The day before the wedding, Robb led people to Luanhe City.

There were not many people accompanying him, they were basically Robb's royal ministers and their families.

Catelyn walked with the two sisters Sansa and Arya. The three of them were whispering with joyful expressions on their faces, probably discussing Uncle Edmure's affair.

Brienne the Beauty and Sandor the Hound are responsible for guarding the three.

Jon and Jon looked at the hound with a groan. Before the hound came, the father and son were the tallest and strongest warriors under Robb. Now a knight who had been the Kingsguard suddenly appeared, which made them a little unhappy.

You must find an opportunity to fight this hunting dog!

Robb did not bring many troops, and arranged for the Skinners soldiers stationed at Harrenhal to provide security.

In addition, some nobles from the Riverlands who returned to other places also came, and they also brought many soldiers, such as the Bracken family and the Darry family.

Unlike the cheerful welcoming team, Uncle Edmure Tully looked a little sad: "The old weasel is a small-minded man. He will definitely take revenge on me and send an old and ugly daughter to marry me."

Edmure shuddered at the thought that the old weasel might have a daughter in her fifties.

Robb smiled slightly: "Don't worry, at least he will definitely give you a fertile girl. If it doesn't look good, just turn off the light and have the baby first."

Edmure sighed and walked into the hall of Luanhe City with his family.

Here, the old weasel has made his daughters stand in a row, waiting for Edmure's selection.

The old weasel looked very weak, as if he was about to die, but the smile on his face was extremely bright: "Look who is here, my future son-in-law, Sir Edmure!"

His posture was very low and his condition was very poor. This was to confuse his opponent.

Caitlin pinched her brother and said, "Stop crying and looking sad, go and choose a bride."

Edmure sighed, finally reaching this point...

With an attitude of looking forward to death, Edmure stepped forward, looking back and forth among the daughters displayed by the old weasel.

So ugly...Little Weasel...Little Weasel No. 2...Little Weasel No. 3...

Xiao Huang...what a beautiful beauty!

Finally, Edmure's eyes came to rest on an incredibly beautiful girl.

This girl looks less than twenty years old, but she has a beauty that is different from the Frey family, with outstanding temperament, skin as white as cream, mouth as pretty as a cherry, slender waist, tall figure...

Edmure's eyes instantly straightened: "I want this to be my bride!"

Everyone present heard the urgency in his tone and burst into laughter.

Edmure's face was a little red with embarrassment, but this could not stop him from choosing the beautiful Roslin as his bride. His face instantly changed, he stepped forward with a smile on his face, and took Roslin's hand.

What delicate, silky hands!

As he thought this, a smug smile appeared on his lips, and he looked around.

Sansa asked Catelyn curiously: "Mother, what do you think of the aunt my uncle has chosen for us?"

Caitlin frowned: "It's not good. I should choose the one next to me with a bigger butt, so that I can have more children."

Robb on the side almost didn't laugh out loud. He didn't expect that this kind of concept still exists in this world. It seems that there are commonalities in the world.

Arya felt a little pitiful about the girl: "She's crying."

Caitlin said matter-of-factly: "Girls are like this. When they get married for the first time and are about to face an unknown life alone, of course they will cry."

Arya teased: "Sansa and Joffrey didn't cry when they were getting married. They even tried on new dresses every day."

When Sansa was mentioned about the dark history of Silly Baitian, she said angrily: "Don't talk about it anymore, that was before!"

The ceremony of choosing the bride is over, the guests and the host are enjoying themselves, and everyone's face is filled with a happy atmosphere.

Edmure took his little wife back to the new house and comforted him with an unprecedented tenderness: "Why are you crying..."

Everyone also dispersed to prepare for the wedding dinner the next day.


At noon the next day, Robb and Old Weasel attended the wedding ceremony.

The priest held a ceremony for the two newlyweds, Edmure and Roslin, and read out the oaths. Everything was going on in an orderly manner.

But the bride kept choking, and some lords below started to boo.

"Hahahaha, we Sir Edmure have been romantically involved for so long, we know how to please girls without you having to tell us!"

Then came some dirty words that were inappropriate for children.

No one took it seriously.

As the protagonist of the wedding, it was normal for Edmure to be teased.

When the priest announced that the ceremony was over and they had become an official couple, Edmure grabbed his bride and fled the scene.

The old weasel looked at the two people leaving with a faint smile on his lips.


In the evening, the party began.

