Game of Thrones: I became a crown prince for a day

Chapter 558 Hidden dangers of the family

Meereen, interior of the city.

"Quick, catch them!"

"There is a son of a harpy..."


Gray Worm took the lead, leading the Unsullied army to sweep away the rebels in the streets and alleys.

Any slave or son of a harpy found hiding a weapon will be killed on the spot.

"Don't disturb the people, seal off the Great Lord's pyramid and arena!"

The sea snake looked solemn and sat in command of the army.

Meereen occupies a large area, with more than 30 pyramids and slave squares of different heights scattered within the towering city walls.

In addition, the arena was also a prosperous industry for the great masters to have fun and make money.

"My lord, the arena holds many slaves."

Adam was covered in blood and reported in a deep voice.

"Continue to be detained and provide adequate food and water."

The sea snake glanced at the bastard and said calmly: "Your Majesty is going to interrogate the Great Master. You will lead a Velaryon team to search for the Golden Word."

After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed to an old pyramid of one hundred feet in front of him.

Adam was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Yes, sir."

He called a group of soldiers wearing seahorse badges on their chests and rushed towards them excitedly.

The sea snake's eyes were complex, looking at Adam's back, and unknowingly they overlapped with Lanino's.

The city gate.

The glutton crouched on the ground, the dragon's head raised high, and the two dragon wings stuck to the sides like knives.


"Let us go..."


Hundreds of great masters looked up at the huge black dragon with panic-stricken faces and urine flowing from their faces.

Too tall.

Not to mention the harpy sculpture standing at the top of the Great Pyramid, even the Great Pyramid itself, which is 800 feet high, is still as small as a broken house in front of the giant dragon.

The great masters wanted to escape, but they were all tied up in a pile, regardless of gender.

This is how slaves are treated.

"Everyone, do you have any last words?"

Rhaegar sat on the head of the glutton, his mind open in an imageless manner.

"Please let us go, we are willing to ransom you with gold."

A young great master fell to his knees with a pop and prayed with tears streaming down his face.

They had heard that the wise lord of Yunkai had paid for his life.

Unfortunately, they asked the wrong person.

Rega laughed dumbly and tilted his head: "Listen, if I kill all of you, your wealth will also be mine."

"no no!"

The other great masters were completely panicked, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Rhaegar shook his head helplessly, no longer trusting the great master's words.


The glutton felt something in his heart, the ferocious dragon's kiss opened, and the miserable green dragon flame accumulated in his throat.

"Dragon Flame!" Rega ordered directly.


The mist-like mist of miserable green dragon flames spurted out, pouring water over the heads of the great masters like a flood.

"Ah! Help..."

"Kill me, kill me quickly..."


Large areas of land were instantly scorched black, and green flames enveloped everyone, ravaging and torturing them like maggots in their tarsal bones.

The great masters did not die immediately, but struggled painfully under the fire.

Some great masters smashed their foreheads with their heads, and slit their throats with hidden daggers.

Being able to die quickly has become a luxury.

In the distance of the scorched earth, a team of Unsullied detained a great master alone.

Almos lost his former gorgeous robes and scepter, collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, and was on the verge of mental collapse.


The glutton slowly turned his head, his pale green eyes flashing in amusement.

When the Unsullied saw this, his expression changed, he raised his spear and retreated.

"No, no dragon flames..."

Almos's pupils were trembling, his face was full of fear, and he was climbing on all fours like a dog.

"Alright, glutton."

Rhaegar patted the pale dragon's horn and asked with interest: "How many wizards from Asshai have you hired?"

The water wizard of Volantis, the invisible potion containing extremely poisonous substances, the black-robed wizard who pulls people into dreams...

It must be said that Asia is indeed a dangerous city.

The descendants of Gujis in front of them are also very good at winning people's hearts.

Facing the interrogation, Almos was flustered and half-truthed: "No more, I only bought a few wizards, and Yashai used this as a springboard to contact the outside world."

"Wizard Yashai is interested in the outside world?" Rhaegar didn't believe it.

"Yes, I didn't lie."

Almos waved his hands repeatedly and revealed the truth: "They study magic and borrow my ship to sail to all parts of the world."

Rega frowned when he heard this.

A group of wizards who are afraid of chaos in the world will cause trouble wherever they go.

Almos' eyes were wandering wildly. Seeing that the other party was thinking about something, he was thinking about how to save his life.

"How many pseudodragons are there in Slaver's Bay?"

Suddenly, Rhaegar's question interrupted his thoughts.

Almos was stunned for a moment, then said cryptically: "That's just that family, the rest are all Valyrians who cannot be studied."

"Oh?" Rhaegar squinted.

Without a word, the Unsullied raised his spear and pierced Almoth's thigh.


Almos screamed miserably, rolling around and begging for mercy: "Spare me, I don't dare to lie anymore."

Rega looked calm and asked: "Where are those pseudo-dragon bloodlines distributed?"

Slaver's Bay is the closest ancient city-state to Ancient Valyria.

Since the bloodline of the Fitznick family remains, there will definitely be continuation of the bloodline of other Dragon Kings.

Maybe the bloodline has been impure for a long time, and the glory of the ancestors has even been forgotten.

But, after all, he is a descendant of the Dragon King.

Almos couldn't stand the torture, and he spat out many small families that were suspected to be descendants of the Dragon King. In the end, he said: "I have many concubines, all of whom have the blood of the false dragon."

"Very good." Rhaegar smiled faintly.

There were four or five small families suspected to be descendants of the Dragon King, and they lived in Slaver's Bay with a huge gap between the rich and the poor.

