Time flies, and several days pass.

Meereen, Arena.


The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, sparks colliding from time to time.

Rhaegar sat on a high platform, watching a fight below.

A rugged Dothraki bloodrider wielding a scimitar competes with a knight armed as a tin can.

With armor versus without armor, there is no suspense about the outcome.

After more than a dozen rounds, Iron Can brandished his long knife and won.

Rhaegar turned sideways and smiled: "Laokao, armor is still useful."

Rao had no expression on his face and struggled to speak Valyrian: "Dothraki... never wear... iron clothes."

"Haha, whatever you want."

Rhaegar was cheerful and respectful of the traditions of others.

Rao glanced at it. The bloodrider cut his braids in anger and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Rhaegar and he were old acquaintances.

During the Battle of Myr, Laokao was employed by Prince Pentos, and received additional gifts from Rhaegar after the war.

It was this gift that allowed his tribe to grow.

This time during the Battle of Slaver's Bay, he was hired by the Great Lord of Meereen, and was later intercepted by Aemond on the Mount of the Virgin.

Forced by the threat of sheep thieves, Rhaegar's name was also added.

Choose to follow Aemond to counterattack Meereen.

While the two were chatting, the sea snake came from the audience.

First he looked at the tin can on the arena, then took off his helmet to reveal a young face with silver hair and dark skin.

Then he walked to Rhaegar and whispered: "Your Majesty, representatives of each family have been gathered."

"Do they agree?" Rhaegar asked.

Sea Snake forced out a smile: "Don't worry, no one will refuse an additional asset."

Slaver's Bay was breached, and the slave owners of the three city-states fell from the altar.

The Targaryen dynasty couldn't reach that far, at least Rhaegar's generation couldn't control it.

The distance is too far, and they make a living by selling slaves.

It will be thankless for anyone who falls into their hands.

But after laying down the long-famous Slaver's Bay, he turned around and walked away.

Rhaegar was naturally unwilling to give in.

Adhering to the good moral character of plucking the hair of a goose and leaving the skin of an animal when it is gone, we came up with a way to benefit ourselves at the expense of others.

Rhaegar touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "In addition to the Hightower and Lannister families, the royal nobles such as Darklin, Rosby, and Staunton will be given an extra share of land."

If Targaryen can't rule Slaver's Bay, then leave it to the nobles loyal to Targaryen.

Land originally owned by slave owners was granted to nobles and they were encouraged to colonize Slaver's Bay.

If things go on like this, Slaver's Bay will still be affected by the Iron Throne.

"You are generous, Your Majesty."

Sea Snake sighed.

The royal nobles are not considered wealthy, and if they have new overseas lands, they can send their second sons to explore them.

The royal family naturally extended its favor and won the support of the nobles.

"An act of desperation, Lord Corliss."

Rhaegar stood up and explained: "Laokao presented the Iron Throne with one hundred scorpion crossbows. Don't forget to give him a gift in return when he leaves."

They were the defensive equipment that Meereen purchased from Qohor for a large sum of money, and were confiscated intact.

The sea snake expressed his understanding and said in a deep voice: "Qohor has made many weapons and is very resistant to the Iron Throne."

A city-state of craftsmen governed by religion is a potential threat at any time.

"When I have time, I will visit Qohor in person."

Rhaegar affirmed.

I know several of the top craftsmen in Qohor, but I have never set foot in this city-state.

Rhaegar was also interested in Qhor's ancient heritage.

Before leaving, he reminded: "Prepare the ship, I want to return to Westeros."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The sea serpent responded.

King's Landing, Red Keep.

The imperial meeting was held.

Viserys dragged his heavy body and sat on the main seat to govern.

"Your Majesty, Lady Cassandra of the Baratheon family has passed away, and her sister, Miss Malice, has succeeded her as the Duchess of Storm's End."

Leonor's voice was slow, caring for the former king.

Viserys was a little confused and asked doubtfully: "Kassandra is dead?"

She was his appointed daughter-in-law, how could she die in an unknown way?

Leonor sighed: "Everything in the world is unpredictable, and no one does not regret the death of Lady Cassandra."

"Seven Gods above, this is really unlucky."

Viserys was sweating on his forehead, and his pale face became even worse.

Jaspi suddenly said: "Luck sometimes cannot take away a person's life, Your Majesty."

"What's the meaning?"

Viserys glanced at him, frowning in confusion.

The other royal ministers looked at Jaspie with obvious dissatisfaction in their eyes.

Jaspie ignored it and said boldly: "According to the testimony of Stephen Clinton, the captain of the guard at Storm's End, Lady Cassandra's death was probably not an accident, but a deliberate murder."

"Speak with evidence, iron rod!"

Leonor frowned, with a warning in his words.

The matter was too involved and it was not their place to criticize.

Viserys sensed something was wrong and interrupted: "Let him continue."

Let's see who dares to murder the royal family.

Jaspie raised his eyebrows proudly at Leonor and said, "Some people say that on the eve of Lady Cassandra's murder, Storm's End recruited a group of servants, and one of them was the maid who delivered midnight snacks to Lady Cassandra."

He had proof, it was a murder.

The Baratheon family looked down upon him and did not keep their promise of a marriage between the two families.

The heir to Storm's End could never hope for a smooth succession.

Viserys was shocked when he heard this.

Unexpectedly, Cassandra died unexpectedly.

Lin Man was concerned about the health of the old king, and said slowly: "Your Majesty, the matter is very complicated, Lord Jasper is too arbitrary."

According to the news from the other side of the narrow sea, Prince Aemond hired someone to assassinate the white maggots.

As we all know, the white maggots are Daemon's forbidden food.

A long-known dissolute prince, who doesn't know his revengeful character.

Cassandra was choked to death by bacon, and anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was a targeted revenge.

Jasper snorted coldly: "I have Stephen Clinton's testimony, and Maris Baratheon is very likely to be involved in the murder."

Whether it is right or not, the dirty water is thrown out first.

Lin Man was speechless and angry.

Tormund, the chief of intelligence, put his hands in his sleeves and said calmly: "Lord Jasper, how do you know that Stephen Clinton's testimony is true?"

"He was the most trusted captain of the guards of Lady Cassandra when she was alive."

Jasper was confident.

"Oh?" Tormund deliberately prolonged the tail tone and said with a strange look in his eyes: "Then do you think that he trusts Lady Cassandra too much?"

As the chief of intelligence, he knows many unknown secrets.

Some things are not easy to tell even His Majesty the King.

If you tell it, it will make it difficult for the superior to do it.

Jasper was stunned when he heard it, and suddenly thought of something, and closed his mouth angrily.

The meeting was coming to an end, and the atmosphere became depressing.

Viserys looked around and found that the ministers were hiding things. He said angrily: "Who is the murderer? Do you really think I am an old fool!?"

"Your Majesty..."

Lionor's eyes were complicated, and he was hesitant to speak.

It can't be that your own brother killed your own son's fiancée.

"Tell me, who is it!"

Viserys was furious, and his breathing became increasingly disordered.

Leonor's forehead was sweating, and he was under tremendous pressure.


The door to the meeting opened, and a cool breeze blew in.

Viserys looked at him in surprise, and his eyes narrowed slightly in the sunlight.

Damon's face was calm, with a hint of longing in his eyes, and he greeted: "Brother."

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