills in Winterfell and completely conquered several great lords. No one can object to the decisions he made.

Robb called out to everyone again: "While waiting for the Mandalay family, I hope you can train your soldiers well and prepare for the next fight."


"One more thing. I need to select a personal guard team. The number is about three hundred. This team must be all cavalry and well-equipped. I hope to go to your camp tomorrow to select some warriors."

The lords did not react to this request. Unlike the five hundred soldiers that Robb and Lord Severn wanted, these cavalrymen were very loyal to the lords and would not borrow them and not return them.

Especially the knights appointed by the lords themselves, they would only be responsible for the object of their loyalty.

In fact, many nobles were eager for such a good thing, because in this way they could legitimately put their children next to Robb.

Many nobles were waiting for this moment, otherwise why would Rickard Karstark bring both of his sons, and why would Mickey Severn bring his daughter. Now, if they don’t think about fighting every day, they think about how to send their almost thirty-year-old daughter to Robb’s bed.

And the commander must be protected by the personal guards no matter what, otherwise there will be no eyes on the battlefield. If the commander falls first, the situation will fall into defeat directly, which is something that everyone present does not want to see.

Rickard Karstark changed his sad expression: "Lord Robb, you must choose my two sons, they are both excellent young men."

"My son Little Jon is better than your two sons put together!"

The lords started discussing enthusiastically again.

Everyone knows that Robb is the future Duke of Winterfell. At this time, they can cultivate feelings on the battlefield, and the descendants of their own family at least have a boss to support them.

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