Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 8 The Birth of Wolf Cavalry

Training the guards is Robb's top priority now. Although the team that is about to be born has only 300 people, they are all carefully selected armored cavalry from various families.

As long as the cavalry can show their momentum and break the opponent's mentality with a round of charge, these 300 people can chase and kill tens of thousands of ordinary infantry.

Armored cavalry is the most unsolvable killing weapon in this era.

"Don't let those who are shorter than the horse's neck, don't let those who can't lift this stone, don't let those who can't ride a horse around the Cailin Bay, don't let those who are too old, don't let those who take shortcuts..."

Because in the process of advancing, nobles along the way joined one after another, Robb's army increased from 15,000 at the start to 18,000, and the number of cavalry was about 3,000. There was still a lot of room for selection to choose one out of ten, so the conditions were also very high.

However, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the North is generally higher than that of ordinary places. Even though Robb's requirements are so strict, in the end there are 294 cavalry who meet the requirements and are successfully selected.

Big Jon's son Little Jon, including two sons of the Karstark family and one son of the Severn family, were also selected.

There is no shady deal here. Robb strictly selects all the guards according to the requirements, but the children of the nobles are born to eat and drink well, and their bodies are naturally much stronger than ordinary farm boys. In addition, most of their fathers have participated in the crusade against the Mad King, and they will start training their children from an early age.

These requirements of Robb are all daily routines for them, and they can pass them easily.

On the training ground, 294 cavalrymen stood neatly in a square formation. Most of them were strong young men in their twenties and thirties, holding a long spear in their hands. The tip of the spear emitted a cold light under the sunlight. The armor on their bodies was new and old, but very solid.

What can distinguish them from ordinary farm boys and craftsmen is their firm and sharp eyes. Those eyes are full of loyalty, honor, greed and ruthlessness. This is a very combat-capable team.

Robb, wearing brown leather armor, rode a horse and inspected the front of the team. He nodded with satisfaction. This was the team he needed, but they were still missing something, and what he had to do was to make up for it.

"Back then, Aegon, the ancestor of the Targaryen family, rode three dragons and came to Westeros from another continent, sweeping across other countries on the continent and finally completing the unification. In this process, six of the original seven kingdoms either surrendered or were burned to barbecue by dragons."

Robb paused when talking about the history of the Westeros continent: "However, only the southernmost Dorne Kingdom, their lords and their people did not act recklessly or surrender when facing powerful enemies. When the dragons came, they hid underground. When the dragons left, they took up arms and fought under the leadership of their lords."

"In the end, they were the only kingdom that was not conquered by the Targaryen family! Instead, they were incorporated into the kingdom through a relatively equal way such as marriage and became dukedoms."

" They are a group of warriors, not for anything else, just because they have the courage to draw their swords when facing strong enemies, and absolute trust in the lord! "

"I hope that you can also become such a warrior. As my personal guard, you must have courage beyond ordinary people and complete trust in me. If you can do it, I, the son of the North, Robb Stark, swear here that I will never let you down, and you will get the rewards you deserve. "

At this time, the brother Theon who was arranged by Robb in the personal guard team shouted loudly: "For the North, loyalty!"

Under the guidance of this, the rest of the personal guard members were also infected by this atmosphere, and began to shout loyalty together. At first, they were a little scattered, but then gradually integrated together to form a unique momentum.

"Loyalty! !"

"Loyalty! !"

"Loyalty! !"

The soldiers shouted three times, the sound was louder and more orderly each time, and the last one resounded through the world, and the shouts of the soldiers could be clearly heard throughout the Bay of Cailin.

Of course, this was just a temporary atmosphere. Everyone was a little excited for a while. If most people here were really asked to offer their loyalty, I'm afraid that the dogs on the roadside would stick their butts out and shit to show that they couldn't.

Robb waved his hand and signaled his men to take out a bag.

Hearing the crackling sound of metal collision inside, some knights who lived in poverty instantly widened their eyes. They would definitely not have heard this sound wrong!

Golden dragons!

A large bag of golden dragons!

Robb stretched out his hand and grabbed a dozen golden dragons in the bag. Many golden dragons fell back into the bag through the gaps between Robb's fingers, making the most pleasant sound in the world.


Many cavalrymen swallowed their saliva. Just the handful of gold in Robb's hand was enough for a soldier to buy a good horse, ask a blacksmith to make a top-notch armor, find the most expensive girl, and have no worries about food and drink for the rest of his life!

It's true that money can move people's hearts.

Seeing the expressions of the crowd, Robb smiled and said, "Yes, it's just as you think. The money in this bag is all yours."

The soldiers in the audience paused and their heartbeats accelerated. Was this lord too generous? How long would it take to spend so much money?

"But," Robb loosened his hand and threw all the gold dragons in his hand back into the bag: "If you want to take this money, you have to pay a price. As I said just now, you have to trust me and obey me completely in the next training for new recruits."

"Sir, do you mean to ask us to sell our lives to you for this little money?" a knight said boldly.

"Of course not," Robb shook his head, "This money is your reward. If you take a gold dragon from me, you have to work for me for a month. During this month, my military orders are everything. If you violate the rules, I will chop off your heads. Of course, after this month, if you still want to take the gold dragon, you can stay. If you want to leave, I won't stop you."

"My words are very clear. If you don't want to, and want to leave now, there is a silver deer in the other bag. You can take one and go."

Hearing Robb say this, many cavalrymen felt a little relieved. Those who betrayed Master Robb were given a silver deer. If they followed him, would they still be wronged?

When Robb was still in Winterfell, he formulated a series of military laws and set up a military law team to supervise their implementation. Maggie and Robb chopped off many people's heads according to the law, but everyone was convinced because Robb and his military law team always adhered to four words: impartiality.

Everyone saw what the lord did, and everyone had a consensus in their hearts about what kind of lord Robb was.

They believed that Robb was a man worth following.

Other wandering knights actually didn't care about Robb's character. They only cared about money. They came to the war for money. Now the war hasn't started yet, and the golden dragon has been obtained. This lord is very generous.

Other noble children don't care about money or whether Robb is fair. What they need is Robb's friendship. No one wants to quit.

In the end, only four people with concerns walked away in disgrace with the silver deer in the eyes of everyone's contempt. The remaining 290 people chose to stay and stay with Robb.

Robb looked at these people and felt quite emotional, so he grabbed a handful of golden dragons from his bag and threw them into the sky, letting the golden rain fall on every soldier.

"From today on, you are called wolf riders."

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