Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 106 The Duke of Storm's End?

Like the north wind blowing snow, the force was fierce, a sword was raised, and the man flew out.

Five or six people were fighting fiercely in the parade ground, and upon closer inspection, it was five people surrounding one person.

That man was extremely agile, and it was rare for him to hit a target after more than ten strikes.

Soon, the five people were defeated one after another.

Cole walked to the parade ground and wiped the sweat off his face with a cloth.

"My lord, the bird brought a letter from Dragonstone." While he was resting, Gilbert came forward and handed him a letter.

"It seems that they received the message we sent." He unfolded the letter and read the contents.

The letter only said one thing, to quickly bring Mace Tyrell to Storm's End.

In the letter he sent to Dragonstone, he asked Stannis to move the fleet to Shipbreaker Bay to prepare for the battle that was likely to start next.

The fleet from the Arbor did not come last time, but this time it was possible.

Although the Royal Fleet was badly damaged, it was better than the few broken ships outside Storm's End.

"Send someone to call Morkuni Bekka." He said to Gilbert.

Cole was going to let this reliable captain take Lord Tyrell to Dragonstone. It didn't matter where the captive stayed. He couldn't help but wonder, wouldn't those queen's party members want to sacrifice Lord Mace?

Not long after Gilbert left, Camillo, who was responsible for patrolling the city wall, came to him with another letter.

Who is it this time?

"My lord, a messenger claiming to be from King's Landing has delivered a letter to the bottom of the castle." Camillo said.

King's Landing? Cole took the letter, which was a crown wax seal.

Cole unfolded the letter and was stunned when he read the first line.

[King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, "Joffrey Baratheon I" personally issued an edict:

Sir Cole of the Julius family, who made outstanding contributions in the Battle of Riverrun, is hereby pardoned as the Duke of Storm's End, the Protector of the Stormlands, and the title of Governor of the Stormlands]

Cole's heart was like a raging sea, and he could not have imagined that they would have such a big hand.

At the end of the letter, he was ordered to serve as the Minister of the Sea in King's Landing and to attend the Royal Conference to serve King Joffrey.

Cole suddenly shook his head and smiled, and sealed the envelope. This letter was probably not written by Tywin.

At this time, Gilbert came with the Myr people. He handed the letter to him and ordered, "Seal this letter with my coat of arms."

"Lord Cole, what is this letter?" Gilbert took the letter and glanced at the wax seal on it.

"I came from King's Landing. I think it's best to let His Majesty take a look."

"Okay, I'll have someone prepare the bird right away."

Cole shook his head, "No, no bird. I'm planning to let Captain Mokuni Becca drive his ship to Dragonstone. You can give him the letter after you seal it."

He asked the servant to fetch a bucket of water, and Cole washed off the sweat on his body. When the water temperature was extremely hot, he got into the bathtub. He thought of high temperature sterilization in his mind. Although he couldn't feel the heat, his skin was still a little red.

The hot water seemed to relieve his fatigue, and he even felt that the wound healed faster in hot water.

When he rescued Storm's End, he suffered a minor injury in his hand, and now even the scar has disappeared.

He half-lying in the bathtub, groaning, he finally lived the life of a noble lord, eating fine wheat white bread every day, soft and delicious, sweet and delicious, in Tyrion's words, it was like a woman's **; drinking fine wine made from grapes, even instead of water, but he still chose to use it as a condiment, and he had to rely on the universal boiled water to quench his thirst.

He could wear soft and beautiful velvet brocade satin, sleep on a feather bed, and wear soft high boots.

But how long can such a life last?

Stannis was defeated, and he could not live a stable life even if he defended Storm's End.

It is difficult to get ahead by following Boss Deer, so let's raise dragons.

"My lord, dozens of villagers are here, and they are clamoring to see you." Gilbert hurriedly found him.

Cole shook off the water droplets on his hair and said, "Let them come to the hall."

He took the cotton towel handed by the servant and dried his hair. His silver hair only grew behind his ears, and Cole used a black belt to tie it up.

Sitting on the crowned deer chair in the hall, waiting for the villagers to slowly enter.

Looking at the silver-haired man holding a sword and standing on the throne, the crowd that was originally a little noisy suddenly became silent. Their expressions became timid and nervous, and they were pushed forward by the spear-wielding guards.

The sword was placed beside the chair by Cole, and he said, "Tell us your needs and reasons."

Only when he asked, someone dared to speak, "My Lord Duke, a large group of bandits came from the Royal Guards. They burned and looted our village and killed countless people."

As soon as he spoke, crying and complaining aloud.

Cole knew without a second thought that it must be Timit and his men. The free folk were used to looting, and it would not change in a short time. Although he could restrain them as the Fire Lord, he needed their wildness and fighting power now.

This matter put him in a dilemma. Should he ignore these villagers and let the free folk go, or restrain the free folk? But could he restrain them? Unless he forced them to move out of the Royal Forest.

But after bringing them here with great difficulty, where else could they move to?

Involving these innocent people was actually helpless.

Cole could only hold the idea of ​​solving the problem one by one, and let these villages move out of the Royal Forest. Cole agreed to divide the land for them to rebuild their homes.

After thinking about moving the free people into the Royal Forest, he had actually considered this matter. First, the Royal Forest had experienced several wars, and the natives had fled and died. Only occasionally some villages survived. Second, the war should be more ruthless. What are some villagers? Can they be useful against four thousand free people?

But now he couldn't be ruthless. Looking at their hungry and helpless eyes, he could only do something within his ability. After all, these people suffered because of him.

Fortunately, it didn't take much effort to move these people. Because of the involvement of the war, there were many empty manors around, which were just right for these people.

But it can be imagined that this must be just the first wave. There must be many victims in the Royal Forest. It would not be good if they all rushed to the Storm's End Castle at that time. The surrounding manors were far from enough to accommodate the natives of the entire Royal Forest.

How should he solve this problem? Can't we just keep moving people out of the Royal Guard?

Cole didn't come up with a good solution in the end. After weighing the pros and cons, he still felt that the Flame People were more important to him.

At least that's the case now.

Since he couldn't figure it out, let the people in King's Landing worry about it. Anyway, there are a lot of Royal Guards in the Crownland, so they can just blame Tywin later.

Aren't you going to make me a duke? Then I'll return the favor.

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