Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 369 The precursor of the storm

Lys, Camarasaurus Cave.


Within the bronze gate, manic dragon roars rang out, and there was an unconcealable exhaustion in the resentment.

Bambaro's eyes showed anticipation and he said to himself: "It's coming soon, it must be coming soon."

According to Priest Ross, the energy of the ownerless wild dragon is constantly being consumed, just waiting for a suitable bloodline to appear.

"My Lord Governor, there are messages from Braavos and Dorne."

A beautiful prostitute walked through the mercenary team and handed over two unopened letters seductively.

Bambaro took the letter and asked, "Where's Johanna? Why didn't she come?"

The prostitute lowered her head and said regretfully: "My wife was so angry that she got sick during the last negotiation with the Tiger Party governor, and she is still resting in her residence."

"Okay, let's get down."

Bambaro was displeased when he heard that his mistress and right-hand man was ill, and waved his hand like a fly.

After the prostitute had gone away, he tore open the letter and looked at it one by one.

After a while, Bambaro narrowed his eyes and sneered: "The two profit-seeking guys are finally willing to send troops."

He tore up the letter and led the team back to the Governor's Mansion.

Before leaving, he did not forget to tell the dragon cave guards: "Don't let any dragon species come in and touch the dragon before dawn."

"Yes, sir."

The guard quickly agreed and did not dare to neglect.

Perfume Garden.

"Haha...three boys...dancing bears..."

There was a burst of howling and singing, and two silver-haired men put their arms around each other and slipped into a remote attic.


As soon as the two of them entered, the attic door suddenly closed, and several armored guards were guarding the outside.

The same scene occurred in many adjacent attics.

They are all carefully selected Valyrians and voluntarily participated in the [Red Sowing].

In the attic, two men were drunk, walking around and singing drunkenly.


As soon as he returned to his room, the two-meter-tall young man fell onto the bed, feeling dazed and silly.

Another handsome middle-aged man with a limp, his eyes blurred, and his hands missing fingers rubbed his face hard.

"Tristan, you idiot, you won a lot of money, it's your turn to treat me to a drink tomorrow!"

The tall monk shook his head and stared at the money bag on his companion's waist.

Tristan waved his hand, put the bulging money bag into his arms, and said vaguely: "Please give me a pot of horse urine. I have to take the money back to nurse the child."

"Haha, you have a bad gambler and an illegitimate child, and you want to raise an illegitimate daughter."

Xiu Fu laughed mercilessly, as if he had heard a big joke.

"Huh, you know Naoko, you're a blacksmith's apprentice."

Tristan burped, walked back to the bed with empty steps, grabbed a handful of gold coins, put it to his nose and sniffed hard.

Xiu Fu was reluctant and said drunkenly: "You were lucky and won the money from those rich people. I thought you would have your fingers cut off because you couldn't afford to lose the money, or sell your daughter to a brothel in Rees. "

Tristan rolled his eyes in enjoyment and muttered: "I have been betting since I was a child. If it weren't for those black-hearted ghosts, I would be the richest man on Dragonstone Island."

"Haha, you rotten gambler who deserves to go to hell."

Xiu Fu laughed hard, but his face turned down, and he said depressedly: "It's a pity that rotten drunkard. I heard that the dragon burned all his white hair and chewed it into three bites."

"An unlucky guy who's going to die."

Tristan let go and let the gold coins hit his face, and said with a silly smile: "We are also the unlucky ones who are going to die."

They were brought to Reese by stowaways, a group of more than a dozen people.

Because they arrived late, most people couldn't get in line and could only squat in the perfume garden and wait.

White-haired Ulf was a lucky guy. Within two days, he bribed the warden through drinking and jumped in line to train the dragon.

This guy was also an unlucky guy. He caught up with the dragon and was hungry in the morning. He was eaten before he could even see what the dragon looked like.

Xiufu clenched his fist and smashed the bed board hard, and muttered: "Do you think that if I ride on the back of a dragon, can I become a baron when I go back?"

Although the dragon training reward given by Reese was also very generous, the bastard who was born and raised on Dragonstone still hopes to return home with honor.

Tristan glanced at him and said with a smile: "If you can ride on the back of a dragon, you are qualified to marry the king's daughter, let alone the Baron."

