Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 446 Father and Son Reunited

Amid the shrill screams, a cluster of green fire ignited in the yellow sand.

Flesh and blood burned, armor melted, and life returned to death.


The glutton roared loudly, and the dragon flames like smoke and fog were evenly spread, just like the real god of death.

Rhaegar looked calm, playing with a silver-white dagger in the shape of a dragon horn in his hand.

Calm and peaceful.

Watching the arrogant Prince of Dorne struggle and wail, turning into a broken and charred corpse.

"Arrogant wisdom is also a kind of unclear stupidity."

Rhaegar looked at the wounds on the ground and sighed.

Keoren was very smart.

He saw that the Iron Throne had the intention to wage war against Dorne, and used the free trade cities outside the narrow sea to try to weaken the strength of the Iron Throne.

Unfortunately, cleverness backfired.

The moment the Three Women's Kingdom was breached, Dorne was destined to end in the same way.

Rhaegar looked at the charred corpse that was solidified into steel and shook his head, saying, "None of the Free Cities is trustworthy. You chose the wrong ally from the beginning."

Dorne intervened in the battlefield, and Braavos immediately retreated and transferred the fire of war to its allies.

Keoren could not control his nobles, and hesitated and was reluctant to make up his mind to perish together.

In the first Dorne War, Dorne was able to obtain the capital for peace talks, and most of the credit was attributed to the indomitable spirit of the yellow toad.

If they did not dare to fight desperately, Dorne's combat power would not be as good as that of the Reach.

Even if they fought desperately, Dorne could not stop the Targaryen at its peak.

Located in the desert, it developed slowly, which blocked Dorne's upper limit.


Dreamfire flew from afar, and its well-proportioned dragon body shuttled through the clouds.

Rhaegar saw it and patted the back of the Glutton.

The Glutton knew the skills and slowly flapped his wings to land.

Dreamfire flew close, stepped on the sand covered with charred corpses with its hind feet, and leaned over to reveal its driver.

Helena's face was excited, and she said happily: "Lord Corliss has captured Sunspear and has taken control of the situation."

"Where are the Dornish troops?"

Rhaegar noticed the cave where Keoren had drilled out.

Hundreds of people were burned to death just now, and Sunspear still had at least a thousand standing troops.

"Aegon blocked the entrance, and he can't escape."

Helena pointed to the cave and continued: "There is another team in the secret passage. Lord Corliss asked me to block it."


Rhaegar had a flash of inspiration and urged the Glutton to go to the exit of the cave.

The entrance was narrow, and a lot of gravel seeped in.


The Glutton turned his head, and his green vertical pupils were close to the entrance of the cave, peeking at the situation inside.


The hot breath sprayed into the secret passage, and a commotion of chaos and disorder instantly came from inside.

The dragon is the crystallization of blood and fire.

Not only is the dragon flame terrifying, but the breath exhaled from the mouth and nose is also high temperature.

As the glutton grows, the nasal slaps he makes can burn the skin under his clothes.

Rhaegar's face turned cold and he shouted, "Come out!"

Keoren has three heirs, two of whom he intercepted, and there is still one heir missing.


The glutton roared, his dragon mouth opened wide, and the green dragon flame accumulated in his throat.

"We surrender and let the princess go."

Hundreds of Dorne soldiers swarmed out, and a noble officer hugged a tearful Alexandra in his arms.

Hearing her father's painful screams, Alexandra clearly understood that she had lost him forever.

Sadness and hatred filled her heart.

"Dragon flame!!"

The girl's voice sounded, calm and resolute.


Dreamfire's eyes flashed fiercely, and a mouthful of dragon flame mixed with orange and light blue gushed out.

The dragon flame passed in front of the glutton's eyes and hit the heads of more than a hundred Dorne soldiers accurately.

Together with the dull-faced Alexandra, they were burned to ashes.

Rhaegar's eyes widened slightly, staring at Helena.

Helena said frankly: "She hates you."

"Yes." Rhaegar's eyelids twitched.

He considered keeping Alexandra, which would be beneficial to the subsequent rule.

Helena lowered her eyes and said nervously: "I am a girl, and also your Visenya, to help you eliminate the difficult characters."

That Dornish girl, it's hard to keep her!

Rhaegar said with emotion: "You are right, we still have two Martells."

Helena raised her head and looked at him timidly.

The four eyes met and smiled at each other.

"Let's go."

Rhaegar patted the dragon's back and said seriously: "If the Martell regime collapses, Dorne will fall into chaos, and the poisonous insects in the dark will emerge."

He was going to Sunspear to claim his rule, and then rush to Yronwood.

The Dornish nobles in the Bone Road are a hard bone, and they need to concentrate their firepower.




The bronze dragon swooped down, its tail knocked off the spire of the tower, and it flapped its wings and landed in the foreground of the castle.

"Your Majesty..."

The Cargael brothers went to meet him, their silver armor and white robes very majestic.

"Well." Viserys climbed down the dragon's back lightly and warned: "Rhaegar sent me a letter saying that he and Lord Corliss will besiege Sunspear today. We must be careful here."

Eric said solemnly: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Sir Cole led 3,000 soldiers to take over the city defense. We are all inside and outside the castle."

Aric was smooth-tempered and added: "We will always protect your safety."

Hearing this, Viserys nodded and felt much more relieved.

Like the city of Weir, the city of Yronwood was also empty.

Adhering to the strategic purpose of controlling the Bone Road, Black Harbor, Bitter Bridge, and Green Valley gathered 3,000 soldiers, and he personally led the army to the city of Yronwood, the gateway to the Bone Road.

