More and more armed guards rushed in, and soon the hall was half full.

Robb took a glance and found that they were mainly soldiers from the Frey family, and the soldiers from the Flay family and the Bracken family together occupied half.

Some minor nobles that he was not familiar with also rushed in. They seemed to be vassals of the Frey family, and they also participated in the murder.

The old weasel sneered, picked up the wine glass, and prepared to enjoy Robb's stunned scene.

This kid probably doesn't know yet, and thinks that this room is full of his people!

"Kill my rebellious beast first! I want this king to watch his men die in front of him one by one!"

The old weasel now especially hates his eldest son, that Stevron.

Traitors are uglier and more disgusting than enemies!

The old weasel who loves to eat nectar also added: "The ladies of the Stark family will be enjoyed by you tonight."

Hearing this, Robb narrowed his eyes slightly, and the soldiers of the Bolton family and the Bracken family drew their weapons.

The Frey family had already started a civil war, and Stevron led his men to fight against the brothers who supported his father.

"Kill!" The soldiers of the Bracken family rushed up and killed Robb.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

In the stands, the crossbowmen disguised as musicians also began to draw their bows and shoot arrows.

[Kaliyah Return]

Robb was not afraid at all. He stood with Brienne and the Hound, protected the women behind him, and began to use his fighting skills.


The crossbows that were originally shot at high speed were all knocked to the ground without causing any damage.

"It's just witchcraft!" The old weasel shouted, "Shoot again, he can't keep using such witchcraft."

The crossbowmen in the stands quickly loaded the next crossbow arrow.

During this gap, the two sides had already fought in a ball.

Brienne and the Hound had no weapons in their hands. Each of them took a bench and smashed it directly at the enemies rushing towards them.

The two of them were strong and powerful. They each knocked down an enemy and seized their weapons.

With weapons, they became more courageous, fighting back to back with the Bracken family.

For a moment, the Bracken family was unable to quickly deal with the two.

"What are you still standing there for? Go!" Lord Bracken shouted at the Bolton family.

The skinners were also very obedient. Looking at the Bracken family soldiers who had completely exposed their backs to them, they rushed up with weapons.

"What are you doing?"


"Luss!!! You are treacherous!!"

Lord Bracken saw that his men were caught off guard and fell down in an instant. His eyes turned red and he roared in exasperation.

But this could not prevent the death of the Bracken soldiers.

In the stands, seeing that the skinners had turned against him at this critical moment, the old weasel's heart suddenly stopped, and he almost stood up by a medical miracle.

He was furious: "The ugly skinners, you really can't trust me at all!"

Roose Bolton slowly walked to Robb and looked at the two with contempt: "You know nothing about the power of the King of the North."

Lord Bracken was so angry that he trembled: "You will pay this blood debt soon!"

Robb smiled and glanced at the old skinner. This old man was still so capable of practical matters.

After a round of fighting, the situation on the battlefield became clear.

The skinners and the people brought by Stevlan gathered together. At this time, the soldiers of the Bracken family were ambushed and lost more than half.

But the old weasel still had the advantage in numbers. After all, it was his home field, and there were crossbowmen and musicians watching covetously.

The wedding incident had happened for nearly ten minutes, and Robb was still sitting in a chair, watching the drama.

The old weasel became more and more uneasy, but when he thought that he was still in an advantageous position in front of him, and his trump card had not been revealed, he felt a little relieved.

He looked at Robb with an especially superior look: "Humph, it turns out that Roose Bolton is your confidence, so you knew I would take action, but you knew nothing about my arrangements, otherwise how could you appear at the wedding?"

Robb glanced at Old Peeler, smiled and said nothing.

Does Roose Bolton want to be the King of the North?

Of course he did, he is an ambitious man.

He followed Robb to start an army, and he did not expect the young wolf to die on the battlefield, so that he could pick up the spoils.

But the situation this time is very different from the original trend.

The Stark family boy is still studying in Winterfell, the North has won battles, and the lords loyal to the Stark family are getting stronger and stronger, and their loyalty is getting higher and higher.

Now everyone is in a period of rapid development, and all this is the result of Robb distributing his meat to everyone.

Whoever touches Robb is touching all the people who eat the meat, and offending the interests of everyone will definitely not end well!

Umber, Karstark, Mormont, Manderly, Cerwyn, these great nobles in the North all follow Robb for food!

So what if I kill Robb?

