In the corridor of the old palace, Davos hurriedly looked for the prince's offspring one by one.

At the same time.

The palace was in a mess, the servants packed their bags, the soldiers were ready to go, and everything was ready to abandon the city.

Davos walked in the Tower of the Sun, and then went to the water garden outside the city.

In the busyness, night fell.

Sunspear City, the east coast.

As a town surrounded by the sea on three sides, after passing a short section of desert road, you can see the beach surrounded by reefs.

The moon was sparse, and the clouds were drifting.

Davos walked on the beach, his expression unusually silent.

He was holding a two or three-year-old girl in his arms, and a five or six-year-old boy followed by his legs.

The two children were wrapped in silk tightly, and their little faces were nervous.

"Lord Davos, does my father have to send us away?"

Quill Martell asked timidly.

Davos's expression eased a little, and he replied: "Don't be afraid, Dorne will win this war sooner or later, and you will come back."

"Why fight?"

Quail's eyes were filled with tears, and his tender voice was crying.

He didn't have the precocity of his sister Alexandra, and instinctively hated the war that destroyed his peaceful life.

Davos paused, looked up at the crescent moon, and sighed helplessly: "This question is difficult. There are wars every minute and every second in the world. The difference lies in the number of people involved."

He once heard a story from his grandmother.

A farmer lost a mule and happened to see his neighbor had an extra mule, and the two fought.

The fight between the two sides attracted the whole village, and gangs and factions helped.

Someone was injured in the chaos, and the relatives and friends of the injured were in the next village, which triggered a war between the two villages.

The war between the two villages affected the farmers' harvest and affected the lord's tax collection.

The lord couldn't collect taxes, so he went to war with other lords for gold.

In the end, the war was like a plague, spreading to every inch of the continent.

In the final analysis, war is plunder and capital.

If the Iron Throne is strong, Dorne will be beaten.

The stronger Dorne is, the more the Iron Throne will be shaken.

The two sides are on the same continent, and they will eventually have to fight.

Quill half-understood, tears flowing from his black eyes, immersed in the sadness of separation.


The evening breeze blew up the waves, slamming against the beach.

Outside the reef area, a small wooden boat rose and fell, like a child away from home drifting with the waves.

"Children, we should get on the road."

Davos took off the white cloak on his back and walked towards the small wooden boat without saying anything.

In the depths of the night, two larger small cargo ships were drifting on the sea, waiting to welcome their respective "cargoes".

Davos got on the small wooden boat and paddled closer to one of the cargo ships.

Soon, the small wooden boat hit the bottom of the cargo ship.

"Hey, I'll put the rope on it, you bring the child up."

A white-bearded sturdy man stood on the deck, speaking Valyrian and throwing down a thick hemp rope.

Davos glanced at the sail, a cold tiger head.

Confirming that it was the connecting ship, Davos held Coleanne in his chest and carried Quill on his back.


Climbing onto the ship swiftly, Davos untied the silk tied to Coleanne on his chest and lowered his head to remind: "Take good care of the little princess, the prince will be very grateful to Governor Teslio."

"Of course, the Governor is the most hospitable."

The white-bearded sturdy man smiled and reached out to pick up the child.

"That's good, I still have to send Prince Quill off."

"Don't worry, the ship is coming."


Davos was stunned when he heard this, and turned back in surprise.


Suddenly, a dagger pierced his back of the head, and the tip pierced his jaw.


"All men must die."

The white-bearded man changed his tone and tore off his face, revealing a foreign face.

Fluffy brown curly hair, weathered, smiling mouth.


Things happened too fast, blood sprayed on the two children, causing them to scream.

Colianni was being held in the murderer's arms, her screams almost tore her throat, her small body twitched like an epileptic.

Xi Liu looked at her with pity, and said, "Don't cry, I won't kill the little kid."

As he said that, he kicked off his raised bamboo legs and stared at the miserable Davos.

The dagger pierced through the back of his head, Davos bled from all seven orifices, and he was stiff like a corpse.

Blood surged from his mouth, and his silver-white armor was stained with blood.


Davos's instinctive panting could only make a hoarse sound like a broken blower, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

In his last glance, he saw a small cargo ship coming from the deep sea.

Like a last flash of light, he retained a trace of thought.

The assassin did not lie to him, the ship really came.

"Prince, betrayed..."

The remaining consciousness could not make a complete sentence, Davos was in a trance, and his body leaned back uncontrollably.


The stiff body fell heavily on the deck, stirring up a layer of non-existent dust.

The giant sword on his back made a crisp sound and broke free from the restraint of the shoulder strap.

The then-Sword of Buddha Xiao died in the mission of protecting the prince's relatives.


The two children broke down and cried.

Xiliu sighed with regret, helpless for the two children, and bent down to pick up the broad giant sword.

"The Dawn of the Sword of Buddha Xiao, a legendary weapon."

Picking up the heavy giant sword, Xiliu looked at it carefully and agreed with the foresight of the crown prince.

In a head-on battle, he is definitely no match for this Sword of the Fallen.

But it doesn't matter.

Dorne is good at assassination, so it's just an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.


Another cargo ship approached, with hundreds of people standing on the deck.

Robb, who should have been in Myr, stood on the edge of the deck, looking solemn: "Take care of the child, Lord Corliss, siege the city before dawn."

"Leave it to me."

Shiliu bowed gracefully and said seriously: "All mortals need to serve."

In the dark night, the two cargo ships parted ways.

The heartbreaking cry of the child was faintly heard.


