Luanhe City.

Robb is inspecting the 4,000 soldiers under Stevron.

Although the old weasel is cunning and insidious, he is not too bad at training soldiers, at least the foundation of these soldiers is not too bad.

Robb taught Stevron the basic knowledge of military training. After a week of training, the 4,000 men are now in good shape.

They can quickly move when the whistle blows when they gather and form square formations. Although they are just for show, they are enough to scare people.

After watching, Robb nodded: "Let's get ready to set off tomorrow. Go back to Cailin Bay along the King's Road first, and visit the bottom of the stream and the tombs of the ancestors after resting."

Stevron was very excited. These few days were the first time he tasted the taste of being a lord.

He said what he meant and obeyed his orders.

He has been waiting for this feeling for more than 60 years, and now he finally got what he wanted!

And all this was brought to him by Robb.

"Your Majesty, we can set off at any time. I promise that I will never let you down."

Robb didn't say anything else. He didn't plan to implement the military merit system for this team.

The nobles who robbed the Westerly were either his diehards or had made great contributions on the battlefield.

In the eyes of outsiders, the military merit system is a proper reward policy.

So Robb has to treat them differently, attract the rest of the team, and inspire their fighting spirit.

Of course, they may not react to the military merit system now, because most of them are farmers and craftsmen, and many of them may not be literate.

Knights are too far away and too unattainable for them.

However, when Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Er Mazi around them are rewarded by this system, buy a wife or a good livestock, or even become knights!

Then they will have a very deep understanding of this system.

Robb decided that after dealing with the Iron Islands, he could hold a grand noble enthronement meeting.

On the last day in Luanhe City, Robb called Stevron and five centurions to continue teaching them some basic tactical knowledge of war.

These knowledge are the wisdom and experience of the predecessors, but they have not appeared in this world.


The next day, under the gloomy gaze of the old weasel, Robb set off with 500 wolf cavalry and 4,000 infantry.

During the days living in Luanhe City, Robb was afraid that the old weasel would be frightened by his achievements and dare not rebel, so he not only occupied his bedroom, but also called him to scold him from time to time.

Let this old weasel lose face in front of his sons and grandsons, and strengthen the old weasel's determination to rebel and betray.

After Robb left, the mountain that weighed on the old weasel was finally removed.

His body trembled slightly: "Damn it, damn it! Help me go to the study, I want to write back to that adult!"

The sons around him were a little confused, but they still obeyed his idea.

On the King's Road, Stevron was a little puzzled.

"Your Majesty, you brought all my confidants out, and the subsequent taxation and grain transportation of Luanhe City may be hindered."

Robb said indifferently: "Anyway, the grain and grass have been transported out, enough for us to use for three or four months. If your father is not given the sweetness of regaining control of Luanhe City, how can he be obsessed with this feeling?"

Stevron didn't quite understand, but he heard confidence from Robb's words, so he didn't ask again.

The road to Cailin Bay was very smooth.

Tywin had withdrawn his troops, and there was no trace of the enemy along the way.

Some bandits born out of the war saw such a large army and the direwolf flag that every northerner would recognize, and they turned around and ran away out of fear.

After a day of rest in Cailin Bay, Robb briefly checked the training of the remaining soldiers, and then left Stevron and 3,000 soldiers in Cailin Bay.

Robb took the 2,000 people in Cailin Bay and the 1,000 people in Luanhe City and continued to set off for his first destination-the Tomb of the Ancients.

On the way, Centurion Clay Severn, who was familiar with various families, introduced Robb to the current noble of the Barrows of the First Men - Lady Barbara.

"Lady Barbara is a widow. Her husband went to the battlefield with the old Duke Eddard Stark and never came back."

"In addition, she is the youngest daughter of the noble Earl Rodrik Lacewell of the Streamland. I heard that she is very favored."

Robb laughed twice after hearing this: "No wonder the nobles of the Streamland and the Barrows of the First Men are so united. It turns out to be this Lady Barbara."

Clay Severn was a little embarrassed and continued: "It is said that Lady Barbara is in love with your Majesty's uncle, Brandon Stark. But your uncle signed a marriage contract with the Tully family, and later the old duke fulfilled the marriage contract on behalf of your uncle, so Lady Barbara has always..."

Robb didn't really know much about this origin. After all, in the original story, the Barrows of the First Men was just a small story line.

Robb sighed: "What a jealous woman. I didn't expect that after so many years, she is still dissatisfied with the Stark family because of this matter."

This kind of woman is a bit difficult to deal with. Their emotions are often direct and passionate. They will not be like the old weasel, who will wag his tail and beg for mercy just because the situation is temporarily out of control.

Even if they die, they will not let themselves be wronged.

Although it is not impossible to kill her directly, the earl of the stream will definitely be dissatisfied with his behavior.

I can't kill them all.


It seems that killing them all is not impossible.

But you must have a legitimate reason and excuse to kill someone, otherwise you will be like that mad king and be collectively opposed by the aristocratic forces across the continent.

I can't kill all the nobles in the entire continent by myself.

The continent of Westeros will directly regress in civilization, which goes against his own instinct to become the Great Emperor.

"Let's see what tricks that old woman can do first."

The team walked for another five days, and Robb finally saw the Tomb Hall, the castle of the Ancestors.

In front of the castle, a group of cavalry lined up neatly holding two crossed long rusty axes with black handles on a yellow background and a black crown flag in the middle.

They are well-equipped and in good spirits.

But compared to Robb's wolf cavalry, they were far behind.

Led by Robb, the wolf cavalry slowly approached the opponent. The murderous spirit and vitality accumulated through several battles gave this team a strange aura.

The cavalrymen in the Tomb Hall gradually calmed down the expressions on their faces and began to observe the wolf cavalry carefully.

A woman rode out of the Tomb Hall.

There were wrinkles around her mouth and around her eyes, but she remained tall, straight, and dignified in appearance. Her hair was half brown and gray, tied into a widow's knot at the back of her head.

Needless to say, Robb knew immediately that this was Lady Barber.

Ignoring the others, Robb rode up to Lady Barber and met her eyes.

"Mrs. Barber, what have I done to deserve you to disrespect me so much?"

Robb's small military class (attended by Steve Lun and five centurions):

Sun Tzu's Art of War's Four Terrain Marching and Camping Theory:

When marching in the mountains, you should advance along the river valley, and camp on higher ground facing the sun.

When camping in an area with dense river network, you should stay far away from the river. When camping in the middle of the river, you should choose a high and sunny place; if the enemy crosses the river, you should attack him halfway; do not choose a place close to the river for a decisive battle.

Avoid marching in swamps. If you must fight in swamps, choose a place with your back against trees, which is stronger.

When camping in plain areas, choose a high place facing the sun, because the camping area here is dry and the personnel are safer.

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