Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 370 Dragon’s Dream Dragon’s Wrath

Chapter 370 Dragon’s Dream—Dragon’s Wrath

At night.

Dragonstone Island, Stone Drum Tower.

In the banquet hall, Rhaegar and Rhaenyra had dinner with Lannar and the twins.

Lanner's face looked slightly haggard, but she was trying her best to take care of her two daughters.

She was wearing a loose long skirt, her seven-month-old belly was bulging, and she already had difficulty moving.



Halfway through the meal, deep dragon roars sounded, and a sad and lonely mood echoed in the waters of Dragonstone Island.

Rhaegar put down his knife and fork and listened.

Rhaena, the twin, said, "It's Vhagar who's calling."

"It sounds very sad." Rhaegar was a little stunned.

The roar of the dragon outside is almost like a wail, containing all kinds of weather-beaten sadness.

Rhaenyra stopped chewing and sighed: "Vhagar has not been in this state for a long time."

Rega's eyes flashed with confusion, and he turned to look at the listless Lanner.

His understanding of Vhagar was too superficial and he didn't have much actual contact with it.

How this old dragon is feeling, we still have to ask its driver.

Lanner's eyes fell on her, helpless in her eyes, and sighed: "Vaghal is too old, and the lonely years have made it sad."

As one of the first Targaryen dragons, Vhagar is 170 years old.

At this age in the dragon's life, he is about to pass the aging stage and slowly begins to grow old and faint.

It has experienced three drivers in its life.

Queen Visenya, Prince Bellon of Spring Dawn, and Lannal.

One of the first two accompanies it to grow from the prime of life to an adult dragon, and the other accompanies it to gradually enter the aging stage from an adult dragon.

The same thing is that both are brave and fearless warriors, driving Vhagar to conquer the north and south, and create countless brilliant achievements.

Time has passed and the two drivers have been dead for many years.

Even the brothers and sisters who had been together since childhood, the Black Death God Balerion and Meraxes, also died one after another.

Vhagar has lived too long.

The familiar existences disappeared one by one, leaving only unfamiliar faces around him, leaving him alone as an old dragon.

Thinking deeply, Rhaegar put down his knife and fork, suddenly losing his appetite.

Benila, the twin, whispered: "Vhagar hasn't been like this for a long time. It feels lonely only after Melias and Haiyan left."

"It might want to go to war."

Renya added.

Rhaegar was silent, unable to say anything.

As an old dragon who conquered a kingdom for Targaryen, war is just as common as eating and drinking.

Vhagar's name is the ancient Valyrian god of war.

Perhaps because of this name, among the three first-generation dragons, only Vhagar has gone through battle after battle and is still fighting for Targaryen.

It is alive and is itself a weapon of war.

Lannar lowered her eyes, caressed her bulging belly, and said guiltily: "I can feel Vhagar's emotions. It doesn't want to be alone on Dragonstone."

This emotion first sprouted in her heart when she was training her dragon at the age of 13.

When the Narrow Sea War broke out, Vhagar's emotions emerged again, affecting her spirit at all times.

Rhaenyra felt deeply about the hardships of pregnancy. She lowered her head in sympathy and tugged at the corner of Rhaegar's clothes.

Rhaegar was in a daze and joked: "Don't blame yourself, you will give birth soon, and then you can control the dragon and help Daemon protect the city."

Lys and Tyrosh were regarded as his own, and he had to be more confident in front of his family members so as not to worry them.

"Is Damon okay?" Lanner smiled and changed the subject.

Rega chuckled: "Not bad."

Lanner's eyes flickered and she said softly: "I know him. He's not bad but not good. He must have caused you trouble."

She and her mother had no idea what the sea snake had planned with Damon.

Even if there is no arrest of the wild dragon, the two will still find ways to provoke a war in order to draw the entire Westeros to invade the Three Women's Kingdom.

"He's been giving me trouble from the moment I was born."

Rhaegar smiled and said seriously: "War is inevitable, Damon has tried his best, and his father will not treat his only brother badly.

Lanner forced a smile, a hint of fatigue appeared on her eyebrows, and the hand caressing her belly became heavier unconsciously.

Late at night, the lord's bedroom.

Rhaegar's eyes were closed, and he lay naked next to the fireplace and fell asleep.

Outside the Stone Drum Tower, the wail of Vagehar gradually disappeared, and everything was silent.

The fragrant wood in the fireplace turned to ashes, and there was a faint firelight.

Unknowingly, Rhaegar entered a brief dream.