Sunspear City, Old Palace.

Keoren lived alone in the bedroom, sleeping soundly on the soft bed.

Behind the bed curtains surrounded by light gauze, the strong body was fully armed and wearing a hard plate armor.


Keoren frowned in his sleep, as if he had a bad dream.

Gradually, a row of sweat beads oozed from his forehead.


Keoren cried out and suddenly woke up.

His handsome face was full of panic, his pupils were shaking, and he looked like he had encountered a great terror.

"Daves, why haven't you come back yet?"

Keoren gasped and muttered to himself.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly remembered that he had ordered the other party to send the two children to the outside of the narrow sea, and he should be on the way now.

Keoren breathed a sigh of relief and covered his forehead: "The defense of the Stepstone Islands is lax, and the cargo ships of Braavos and Volantis will not be intercepted."

As far as he knew, Corliss Velaryon almost emptied the defense force of the Stepstone Islands in order to seek revenge.

If Braavos can still send a fleet to attack, it will definitely be able to regain control of the Stepstone Islands.

"Stupid Sea King, forget your loyalty for the sake of small profits."

Keoren felt aggrieved and looked down on the Sea King.

He thought about it.

Keoren thought of Weir and Yronwood, and thought: "The Black Harbor army will be stationed in Yronwood. The rear is empty, and the front is the king of the Iron Throne. No matter which side is attacked, the situation can be reversed."

The Dornishmen know their castles better than anyone else.

"Before the dragon comes, we must leave the city before dawn and move the battlefield to a favorable terrain."

Keoren shook his head to make himself more awake

But the more he shook, the more dizzy his head became.

Unconsciously, he fell asleep again.


The next day, the sun did not rise.

It was early in the morning, the sky was chaotic, and a touch of red sun rose slowly.

The sea surface was undulating, the sun was level with the sea horizon, and the sea and sky were the same color under the red glow.


Suddenly, a loud dragon roar broke the silence of sunrise.

Over the shadow city, Yangyan soared and sprayed a dragon flame without hesitation.

Just in time, the sun rose halfway.

Yangyan's body was golden, his scales were golden, and his wings were light pink, like a sun that had escaped from orbit.

Boom! Boom!

A large army marched from the Green Blood River, blocking the gate of Shadow City, and catapults threw rolling stones.

Yangji City, bedroom.

Ke'aoren suddenly opened his eyes and was awakened by the commotion.

"What's going on? What happened!?"

He tore off the curtains around the bed and rushed out of the bedroom.

He grabbed a guard and shouted, "Is the sea snake attacking?"

The guard was trembling and panicked, "The army is blocking Shadow City, and a giant dragon is attacking the city buildings."


Ke'aoren was trembling, pushed the guard away, and staggered out.

As he walked, he muttered, "There is a tunnel under Shadow City, and Yangji City can't be defended."

As he spoke, his brain felt dizzy, and suddenly he felt weak all over, and almost fell to the ground.

Kooren pulled himself together and called the army.

He understood a truth at this moment.

No wonder the continent of Essos hated the Dragon King and the dragons.

Before the dragons appeared, the strength of the continent of Westeros was reflected in thick armor, highly mobile cavalry, and indestructible castles.

After the dragons appeared, no matter how thick the armor was, it was burned through, and the cavalry became toys that could be manipulated at will.

Even the most important castle of a noble lost the benefits of natural defense and solidity, and could not stop the dragon with air superiority.

Shadow City, outside the city wall.

A 3,000-man king-led army was heroic and operated siege equipment to attack the city.

The sea snake was full of murderous face and shouted: "Release!"

Boom! Boom!

The catapult threw rolling stones and hit the brown and yellow city head.

There were only a few hundred defenders, and they could not resist the attack of the dragon and were soon crushed.

The sea snake waved his hand: "Break the city!"

The soldiers pushed the siege vehicle forward and easily broke open the unblocked city gate.

At this time, the morning sun slowly rose, and the sky was filled with flaming clouds.

The sea snake looked up at the sky, his stiff face slightly moved, and his eyes showed unspeakable excitement.


"Enter one by one, the exit is in the desert."

In a corner of Shadow City, Dorne soldiers rushed frantically, scrambling to get into the secret passage.

One mile outside the city.


There was a muffled sound from the sand, and then it exploded with a plop, pushing out a wooden board.

Ke'olun's head was covered with gravel, and he climbed out of the cave with his hands and feet.

"Hurry up, there is a water garden in front, go around and take the small path, and hurry to Soul Hill."

A large number of soldiers climbed out, and Ke'olun led the team into the desert.

The main road could not be taken, and it was safer to take the desert.

Soul Hill was the closest to Yangji City, and he could get supplies there and then make long-term plans.


He stepped on the sand with great effort, and a gust of wind whistled over his head.

Ke'aoren froze, the joy of escaping was gone, and he raised his head with difficulty.

The sky suddenly darkened, and shadows covered the earth, blocking the bright morning sun.

Above his head, the blue sky disappeared, replaced by a huge black dragon.

The dragon's vertical pupils were dark green, flashing dangerous light, surpassing the top of the food chain.

"Dragon flame!"

Suddenly, a clear voice came out.

The next second, dark green dragon flames rolled down.

Ke'aoren's teeth were about to crack, and he only had time to see a silver-haired figure on the dragon's back, looking down at him with contempt.

The hot air flow rushed towards him, and Ke'aoren was like a lamb to be slaughtered, and burst into a desperate shout:


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