Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 371 The Roar of Dream Fire! !

As midnight passed, the clouds and fog gradually thickened.

Seagull Town, port.


The warning horn sounded, buzzing three times in a row, spreading throughout the town.

Grafson Castle.

The castle is brightly lit, and through the glass windows you can see people moving around, coming and going.

"Hurry and prepare, an unknown fleet has been spotted outside Crab Bay, notify the port to be on top alert!!"

Earl Greene Grafson dragged his old body and gave instructions anxiously.

Seagull Town is a territory that has been ruled by the family for generations and must not be lost.

Thump thump thump…

Jenny hurried downstairs and asked anxiously: "Where is Prince Aegon? Has he come back?"

Her expression was quite urgent, and she didn't have time to take care of her long chestnut hair, so she simply put on a beige dress.

Old Green shook his head and said dissatisfied: "That's a promiscuous Targaryen, and he probably slipped into a brothel again."

Aegon's mission was to patrol the upper half of the Narrow Sea every day and monitor the movements of Braavos at all times.

At present, Aegon is missing and the unknown fleet is approaching Crab Cove. There must be something unexpected.

Jenny bit her silver teeth secretly and kept calm and said: "Hurry up and write a letter to King's Landing and Crab Island. The fleet in Crab Bay is huge. We must gather multiple forces to keep the enemy in Crab Bay!"

Seagull Town is a developed port town, but it does not have many troops.

She summoned the first troops from the vassals in the valley and gave them to Rhaegar to attack Myr. There were not many defenders in the town.

Fortunately, King's Landing is not far from Crab Island, and a fleet of several thousand people can completely lock down the enemy.

"The raven is released."

Old Green hesitated a little and asked, "Should I write a separate letter to the king or Princess Helena? It would be faster if the dragon flies over?"

Jenny was silent after hearing this, shook her head and said: "No need, the valley can defend its own territory."

Old Green hesitated for a moment and then silently withdrew.

He realized that he had asked something stupid.

Among the several dragons arranged by Prince Rhaegar, only Aegon's Sunfire belongs to the line of defense in Seagull Town.

The king and Princess Helena are not fit to go to the battlefield, and they only care about the throat.


"Attack! Plunder the town!"

Mercenary ships from Braavos broke into Crab Cove, dropped stones from catapults, and bombed the port first to set up defenses.

Parmon held a one-handed sword and looked at the deep night with a heavy and urgent heart.

The battlefield sailed quickly, bypassing the barren Five Fingers Peninsula, and arrived at Crab Bay in only a few hours.

But Seagull Town is not the White Harbor that was attacked by surprise, nor is it the weakly defended Three Sisters Islands.

Thinking of conquering Seagull Town, it will definitely take a long time.

Crab Cove was too close to Blackwater Bay and he was worried about encountering Targaryen dragons.

boom! boom!

More than thirty battlefields were hurled with boulders, smashing them randomly in the night.


A high-pitched horn sounded in the port, and a dozen warships charged forward, flying flags with flaming yellow towers.

On the deck, improvised knights of the Vale churned the wheel and filled the bolts of the scorpion crossbow.

The production process of the scorpion crossbow is strict, and the steel material for the fine steel spear is even scarcer.

Thanks to the Grafson family, which owns an entire port, they are able to equip their warships with scorpion crossbows.

"Crossbow fired!!"

The young knight with the Grafson clan emblem on his armor shouted loudly and raised his sword to order the fleet.

The sound spread far away, and more than a dozen scorpion crossbows were launched at once, aiming at the approaching enemy warships.


The stainless steel spear was launched suddenly, carrying strong winds and smashing through the plank of the warship, blasting out a large hole.

The hull of the ship continued to shake, and Pallmont steadied himself and shouted: "The scorpion crossbow is ready, and it will be launched in conjunction with the projectile vehicle!"

Braavos has never been afraid of anyone more than the war of wealth.

