Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 3 Don't worry, I understand

The merchant ship did not enter the huge port of Pentos, but went a little further, crossed the bay, passed a beach, passed a huge lighthouse, and entered a smaller but cleaner port.

Suddenly, a series of mansions with green and red tiles on the roof appeared in the field of vision.

These courtyards were built on the hillside, facing the direction of the sunrise, and at the highest point was a huge red temple.

Illyrio called Viserys and Daenerys to jump off the merchant ship, sit on the small boat that had been prepared, and then, with the help of Illyrio's confidants, rowed the boat and slowly sailed into the dark anchorage hidden in the aqueduct under a courtyard.

Viserys did not speak along the way, but just looked around secretly.

Illyrio seemed quite proud of this, and he thought Viserys should be infected by his attitude of security and confidentiality.

After getting off the boat, Illyrio led the way, walked through a narrow and winding hidden passage, and then pushed open a wooden door, they were already in Illyrio's courtyard.

This is a corner of the garden, a clean path paved with cobblestones, planted with various flowers, evergreen trees and ivy, on one side is the sea, and on the other side is a magnificent building with tall brick walls.

Compared with modern parks on Earth, the courtyard is not very large, and the brick walls of the courtyard can be easily seen on both sides. The brick walls are tall and have a row of iron spikes on the top of the wall.

For a private courtyard, it is considered luxurious.

"Welcome to my humble home, Your Majesty Viserys, Your Highness Daenerys." Illyrio saluted with a serious expression.

"Yes." Viserys responded with a serious expression, "It's a good place, Governor Illyrio. I wonder when the banquet will start?"

"Banquet?" Illyrio looked a little strange, as if he didn't expect Viserys to ask such a question so seriously on such an occasion, but he quickly covered it up, "Of course, Your Majesty. Please follow me."

Under the guidance of Illyrio, the group quickly entered the building, and then Illyrio called the eunuchs and maids to take Viserys and Daenerys to wash first - yes, in addition to the common maids, Illyrio even raised eunuchs to take care of daily life and guard the courtyard.

"Wash?" Viserys asked, "Is this a custom before the banquet in Pentos?"

"Huh?" Illyrio finally felt strange. Since landing, Viserys' attitude towards him has changed vaguely. At this moment, he finally understood.

How to say it, before, he was willing to be a minister in order to serve as Viserys's finance minister, and Viserys also treated him as a minister. After landing, Viserys was like a guest at the banquet as usual in the host's territory.

Illyrio couldn't help asking: "Your Majesty, forgive me for being presumptuous, have you misunderstood this invitation?"

Viserys raised his head and straightened his back: "Governor Illyrio, don't worry, as long as your guests don't make fun of me, the 'Beggar King', I won't make trouble at the banquet and will absolutely guarantee your honor." In Daenerys's confused face, Viserys also promised, "Daenerys is the same, don't worry, she is very quiet at the banquet and will never provoke those noble ladies."

He seemed to be familiar with it and was always ready to socialize at the banquet.

Illyrio frowned, he was sure that Viserys must have thought of something wrong.

But before Illyrio could say anything more, Viserys enthusiastically asked the eunuch Illyrio had called to lead him to wash, and then asked Dany, who was also confused, to follow the maid.

Illyrio wanted to clarify the current situation with Viserys: "Your Majesty."

"Governor Illyrio, no need to say more." Viserys interrupted him again, with an ambiguous "I understand" expression on his face, "Don't worry, I understand."

[What do you understand? ]

Illyrio was stunned for a moment.

The scene was a bit absurd.

The eunuch and the maid did not dare to act rashly without Illyrio's instructions. Viserys waited patiently with a smile on his face. Daenerys lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking.

"What about what we talked about before?" Illyrio asked in astonishment.

Viserys still had that "I understand" expression, and nodded, "Of course, I understand, Lord Governor, after the banquet, I will pretend that nothing happened, I guarantee it on the reputation of Targaryen!"

Illyrio's eyes flickered, and I didn't know what he was thinking in his heart, but in the end he didn't say anything more, just waved his hand and asked the eunuch and the maid to take the two to wash up first.

Viserys didn't know what Illyrio was thinking, but that didn't matter. What was important was that if Illyrio wanted to continue to use him, the new Viserys, he had to re-evaluate everything he said in the negotiation with his predecessor.

