"I saw it! I saw it! I am a true dragon!" Under the thunder, Dany's buzzing ears vaguely heard Viserys screaming in terror, mixed with unusual excitement and fanaticism, "There are three dragons. Big! The dragon has three heads! I woke up the dragon!"

Dany opened her eyes in a daze, and saw that Viserys had climbed out of the next bed at some point, screaming and staggering to the porthole. Like a crazy drunkard, he pushed it open and closed it tightly like a mad drunk. The narrow window allowed the heavy rain to pour in and beat on me.

It was raining heavily outside the porthole window, thunder was thundering, and white lightning pierced the sky from time to time, reflecting the crazy Viserys in the small cabin at the moment.

Dany finally woke up, confused and at a loss.

A ray of white light poured into the window.

The terrifying lightning was followed by huge thunder. Dany was unable to open her eyes under the thunder, and her ears were occupied by the huge roar, which seemed to be mixed with the sound of ferocious tearing and Viserys's painful wail that suddenly stopped.

The buzzing sound after the thunder exploded in my ears.

Daenerys's eyes were filled with tears as the electric light stung her.

When Dany gradually recovered, she opened her eyes in confusion. For a moment, she felt like she was in a dream. The small cabin of the merchant ship was missing, and Viserys was nowhere to be seen. She suddenly found herself on the top of the clouds, with huge golden lights rising all around. Thunderstorms, flames and ice continued to fall from the sky, and higher up in the sky, there was a roaring rolling dark cloud, filled with boundless thunder and lightning, and a huge three-headed beast hovering there.

The three heads of the giant beast were strange and ferocious, each with a single eye. As if aware of Dany's gaze, the three monsters slowly turned their heads, and their three eyes that were like furnaces met her gaze.


Dany exclaimed.

With this exclamation, Dany's eyes suddenly went blank. Her eyes gradually focused, and she found that she was back in the small merchant ship cabin, and his brother Viserys fell on the floor by the porthole, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Dany couldn't tell whether it was reality or a dream for a moment. It wasn't until the storm poured in through the narrow portholes, and the rain splashed on her cheeks, and the cold was biting, that she finally panicked and realized that Viserys seemed to have been struck by lightning.

Dany climbed out of bed in a panic and moved closer to Viserys. During this time, she was knocked down by a ship moving in the storm, but she ignored it and crawled to Viserys on all fours, brushing the wet and messy hair from his face, her fingers trembling. Tremblingly, he reached towards the tip of his nose.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that Viserys was still breathing that Dany's hanging heart finally relaxed.


A hoarse sound suddenly came from Viserys's throat.

Dany was startled and hurriedly crawled away from Viserys. She retreated to the corner of the cabin before hunching her neck and looking back. She found that Viserys was just mumbling and not awake, so she got up again and came closer. .

Dany tried to distinguish what Viserys was mumbling, but found that she could not understand it at all. What Viserys was saying were all unfamiliar words that Dany could not recognize. They were neither common language nor the daily language of the Free Trade Cities, nor the everyday language of the Free Trade Cities. Not Valyrian.

Dany was confused for a moment.

There were scattered footsteps outside the door, followed by the sound of the door being opened.

"What happened? Is there an assassin?"

A strong, beardless man pushed open the door and entered. Seeing the situation inside the cabin, he immediately drew his sword, let out a high-pitched scream, and looked around cautiously.

The noise outside became louder and louder. Dany wanted to say something, but couldn't form any words for the moment, so she just shrank her head and sat down beside Viserys timidly without saying a word.

Not long after, the man controlled the order and confirmed that there were no assassins. The owner of the merchant ship, Illyrio Mopatis, arrived at the scene.

"Miss Daenerys, what happened here?"

Illyrio whispered to the frightened Dany. He was fat, with a greasy yellow forked beard and uneven yellow teeth.

Although there was concern in the eyes of the fat Illyrio, Dany avoided her eyes and did not dare to look directly at him - when she first met the wealthy merchant governor of Pentos, he had a flash of greed. The expression frightened the sensitive Dani, so she only dared to respond in a weak voice: "Brother, he, I don't know."

