Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 9: Horseshoes in a hurry

"Cole, my brother woke up, and Bran survived." He rushed down from the King's Tower in a hurry.

Cole was walking towards the hall with his sword on his back, when he saw Snow, who was looking excited and full of questions.

He handed over a letter, "Look, the gods brought him back to life."

This should be the only good news Snow has heard these days.

"That's really good news."

The two walked into the hall together. Tyrion was sitting at the table eating, and Snow ran to him as fast as the wind, "He survived. Gods bless him, he survived."

Tyrion also said hello with a face full of greetings. He turned to look at Cole, as if to ask what the kid was crazy about.

Snow put the letter into the little devil's hand, "Here, you read it."

Someone gathered over and looked at them curiously.

Grant was also mixed in, but he didn't dare to get too close. He stood alone anxious and uneasy. His nickname was "Lazy Toad", but he looked very dull at this time.

The injury was caused by Jon Snow. When he thought of what Master Donner said and the good news brought by Bran, the depression and depression in his heart gradually dissipated. He reflected and thought, "Maybe I did go too far. Cole's strength is obviously not good enough." He is very strong, but he never strikes hard.”

Thinking of this, Snow walked over and said, "I'm sorry for making your wrist like this. If you are willing, I can teach you how to counter this move another day."

Grant looked at Snow blankly. He never thought that this arrogant bastard of a noble family would apologize to him. There was no big grudge in the first place. He scratched his head with his uninjured hand and smiled, "It's me. It’s so stupid, but it really hurts.”

Hearing Snow's shameless desire to teach others martial arts, Ser Alliser mocked him rudely.

However, Snow, who was in a good mood, did not argue with him. Instead, he responded with a joke, but there was a trace of gloom hidden in Allisa's eyes.

Everyone laughed at the joke, except Ser Alliser, who looked bitter and resentful. Cole thought that his popularity seemed a bit narrow, and he might have to give Snow some smaller shoes in the future.

As expected by Cole, Alliser spent the next few days looking for trouble for Snow in every possible way. He arranged for two or three people to fight against him during morning exercises, and arranged for him to go to vigils at night. Sometimes Cole would accompany him out of the morality of being a friend. Patrol on the Great Wall.

Cole felt that it was time to leave, so besides training, he spent all his time making ingredient packages.

On this day Tyrion found him, and tomorrow they had to set off south.

Cole found Weegee with a large bag of materials. He was squatting by the fire pit and fiddling with something.

"Weiji." He called softly, and then put down the bundle, "This is the ingredient package I made for you these days. In the future, just put a little bit in when making soup. Don't forget to add meat, otherwise they will say it's a dish again. Soup'."

Weggie stood up, took out the packet of materials, and asked sadly, "Are you ready to leave?"

"Leave tomorrow."

His expression was a little downcast, "I really hope I can go with you, even if I am your attendant."

Cole shook his head and smiled, "I'm not even a knight, so I don't need any attendants. Maybe I have to be an attendant for the Lord Knight."

"You are so smart, you can definitely become a knight." Weggie said with certainty.

"I hope so. By the way, you have to remember what I said, don't be brave, and run as soon as possible when you are in danger."

"Yes, I remember. But will the White Walkers really come? Why didn't you tell the Commander and Maester?"

Even if they believe it, what's the use? Do you think Mr. Xiong doesn't know? He must have heard reports of white ghosts.

"It's useless. There are simply not enough manpower on the Great Wall now, and there are even fewer people who can fight. When the White Walkers come, we can only rely on this wall."

After bidding farewell to Verge, Cole asked to see Maester Aemon again. He was sitting in the tower, and when he heard the footsteps, he revealed Cole's identity in one sentence, "Little Cole, you are here."

"Grandpa Aemon." Cole squatted next to him.

Eamonn stretched out his dry hands and touched his face gently, "Growing up, little Cole has finally grown up."

"Grandpa Aemon, I am leaving with Tyrion Lannister and the others tomorrow."

"Young dragons will always have the time to soar into the blue sky. There is no need to miss the old place."

He took out a letter from his arms and said, "If you are tired of the disputes, go to Old Town. It is the gift I leave to you."

This is a letter of introduction, but it is not sealed with the heraldic wax of the Night Watch.

"Grandpa Aemon, this."

"Go, kid. Don't forget to read. Armor can arm the body, but books can arm the mind."

Cole held the envelope against his chest and knelt down to him. Although he knew he couldn't see it, this ceremony was indeed his sincere gratitude.

At night, a night watchman brother sent me the equipment promised by Elder Xiong, a gray leather armor and an iron sword. Wrist gloves, leggings.

The next morning there was a lot of noise. The three Night Watch brothers, Tyrion and his two attendants, although they were traveling lightly, they had to be well prepared. After leaving Mole Village, they had to walk on a good road. After a few days of no man's land, there would be no trace of people until we got closer to the wolf forest.

Seeing Cole coming down from the tower, Tyrion joked, "You look good, young man. The ladies in the south really like your slender waist."

"Tyrion, you get up so early."

"It's really hard to get a good night's sleep in this damn place. Even if you light the stove, you're afraid your sticks will freeze."

Cole twitched, "Your jokes are really evil."

"That's because you little brat doesn't understand. When you kiss that white and tender rabbit, you won't think it's a bad interest. Hehe, when we get to Winterfell, I can ask you to try out those passionate northern rabbits. Jing girl."

Well, this little dwarf is still a full-fledged prostitute, and he doesn't shy away from these topics at all. He talks more dirty words than those wandering knights. As long as you talk about girls with him, he can talk about girls from Dorne to the North, and from Roy to Nairobi. Let me tell you the characteristics of Ancestor girls one by one.

You must know that in this era when kings like to visit prostitutes, brothels are legal. It is really the evil of the Middle Ages.

Snow and Weege also came over. Cole borrowed Tyrion's wine to bribe the blacksmith Master Donner. In addition to cooking, Weege would only be responsible for helping him. Weege already had some blacksmiths. Experience, hopefully it will make it easier for him.

The luggage was quickly prepared, and Snowy gave Cole a letter, which he wrote to Robb Stark. He originally wanted to bring a message, but after thinking about it, in order to increase his credibility, he decided to I borrowed pen and ink and wrote a letter.

He whispered to Cole, "Robb will definitely let you stay. Please help me go see Bran."

Cole put the letter into his luggage. He only brought a small bag. Even after living on the Great Wall for 14 years, he did not have many precious things, and his room was also left to Snow. This kid actually He would run to live in that cold abandoned building. I really don’t know how he survived.

"Don't worry, I will take your care back to Winterfell."

The figures of the seven horses gradually disappeared outside the tower, and only a few black spots could be seen faintly on Castle Black. Maester Aemon and Commander-in-Chief Mormont stood together and looked into the distance.

"The kid has changed a lot and I would have liked him to stay."

"He should go see the southern world. We are all old, but he is still young, isn't he?"

Old Xiong sighed, the situation of the night watchman is not good now, and the child is indeed a little delayed here, "Maybe you are right, this is no longer the glorious place it once was, except for the depressed young people and the mentally and physically disabled people. Tired old man, there’s nothing left here.”

"The long night is coming."

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