The dark bay, the strong sea breeze, the orange fire in the sky...

Hundreds of warships collided together, projectile vehicles and scorpion crossbows were thrown randomly, and figures with unclear faces fought in a melee.

Under the silent night sky, blood and fire compose songs.

Outside, Rega frowned subconsciously, and the fingers on his strong belly trembled slightly.

at the same time.

Three Sisters Islands, Bloody Gallows Harbor.

A group of disheveled gangsters squatted in the corner shivering with cold, holding machetes.

It is not easy to make a living in this chaotic area.

"Did you hear that a Targaryen came to the Little Sisters Island and rode a dragon made of gold?"

A rough man with a scar on his face wiped his nose and wiped it on his companion while gossiping.

His companion was a skinny monkey with yellow teeth. He moved away without daring to express his anger and said rudely: "Nonsense! The news of a master riding a dragon has spread all over the island as soon as he lands."

Scarface said with envy: "That kid ran to the brothel to have fun as soon as he landed. He was more anxious than I was when I ran on a boat and held it in for half a month."

"I've been to that brothel. It was full of old girls, and the prices were extremely expensive."

"You know what the hell, what if someone just likes the old one?"

"I heard that all Targaryens are handsome, but I wonder if that boy has mixed tastes..."

A group of gangster men in the cold wind made up random things, their words were rough but full of envy.

call! call!

In the middle of the night, a smelly sea breeze blew, making people shake from the cold.

The thin yellow-toothed monkey hugged his body tightly, shook his head and looked left and right, and suddenly stared at the outside of the biting bay in a daze.

On the dim sea, clusters of faint firelight swayed, approaching the port like will-o'-the-wisps.

"Look, there's a ship on the sea!"

The skinny yellow-toothed monkey was startled and quickly pushed his sleepy companion beside him.

Scarface opened his eyes angrily, looked down at the other party's dirt-covered fingers, and suddenly opened his jaw in shock.

Under the drag of the fire, the silhouettes of warships were outlined, with sails hanging in various strange and weird patterns.

"Hire... a fleet of mercenaries!"

Scarface exclaimed, stood up suddenly, and drew out his scimitar.

The routes in the upper half of the Narrow Sea are blocked. Where can the foreign fleets come from?

As soon as the words were spoken, a warship at the front was in full flames, and a projectile truck threw a burning wooden stake.


The wooden pile crashed into the port, hitting the gangsters without any bias.

No screams were heard, and blood and flesh flew everywhere in an instant.


The murderous horn sounded, and dense bonfires on the sea were lit, reflecting no less than fifty sophisticated warships.

"Attack! Destroy the port!"

At the front of the warship, the chief swordsman of Braavos drew his sword and shouted, and the war broke out immediately.


Catapults threw boulders and wooden piles, bombarding the port one after another, completely destroying the already dirty port.

The Three Sisters Islands are in chaos, and gangs and smugglers are powerful, but they are no match for mercenaries.

More than a dozen warships docked, and two thousand well-equipped mercenaries came ashore, burning, killing and looting without restraint.

"The rest of you follow me and attack Seagull Town!"

The chief swordsman looked solemn and gave orders.

He is the lean swordsman beside the Sea King of Braavos, responsible for guarding the Sea King, and his name is Pallmon.

Accepting the order of Sea King, Palmon led the mercenaries to break the channel blockade in the upper half of the Narrow Sea and silently attacked several ports in Westeros at night.

The War on the Narrow Sea is deteriorating, and Myr has been captured.

Many forces in the continent of Essos are aware of the danger and arouse the fear of the dragon.

The Sea King of Braavos couldn't sit still and privately hired mercenaries to intervene in the side war.

This trip first arrived at White Harbor, another port in Biting Bay.

Taking advantage of the darkness, they successfully raided White Harbor and turned to attack the weaker Three Sisters Islands.


The horn sounded again, and most of the warships turned around and headed towards Seagull Town in the middle of the Narrow Sea.

According to the calculations of the Moonsinger Sacrifice, the south wind has been blowing in the past few nights, and the warship is traveling very fast.

Little Sisters Island, a certain brothel.

Aegon was lying on the musty-smelling big bed, next to a mature and beautiful woman, sleeping soundly and smelling of alcohol.


An explosion sounded at the end of the alley, and the sound of broken boards spread throughout the surroundings.

"Well, the gang is starting to do something?"

Aegon was awakened by the loud noise and got up drunkenly.

He also pretended to be a rumored gangster and a smuggler, and tried his best to watch the excitement.

