Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 100 Denise's Prophecy

Although there is no way to go down in this tomb, there must be something below.

The head of the Targaryen family who followed the prophecy of Daenerys the Dreamwalker and moved the Targaryens to Dragonstone was named Enar Targaryen.

Theoretically, according to the burial method of this tomb, the older the ancestors are, the person buried at the bottom should be Enar Targaryen.

Viserys originally thought that the highlight of the tomb would fall on Daenerys the Dreamwalker, but it is clear that the Targaryen family did not think so when they built this tomb. They believed that Daenerys was of course important, but Enar Targaryen, who made the decision, was more important, so they buried the most important thing in the tomb with him.

This is not incomprehensible.

Although the prophecy of Daenerys the Dreamwalker changed the fate of the Targaryen family in the long run. But according to legend, when Enar followed Daenerys' prophecy and migrated to Dragonstone, he brought five dragons with him. In theory, when the catastrophe occurred in Valyria, the five dragons brought by Enar made them the only powerful fighting force that survived the catastrophe in Valyria.

You know, before the outbreak of the Conquest War, the only one who survived among the five dragons was Balerion, the Black Death. Think about it from another perspective. When Enar ruled Dragonstone, Balerion, the most powerful dragon of the Targaryen Dynasty, was the smallest of the five dragons at that time.

There may even be five hundred-meter-class dragons on Dragonstone at the same time during Enar's rule.

Before the end of Valyria, Enar's move to Dragonstone, which seemed to surrender to other hostile families, was ridiculed by his opponents as a coward. However, 12 years later, Valyria was destroyed, and the only dragon king in the world was the Targaryen lineage.

Inar was called an exile, and his reputation was overshadowed by Daenerys' prophecy in history. But if you put yourself in his shoes, how wise were his actions in the eyes of the Targaryens who almost perished with Valyria at that time, and how much prestige could he have achieved when he was alive?

And the sculpture of the whip symbolizing the identity of a slave owner next to the "glorious" Gaimon is also very interesting.

It is said that Inar came to Dragonstone with all his wealth, slaves, wives, siblings and relatives. Although Valyria relied on dragons to rule and developed extremely prosperously, it still maintained slavery. As the first Targaryen lord of Dragonstone, Inar may still have multiple identities.

The fallen dragon king of the Valyrian Dragon King family of more than 40 dragon kings, and the slave owner on the border of the Valyrian Empire.

Inar is very likely the last person of the Targaryen family buried in the tomb as a Valyrian dragon king and slave owner.

This tomb may have been supplemented and built by different people at different times, and the overall construction of the tomb should have started with Inar.

But in the end, the tomb was completely abandoned, the door was closed, and the four tower mechanisms were built. Viserys suspected that it was Aegon and his descendants who did it, because Viserys was not sure whether "blood and fire" had been the Targaryen language since the Valyrian period, or whether Aegon began to create it himself after the conquest in imitation of Westeros tradition. He could not find the answer from his memory.

Daenerys and her brother walked hand in hand to the bed-like sculpture in the center of the tomb, and looked carefully at the sculpture in the center: "Is she Daenerys the Dream Walker?"

The sculpture of Daenerys was an image of a lady lying down elegantly with her eyes closed. Her face was no longer young, kind and peaceful. The sculptor used white stone to sculpt her short silver hair and carved her facial features very finely. After hundreds of years, it can be seen that even if she is no longer young, she is still a real beauty.

Viserys told Daenerys more than once that she might have inherited Daenerys's "Dream Walker" talent. Daenerys couldn't help feeling particularly close when looking at the sculpture. Next to Daenerys was her brother, her husband Gaemon.

Daenerys looked at the sculpture of them sleeping together here, thinking that they had been sleeping together here for hundreds of years without knowing it, and she couldn't help but feel a little inexplicably sentimental in her heart, and she couldn't help but hold Viserys's half-dragon hand tighter.

But her brother didn't have such a delicate mind as her, and just turned his head and asked her: "What did you find?"

Hearing the question, Daenerys collected her thoughts and answered her brother: "No."

Viserys didn't know what Daenerys was thinking just now, and he just devoted himself to observing the structure of the tomb: "There are three murals on the wall, let's go and take a look, maybe the mystery is in it."

Daenerys reluctantly moved her eyes away from the sculpture of Daenerys: "Okay." Then she followed Viserys to one of the murals.

The first mural they saw was on the wall in the middle of the tomb, which was a doomsday scene.

The lava volcano with fourteen fire peaks is erupting, pouring countless ashes, smoke and flames into the sky, countless terrible lava spraying into the sky, countless dragon crystals pouring down from the red clouds, and the surging and hot flames even burn the dragons soaring in the sky. The cracked earth engulfed the palaces and cities of Valyria, and the surging sea water poured back to fill the sinking earth. The land was torn into countless broken islands, and a huge tsunami was surging to engulf these broken islands.