Roose Bolton is very sure that as long as the news of Robb's death in the Red Wedding spreads, the families in the North will immediately support the new Stark as the King of the North, and then besiege the people of the Dreadfort to death.

Let alone ruling the North, it will be difficult for me to survive in the North, and there will be only endless hunting waiting for me.

Old Flayed is a little ambitious, but he won't be so obsessed with this ambition that he loses his mind.

He had long judged that the only way out of the current situation was to offer unreserved loyalty to Robb.

So when he saw the letter written by Tywin to him, Old Peeler did not hesitate and reported all the situations to Robb directly, and performed such a drama for the old weasel according to Robb's instructions.

Seeing that Robb was sitting on the chair without giving orders, Roose Bolton stood up and said with a loyal and courageous look: "Protect His Majesty Robb!"

Brienne and the Hound glanced at him and ignored him.

This poor performance of Old Peeler was really too stupid.

But this was exactly what Old Peeler was thinking. Anyone could see his poor performance. He was so shrewd that this performance had no effect except to cause others to laugh at him.

However, in front of Robb, Old Peeler showed an attitude of "Even if he was mocked, his subjects should respect His Majesty very much!"

Isn't this a manifestation of loyalty?

Although Stevron and Old Skinner had fewer people, they had superior combat power, especially since Robb had two knights who were strong enough to rank in the top five on the entire continent.

The old weasel shouted at the musicians: "Quick, reload, and shoot!"

Robb raised his hand and used the [Beast Stone].

Several stones rushed towards the musicians and hit them accurately on their foreheads. The powerful impact instantly penetrated their skulls with the stones.

In a breath, these people died.

Without the crossbowmen to restrain them, the soldiers of the North and the powerful knights went berserk instantly.

They slaughtered the soldiers of the Frey family.

The old weasel trembled and was frightened by the scene in front of him. He never expected that the situation would take a sharp turn for the worse and his plan would fail!

"Damn it, I can't fail, I won't fail, I still have a chance, it's all because of that brat, as long as he dies, I still have a chance!"

"Come on, hurry up, where are you, kill that Stark! You dawdling beast!"

The old weasel was already cursing the faceless man in his heart, is this organization reliable, what time is it, why haven't they come yet? !

Will they wait until I die before they start? !

At this moment, the door was slammed open.

A huge figure rushed in, it was the Great Jon who heard the noise: "Your Majesty, are you okay, I'm here!"

Looking at the sturdy body, including Roose Bolton, almost everyone had no doubts, except the Hound, only the Great Jon had this kind of figure.

Except Arya hiding under the table.

She sensed a familiar breath and felt very dangerous. Looking at Lord Greatjon running towards her brother, she didn't think too much and shouted, "Be careful!"

Robb also felt strange at first. He didn't tell Lord Greatjon about the plan. He didn't appear in the hall in the original timeline. And the most important thing was, where was Littlejon who was always with him?

When Arya shouted, Robb felt something a little bit.

He saw God again.

Lord Greatjon's face changed. He noticed that Robb's aura had changed, so he didn't pretend anymore. He took out a dagger from his arms and stabbed Robb.

He was so fast that no one could react.

How could Lord Greatjon, with such a huge body, make such a flexible move?

When the old weasel saw the faceless man finally take action, the gloomy expression on his face suddenly turned from gloomy to sunny, and a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, that's it! Kill that brat, and everything will be over!"

His expression changed very quickly, and it had changed several times today, and this time was no exception. He didn't laugh for more than ten seconds before his expression froze again.


Robb took out a dagger, sat on a chair, and lightly blocked the assassination of Lord Greatjon.

The familiar feeling from the dagger was the feeling Robb had when he fought the Drowned God and met the Lord of Light.

Lord Greatjon's face changed, and he took a step back, only two or three meters away from Robb.

Robb smiled and said, "I thought it was an ordinary faceless man just now, but I didn't expect it to be a heavyweight, and the assassin was my king. Whether it's Lannister or Frey, I don't think they can afford this price, it seems..."

Robb's eyes narrowed, revealing murderous intent: "You want to come here to die!"

The black and red breath instantly filled the ordinary dagger in Robb's hand, and the manic and dangerous breath emanating from it was only felt by two people present.

That was the assassin and Robb who looked like Lord Greatjon.

Lord Greatjon, who had been expressionless from the beginning, showed a look of fear on his face. It was the first time he felt such terror.

Because this was the [Destined Death] of the God-killer.

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