"Your Majesty, can you agree?" Xiu Fu sat up suddenly, his eyes widening.

At first he thought he could be made a knight, but later the prince said he would also be rewarded with territory.

This rotten gambler actually said he could marry a princess?

"Ha ha……"

Tristan laughed heartily and said what was in his heart: "Are you destined to marry a princess? I'm afraid that as soon as you land on the dragon, you will be tied up by the Dragon Guard."

"Get out of here! It's a disgrace to me." Xiufu was furious and banged on the bed board as if to vent his anger.

Tristan suppressed his laughter, put the gold coins into his purse one by one, and turned away from him.

After witnessing the cruelty of [Blood Seed], I couldn't even think about becoming a dragon knight.

Winning some money in the gambling house and returning to Dragonstone safely would be a good life.

Two days later.

Dragonstone Island, Dragon Mountain.


The glutton lay lazily in an open space, snoring with his throat quivering, and pretending to sleep with his vertical pupils closed.

On the distant hillside, hundreds of ragged laborers climbed up and down, carrying baskets of dragon dung.

Occasionally there are some faded scale residues, which are kept like treasures and handed over to the accounting bachelor alone.

"Maester Gladys, can the dragon dung in Dragon Mountain still sustain the supply of two medium-sized castles?"

Rhaegar asked softly.

Grates, an old man of half a century with a kind face, said with a smile: "Please rest assured, the excrement accumulated in Longshan for more than two hundred years must be cleaned up."

"That's good."

Rhaegar smiled back and gave him the task of carrying the dragon dung.

This matter may seem ordinary at first glance, but it is actually of great importance.

The labor force is strictly monitored and cannot wander around in Longshan.

Fortunately, there are not many dragons in Longshan. There is only one Silver Wing sleeping alone, far away from his partner.

All the way back to the Stone Drum Tower, we met the acting city lord Sir Robert.

Sir Robert secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Prince, it's almost lunch. The princess is waiting for you."

"Good work, ser."

Rega's eyes were sincere and he passed by.

Managing Dragonstone is not an easy task, not to mention that the immediate boss is a pregnant princess.

Climbing to the top floor, you can see across the corridor that the door of the lord's bedroom is open.

The corners of Rega's mouth curled up slightly, and he slowed down his steps, approaching slowly.

When you walk into the door, quietly look inside.

The layout is familiar, sumptuous dishes are placed on the dining table, and two scented candles are lit in a very emotional way.

Rhaenyra was lying on a couch, wearing only a loose nightgown, holding a letter in her hand to read.

Dong Dong...

Rhaegar knocked lightly so as not to scare the other person.

"Back." Rhaenyra looked up and smiled.

Rega walked into the bedroom and asked curiously: "What are you looking at, so focused?"

Rhaenyra's smile faded and she said helplessly: "Letter from King's Landing, the Ironborn attacked Lannister Port, and my father was very busy."

"What does Jason do to eat that the iron type will attack the port?"

Rhaegar suddenly frowned, full of contempt for Jason.

A man who obtained the title of duke by virtue of being born a few minutes earlier than his brothers is actually an arrogant and rude idiot.

Rhaenyra waved to him and said playfully: "Don't get angry. Lannister Port will not lose much, and the situation can be stabilized."

Hearing this, Rhaegar shook his head, walked to the soft cave and sat down next to him.

Rhaenyra moved her body, got into his arms, held up the letter and said, "It is speculated that the ironborn did not act randomly, but were bribed."

"A group of pirates who are not engaged in production, probably under the command of Braavos or Sunspear."

Rhaegar's tone slowed down, and he hugged the person in his arms tightly, his cheek buried in the pink and white shoulders with loose hair.

"Are you tired after defeating Myr?"

Rhaenyra's eyes were soft and she stroked his head as she had done when she was a child.

Rhaegar shook his head and took two deep breaths of the scent.

Except for insomnia and dreams, poor eating and sleeping, everything is fine.

Rhaenyra rubbed her cheek against his forehead and whispered softly, "I want to help you."

"You're already helping me."

Rhaegar traced the corners of his mouth and stroked his swollen belly with his big hands.

Separated by a layer of silk nightgown, the round outline is particularly clear.

Rhaenyra hugged his neck, her cheek pressed against her hair, and she said sadly: "I want to help my brother and friend like Queen Visenya, but it seems I can only serve in the delivery bed."

