Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 196 Dragon Certification

"Damn bastard, he doesn't trust us at all."

The dark tower flickered with dim candlelight, and he suddenly placed the wine glass on the round table.

There were three people sitting in the room, with spruce and white crescent emblems engraved on their sleeveless leather vests. Those who were familiar with the emblems of nobles would naturally recognize that this was the famous noble "Fell Family of Fallenwood" in Stormland.

Earl Heywood Fell was in his thirties, with thick hair and a lush beard. His voice was honest and elegant, but at this moment he was full of anger, just like his eyes, which were as fierce as the flames on the flag of the former King Stannis.

Sitting with him were Sir Oakley Cullen of Nightsong and Sir Sebastian Errol of Hay Hall, who responded to the call of Storm's End on behalf of their respective families.

"Be careful, Heywood. He is our lord after all." Sir Sebastian said. He had led the left wing of Storm's End in the Battle of the Rainforest. He admired the young Regent Prince's grasp of the timing of the war.

"My knees will only fall to Baratheon. If he can't bring back the princess, then don't expect me to follow any of his instructions." Earl Heywood told him rather defiantly.

"There won't be any eunuchs here." Sir Oakley of Nightsong said, "I think this is not just Lord Heywood's opinion. His Royal Highness the Regent Prince doesn't seem to take us seriously. Although the words in the letter of help brought to us by the raven are sincere, from the prince's performance, his trust in us is even less than those serfs." In his opinion, the call issued by Storm's End is to ask for help from the lords.

The serfs were referring to the regiments scattered around the castle. As temporary recruits, these people were never valued by the lords, but now the Regent Prince was very fond of them. In their minds, knights were the main force to change the battlefield.

"He'd better give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise I will lead the knights back to Fallenwood." As a vassal, he couldn't go to war with his lord, which was a great shame for Heywood.

"Maybe our prince wants to follow the merchants in Slaver Bay and train a serf army." Oakley Cullen's expression was slightly playful.

"The birdless eunuchs can only scare those Dothraki who are doing nothing." Heywood snorted coldly.

"If that's the case, our Targaryen Princess is not feeling well." Sir Oakley said in a joking tone. He took out a letter and called Heywood Fell and Sebastian Erol here, naturally not just to chat and drink.

"This is a letter I got by accident." He spread out the envelope, and the Martell sun on the wax seal was extremely eye-catching. This was a letter sent from Dorne.

Heywood and Sebastian circulated the letter to each other. The content of the letter was not surprising. It was just that the Dornish princess was going to visit Storm's End.

"Why did the Dornish come to Storm's End?" Heywood asked. The nobles of the Stormlands have always disliked the descendants of the Rhoynar, especially the nobles of the border, who have a blood feud with the Dornish for generations.

"I received some news." Oakley's voice was low, "Our prince seems to have reached some agreement with the Dornish, and is ready to let the Dothraki on the other side of the sea land from the Stormlands"

"Let those Dothraki enter the Stormlands? This is crazy!" Sebastian said in astonishment.

"Impossible, unless he is crazy, even if the mad king is reborn, he will not do such a crazy thing." Let those barbarians enter the Stormlands, Earl Heywood dare not imagine what will happen.

Although the Stormlands are not the richest land in the Seven Kingdoms, they are definitely richer than the barren North, even though the war has caused considerable damage to the Stormlands.

The evil deeds of the Dothraki are known to everyone from the Sunset Sea to the Free Trade Cities. In the stories of some bards, these barbarians are even comparable to the White Walkers. They are devil warriors and never leave anyone alive.

The faces of the three people were a little stiff. This was not good news for them. The Stormlands were the base of their family. No one wanted some uncertain factors to appear here, let alone those notorious Dothraki.

"Think about those guys in the Royal Forest." Oakley reminded them that the free people placed in the Royal Forest had frequent conflicts with the scattered station corps recently. Thinking of the regent prince who directly gave the Royal Forest to the wildlings, their faces became more solemn.

Cole was leading the ship on the unknown sea. With Caesar's navigation, they stayed away from the coast and flew south quickly with sufficient supplies.

During this time, they also found some islands on the sea. Cole did not let anyone venture into them, but only looked down at the panoramic view from the sky through Caesar.

"White Bird" is a newly built two-masted warship in Stormland, equipped with 120 rowers. It can also travel by manpower in the case of headwind. From the East Sea to Storm's End, it almost spans half of the Westeros continent. At the fastest speed of the White Bird, it will take at least one or two weeks.

For people who are seasick, this will be a disastrous journey. Mance's wildling prince and wildling princess Val are among them. Taking them south together is a means to restrain the King Beyond the Wall, and also a disguised protection for them.

Even if the wildling king finally reconciles with Stark, he will not be of one mind with the northerners for the sake of his son.

Cole had no good plan to deal with the north. No one knew when the White Walkers would come and whether the Wall could stop them.

The dragon's ability to avoid danger made Caesar feel the danger outside the Wall. Such ability was not uncommon in these strange creatures. In the Red Wedding, the direwolf Grey Wind could sense the coming of danger in advance. Later, when the Night's Watch betrayed Jon Snow, Bai Ling also showed abnormality.

This trip to the north was half selfish, and it was not smooth, but he would not regret it.

Tywin Lannister was assassinated and died, which was indeed beyond Cole's expectations. The first moment he took the letter, he thought of Varys. After all, there were always a lot of speculations about this mysterious intelligence chief.

He might be a descendant of Blackfyre. After all, Varys said that some of his things were cut off by wizards to sacrifice blood magic. From the perspective of blood magic, Cole only knew that the red-robed woman Melisandre and Mirri Maz Duur, who wanted to harm Daenerys, had used it.

From the details, it seems that every use of blood magic is connected with the Targaryen bloodline, whether it is the original Stannis who summoned the shadow killer with his own blood to kill Renly and Cortanay Penrose, or the blood of Robert's illegitimate son Edric Storm to curse the three "false kings", or even the blood witch resurrected the horse king with the son of the dragon mother.

These people have more or less Targaryen genes flowing in their blood.

So, if Varys can make blood magic successful, then he may have dragon bloodline.

Of course, this is just a guess. If Varys is a descendant of Blackfyre, what he wants is nothing more than to let his own lineage ascend to the throne, then the "little Griffin" he wants to support is likely to be a descendant of Blackfyre. As for whether he is the son of Illyrio, the governor of Pentos, Cole does not know.

He only knows that he is now the real Aegon Targaryen, certified by the dragon and endorsed by the royal family.

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