Near Runestone City.


Yang Yan screamed in pain, flapped his wings and flew hard, with hot dragon blood flowing from one side of the dragon wing.

The fine steel crossbow arrows pierced into the bones, seriously affecting its flying speed.

If it weren't for the dragon's strong body, he would have almost fallen down several times.

Aegon sat on the dragon's back, looking at the bleeding dragon wings with distress from time to time, and encouraged: "Yang Yan, hold on for a while, we will return to Seagull Town soon."

The Three Sisters were attacked and the mercenaries of Essos sacked the harbor.

Seagull Town is heavily fortified, so it will be safe to go back.

Yang Yan endured the pain, and his anger drove it to fly faster.

For a long time, the white walls of Seagull Town came into view.

Aegon looked happy and urged Yang Yan to land at Seagull Tower.

boom! boom!

As soon as they approached, battles broke out in the direction of the port, with constant fighting and roaring sounds.


Yang Yan finally lost his strength and barely maintained his balance, flapping his wings and landing in a hurry.

Jin Liang's body hit the square in front of the Seagull Tower. The floorboards shattered and thick smoke was thrown up.

Crab Island, Pier.

It was dark at night, and bonfires were lit on the pier to illuminate the dim light.

Several large ships were moored, and porters carried boxes of goods back and forth to the ships.

Count Bartimos Celtija looked at this scene, his pupils flashed with light.

"Princess, please run slower..."

"Your Majesty, the Count has something to do..."

There was a flurry of shouts from the attendants, and Helena rushed to the dock with her legs pumping.

Bartimus turned around in surprise and said respectfully: "Princess, what are you doing here so late?"

"Lord Earl, prepare your fleet quickly, Seagull Town has been attacked!"

Helena was panting, and a line of sweat broke out on her forehead.

She foresaw the danger, the flames of war burning a yellow tower of blazing flags.

That was the Grafson family of Gulltown.

"A message was sent to Seagull Town?"

Bartimus was startled and quickly looked at the old bachelor who was following him.

The old bachelor shook his head, indicating that there was no message.

Bartimus breathed a sigh of relief and said as if coaxing a child: "Princess, are you having a nightmare?"


Helena wrinkled her face and emphasized: "I saw Seagull Town being attacked, something must have happened there."

Bartimus' eyes flickered, he glanced calmly at the ship carrying the goods, and said coldly to the guard: "Send the princess back to her room and prepare a cup of hot milk."

"Yes, sir."

The guard took action, stopped in front of Helena, and said in a deep voice: "Princess, go back and rest."

"Get out of the way, I'm not talking nonsense!"

Helena was so anxious that she suddenly noticed the large ship loading goods and asked loudly: "Bartimos! My brother ordered to block the routes and trade up and down the Narrow Sea. How dare you secretly sell supplies!"

The War of the Narrow Sea involved invasions from two continents. Rhaegar was worried about being taken in by others, so he blocked routes and trade.

Before the end of the war, all goods in Westeros were withheld and fully supplied to the battlefield ahead.

As compensation, the royal family will purchase the original price.

As soon as he revealed the smuggling, Bartimus's face darkened and he argued: "Princess, these are supplies to be transported to the Stepped Stone Islands."

Helena's eyes widened, she changed her introverted character, and shouted angrily: "You lied, the supplies were handed over to Seagull Town and Chaotou Island, you are clearly smuggling!"


Bartimus became nervous and wanted to argue.

"shut up!"

Helena scolded and said anxiously: "Your crime is not my responsibility, but Seagull Town is attacked, you must send troops to rescue immediately!"

After years of guidance from Rhaegar, she believed her hunch.

Thinking of the mission assigned by her brother, it was her responsibility to assist in the garrison of Seagull Town.


The melodious roar of the dragon resounded through the night sky, and the light blue giant dragon penetrated the clouds and spread out a pair of wide, snow-white wings to hover over the pier.