She had never had this idea before.

Until Aegon and Helena were sent to guard various places, and they heard that Janey was summoning vassals in the valley.

This thought of self-pity gradually grew.

Rhaegar was sensitive and heard the hidden meaning in her words.

Patting Rhaenyra's tightly held arms, Rhaegar stood up and broke away from the embrace, half-crouching in front of the soft body.

Rhaenyra didn't know why and looked at him in surprise.

Rhaegar put his hands on her legs and said solemnly: "Rhaenyra, you are already on the most important battlefield. You are more important than everyone else."

Rhaenyra pursed her lips and said, "Your battlefield is more dangerous. I'm worried about you."

Rhaegar's eyes were clear and he said firmly: "My battlefield is full of blood and fire, but my dragon will protect me, and ten thousand people are willing to die for me."

He raised his hand to touch Rhaenyra's belly and said with true feelings: "Your battlefield is even more cruel. Ten thousand people cannot suffer for you, and your dragon cannot protect you."

"I pray that my mother will bless me and allow me to give birth to two healthy babies for you."

Rhaenyra's eyes turned red, and she hugged his head and pressed it against her belly.

"Definitely, you will be as good as Sylaxy." Rhaegar looked back and recalled with great seriousness.

The topic shifts from personal capabilities to fertility.

The siblings fell into silence at the same time.

They recalled their mother Emma Ayling, a poor woman who died tragically in childbirth.

Her mother's death was Rhaenyra's shadow.

Rhaegar was the baby who suffered a difficult birth, and her heart was also filled with a haze.

Enjoying a moment of tranquility, Rhaegar rubbed his belly and chuckled: "Remember Ouroboros? The power of runes."

Rhaenyra whispered: "I haven't learned it yet. The bronze runes are only half engraved."

Cultivation of runes requires a lot of magic power, and the magic power in her blood is sparse, so it is naturally slower.

Not everyone is like Rhaegar, who can borrow the dragon's fire magic.

"It's enough that I know how to do it." Rhaegar encouraged.

Glancing at Soupai, there was an exquisite glass bottle.

The bottle contains a clear, silky liquid that emits a light fragrance when the cork is pulled out.

Pour some liquid into the palm of your hand and rub your hands together quickly to generate heat.

Rhaenyra pursed her lips and smiled softly, unbuttoning her belly, revealing her white belly.

Rhaegar put his hands on his belly, sliding it upwards from below, and applying it evenly.

This is a plant-derived essential oil that has lubricating and nourishing effects.

Rhaenyla was pregnant with twins, and her belly swelled too quickly. Failure to apply essential oil would tear the subcutaneous tissue, causing the pregnancy marks that many women leave behind after childbirth.

He specially ordered Orville to prepare this specially, and the price is quite expensive.

"After wiping the belly, there are also thighs and buttocks." Rhaenyra closed her eyes slightly, enjoying the full service.

Rhaegar worked hard without complaint, as if he had returned to the days when he was coaxed and exploited as a child.

Valley, Seagull Town.

At dusk, fire clouds stretched across the sky.


A golden dragon flew out of the port and soared towards the upper half of the narrow sea.

On the dragon's back, Aegon drooped his head listlessly, his eyes full of resentment.

"You stinky bitch in the valley, arrange for me to patrol on a dragon every day!"

He cursed secretly and hit his sore back.

Seagull Town is indeed one of the five major ports in Westeros. The girls in the brothel are very passionate, which is different from the flavor of King's Landing.

Regardless of the driver, Yang Yan flapped his pale pink wings and flew towards the upper half of the narrow sea.

Aegon was dejected and had no interest in patrolling.

Until we arrived near the Three Sisters Islands, I suddenly felt a little thirsty.

Aegon had an idea and licked his lips: "Three Sisters Village, I wonder what the brothel there is like."

I heard that this place is very chaotic, with smugglers and gangs fighting and killing people at the port every day.

When the idea came up, Aegon couldn't bear the loneliness and gave the order: "Yangyan, let's change the direction."

He was tired of taking orders from that valley bitch.

What Rhaegar doesn't understand is that dogs rely on human power.

Aegon grinned and made an excuse for laziness: "I have nothing to do today, so let's go to the brothel."

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