Until now, she still couldn't tell whether what she saw when she woke up was real or a dream.

Illyrio looked serious and asked seriously what happened.

"I don't know." Dani tried to organize her words, but she spoke intermittently, "I fell asleep. When I was woken up by the thunder, I saw my brother walking to the window as if he was drunk. Then there was lightning. No, I ,I have no idea"

Danni began to sob quietly as she spoke.

Dany has a sensitive mind, and even though Illyrio acted sincerely, Dany still noticed a trace of impatience between his brows.

So she lowered her voice: "...I saw, I saw my brother walking to the window, and then there was a loud thunder. Then he fainted."

She did not mention the crazy words she heard while half asleep, the white lightning pouring in from the porthole, or the hallucinations she saw.

I don’t know if Illyrio understood it.

Fortunately, the other party didn't ask any more questions soon. He only stepped forward to check Viserys's breathing, and then greeted him: "He just fainted. Put him back on the bed and call the ship's doctor."

Immediately afterwards, Illyrio dismissed the noisy crowd: "What are you all doing here? Get out!"

The doctor came in a hurry. After a professional examination, he found that the patient had no scars on his body. He was just temporarily unconscious and had some fever symptoms. So the well-trained doctor did a simple bloodletting for the patient and fed him a dose of expensive painkiller flower milk potion, which made the patient fall asleep.

Illyrio asked: "How is he? Is he better?"

The doctor was a little nervous: "Uh, it should be, Governor."

Illyrio frowned: "Should?"

The doctor lowered his head: "Uh, yes, Governor."

Illyrio fell silent, and after a while, he exhaled heavily: ". Go down."

The doctor was as if he had been pardoned: "Yes, Governor."

In the small cabin, Illyrio and the doctor talked back and forth, and little Dany stood in the corner without saying a word.

Illyrio was in a bad mood and didn't say anything more. After sending the ship's doctor away, he didn't stay for long. He just comforted Dany and said, "It's just a slight fever. Don't worry. Go to bed early." Then he led people away.

For a moment, Dany and the sleeping Viserys were the only ones left in the small cabin.

It was not until this moment that Dany became afraid.

In a trance, she recalled the death of Sir William. At that time, she didn't understand anything until she was driven out of the house with a red painted door in Braavos. She and Viserys lived a life of hunger, constant hiding, wandering, fear, helplessness and powerlessness.

Just now, for a moment, she was afraid that Viserys would die.

Although Viserys gradually slid into madness after selling his mother's queen's crown for survival, he often treated her badly in private when he was angry, and was angry with her for no reason, screaming and punching.

But Viserys was her only relative.

After the ups and downs of emotions, Dany suddenly became quiet. She couldn't help but start to have all kinds of random thoughts in her mind. Her illogical thoughts drifted away, and she fell asleep unconsciously.


The tingling sensation in her fingers woke Dany up, and she subconsciously wanted to retract her hand.

But a big hand held her hand, strong and powerful.

"Don't move." It was Viserys' voice, with an unrejectable tone.

Dany didn't dare to move.

Then, Dany felt a tingling sensation on her fingers, and when she realized that the other party was licking her fingers with his tongue, she was stunned.

When Dany opened her eyes, Viserys had let go of her hand and sat back on the bed opposite the small cabin.

Dany looked over blankly, Viserys was frowning, with an inexplicable sadness in his purple eyes, and disappointment on his pale and haggard face.

Dany saw blood on his lips, her blood, so she didn't dare to look closely. She lowered her head timidly and asked softly, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Viserys looked at her with a pale face without blood: "Nothing." As he spoke, he stood up and straightened his clothes, "You continue to sleep, I'll go out for some fresh air." After saying that, he left the door without waiting for Dany to respond.

Dany was surprised for a moment, and Viserys' attitude made her unpredictable.

When she looked over just now, she clearly noticed that Viserys was also avoiding her eyes.

This was a behavior she had never seen before.

She vaguely felt that she had caught something, and looked down at the finger that had been licked before, and found that there was a small cut on the tip of the finger, and bright red blood was oozing out from there.

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