"Kill them and sack the town!"


Suddenly, there was a burst of shouting and killing outside the brothel.

Aegon was stunned for a second, then climbed out of bed in panic.

The voice outside was not Common Language, but Valyrian, which was compulsory for Targaryens, and the accent was a bit familiar.

"They're all bastards, and all the prostitutes are robbed of their money!"

With his heart pounding, Aegon hurriedly put on his clothes and ran out.

His movements are so fast that he is experienced at first sight.


As soon as he pushed open the broken door, he ran into a mercenary wearing brown leather armor.

Aegon was horrified. In panic, he raised his knee and hit it between his legs.


The mercenary collapsed instantly, covered his crotch and screamed miserably, with the faint sound of eggs breaking.

Aegon twitched the corner of his mouth, slammed the door, and muttered as he ran: "Damon's moves are really useful!"


A loud roar sounded, and a golden dragon soared under the night.

Aegon was not stupid enough, and he went out to prostitute without being too far away from the dragon.

He specially chose a remote brothel and left Yang Yan on the beach.

Aegon was overjoyed when he heard the news. He quickly pushed away the awakened middle-aged brothel, opened the window and shouted: "Yangyan! Come on!"


Yang Yan hovered in the sky, and the golden vertical pupils flashed fiercely, spitting dragon flames at the chaotic crowd in the streets.



The golden dragon flames were like pillars of fire, burning all civilians and mercenaries alike.

"Be alert, there is a dragon on the island!"

"Crossbow ready, shoot the dragon's eyes..."

The appearance of the giant dragon alarmed the mercenaries who poured into Miss Island, and they hurriedly hid in the dark for fear of being attacked by the dragon flames.

Aegon looked at Yang Yan anxiously, then lowered his head and looked under the window. The three-story building was a bit dazzling.

He tried to take a step forward, then retracted it after thinking about it.


Yang Yan screamed excitedly, and the dragon flames ignited all the nearby wooden buildings, flying back and forth in the flames.

It's like dancing.

In Aegon's impatient eyes, he flapped his wings and landed slowly, crushing the lit wooden house opposite the brothel with his feet.

The dragon descended, the mercenaries dispersed in a rush, leaving only the screams of the prostitutes in the brothel.

Aegon was about to burst into tears. Sayazi ran downstairs and climbed onto the dragon's back using both hands and feet.


Yang Yan stretched his neck and sprayed dragon flames at the escaping mercenaries, affecting a wide range of buildings.

"Yang Yan, let's go quickly!"

Aegon panicked for a moment and urged his dragon to fly.

The Three Sisters Islands were attacked by mercenaries, and it was probably Braavos' fault.

He needs to run quickly!

Yang Yan sprayed dragon flames for a while, then flapped his wings and took off, flying into the night sky with his head held high.


In the darkness, fine steel crossbow arrows flew, aiming densely at the golden dragon.


The crossbow arrow that hit the chest and abdomen wiped out sparks, leaving small craters before being blown away.

However, many crossbow bolts locked onto the dragon's gorgeous pale pink wing membranes.


The crossbow arrow penetrated the wing membrane, leaving small holes and oozing out traces of blood.


Yang Yan screamed in pain, the dragon's wings subconsciously raised up, and his flying movements shook.


The mercenaries in the dark filled their crossbows and aimed at the wings of the golden dragon.

Arrows shot out like raindrops, Yang Yan's golden vertical pupils showed rage, and he raised his body and waved his wings, trying to scatter the crossbow arrows.

Most of the crossbow arrows were knocked off, and occasionally one or two pierced the wing membrane, leaving holes.


Occasionally, a crossbow arrow penetrated the small scales of the dragon's wing and penetrated into the bones under the skin.


Yang Yan screamed instantly, his body shook violently, and he almost fell.

Aegon's expression changed drastically, and he said in fear: "Yang Yan, hold on, let's fly away!"


Yang Yan roared in a low voice, and traces of dragon flames spilled out of the dragon's kiss. He maintained his balance and quickly rose into the air, out of the range of the crossbow.

In the pitiful eyes of the mercenaries, the golden dragon plunged into the thick clouds and disappeared into the night.

Crab Island, Sweet Water Castle.

In a luxurious bedroom, Helena, who had curly silver-gold hair, hugged the quilt tightly and slept on her side.

The little girl is quiet and quiet, and the bedroom is filled with a faint fragrance.

Suddenly, Helena started up, opened her eyes and exclaimed: "Fire..."

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