Helena looked up, with a little grievance in her eyes.

Menghuo is a delicate female dragon. She immediately senses the emotions of the driver and flaps her wings to slowly land.


The huge body landed behind the driver, its slender neck stretched out, and its dragon head glared at Bartimus and the others and roared.


The sulfur-smelling wind blew, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Helena tilted her head slightly, her silver-gold curls flying up, and her white dress blowing coldly.

Witnessing this scene, Bartimus was so distraught that he couldn't help but take a step back.

He suddenly remembered that he might have forgotten something.

In her simplicity, the little girl is also a Targaryen.

He travels with an adult dragon that chooses and devours people.

The dragon roared over, Helena tightened her waist around Chang Xia, and quickly climbed onto the dragon's back.

After fastening the saddle chain, the little girl looked down at the Earl below with firm eyes: "Lord Bartimus, if you despise a girl, please let her ride on the dragon before we talk."

He patted his light blue scales and spoke in High Valyrian: "Dreamfire, fly!"


Menghuo's huge body swayed slightly, ran twice with his feet, flapped his wings and soared into the sky.

The light blue dragon plunged into the clouds, and Helena's words were vaguely heard.

"Bartimos, I will tell my father and brother everything about what you did tonight."

Below, Bartimus felt a chill running down his spine, and his old face was particularly ugly.

The dock fell into an eerie silence, and no one dared to disturb the Earl.

After a while, a young bachelor came running from the direction of the castle and said hurriedly: "My lord, an urgent message from Seagull Town!"

Seagull Town, port.

"Launch the ramming angle and smash their ship!"

"Attack, throw the iron rope..."

The two fleets were in a melee, and the mercenaries were battle-hardened. When the ships collided, they immediately jumped overboard to fight.

Under the bombardment of siege equipment from both sides, many warships were seriously damaged and on the verge of sinking into the sea.

The fleet in Seagull Town fought bravely and defended the port to the death, dragging the enemy into a bloody battle at Crab Bay.

As time passed, the mercenary ship crashed into a bloody road, and a mercenary ship ran out and headed for the port.

Port, watchtower.

Jenny's face was tense, staring at the battle on the bay.

"Mrs. Janey, I suggest you evacuate first. It is safer to hide in Seagull Town."

Old Green looked uneasy and tried to persuade him.

Seagull Tower was originally the territory of the Shet family. It is a majestic tower that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Jenny clasped her palms tightly and gritted her teeth: "There are no cowards in the Aylin family, and I will not hide until the last moment."

He turned to look at Gerald Royce, who was commanding the defense, and said coldly: "Count Gerald, we still have five hundred valley knights, leaving it to you to guard the port."

The naval battle can be lost, but Seagull Town must be defended.

"As you command, Lady Jane."

Jero took a deep breath, pulled out his clan sword and "lamented" as he walked.

After leaving the watchtower, several huge bonfires lit up the night sky.

The front line of the port is lined with anti-horses, and several arrow towers are staggered to form the first line of defense.

The Valley Knights were unable to fight at the port, so they dismounted and fought on foot, forming a second line of defense behind the horse.


The piercing horn sound suddenly appeared, full of the meaning of showing off one's power.

A mercenary ship sailed into the port, and the deck was filled with fierce mercenaries.

Jero looked nervous, wearing his ancestral bronze armor, raising his sword and shouting: "Prepare the arrow tower, shoot at the pirates who land!"

"Attack! Catapult bombing!"

The leader of the mercenaries shouted loudly. He had rich combat experience and knew how to loot the port.

The mercenary ships kept approaching, filling the slings with boulders poured with fire oil.

Just waiting for a torch to be lit, the battle for the port is about to begin.


In an instant, a light blue giant dragon broke through the night sky. Its streamlined and well-proportioned body was extremely fast, swooping down like a meteor.

The moment the giant dragon appeared, the girl shouted crisply: "Dragon Flame!!"

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