From the musicians' balcony at the bottom of the hall, the wail of the flute, the trill of the long pipe, the shriek of the violin and the roar of the horn came simultaneously.

The guests crowded together and enjoyed the wine, fruits and vegetables from the Reach and the meat from Luanhe City.

Robb complied with custom and twirled around the hall with the girls, offering dances.

The Great Jon went to fight with the nobles of the Riverlands for drinks. He had already downed two of them, and the third opponent was not a problem.

Edmure never left his bride, kissing and touching her hand.

The bride was trembling and her expression was unnatural.

Catelin, Sansa and Arya had no interest in this man's carnival. They chatted while observing the surroundings.

Arya was most concerned about the female warriors: "Look! My brother is dancing with Daisy."

Robb had just invited Daisy Mormont to go out to dance.

Daisy, the eldest daughter of Countess Maggie, looked quite beautiful after taking off her armor and changing into a dress. She was slender and her shy smile added luster to her long face.

Sansa was attracted by those who were good at scheming: "Lord Roose Bolton seemed to find the banquet boring, and he was going out."

And Catelyn just felt bored: "Look at these revelers, and that terrible band, what a terrible wedding."

Just then, the old weasel sitting in the upper seat clapped his hands.

"Everyone, isn't it time to have a wedding night?"

The young men of the Frey family immediately started to make a noise: "Go to bed! Go to bed! Have a wedding night!"

Robb also felt that the time was almost up, and nodded with a smile: "It's time to end the banquet, so let's have a wedding night."

The guests received the king's order, cheered and rushed to the high platform, and the drunk ones took the lead, surrounded Roslin, lifted her into the air, and the women and girls grabbed Edmure and took off his clothes.

The people of Luanhe City and Riverrun City joked with each other.

When the people who had a wedding night left, the banquet hall became a little quiet.

The musicians on the stage played to the climax, and the old weasel could only sit on the chair because no one supported him.

Catelin suddenly felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart.

She saw that most of the remaining people were children of the Frey family, no one was dancing, and all of them glanced at Robb and herself with the corner of their eyes.

"Something's wrong, Robb..." Catelyn walked to Robb and whispered, "I hope I'm too suspicious, but..."

Robb smiled and said, "Nothing's wrong, it's right."

Just then, the musicians on the stage suddenly changed the music they played. It was no longer a vulgar song, but a more melodious tune.

Catelin knew it was "The Rainy Season in Castamere".

She was immediately shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.


On the stage, the old weasel snorted coldly, as if receiving a signal, the children of the Frey family below stood up suddenly, nailing and clanging.

The iron armor under their silk sleeves made a crisp sound. Who would wear armor at the banquet?

Catelin felt cold in her heart. Just as she was about to speak, Brienne, who was responsible for protecting her, also stood up suddenly and grabbed Catelyn to her side.

The Hound suddenly lifted the table and protected Sansa and Arya under the table.

What's going on?

Before Catelyn could react, the musicians on the stage had already stopped playing. They put down their instruments and picked up crossbows in the blind spot of the audience.

With a little aim, the crossbows shot at the enemies below.

The Lord of the Ferry sat high on a carved black oak chair, looking greedily. He wanted to see the slaughter and the blood flowed like a river!

Only in this way could he wash away all the humiliation that Robb had brought him!


Kill that fake king!

In fact, the old weasel wanted to roar and vent the anger that Robb had suppressed for a long time in his heart, but his body would not allow him to do so.


At this moment, the door of the room was knocked open, and a dozen soldiers walked in. It was Stevron.

The old weasel immediately looked at his son with a resentful look. This was not in his plan, so he betrayed himself.

Bastard, no, pig!

The musicians on the stage and the Frey soldiers below immediately turned their guns around and prepared to kill the armored soldiers first.

Robb sat leisurely in a chair, ready to watch the show.

"Protect my mother and sister, you don't have to do anything."

The Hound received the order with sharp eyes. He looked around and made up his mind that he would send Sansa and Arya out even if he died.

The old weasel saw Robb's performance and his heart fluctuated a little. Why was this man so calm?

But he soon found the reason.

In addition to Stevron, several more teams of soldiers rushed in. They were soldiers from the North and the Riverlands.

The flags on the armor were the skinning family and the Bracken family.

On the scene, Robb's men instantly overwhelmed the old weasel's men. These people were all armored and well-equipped.

The old weasel smiled: "No wonder you are so calm. Do you think these are soldiers who come to save you?"

The original chapter title triggered the block, and it was modified and just released

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