Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 193 The King's Grandfather

The morning light gradually spread from the horizon through the sea fog.

A small amount of sleep can make him energetic. Compared with lying in bed with his eyes closed, Cole still prefers to sit.

Perhaps he has been sitting for long enough, Cole stood up and stretched his muscles.

The heavy axe guards stationed at the door of the tent took turns to keep watch and patrol to ensure the safety of the prince.

"Your Highness." The guard greeted him.

Every member of the guards is a veteran who has followed Cole for a long time. It can't be said that they have experienced hundreds of battles, but at least they have followed Cole through many battles of all sizes.

The first condition of the guards is loyalty. Cole handed over the formation of the heavy axe soldiers to Jose. As a knight trained by Cole himself, Jose's loyalty is naturally beyond doubt.

The guards of a hundred people were all allocated land and tax exemption benefits. In this era, there is no better reward than land.

Compared with serfs, soldiers can enjoy all the benefits of the land, and as long as they serve as soldiers under Cole for one day, they do not have to pay any taxes on the land they own.

Cole called a few guards to train with him.

He waved his two swords and started a one-on-one sword fight.

Cole admitted that his sword skills were not superb, and his opponents were also the same. They all fought on the battlefield, so naturally there were not so many details.

The sword is mainly used for slashing and stabbing. Strength is one of his advantages. Cole's skills often win by force.

The fight often decides the winner after a few moves, and there is no elegance.

So in order to get better training results, Cole often focuses on defense in the fight, without borrowing the Eye of Time.

Facing the wooden sword that was pressing step by step, Cole wielded his two swords to block deftly.

Looking at the raised sword, Cole secretly guessed its trajectory and said in his heart: "Left chop"

The two swords were raised to form a cross block on his left arm.

He handled an opponent with ease, and when he found a flaw, Cole put his sword on his neck.

The training was not over, and it was one-on-two, one-on-three.

When he finished training, the soldiers' morning exercise began, so the soldiers formed a circle, and every time someone hit Cole, they screamed.

Cole put down his sword, took off his training armor, exhaled a breath of mist, and returned to the main tent hot.

"You can beat them." On the way back to the tent, a woman's voice came into Cole's ears.

Val, the golden-haired freeman.

She was holding Mance Rayder's child in her arms. In order to take care of the little guy, Cole asked people and the Night's Watch to buy a pregnant ewe.

This woman was extraordinary in beauty. When they were in the Black Castle, the Night's Watch brothers often lingered on her for a long time.

After following Cole into the barracks, the soldiers were also fascinated by her.

Freemen admire strong men. In the customs outside the Wall, if a man wants a woman, he has to steal her. He has to go to someone else's home or clan to steal the daughter. A real freeman will rob women from afar to strengthen his clan.

The woman in front of him was slender and plump, with golden curly hair. Cole was curious why she was not stolen.

Cole nodded, as if he agreed with her. There are many brave and good fighting women among the freemen women. They are called "spearwomen", and the only one Cole knows is "Ygritte".

"Maybe, the battlefield changes rapidly, and no one knows whether they can win." He said.

"They say you can defeat the giant." There are two freemen women who take care of the wild prince with her, and one of them saw Cole kill the giant with her own eyes.

"Yeah," Cole did not deny it.

He stabbed the giant with a lance, then jumped off the horse and beheaded it.

The giant was just a larger version of the Mountain, and he was not wearing armor and his movements were slow.

"Tormund has also killed giants. We call him 'Tormund Giantslayer'." Val told him.

"Tormund." A familiar name. It seems that this is the one who is gathering wildlings outside the Wall.

After the wildling army was defeated, many desperate freemen chose to surrender to the Wall. Some followed Cole to Eastwatch, some stayed in Castle Black, and more wildling warriors followed Tormund.

The wildling army regrouped outside the Wall, which was not good news for the Night's Watch. No one knew whether they would attack the Wall again.

"Excuse me, lady. I have to leave." Cole said to her.

He continued to walk towards his tent. There were guards in fine armor patrolling around the prince's tent all the time. Val couldn't get close at all, and the guards would not let a wildling get close to their lord.

Of course, if Cole wanted to see him, it would be another matter.

"Your Highness, the letter from Storm's End has been delivered." The captain of the patrolling guards told him.

Cole naturally knew, because it was Caesar who sent the letter. The white dragon put the letter in a secret place, and then the patrolmen went to pick it up.

A stone was placed on the table in the tent, and several rolls of parchment paper were hung on the stone. Cole took down one.

The financial report of the acting city lord Gilbert Farin showed that the financial income of Storm's End was still insufficient to cover the expenditure. Although the war made them a little rich, it would eventually run out in the long run. The letter also wrote about the recent situation of Storm's End. The princes seemed to be quite dissatisfied with Cole's leading the army north, and the formation of the war group also encountered many problems.

After reading all the letters, Cole had anticipated what would happen to Storm's End. With Caesar here, it would only take him less than half a day to go back.

The warband's affairs could be put on hold for the time being. This plan was originally just an experiment for him, hoping to dig out a few officers with management talents and relieve his own pressure.

The matter of Storm's End was put aside for now. Cole opened another letter. The emblem was a spear with a sun through it. This was a letter from Sunspear.

I hope my two uncles can give him some good news.

The content of the letter was very concise. After a lot of greetings, Prince Doran said that his daughter, Princess Arianne Martell, was going to visit Storm's End.

At least it was not bad news, Cole put the letter aside.

The third letter was written by Maester Pylos, in which he collected the news that the spies had found out.

Cole had to judge the truth of the news and then use it to analyze the current situation in Westeros.

The maester arranged the information one by one according to his perceived importance.

On the top of the envelope, there was a piece of news that shocked Cole:

[Tywin Lannister was assassinated]

The rain washed over the high walls of the Red Castle, and those bright red marks seemed to be shedding tears of blood.

The streets of King's Landing were sparsely populated, but the taverns were much more lively, with drinkers talking loudly about the interesting things that happened in the city recently. The king and the wild boar, the king's wedding, the king's dwarf uncle and the prostitute's copper coins, the king's grandfather, and so on.

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