Game of Thrones: From Lord Elden to Young Wolf

Chapter 61 Iron-blooded Lady Bear

When the words of knighthood came out of Mrs. Bear's mouth, the atmosphere at the scene instantly became quiet.

In Westeros, there is a gulf between nobles and commoners.

Not to mention being a baron, even conferring a knight is a very troublesome matter.

Especially for ordinary people in the north, being canonized as a knight is almost impossible.

To become a knight, you must first stay vigil in the church, accept the anointing of seven holy oils by the monks, and recite the oath before you can be blessed. In the north, most people believe in the old gods, and few nobles are converted to the Seven Gods, so they are not canonized as knights.

But now that His Majesty Robb has promised to be knighted, he will not break his promise. Everyone believes that what His Majesty said will definitely come true.

This is a great opportunity to change your class!

Many wealthy families, such as blacksmiths and landowners, may have spent generations working hard just for the title of knight.

Now that Robb is willing to give such an opportunity, with the endorsement of the Stark family who have ruled the North for eight thousand years, his soldiers will definitely fall into fanaticism!

The Greatjon and Rickard Karstark looked at each other and neither objected anymore.

They know that once the knighthood is included in the rewards that can be exchanged for military merit points, anyone who opposes it will become the enemy of all soldiers.

They also know that if His Majesty is willing to knight ordinary soldiers, what about them nobles?

What they get will definitely not be less than ordinary soldiers!

As expected, Mrs. Bear Meiji continued to read out Robb's policy: "The nobles who participate in the war will also receive military merit points. How many people you send, how many enemies you kill, and how many tasks you complete will be judged by His Majesty Robb himself."

Greatjon said eagerly: "What can we exchange for it?"

Meiji said calmly: "This is the land beneath your feet."

All the nobles gasped, somewhat in disbelief.

"His Majesty Robb will ennoble the family members you designate, and let those without inheritance rights obtain the land they conquered, as long as your military merit points are sufficient."

Robb followed the Qin system and first reformed the soldiers.

The first is that all spoils of war belong to the public, and Robb has the right to dispose of all spoils of war.

Each soldier can achieve class jump through performance on the battlefield. With 5,000 military merit points, he can become a knight, and with 10,000 military merit points, he can become a wealthy knight.

Each noble can get a bigger cake, and the conquered cities will be canonized to your heirs based on your performance.

If you don't want the original fief, you can also give the original fief to your heirs and go to a bigger and better fief yourself.

Sir Blackfish looked at the increasingly excited expressions on the faces of the nobles below and recalled the time when he and His Majesty discussed this matter.


"Killing an enemy will earn you 100 military merit points. Finding an animal will also earn you 100 military merit points. You can also buy and sell military merits freely. In this way, a large number of nobles will appear immediately, right?"

Robb looked at Sir Blackfish and did not answer the question, but asked: "How many troops are there in the entire Westeros continent besides us?"

"Probably, hundreds of thousands..."

Robb explained: "If there are 200,000 people, and each person has 100 military merit points, 200,000 people will be 20 million military merit points. In other words, I only need to canonize 2,000 wealthy knights to conquer the entire nation. Kill all the soldiers in the mainland.”

Blackfish suddenly realized that he understood Robb's algorithm.

According to Robb's system, others may make money, but Robb will never lose!

Not to mention killing all of the hundreds of thousands of troops in the mainland, but at least fifty thousand people can be killed. Basically, the entire continent will surrender under Robb's feet.

If a commoner jumps over and becomes a landed knight, will he have to buy slaves from Robb?

Are you going to buy the woman from Robb?

Your fiefdom is by the sea, do you want to buy a boat?

Your fiefdom is on land, does it require livestock for farming?

Where do these come from?

All taken from Robb's enemies, and all at Robb's disposal.

Replacing these will cost military points!

A rough estimate is that only more than 300 full-fledged knights need to be canonized, and all the military merit points produced will be consumed.

At that time, Robb had already obtained the entire continent of Westeros.

As for the interests of the nobles, Robb would reward them with cities and fiefs, so they must also support Robb in retaining some fiefs for himself.

All the spoils were in Robb's hands, and Robb must have eaten the biggest piece.


"Your Majesty's order will probably uproot the entire Western Territory."

Sir Blackfish came back to his senses and saw that the nobles below could hardly contain their agitation and asked Sir Blackfish to continue sending troops.

They want military merit!

Sir Blackfish quickly spoke to reassure: "Don't be anxious, the army will rest in Brand City first. Madam Bear's military law team will distribute all these messages to all soldiers in the next few days to let them understand the rules."

"At the same time, I will also summarize your military achievements in attacking Brand City and Oxford Town in the past few days. After reporting them to His Majesty Robb for confirmation, you can exchange them for what you want."

"All soldiers have to intensify their training in the past few days. In a few days, we will attack Cliff City. After Brand City and Cliff City are occupied by us, most of the coastline of the Western Region will be under our control. When the time comes, you can freely go and grab it. Bar."

"You are all His Majesty's most trusted people. This robbery is a reward from His Majesty. The military merit system is also the first to be tested on your army. Don't let Your Majesty down."

Sir Blackfish finished his words and drew the pie.

But this pie was delicious and tasty, and it was almost in front of everyone. No one didn't want to eat it.

Great Jon blushed: "For His Majesty! For the King of the North!"

The other small nobles who were attached to the three main nobles also cheered. They shouted Robb's name and wanted to plant the flag of the North all over Westeros.


In the next few days, the Branded City was full of people.

Many soldiers from the North and the Riverlands were beheaded.

The reason was simple, killing innocent people to gain merit.

The villages near the Branded City were looted. According to regulations, all villagers would belong to Robb as spoils of war, but some soldiers with a sharp mind would certainly not miss this good opportunity to gain military merit points.

Some people even took their children who had not grown up to claim the reward.

Lady Maggie checked these people one by one.

Those who were found to have killed innocent people to gain merits began to be liquidated. Those who had military merit points could get one hundred military merit points for one life, and those who did not have enough points could borrow.

If you can't borrow it, then I'm sorry, behead them.

Mrs. Bear took the sword given to her by Robb and chopped off heads for two days.

It is said that the soldiers discussed privately that a noble violated the military law, and Greatjon took people to find Maggie to make trouble and asked to let his brother go, but was still beheaded by Lady Maggie.

Even if Greatjon and Rickard Karstark both drew their swords at that time, Mrs. Bear Maggie didn't blink an eye.

The people of Bear Island only recognize the orders of the King of the North.

And the King of the North can only be Stark.

After hundreds of heads were pushed into the Jingguan according to Robb's previous instructions, this trend was finally curbed.

Mrs. Bear Maggie was also called the "Iron-blooded Lady Bear" because she chopped off three or four small nobles.

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