Without the surname of the Dragon King, they were similar to the herdsmen before the false dragon became famous.

"Your Majesty, I have said everything."

Almos was sweating profusely in pain, and begged bitterly: "You can keep me and manage Meereen for you."

"Yes, you are very useful."

Rhaegar smiled and did not deny it.

Almos' eyes lit up immediately, and he clasped his hands together and begged for forgiveness.

"But you will be more useful to me if you die."

Rhaegar's smile was fleeting, and he said coldly: "Dragon flame, glutton."


Almos' eyes were bloodshot, and he watched the dark dragon spit out dragon flames and covered his head.


Wrapped in dragon flames, his skin was scorched inch by inch, and he rolled and wailed.

The death of the Great Lord symbolizes the transformation of Meereen.


At night, the Great Pyramid.

Rhaegar, wearing a scarf, sat on the chair that originally belonged to the Great Lord.


The cool night breeze blew into the room, and the pages of the books on the table turned rustlingly.

Rhaegar concentrated his mind and took notes carefully on a map.

This is an ancient map of the Land of Long Summer, with many landforms marked by the pseudo-dragon.

"Still looking at the map?"

Rhaenyra walked out of the bathroom, tilting her head to wipe her silver hair, and approached quietly.

Rhaegar was startled when he heard the voice, and rubbed his eyebrows: "This map is much more accurate than the map collected on Dragonstone. I marked the former territory of my family on it."

Old Valyria was destroyed for more than two hundred years, and all the maps on the market were crudely made.

With the information provided by the pseudo-dragon and Daenerys, he will have a more comprehensive geomancy map of the Land of Long Summer.

"Rhaegar, don't be too tense."

Rhaenyra wiped Rhaegar's wet hair with a towel with pity in her eyes, and praised softly: "Meereen surrendered, and the entire Slaver Bay had no more resistance. We were successful."

Rhaegar leaned back, found a soft spot to cuddle, and said sadly: "It's not enough, the family has too many flaws."

Father is right, Targaryen is a combination of chaos and disorder.

We all have dragons, why are we inferior?

During my father's reign, there was no sufficient support, and the situation was always that the king was weak and the ministers were strong.

If it weren't for Aunt Rhaenys's understanding and consideration of the overall situation, the second dragon bloodshed incident in the family that evolved from internal fighting would have happened.

Today, the internal environment of the family has changed greatly.

Rhaegar is strong enough, and the glutton swept the dragon group.

But the combined ability of one person and one dragon is not enough to suppress the restlessness of family members.

Daemon and Aemond are the best examples.

They acknowledged Rhaegar's rule, but they criticized each other.

If Rhaenyra hadn't tried his best to stop him, Rhaegar would have left the dream quickly enough, and the uncle and nephew would have staged a bloody dragon dance.

"Daemon is gone."

Rhaenyra sighed and said, "Both uncle and nephew are troublesome, and there will be a war sooner or later."

"If the family wants to reproduce, there must be a treasure to protect the family."

Rhaegar raised his head, stared at the other party, and whispered, "I wanted to suppress the internal struggle of the family and wait until our children grow up."

When the children grow up, the family will surely reappear the prosperity of the reign of the centenarian king.

Rhaenyra frowned slightly, waiting for the next step.

"But this method only treats the symptoms, not the root cause."

Rhaegar was a little regretful, and said sincerely, "Even if the children don't fight each other when they grow up, it is inevitable that the children of the children will fight each other."

The Targaryens with dragons are not easy to control, and the family cannot rely on so-called emotions to maintain it.

Aegon the Conqueror is famous throughout the ages, but his family is also a mess.

His sister Queen Rhaenys is jealous and spoils her brother Aegon and sister Visenya.

For every night Aegon spent with Visenya, he spent ten times as much time with Rhaenys.

And on the night Aegon was absent, he summoned his male favorites to sing all night.

Rhaegar dared to assert that if Queen Rhaenys had not been killed, the two sisters would have broken up sooner or later.

The two descendants of the Conqueror, Aenys and Maegor, were also not in harmony.

Maegor's parricide was not only cruel to his nephew, but also the resentment of the previous generation.

This was the family of Aegon the Conqueror, and there were already many thunder points.

Not to mention the larger and more complex family that relied on Rhaegar alone.

There were uncle Daemon, aunt Rhaenys, five brothers and sisters of the same generation, and a group of children of the next generation.

Rhaegar was always more tolerant and gave the highest respect to his elders.

For his peers, he married Rhaenyra and Helena, and brought several half-brothers around him.

For the next generation, Baelon, as the eldest son, had almost a smooth road with his support.

But what about the next generation and the next generation?

The family is getting more prosperous day by day. Within a few generations, let alone controlling dragons, there may not be enough dragon eggs to share.

What is the problem? What should we do when the time comes?

Rhaenyra understood what he meant, and she hugged his neck with her arms and said, "Rhaegar, do you still want to go to the Sea of ​​Smoke?"

The Sea of ​​Smoke has the dragon horn, which can suppress the restless dragons.

Rhaegar did not deny it and said, "I wanted to conquer the Slaver's Bay, so I took Daemon to the Sea of ​​Smoke."

The accident came too quickly, and Daemon had to make up for the mistake.

"Then wait a while before going to the Sea of ​​Smoke."

Rhaenyra hugged her brother tightly and said, "You found a girl from Fizznick for Aegon, which will help him and Aemond get married."

Father Viserys attaches great importance to the marriage of his children.

But Aegon looked down on his fiancée Selena Hightower and delayed the marriage.

Aemond had just reached the age, and there were also obstacles.

"Well, go back and see father."

Rhaegar agreed.

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