Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 107 Imperial Guards

"Pomfret cooked with onions and tomatoes tastes really good." Cole scooped a mouthful of fish soup.

Camillo sat aside chewing garlic sausage and swallowed it with wine. "Pomfret has few bones, but white pomfret usually sells for less than a few copper coins."

He and José were both fishermen, and they were very familiar with sea fish.

"The ocean is a treasure house, with resources that are not inferior to those on land."

"But it is also dangerous. Although we offer a few copper coins to the gods in the church every time we go out to sea, some people still never come back." Although he grew up by the sea, José did not have much affection for the narrow sea. His father and brother died at sea.

Since the Andals invaded Westeros, the Seven Gods have been the main religion of the Seven Kingdoms. Except for the North who believe in the old god of fish beam wood, and a small number of Dornish people who believe in the main god mother river Rhoen, almost the entire continent respects the Seven Gods.

So when Stannis wanted to abolish the Seven Gods and establish new gods, he had been raising the difficulty of his challenge.

Faith can sometimes have great power.

"José will be in charge of the city defense patrol, and Camilo will accompany me out of the city." After Cole stood up, he said to Camilo, "Remember to put on your armor."

He now had servants and stable boys to take care of his daily life, so he put on a leather armor. Plate armor and chain mail were troublesome to wear. Most knights in the south wore plate armor, while knights in the north wore chain mail. The most expensive thing on a knight was this armor.

The ransom price of a regular knight was about three to five hundred gold dragons. Now there were more than twenty knights waiting to be redeemed in Storm's End Castle, and there was also a duke. This money was enough for him to arm an army.

A set of high-quality chain mail was about five gold dragons, and plate armor was about ten gold dragons. About twenty gold dragons could equip an armored soldier, and fifty gold dragons could equip a cavalryman.

Including the cost of repairs and Mace Tyrell's ransom, these captive knights are enough for Cole to form a cavalry regiment of 100 people. Although the number is not large, it is like playing for a hundred armored knights to attack thousands of pitchfork peasants.

On the battlefield, it is really a level 5 soldier against a level 1 soldier.

Just talking about the loss of interests, the death of one armored knight is enough to make people feel sad for a few days.

Taking an armed sword, Cole came to the parade ground, and Camillo summoned five or six knights.

He walked over and talked to them for a few words, and the horseman led the horses with saddles and bridles.

Stepping out of the city gate is a vast plain. From the gate tower, stepping over the suspension bridge of the moat, galloping for a while, the south seems to have undulating mountains, and running for another distance, there is a green ocean in front of you.

Today's weather is particularly good, as if the gods have just experienced a baptism of a storm, and brought a smile to the storm land.

Feeling the warm sun, Cole couldn't figure out whether it was winter or autumn. Anyway, the Citadel had declared the end of summer.

The purpose of his trip was to go to the Royal Forest to find the Flame People.

The Burning People were already notorious in the Moon Mountains. Among the mountain clans, only a few tribes usually had hatreds with each other, but the Burning People were almost the public enemy of all other tribes, and no freeman was willing to sit at the same table with the Burning People.

The Painted Dogs and the Redsmiths, who came from the same school, had almost the same temperament.

As a royal garden, the Royal Forest was almost the king's royal ground. All the trees, land and beasts in it were almost the king's. King Robert probably fought with wild boars in this hunting ground and died gloriously.

There were many civilians living here. The area of ​​the Royal Forest was almost as big as Cape Wrath. From the map, Dragonstone was just a scrap here. In addition to being famous as a royal hunting ground, the most famous thing about this forest was a group of bandits who appeared in this area more than 20 years ago.

They called themselves the Kingsguard Brotherhood, and there were many famous members, such as "White Stag" Wenda, the three-strangled long-necked Oswin, and "Big Belly" Ben, but the most famous ones were the Smiling Knight and Simon Toyne.

The people who killed these two bandit leaders were not ordinary people, but Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Dawn, and Barristan the Fearless.

This incident was recorded in the White Book of the Kingsguard, and was also sung as a story of a bard in every corner of Westeros.

When he was very young, he once imagined in his mind the scene of the Kingsguard wearing white robes and destroying the unforgivable Kingsguard Brotherhood.

But the Kingsguard Brotherhood was not the evil people he thought it was, but a group of people similar to the bandits and Robin Hood, who once received help from the common people.

They protected the common people and attacked the nobles. But in the end, it was indeed this group of common people who betrayed them.

Of course, he couldn't say who was righteous. After all, he just heard what others said. Urma, the ranger of the Great Wall, was once a member of the Royal Forest Brotherhood. However, he exaggerated some things so much that Cole always thought he was bragging when he was a child.

"Sir, there is the sound of horse hooves." Camillo said suddenly.

They had just entered the Royal Forest for a while, but they heard the sound of horse hooves, and soon the two sides met.

It turned out that a team of fully armed cavalry was galloping, led by a knight in green pottery ring armor, with two roses carved in gold thread on his chest.

Coincidentally, the Silver Knight and the Emerald Rose Knight met again.

Garland, who was riding in front, was also stunned when he saw the newcomers, but he reacted quickly. Seeing that there were less than ten people beside Cole, and there were no less than thirty riders here, he quickly ordered to disperse and surround.

Cole pulled out the armed sword from his waist. He couldn't help but regret that he didn't put on his armor before going out.

"Ser Tyrell, we meet again." He lowered his sword and said to the Green Knight. "Last time you left so fast, I didn't even have time to say goodbye."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. This time I won't leave without saying goodbye again, just in time to invite you to Highgarden as a guest."

Garland came to negotiate terms with Cole as the messenger of the Tyrell family. He was already prepared to be humiliated and make things difficult. After all, his father was in the hands of others.

He had already sent people to Highgarden to prepare the ransom, but he never expected that he would meet Cole in the Kingswood before he even reached Storm's End Castle.

What a surprise.

Garland knew that the knight in front of him was extremely powerful, but the number of people on his side was more than six times theirs, and there was no cliff for him to jump to now.

"Highgarden is too far, why don't you go to Storm's End and take a rest?" Cole said.

"Sir Julius, you have no chance of winning, so don't make pointless resistance."

The Silver Knight smiled and said, "Sir, do you know where this is?"

Seeing his smile, Garland seemed to be recalling something, and he felt something bad in his heart. He couldn't help but reply, "Yu Lin?"

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