Viserys twisted his body, unable to walk under the weight of his armor, and walked towards the tower impatiently.


Suddenly, a strange roar came into his ears.

Viserys felt something in his heart and turned around in surprise.

A brown mud-colored mud dragon came into view. The shriveled dragon head had sunken eye sockets, and its vertical pupils shone with a cunning light.


Viserys exclaimed, his eyes immediately falling on the silver-haired boy on the dragon's back.

"Father, I'm here!"

Aemond smiled and waved his arms excitedly.

It's been more than a month since I left the Red Fort, and I finally met my father.


The sheep thief glanced up and down quickly, then buffered midway.

The smile stopped abruptly.

Aemond couldn't sit still, his upper body fell weightless, and his freckled face hit the dry scales with a bang.

When he raised his head again, a string of nosebleeds flowed from his nose.

"Oh, seven hells!"

Viserys had never seen such a scene before, and his heart trembled with distress.

"Sheep thief, that's too much!"

Aemond shouted and wiped away the nosebleed skillfully.

Seeing that his third son still had the strength to shout, Viserys breathed a sigh of relief and joked: "This is a dragon with ideas, as unique as its ugliness."

This is not a taunt.

Aemond was tossed about in the stormy land, and the mud dragon protected him well.

Soon, the sheep thief landed slowly and roared at the vigilant Kargel brothers.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Ilic shook the hilt of his sword and blocked the king behind him.

"Don't worry, White Knight."

Aemond jumped off the dragon's back and raised his head sullenly: "It's just crazy. Just prepare two goats for him to get rid of it."


The sheep thief's eyes lit up, and he twisted his slender neck back and forth, smelling the scent of the goat.

It smelled like mutton, as if it had been rotten for several days.

It must be said that its sense of smell is very sensitive.

There is a mountain of meat piled with cattle and sheep carcasses outside the city, and the dragon flames of Wormisor have not burned them all.

"My child, come and show your father a good look."

Viserys hugged Aemond who was approaching, looked back and forth with his hands on his shoulders, and said happily: "He's strong now. He looks like your brother when he was a child."

After saying that, I squeezed his arm, feeling a little muscular.

Aemond lowered his head shyly and glanced at his father with admiring eyes.

I haven’t heard my father’s praise for a long time.

He craves the attention of his father and mother.

"Let's go back to the castle, and I'll ask the chef to prepare a special feast for you."

Viserys put his arm around his son's shoulders and did not forget to tease him; "But he is so shy that he ignores the taste. After all, he is a cook in the army. The freshly baked bread is so hard that it can break his head."


Aemond just giggled and followed me obediently.

Don't forget that he rushed to find his father after wiping out the remnants of the storm.

The father and son walked quickly in front, and the Kagel brothers followed.

Ilic and Alik looked at each other, and the latter said: "Since it is the prince's reception party, I will inform Sir Cole to step up patrol tonight."


Ilic had this intention and said: "I protect the king and pay attention to the kitchen and the well."

The Dornish people are good at poisoning and murdering, so you must be extra careful in this strange castle.

The two brothers have the same mind and act independently.

With the arrival of Emond, the dull atmosphere of Yronwood City was broken.

The soldiers became busier and busier, not daring to slack off at all.

In a blink of an eye, it was dark.

The towers are tall and brightly lit.

In the spacious hall, Viserys and Aemond had dinner.

Soldiers patrolled outside, torches lighting up the dark night.

Everything looked normal, even the evening breeze was blowing gently.


Under the firelight, shadows lurked.

Kitchen, cellar, stable, dry well...

Slight noises appeared one after another in inconspicuous places.

First is the kitchen.

The kitchen is the territory of the gang leader. After cooking at dusk, it is locked with a lock.

boom! boom!

The muffled sound went from light to heavy, destroying the tranquility of the night.

The sound did not come from the wall or floor, but from beneath the adobe stove.


There was a muffled sound from the stove hole, and plant ashes flew randomly and sprinkled on the flour bags in the kitchen.

Soon, an ax popped out of the dark stove hole.

With a few clicks, a gap was made in the stove hole, and a Dornishman wearing a scarf crawled out.

As the number of people increased, they smashed the lock on the door, and Qiao Mimi broke out.

The same scene also happened in other inconspicuous corners.

Under the light of the lamp, the poisonous snake showed its fangs.

Late at night.

Viserys was so happy that his son had arrived that he got drunk.

Aemond also took a few sips, choking and coughing, which made his father burst into laughter.

"Father, let me help you go back to sleep."

After a while, seeing his father drunk and confused, Aemond made a sweet suggestion.

He enjoyed the warmth of being alone with his father.

"Okay, I happen to be sleepy."

Viserys was very proud and stood up unsteadily.

Emond was young and struggled to support his fat father.

"Go and help."

Ilic stood aside and called the guards in the hall to come forward.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

Several crossbow arrows flew straight towards Viserys and Aemond.


The guards arrived just in time, and blocked the king and his son with their bodies. He was hit by an arrow in the back and vomited blood.

"There's an assassin!"

Ilic was shocked and quickly pulled out his sword.

Aemond raised his head in panic. On the stairs of the hall, a dozen Dornishmen in brown and yellow leather armor were holding crossbows and staring at him with murderous intent.

"Protect father, retreat quickly!"

Aemond's heart was beating fast and he pulled his father back quickly.

The stormy land has cultivated his alertness, and he subconsciously avoids danger.

At this moment, chaotic shouts came from outside the tower.


"The barn is on fire, come here!"

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