Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 194: First Encounter

There were heavy shadows of candles and swaying firelight, and the sharp swords on the throne seemed to be dancing with them, surrounding the entire hall.

As the night fell, the court officials stood between the hall and the hall, their shadows lengthening with the candlelight.

Lord Tywin Lannister sits on the throne. The king is still young, so he entrusts the government of the Seven Kingdoms to his grandfather until he comes of age.

The Duke was wearing a crimson velvet robe, with a gold lion brooch pinned to his chest. He put his hands between the armchairs, not angry but proud.

Under the high position, the ministers seemed to be vaguely divided, but there was a new face, the newly appointed Minister of Justice, Duke "Mace Tyrell".

It is undoubtedly good news that the Duke of Mace can return to King's Landing.

"Everyone, take your seats." Duke Tywin's melodious voice came from the throne.

Archmaester Pycelle, Intelligence Chief Varys, Finance Minister Sir Kevan and others sat on both sides of the conference table.

Of course, there were also the widows of two kings at the table.

Cersei looked at the ministers. The Grand Maester looked like he was about to die, listless and looked like he was about to fall asleep. Duke Mace Tyrell was full of energy, at least compared to how he looked when he just returned to King's Landing. , now he finally looks like a duke.

The little queen sitting opposite her had neatly combed curly hair, a green skirt, and her breasts were tightly wrapped.

"Tell us about the war, Varys," Lord Tywin said.

The intelligence chief then stood up and began to report to everyone about their affairs on the northern and southern battlefields.

Lord Randyll Tarly led an army at Harrenhal, and Lord Paxter Redwyne led the Arbor and Lannister Harbor fleets at Crab Bay.

"Is there any news about Stark?" Count Matus Rowan asked him.

The eunuch paused for a moment, took out a volume of letters from his sleeve, and said, "I was just about to talk about this."

"I think this is good news. Our former Prime Minister, Duke Eddard Stark, unfortunately died in the war with the wildlings." Varys announced.

"This is indeed good news," Ser Kevan said.

"Which number is this?" Duke Metz asked, "I mean, this is the first number of Starks who have died at the hands of wildlings."

"Then you have to go and look in the cellars of Winterfell. I heard they keep their dead there." Earl Rowan told him.

"The savage has undoubtedly accomplished a great feat." Maester Pycelle said in a hoarse voice. "Why don't we let Ser Janos Slynt put them on the Wall and let the wildlings deal with the Starks."

"Ser Janos seems to have been defeated in the vote of the Night's Watch. The commander-in-chief of the Great Wall is now Jon Snow, the bastard son of Stark." Varys seemed to have thought of something, "Oh, please forgive me. Eddard. Stark revealed the child's identity before his death, and it appears that our Lord Commander is the child of Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark."

"Another Targaryen!" cried Lord Rowan.

"I have doubts about his lineage," said the Grand Maester.

When Cersei heard about Rhaegar's child, she fell into reverie. If Robert had a child, he would have to kill the boy. She knew how much Robert hated Rhaegar.

The thought of Lyanna Stark made Cersei furious. She hated this woman, whether it was Rhaegar giving her the queen's crown of love and beauty, or Robert calling her name on their wedding night.

"Perhaps there is more than that, our lords," Varys said loudly.

The eunuch smiled flatteringly, "The spies found traces of an old friend in Pantos."

Everyone looked at Varys and heard him say: "You remember Sir Jon Connington."

"Jon Connington?" Little Queen Margaery was unfamiliar with this name.

"The loser in the Battle of the Bell was once the prime minister of the kingdom." Sir Rowan explained her doubts.

"Why talk about a defeated man?" asked the Duke of Metz.

Varys glanced at the Duke of Highgarden and said, "What if he brings another Targaryen?"

"What?!" Earl Rowan wondered if his ears had heard wrongly.

"Where did the Targaryen come from, another bastard son of Rhaegar?" Queen Mother Cersei taunted.

"Not a bastard, but Rhaegar's eldest son, Aegon Targaryen."

This news fell like a bolt from the blue.

"Are you kidding us? Master Varys." Little Rose asked him.

Everyone here knows that it was here that the bodies of Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon were displayed, and Lord Tywin wrapped them in a red cloak.

