Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 10 Wolf Forest

"Jon asked me to help his crippled little brother, but I am just a crippled dwarf. Even the maester can't make him stand up." Tyrion complained to Cole when they set up camp.

"Maybe Snow just wants you to enlighten the child with knowledge."

Helplessness flashed in Tyrion's eyes, but not every Stark family is as easy to get along with as Jon Snow. Tyrion fully understands the extent of their prejudice against the Lannister family.

Lions and wolves seem to be natural enemies in the woods.

Just look at Benyan Stark's cynicism towards him when he went north. This bearskin coat was sent by Benyan just to disgust him. It was rotten and smelly, but he didn't suffer any loss. He put it on decisively. , making all Stark's plans fail.

If he hadn't agreed to Snow, Tyrion wouldn't even want to get close to Winterfell Castle. He would rather spend the night in a winter town outside the city and find a northern girl to have fun with.

"Hey, look what I brought?" Yoren in black grinned with black teeth and held a snowshoe rabbit in his hand. He had just gone hunting with two other brothers in black.

They are responsible for escorting Tyrion to Winterfell, and then Yoren will follow south to King's Landing to see if there is any fresh blood in the king's prison to replenish the Night's Watch.

Yoren is an expatriate member of the Night's Watch, serving as a steward. He is responsible for traveling between the castles of the Seven Kingdoms to search for criminals and send them to the Great Wall.

Commander-in-Chief Mormont seemed to be vaguely aware of the strange phenomena outside the Great Wall, and felt that the Night's Watch was short of personnel, so he sent Yoren again to King's Landing, hoping to bring back more people.

The Commander-in-Chief warmly entertained Tyrion in the hope that he could put in a good word with the Queen and Duke Tywin and explain the situation of the Night's Watch to these important figures.

"Little Cole, leave it to you. I haven't eaten your roasted meat for a long time." Yoren stuffed the snow rabbit over unceremoniously.

Cole and Tyrion's two squires were responsible for renovating the camp and making fires for cooking.

Use a knife to peel off the rabbit skin, make a cut through it, and pull out the internal organs and intestines. Then cut two short branches to prop up the rabbit, scrape a few more times on the meaty areas, and then roast the rabbit on the fire rack.

Pierce two onions with twigs and roast them over fire.

When the rabbit meat was half-cooked, Cole took out the herbs he prepared along the way, spread it on it, squeezed a few onions to spread the juice on top, and added chopped garlic.

The aroma suddenly rose, and Tyrion, who was drinking and reading over there, twitched his nose, got up from the ground, and leaned over here.

"Cut a piece for me." He already had an impatient attitude.

Cole cut a piece of crispy leg meat and handed it to him.

He drank it in one gulp, his face flushed instantly, and he quickly jumped back to get his wine bag. The wine poured into his stomach like a spring, and he drank half of the bag of wine. He exhaled slowly.

"Damn it, you can still get burned in this damn weather." He cursed angrily.

"Who makes you so greedy?" Cole laughed heartily on one side.

The other night watchman brothers were also attracted by the smell. One rabbit is definitely not enough. There are seven people here. With rye bread, each person can share a palm-sized piece of meat. Because of his special status, Tyrion got a larger share.

"It's really our loss that Mr. Bear let you go." Yoren stuffed the rabbit meat into his mouth, not forgetting to speak angrily.

"If our King Robert knew that someone could roast meat so deliciously, he would probably send the Kingsguard to arrest you." Another night watchman praised in agreement.

These words seemed to hit Tyrion's tongue. He swallowed the rabbit meat on his lips, and then said: "I have been fortunate enough to eat the food cooked by the king's royal chef. To be honest, the meat is no worse than theirs." ”

He turned to look at Cole again, "Are you sure you don't want to be a cook? I can ask dad to recruit you to Casterly Rock."

"Tyrion, even if you move out of Lord Tywin, I will not work as a cook for you. If you want to eat what I cook, then come and be my squire." Cole joked.

Tyrion rolled his eyes, "You're not even a knight. If you beg me, I might let my brother canonize you."

"Brother? Kingslayer?"

Tyrion shook his head, "He doesn't like that nickname."

"No one likes nicknames, just like everyone likes to call me 'Raven', which is not auspicious," Yoren said.

The night watchman brothers thought of something and said: "Black wings bring black news."

"Not necessarily, at least the crow brought good news to Jon." Tyrion took another bite of rabbit meat, and this was the only one he hadn't finished yet.

At night, Tyrion and Cole crowded into a tent. This little devil also liked to talk in his sleep at night, and he was very colorful. Cole could only squeeze his body as far away as possible.

Cole woke up the next day with bloodshot eyes, and Tyrion was still complaining, "When we get to Winterfell, we have to get a feather bed first, and then find a whore."

After saying that, he took out the wine bag and took a sip. Cole suspected that he had to rely on this wine to survive.

After packing up the luggage, the horses continued southward, and could already vaguely see the appearance of the ancient forest. This place was called the "Wolf Forest" in the north, and the howling of wolves could always be heard at night.

After passing the Wolf Wood, you are not far from Winterfell. The narrow mountain road and the King's Road are hard to find in this forest. Fortunately, Yoren, the old horse of the Night's Watch, will not get lost.

They walked slowly on the road. This forest was just like its name, and the shadows were always full of danger.

Tyrion rode side by side with Cole. Since knowing that Cole had finished reading all the books of the Night's Watch, the two of them had endless topics to talk about. He shared those stories about the south with Cole, and Cole shared the history of the Great Wall with him.

The Great Wall, built of ice and stone, has a history of nearly 8,000 years. All the stories that happened here are recorded in the library of the maester.

Listening to the stories of the White Walkers and wildlings, Tyrion couldn't help but marvel frequently, "Your story is much more exciting than the one told by the nanny."

Before he could finish, a black shadow came from the shadow like black lightning and hit Tyrion directly.

Cole was startled, and the Night's Watch and the servants also hurriedly stopped the reins.

Tyrion had already fallen off the horse. It was a gray wolf, huge and half the height of a horse.

Yoren exclaimed, "It's a direwolf."

Everyone in the Night's Watch knew that the bastard had a white direwolf, but none of them was as tall as this gray one.

The bloody mouth was ready to bite Tyrion's head, and Tyrion was pressed to the ground by the strong wolf claws.

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