Things have come to this point, let's talk about it again.

Viserys's strategy was very simple. No matter how poor his acting skills were, no matter how pale his language was, he had to send a signal to Illyrio:

[Ah, what, didn't everyone just act on the spot before, let me be a guest of your powerful man, and use an exiled prince to add to the grand banquet? You said you were serious about helping me restore my country? I thought everyone was joking, brother. 】

No matter how Illyrio behaves, as long as he doesn't overturn the table, Viserys can still seize the right to speak to a certain extent.

If Illyrio feels that he has been fooled and can't swallow this breath, and wants to use swords.

Then he, the beggar king, can only say "My sword is not bad".

However, in Pentos, murdering guests at a banquet is also a heinous crime.

To some extent, if the two sides do not tear each other apart, the possibility of fighting is very small. After all, not everyone is like Frey when they can be decent.

Of course, Viserys actually thought of another strategy. He pretended to be nice and got a few dragon bones from Illyrio to study whether he could activate the task of "collecting dragon souls" and whether he could stimulate the power of King Guliok buried in his body. Then he would decide whether to play tricks with Illyrio.

But if you think about it carefully, even the blood of Daenerys, the "Mother of Dragons", did not work. Even if he got a few dragon bones, it might not be useful.

Speaking of which, the cognition of "having the power of King Guliok in his body" itself is actually a "question" for Viserys. From a personal perspective, his physical condition has not changed since he traveled through time and space, except that he has a new soul in his body.

He has neither increased his strength nor gained magic.

In other words, biologically speaking, he is now just an ordinary Targaryen descendant, not a humanoid magic elemental creature King Guliok.

There was no way. The being who had engraved the task mark on him in his head was a lazy guy. Apart from issuing tasks, he didn't mention how to complete them. It all depended on how he did it.

In the Hyrule world, after achieving the goal of "obtaining the materials of King Guli Oak", he had no idea how to "become King Guli Oak". Speaking of which, he prepared many plans at the time, but he didn't expect to succeed on the first try - oh, by the way, his first plan was to eat it alive.

It must be said that eating monster materials alive is very risky, and it is a very painful thing at the beginning. King Guli Oak is a pure magical elemental creature. The materials dropped after being killed are liver, wings and horns. They are hard, huge, full of the taste of magical elements, and extremely difficult to swallow. Fortunately, as he swallowed the liver bit by bit, he also turned into King Guli Oak bit by bit, and grew scales and dragon heads with magic. And as he swallowed the wings and horns, he also became a complete King Guli Oak.

It's a pity that he didn't have much time to feel the power of the body of a magical elemental creature. He was brought to the world of A Song of Ice and Fire by some force and became an ordinary human again.

Although he can't feel it now, Viserys is sure that there is no doubt that 'the power of King Old Oak is in his body'.

Then his problem is how to collect dragon souls.

There is no doubt that Daenerys, the 'Mother of Dragons', is the closest clue to him. Daenerys seems to have little connection with the dragon soul now, but it doesn't mean that it will be the same after the red comet comes. You know, Daenerys has many magical powers in the world of A Song of Ice and Fire. She is unique to the Targaryen family for hundreds of years, 'The Unburnt', 'Mother of Dragons', 'Dragon Dream'.

With various buffs, she is undoubtedly the 'man of destiny'.

Viserys vaguely remembered that according to the original plot, Viserys and Illyrio would conspire to sell Daenerys to the Dothraki horse king Khal Drogo in exchange for tens of thousands of troops to conquer the seven kingdoms. After crossing over and devouring Viserys's memory, he found that Viserys knew nothing about the Dothraki horse king at this moment.

Originally, this simple-minded Viserys only vaguely knew that he would give up Daenerys in the future and sell her in exchange for power, but the candidates he considered were all the nobles of the free trade cities who were not mentioned in the original book. Of course, he sometimes considered some Westeros nobles, but when he thought that they were supporters of the usurper who overthrew the Targaryen dynasty, he gave up the idea.

Then the context is very clear. The proposer of the conspiracy to sell Daenerys to the horse king in the original book must be Illyrio.

But now Viserys does not intend to sell Daenerys, nor does he want to be controlled by Illyrio and the conspirators behind him.

To confuse the plan and buy time.

This is why Viserys started to play dumb.

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