"I was in prison back then, but I also heard some news. The body of young Prince Aegon seemed to be beyond recognition, and his head was smashed against the wall by Ser Gregor Clegane."

Kevan was present. Only bones and blood were left in the child's head. It was impossible to tell who it was. Only a few floors of white hair were left. Lord Tywin said it was Aegon Targaryen. No one objected and supported it. He became a dead man. But now Varys suddenly said that there is a living Aegon in Pentos.

To them, this news was tantamount to the resurrection of Aegon the Conqueror and the birth of Balerion.

"Jon Connington and Aegon, a combination of losers and impostors, what do we have to worry about." Lord Mace Tyrell said.

"The Free Cities seem to be interested in helping the Targaryens recover." Ser Kevan told everyone.

"Only those mercenaries?" the Duke of Metz said disdainfully.

No one knows where his confidence comes from. At least the Duke of Highgarden's twenty-year military career has been full of defeats.

"Tyroshi raised an army for Daenerys Targaryen, Myr agreed to provide their ships, and Pentos declared to help Aegon Targaryen restore his kingdom." Varys announced the news.

"This is already a war involving the Eastern and Western Continents, everyone." Duke Tywin, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

"In addition to solving the problems across the sea, we also have to solve the problems of Storm's End and Eyrie. Although Stannis is dead, Cole Julius did not agree to submit to the Iron Throne. He set off a During the war, there are still troops stationed in the Kingswood area. As for Lysa Erin, I think at least Petyr Baelish has not given any useful information." Lord Tywin continued.

Surrounded by powerful enemies, internal troubles continue, and the crown is already on the verge of falling.

Many people realized how dangerous their situation was now.

"Cole Julius is not at Storm's End, my lords," Varys said suddenly. "According to reports from spies, he led troops north to support the Night Watch."

"This is a good opportunity!" the Duke of Metz shouted. "This man is seeking power and ruining the country. He is completely unqualified to rule the Stormlands. I think this is the best time for us to capture Storm's End Castle."

The Duke of Highgarden seemed unwilling to give up on his disgrace.

"Let Randyll Tarly lead the army south," he said.

"It is not a good idea to start a war with the Stormlands now. You must know that Cape Wrath was newly defeated at the hands of Cole, and the nobles of the Borderlands are happy to make him king. If he brings back Shireen Baratheon from the North, then It’s even more justified, as we all know, he is Stannis’s personally chosen son-in-law,” Ser Kevan said.

"We shouldn't have let him leave King's Landing," Cersei said grimly.

"The matter of the Stormlands will be discussed separately. I will write to urge Baelish to complete the task assigned to him by the Iron Throne as soon as possible. At the same time, I will send people to Braavos, Norvos, Qohor and other city-states to persuade them to ally with us. And. A new army has been formed in Lannister Port, but the Ironborn betrayed the Iron Throne, so they should be punished. I will send Kevan back to the West to personally lead the army to conquer the Iron Islands," Lord Tywin said in a calm tone. "Next, let's discuss the king's wedding."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister," the little queen said suddenly, "I think I want to go back to High Court. I really miss my grandmother and mother so much. Please allow me to postpone the wedding."

The Duke of Metz wanted to speak out, but was overtaken by his daughter. He was very eager for his daughter to become the queen.

Lord Tywin stared at Margaery Tyrell with cold eyes.

She shrank back, looking sad.

Cersei cursed "little fox" in her mind, but she wished that this girl would stay far away from her son.

She remembered the prophecy of "Toad" Witch Girl. Cersei's childhood friend Melaya Husband asked her if she would marry Jaime in the future, but Witch Girl told her that tonight was the day of her death, and death was already here. around her. Melaya died that night, falling into a well and drowning.

"In the future, you will be the mother of the world...until another woman comes, younger and more beautiful than you, she will overthrow you and take away all the things you cherish." This was the prophecy that Witch Ji made to her.

Cersei looked at the girl on the other side and said, "You shouldn't reject a child who misses his family, father."

Tywin looked at his daughter and said, "This matter will be discussed elsewhere. That's it for today's meeting. Cersei and Kevan will stay."

