"Daenerys Targaryen."


"Viserys Targaryen."


"So, this is the world of "A Song of Ice and Fire"? And I'm the Beggar King?"


Viserys stood on the deck, staring at the looming continental shelf on the eastern sea level, without saying a word. No one knows how many ups and downs his heart is at this moment.


At this moment, the soul in the body of this person named Viserys is an ordinary college student from another world, Earth

It's not right to say that. To be precise, it should be said that it is a Guliok King who was once an ordinary college student on Earth

This is a second crossing.

Before this crossing, the college student first crossed to a world called Hyrule Continent, where he was an ordinary person with a task called "The Magic of Transfiguration" in his head - to obtain the materials of Guliok King and become Guliok King.

After living in Hyrule Continent for nearly ten years, he thoroughly understood the limits of the Hylians.

Even if he worked harder and harder, his strength was not even one percent of that chosen swordsman who had awakened after sleeping for a hundred years. He couldn't even defeat an ordinary Guliok, let alone King Guliok?

Fortunately, he woke up in time and realized that he didn't have to kill the dragon himself. So he changed his mind and hired the omnipotent chosen swordsman at the cost of the Hylia soldier suit and 300 rupees he collected. So he completed the task.

It was that simple.

What he didn't expect was that after eating the materials of King Guliok and completing the task, he would be welcomed by the second time of crossing.

The world of A Song of Ice and Fire.

He tried to recall the memory of the earth and find out bits of information about this world. The experience of once incarnating as a magical elemental creature made his memory, which he thought was already blurred, gradually become clear.

The task of "The Magic Method of Transfiguration" in his mind was updated when he came to this world, and became "The Magic Method of Dragon Transformation" - collecting the dragon souls of this world and becoming a real three-headed dragon.

In a sense, the tasks in his mind can be regarded as a kind of "system", but this "system" is very lazy, and there is nothing except tasks. If he wants, he can even ignore the existence of the tasks, just treat it as an ordinary journey, and live a simple life in this world.

But, that's a dragon!

Although the dragon is not as beautiful as the oriental dragon, the power of the dragon is real.

After the change in the Hyrule continent, he tried to challenge the ordinary Guliok on the Hylia Bridge, but he almost lost his life.

And now, the power of King Guliok is hidden in his body, and the only thing he has to do is to collect dragon souls.

Viserys stretched out his right hand and clenched it into a claw in front of him, and his purple eyes stared over with some desire.

There was a sound of footsteps behind him, Viserys retracted his hand, raised his head and continued to stare at the eastern continental shelf.

"Your Majesty, when did you wake up?"

The fat Illyrio walked up and saluted Viserys without any burden, like a minister, greeting him with honorifics.

Viserys asked jokingly, "Tell me, do you have any keel-made objects on your merchant ships, my finance minister?"

Although he was not used to it, Viserys, who had devoured the memories of his original body, still tried to play this role, making himself look arrogant and ignorant.

The original Viserys was a poor man who went crazy under the pressure of restoring the country. He was the last prince who went into exile overseas after the fall of the Targaryen dynasty and acted as a guest and clown among the powerful people in the free cities. After selling his mother's crown, people began to call him "Beggar King", and he went completely crazy.

He considered himself Viserys Targaryen III, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Entire Realm.

He was a fool who did not understand how the game of power worked at all. He only thought that he could make people bow down to him with the title of King Targaryen, and that he could make the world welcome the king's army as long as he returned to Westeros with his army.

He was not respected and could not recognize the reality.

If the time traveler had not come, a year later, he would have let his "brother-in-law" melt the golden belt on his body and pour it on his head because of his stupidity and madness, giving him a deadly "crown" - and this was the final reward he got after selling his sister Daenerys.

Wake up, the Targaryen Dynasty has been dead for more than ten years.

How stupid must Viserys be to believe that a verbal promise of the position of Minister of Finance can make a wealthy governor of Pentos work for him and give up his family and career to help him return to the Iron Throne?

Illyrio called him "Your Majesty", but let him and his sister live in a small cabin on a merchant ship, saying that it was to cover the eyes and ears of the usurper and guard against hidden assassins.

Illyrio even called him "Your Majesty" in public - of course, if it was really Viserys here, he would ignore this and think that he had succeeded in getting Illyrio to call him "Your Majesty" by reasoning, because Ser Willem Darry held a simple coronation ceremony for him on Dragonstone after the fall of King's Landing - Illyrio called him "Your Highness" at first.

Illyrio hid the disdain in his eyes, and a harmless smile hung on his chubby face: "Dragon bone products, Your Majesty, I thought you would be disgusted by those products?"

Dragon bones are not a very rare thing in the world of ice and fire. Although dragons are now extinct, there were still many trained and wild dragons in the Valyrian era and the Targaryen Dynasty. In the Free Cities, dragon bones are a high-profit commodity, just like gems and spices. Pure dragon bones or dragon bone crafts have considerable collection value, and even dragon eggs have been traded privately.

