Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 105 Reactions from all parties

Lightning flashed, illuminating the entire tower, followed by thunder, rumbling in the tower. The statues of pterosaurs, hellhounds, and gargoyles seemed to come to life, with sparkling eyes and expressions that seemed to mock his failure.

Stannis sat silently in the Picture Table Hall, listening to the thunder echoing from the Stone Drum Tower. In this annoying weather, the rain outside the window sill is like a hole in the sky, and it rains endlessly.

He hated thunderstorms, which always reminded him of the storms his parents went on a boat ride.

"Daifeng! Daifen? Damn attendant." He cursed, but he forgot that the child had just lost his father and four brothers.

The little attendant with red eyes arrived late. He opened the door and apologized, but the king just complained because he was depressed and only cursed a few words.

He had lost not much less than this boy. His hair was gray and his face was old. He was only in his thirties, but he looked like an old man about to enter the grave. It seems that Robert and Renly are just a few steps ahead of him. Soon they will meet under the Seven Hells. Stannis thought, he actually does not believe in the Seven Gods. There is no place for him except the Seven Hells, and Renly and Robert are no better.

And Joffrey, Tywin, Cersei. They are all going to hell, all of them.

The attendant knelt tremblingly at the door, but heard the king say, "Go and see if Melisandre wakes up."

When the attendant walked out of the hall, he tapped his fingers on the table and stared at the map of Westeros in the hall, wondering what he was thinking.

"Your Majesty the King?" Not long after the attendant left, someone walked into the table hall.

The strapped-up King of Narrow Sea raised his forehead and saw his bachelor Pyros outside the door. This bachelor always worked silently. Compared with those guys who kept chirping all day long, Shi Tanis rather liked his character.

As he expected, this group of vassals and lords were as capricious as a glass of wine. They could just dream of their own rights and honor, and he would never forgive them this time.

"Maester, what do you want?" the king asked him.

"Your Majesty, I heard that you haven't slept for two days, which is not conducive to the healing of the injury." The maester first cared about Stannis's physical condition. He was the one who tied those straps for the king.

It was a very shallow scar, but it couldn't be healed. In the end, he sewed the wound up with needle and thread.

Although no one saw the king being struck by the sword, there was still a continuous scar on his back.

"I can make poppy milk for you if you need it," the maester said.

Stannis shook his head, "I don't need poppy milk. I've been hurt worse than this maester."

Seeing that the king refused to listen, the maester handed him a parchment, "This is news from Storm's End."

Could it be that Storm's End has also surrendered to Joffrey? He opened the letter.

Pylos heard the king laugh, and the laughter mixed with the thunderstorm, so that he could not tell whether it was the thunder or the king laughing.

"Do you know what the news is?" The king asked him in turn, but the bachelor shook his head seriously.

"The Marquis of Summer Hall has brought us good news. He has never let me down. I really regret it. I should have taken him to King's Landing with me. His ability to lead an army is the only one I have seen in my life. But even if he is stationed at the rear, He still brought us victory.”

Defeating Highgarden's army and capturing Mace Tyrell was undoubtedly a great victory.

"He is a sharp sword, maester," the king muttered. "I put the hilt on him, but it became increasingly difficult to hold it. That's why I didn't take him with me. He couldn't hold it anymore." If you don't use the sword well, you will hurt yourself. Are the soldiers charging for him or for me?"

Of course, it is also inseparable from the fact that Melisandre saw from the holy fire that he would prevent her from marching to King's Landing. Continuous victories made his reputation even higher than that of the king.

"He is obviously only half my age, or even less than that." The king said melancholy.

The king took the letter to Pylos and said, "Give the letter to Allister Florent."

Sir Alister Florent is his new Lord Chancellor. He has locked himself up here, and now Alister is in charge of the entire castle.

When the busy Prime Minister received the letter, he smiled instantly. This was good news, especially for Dragonstone, which was in low morale at this time. This victory was too necessary.

He hurriedly returned to his room and wrote a letter.

The content of the envelope asked Cole to quickly bring Mace Tyrell to Dragonstone.

Allister thought that Duke Mace Tyrell should be able to get a large sum of money from the Tyrell family, and even get them to return his Brightwater City.

King's Landing received the news of Lord Mace Tyrell's defeat at Storm's End before Dragonstone.

At this time, King's Landing was still in the joy of victory, and Lord Tywin, Hand of the King, rewarded meritorious officials in the Red Keep.

Ser Garland Tyrell was granted the title, fief, and taxes of Brightwater, and became the new earl of the kingdom.

Sir Philip Ford was awarded the title of Nightsong City for his meritorious service in killing Earl Bryce Cullen of Nightsong City.

Bronn was promoted to Ser Bronn of the Blackwater.

Lord Petyr Baelish was granted the title of Harrenhal and became Duke of Harrenhal and ruler of the Riverlands.

This war gave rise to a large number of upstarts in the Seven Kingdoms.

The joy didn't last for a few days, and a thunderclap instantly brought a dark cloud to the Red Castle.

Tyrion was still lying in bed. When he led his army out of the city to meet the enemy, he was slashed, from the cheek down, across the entire face. He has been in a coma for four days.

"Your little friend did something incredible while you were asleep." Blackwater Lord Bronn stood in front of Tyrion's velvet bed.

"Who?" Tyrion looked at him. Bronn's washed hair was combed back. He was wearing a fine leather coat, with silver edges on the collar and buckle, and silver blocks hanging directly on the belt.

As if he found that the dwarf was looking at him, he pointed to his shirt, "Look, the burning chain, my knight's emblem, how does it compare to the fire-breathing white bird?"

"The chain and the white bird are just so-so." Tyrion pouted.

"You mean Cole? What did he do?"

"He defeated the Highgarden army that besieged the city, and now Lord Mace Tyrell has become a prisoner of Storm's End. It is unknown whether he is dead or alive."

Tyrion frowned, but felt a little pain on his face.

"What did my father do?" he asked.

"He did nothing, but the Earl of Brightwater City has led a cavalry south."

"The Earl of Brightwater City?"

"It seems to be the brother of the Knight of Flowers."

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