Game of Thrones: Lord of Winter

Chapter 197 Arrival at Storm's End

Viewed from the sea, Storm's End is far less towering than the Great Wall. It is just like a long standing lighthouse, standing out at dawn in the hazy morning fog.

The Starfish led the way and came to the channel that the captains were familiar with. Prince Cole, the regent, no longer needed to pilot the ship himself. The guards patrolling the castle saw two warships breaking through the waves from a distance.

The east coast of Westeros has not been peaceful recently. The outbreak of war has caused chaos in all routes. Pirates and bandits have frequently done evil, hijacking merchant ships and raiding fishermen.

When he set foot on the southern land again, the moist wind was like the soft caress of a girl, as if welcoming her husband who had been away for a long time.

Unknowingly, he had become accustomed to the warmth and comfort of the south. The land and the Great Wall in the north had become a foreign country, making Cole feel uncomfortable in every way.

He entered the castle through the water gate and briefly learned about the situation of Storm's End from Gilbert. Although the acting city lord could not bring him any surprises, he still managed to control the situation in an orderly manner.

In Cole's view, the problems he mentioned are not difficult. The formation of farmland by the Corps is just an experiment for him. Even if it fails, he can disarm on the spot, remove the military system and return it to farmland. After this winter, they can be organized to cultivate fields.

The group of flame people he moved here was indeed a headache, and it was quite enjoyable to use them. The combat power of this group of sturdy free people from the Mingyue Mountains was completely superior to that of the serfs, and they were no less competitive than the mercenaries. There is just no discipline at all.

Cole hoped that he could follow the example of the Neck and build a portal for Storm's End to resist threats from outside the Kingswood. However, the Kingswood was not a natural danger after all, and the free people would not be like the Zelanders. of peace.

They can be used temporarily when they are weak, but when the situation eases or the war ends, the sequelae will soon come. The Flame People are like a double-edged sword, and if they are not used properly, they will prick their own hands.

"How about moving a group of free people to the Kingswood?" Cole was frightened by his own thoughts and threw them away. He still decided to talk to Timei and the others.

"Davos!" The Onion Knight was coming here and met Cole and others head-on.

"Your Highness Cole." He saluted sideways. Davos had become slightly stronger after not seeing him for many days.

"Not bad, he looks like a lord." Cole looked at his outfit. He was wearing a light blue brocade robe with golden silk embroidery on the cuffs and collar. "It should be more than two months later, how about it? Are the people from the Iron Bank willing to lend us a sum of gold coins?"

"The envoy from the Iron Bank is in the castle at the moment. I think you can meet with him first."

"Didn't the deal work out?" Cole walked with him.

"They are willing to lend money to Storm's End, but only if someone from the Baratheon family is present to testify." Davos tried to look for Celine and others behind Cole.

In order to meet the owners of the Iron Bank, he was even forced to change his clothes, but Davos did not tell the whole story. Those Braavosi people did not trust the new family "Julius" and believed that lending money To Cole, there is no guarantee that Julius has the ability to repay.

And they also asked for the Iron Throne as a guarantee, but Davos told them that Celine Baratheon was the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne, and the loan would also be used to recruit an army to regain the throne.

Cole nodded. Although the financial pressure on Storm's End was great, it was gradually relieved as the Corps became self-sufficient.

The reason for borrowing money is partly to cope with the coming war, and partly to prepare for the coming long winter. No one knows how long this cold winter will last.

"At least let me take a shower first." Along the way, he felt like mushrooms were growing in the corner of the cabin. "No matter what, it's good that you can come back safely, our Prime Minister."

Davos was stunned and looked away from the team behind him. "Of course, Your Highness. I don't think Mr. Messenger is that anxious."

Cole asked the servant to fill the barrel with hot water, and then lay down comfortably. He was not in a hurry to see the messenger from the Iron Bank. They would think of this after Cersei refused to repay the debt. , after all, the only ones who are still nominally kings of Westeros are Storm's End and the Ironborn.

The weird thing about the Iron Bank is that when you default on your debt, they will support the rebels to cause trouble for you. They are playing capital, not charity, and they are very capable of collecting debts.

It seems that the Iron Throne owes a large foreign debt, but Robert's king is quite comfortable. All the responsibilities of the king are handed over to the royal council, and he eats, drinks, has fun, and sleeps with women every day.

Damn it, why are you working so hard and thinking about so many things? Wasn’t Cole’s dream exactly the same life as Robert?

He lay down and closed his eyes slightly. People who take too many things on themselves will always live very tired, just like Eddard Stark and Stannis. Maybe he should also learn to let go. Like this time, even if he is not here, Gilbert can still handle things in the castle in an orderly manner.

Responsibility is something that you cannot let go of once you carry it.

Although she has never enjoyed the treatment of a princess or received the protection and love from her parents, she still has to bear their hatred and the responsibility of restoring the country.

But maybe just letting her live is enough of a price to pay.

Cole's thoughts couldn't help but turn to the other side of the Narrow Sea, and he imagined an elegant and beautiful silver back in his mind.

Let's hope we don't meet on the battlefield, Dany

"Why would he come back at this time?"

Sir Oakley Cullen's face was filled with panic. Cole's sudden return to Storm's End disrupted all his plans.

These days, he has successfully persuaded several lords in the castle.

"Did he know something?" Oakley thought, and his panic deepened.

Thinking of the conditions that Lannister promised him, he couldn't help but feel a little unwilling.

Oakley didn't tell anyone. He just shared the news he received with his colleagues. These things were not enough to convict him. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

"Lord Oakley, are you satisfied with just taking back your castle?"

"He is just a lowly pariah bloodline, and you are the descendant of a noble hero king. The black nightingale emblem has shone in thousands of battles. Shouldn't this Stormland be ruled by you?"

"My lord, whoever marries Shireen Baratheon can rule here."

Those words lingered in his mind, and he could not dissipate them even if he drove them away.

There is still a chance, yes, he still has a chance.

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