Now with the extinction of dragons, dragon bones have become a luxury item with greater collection value.

Viserys sighed, "After so many years of wandering in the Free Cities, even though I dislike those goods, I'm used to them now."

Illyrio didn't care about Viserys's question, and didn't even want to know why. He simply evaded the question and turned the topic to what he wanted to know: "Are you healthy? Do you need me to call the ship's doctor to take another look?"

"I'm healthy and have nothing wrong." Viserys thought of the wound on his right wrist and turned his head away inconspicuously. He asked, as if on a whim, looking forward to the future restoration of the country, "Do you think if there are dragon eggs, I can hatch a dragon and then reconquer Westeros like Aegon the Conqueror."

Illyrio Ou felt that Viserys probably had a fever and burned his brain: "Your Majesty, you don't need to conquer again. The people of Westeros are looking forward to you. As long as you bring the army back, set up a banner for them and fight against the usurpers, the Iron Throne belongs to the Targaryens. This is the consensus of Westeros. In fact..."

Realizing that Illyrio seemed to be trying to take the opportunity to sell his plan or to make himself look good, Viserys interrupted Illyrio's words unreasonably. He pointed to a bay that suddenly appeared on the edge of the continental shelf in the east. A huge port city was already visible in the distance. He asked Illyrio excitedly: "Is that the port of Pentos?"

As long as the king's army landed, the people would welcome the king's army with food and drink?

Viserys was speechless. How could he believe such nonsense? Illyrio was so foolish and treated him as a fool. How could he turn a blind eye?

Illyrio swallowed his words, but he was not angry. A smile bloomed on his round face: "Yes, Your Majesty, that is the port of Pentos."

Viserys showed interest: "Can you introduce Pentos to me, Illyrio?"

Illyrio smiled and nodded: "Of course, Your Majesty."

It must be said that no matter what Illyrio thought in his heart, at least the attitude he showed made Viserys, who was actually being used, very satisfied. At least the other party did not embarrass him when he was pushing for some insignificant things.

But this also gave Viserys a headache. Although the actual behavior showed that Illyrio actually despised him in his heart and had evil intentions, at least the other party was willing to make concessions in words.

As the saying goes, observe what he says and what he does.

Illyrio's tolerance in "words" was at least quite qualified, but this usually means that the other party is shrewd, or thinks he is shrewd.

This kind of person is very troublesome, because people who choose to calculate always act in a roundabout way. If you don't want to be sold out when you get along with them, you need to be extra vigilant.

Because no matter whether he sells you with a sophisticated or stupid trick in the end, at least it is true that he wants to sell you out.

".Oh, Princess Daenerys is here."

Hearing the cheers of the sailors and realizing that they were about to reach their destination, Dany walked onto the deck from the cabin, and after finding her brother's position, she lowered her head and approached.

At this time, Viserys was chatting and laughing with Illyrio. She didn't dare to get close, so she stood timidly a few steps away, lowered her head and stroked her fingers, hesitating whether to get closer.

Fortunately, Illyrio took the initiative to mention her, and then Viserys waved at her, motioning her to come closer, and she approached lightly.

Viserys didn't speak, and Daenerys hesitated to speak.

Illyrio was very tactful: "Your Majesty, the merchant ship is about to arrive at the port. I'm sorry I have something to deal with, so I can't accompany you."

Viserys nodded in response: "Please."

Dany hurriedly nodded in greeting.

After Illyrio walked away, Viserys didn't look at Dany, but asked indifferently: "What do you want to say?"

Viserys's attitude in speaking and doing things was obviously the same as usual, but Dany always felt that there was a strange inconsistency in her brother since morning, but she still replied. She spoke softly, lowered her head and whispered: "Brother, you said that we shouldn't show up in public under such circumstances."

"Public?" Viserys replied in a muffled voice, "The governor called me 'your majesty' in 'public'? This is his ship."

Dany frowned, thinking about the meaning of Viserys' words. She was not stupid, and she quickly figured out the key, but this did not make her thoughts clear, but filled her with doubts. Because when there is a fourth person present, Illyrio will call her "honored lady" and call his brother Viserys "honored guest".

Dany asked carefully: "Do you trust him?" She looked up and glanced, her eyes quickly scanning Viserys's expression.

She didn't know if her words would make her brother Viserys angry.

Viserys was not angry, nor did he answer Dany's question. He just looked in the direction of Pentos and asked: "Are you hungry, Daenerys?"

After playing the King's Tears last year, the idea of ​​King Guli Oak turning into a three-headed dragon and appearing in the Ice and Fire World took root in my head. Now I finally got started. I hope I can write a story worth reading.

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