The important officials in the royal court stood up and left one after another. When everyone dispersed, Duke Tywin stood up from the throne and sat in front of the conference table.

"You shouldn't have spoken up for her, Cersei," Uncle Kevan told her.

Cersei glanced at her father and said, "She just wanted to go back to Highgarden."

"Then let's talk about your marriage to Willas first. I've let you think about it for long enough." Lord Tywin told her.

"No, never." She said firmly. "You can't force me, I am the Queen Mother."

"You are my daughter."

"I will never marry again! Especially to a cripple." she replied loudly.

"If she doesn't want to, we shouldn't force her, Tywin." The sudden change in her uncle's attitude made Cersei unprepared, and she cast a grateful look at Uncle Kevan.

The uncle's words seemed to move his father. He pondered for a moment and then said, "Since you don't want to marry a cripple, you can only consider Oberon Martell, but this will offend Tyrell. So. After much thought, I decided to let you marry Cole Julius."

Cersei's mouth opened slightly, and the face that looked like Rhaegar crept into her mind.

"His abilities are what we need, and he is handsome in appearance, superb in martial arts, and full of wisdom on the battlefield."

"The child seems to be engaged," Uncle Kevan said.

"I think Cersei is as good as that greyscale girl."

"Please allow me to resign, and I will consider it carefully, father." Cersei stood up with a complex expression.

"Remember your responsibilities." Her father warned her.

"I will."

Cersei walked slowly, thinking about what her father said about him. He was not Rhaegar, and he helped Tyrion fight against her. He was an accomplice in killing Xiao Qiao.

But Tommen needed him, she tried to convince herself, in order to preserve the kingdom.

After Cersei left, Kevan and Tywin were left in the hall.

"Will he agree?" Kevan asked.

"What do you think the people in the Stormlands will think?"

Kevan knew that there were many Stormlands nobles in King's Landing, most of whom were captives who surrendered in the Battle of the Blackwater.

The two talked about the Ironborn again.

As the night deepened, they ended their conversation and Kevan stood up and left.

Tywin Lannister closed his eyes slightly, then stood up. He stared at the throne on the high platform and stayed there for a long time.

He has been the Hand of the King since he was twenty years old, and has experienced many ups and downs. The trust of his best friend at the beginning and the suspicion later, these things seem to be just yesterday.

Although Aerys had a bad temper when he was young, Tywin did not think he was a fool, but thought he was quite wise.

"Don't you want to go up and sit down? Prime Minister."

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, and a pain came from Tywin's chest. He looked down and an arrow pierced through his spine.

As if he was pushed hard, he fell to the ground, waiting for the Duke to turn his head, and what came into view was a figure wearing a hooded cloak.

This voice made him feel familiar, and when the man slowly pulled down the hood, revealing the pale and fat face.

"Varys." The Duke's voice was weak, and blood seeped from the corners of his mouth. "Why you?"

"You don't trust me, do you? Lord Tywin." The eunuch's voice was as sharp as a whip, without the sweet feeling of the past.

"Kill me, do you think you can leave? Cough cough." Duke Tywin coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood foam. There are at least hundreds of Lannister guards in the castle.

The eunuch smiled, "My lord, guess how Eddard Stark disappeared from the dungeon."

"I didn't want to do this. You are a respectable person. The Seven Kingdoms are in good order under your care, but what the kingdom needs is not a good prime minister, but a good king." The eunuch continued. "You know that child has been learning to be a king since he was a child. He is an excellent knight, proficient in various languages, and has studied history, law and poetry.

He knows the sufferings of the people. He once lived with fishermen and made a living by working with his hands. He swam in the river, mended nets, and washed his own clothes. He not only knows how to fish, cook, and treat wounds, but more importantly, he knows how terrifying it is to be hungry and hunted."

"Who?" Lord Tywin tried to make his voice louder, but the blood had already filled his tongue.

"Aegon" Varys told him.

Several children walked out from behind the eunuch, and his figure slowly disappeared into the night.

When the sunlight shone through the glass window onto the Iron Throne, the walking servants soon discovered the person sitting on the throne.

His hands fell on both sides of the throne, and his head tilted to the side, as if he had fallen asleep.

Until they saw the blood at the corners of Lord Tywin's mouth

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