This mural uses some special pigments with amazing expressiveness. There are dark red rolling clouds that seem to press down the ground, black and blue sea water that seems to swallow everything, blood-stained Valyria cities and gorgeous fallen palaces, and dragons of different colors that seem extremely small in this catastrophe.

Daenerys was puzzled: "This scene is too terrible. Why should such a terrible scene be engraved in the sleeping tomb?"

"Because this is a prophetic scene that Denise dreamed of, and it came true," Viserys answered. "Interesting, so what could the other two be?"

They then looked at the mural on the left wall.

This painting is a very abstract painting of a three-headed dragon. It is a colorful dragon with three heads. The scales on its body are black, green, gold and silver. It is in a blur of clouds and mist, and its wings seem to be flapping. The heads were looking in different directions, as if on alert - in Viserys' opinion, the directions of the three heads were different.

It is somewhat similar to the Targaryen family crest, but different.

Daenerys commented on the painting: "This is the family crest, but the crest is red, and it looks like this. Is this you? It seems like you are wary of what dangers when flying?" "She was used to the way Viserys's three heads were doing their own things, and she didn't find it strange at all.

"." Viserys said, "This is amazing. Perhaps the Targaryen family crest is related to Denise's prophecy? Did Denise predict me hundreds of years from now? Will I become like this in the future? What does it look like?”

He remembered the words of the Red God Priest: No matter if you were before or not, you are now.

"Brother, you said that I inherited Denise's dreamwalker talent, then will I also dream about the future?" Daenerys suddenly said excitedly, "Just like I dreamed about you on Dragonstone Island before, and Now it has come true! I have thought that in the future, like Denise, my tomb will also contain the paintings I predicted.”

Viserys continued what she said: "Okay, in the future, we can find a better court painter and let him paint my image more powerfully. Let's go and see what's on that painting over there."

They came to the third painting.

The painting is of three dragons and three dragon knights.

The dragon in the center is very huge, with scales as black as night. It spreads its wings to cover half of the sky. On the right is a smaller dragon with silver scales. On the left is a giant dragon with gray-white scales in the middle. Although the knight on the dragon Compared to the giant dragon, it is very small, but it still has obvious characteristics. It can be seen that it is a male and two females. They flew high in the sky, casting a huge shadow on the ground, and the shape of the shadow could be roughly distinguished as a map of Westeros. Due to the composition, Dorne looked a little distorted in the shadow.

There is no doubt that this is Aegon the Conqueror and his sister-wives Visenya and Rhaenys, and their dragons, Balerion, Vhagar, and Meraxes.

Is this really the prophecy that Dreamwalker Denise dreamed about?

Viserys couldn't help but look at the elegantly lying statue, feeling surprised and shocked.

Legend has it that Denise dreamed of the apocalypse when she was a virgin, and there were few legends about the prophecies left after that. There are rumors that before the destruction of Valyria, Denise personally recorded various visions and wrote a book called "Omens and Premonitions", but this book has been lost.

These should be the three most important prophecies that she considered in her life, and she even wanted to record them in her tomb.

Viserys felt more and more that it was indeed Aegon the Conqueror who had closed the family tomb, and that the loss of the book "Omens and Premonitions" might also have something to do with him. Put yourself in Viserys's shoes, he would have done the same thing, because after the conquest, Aegon became king, and the remaining abstract three-headed dragon prophecy of Targaryen did not indicate a crisis, nor was it particularly important at the time. The foreshadowing seems to be a confirmation of the second prophecy that supports their prophecy of conquering Westeros.

Danyth's prophecy seemed to have come to an end after Aegon's conquest, and he would usher in a future for the new Targaryen dynasty. How could Aegon at that time have imagined that the last prophecy would not be fulfilled until three hundred years after his conquest?

To the right of the mural of Aegon's Conquest prophecy, there was an upside-down black stone slab in the corner. Daenerys noticed that there seemed to be words on it: "What is that?"

She remembered Viserys telling her not to touch him easily and waited for Viserys to make his move.

Viserys picked it up carefully, and there was a text on the black stone plate: "I don't recommend people to interpret vague prophecies. When I see a drop of water falling on the lake, and I don't know whether it is a raindrop, dew or melting snowflake, I will record the sight of it dripping onto the water without getting caught up in its why.”

Viserys felt the urge to turn the slate back upside down. Because when the prophecy has nothing to do with him, he will also say this to others.

But he held back. There happened to be a depression on the wall that matched the stone slab. He carefully placed the stone slab on it, and the stone slab seemed to fit into the lock like a key.

The tomb instantly made a rumble.

The statues and coffins of Denise and Gaimon in the middle of the tomb moved on their own, and after a while, a staircase passage continued downwards.

The tomb was already very hot up to this point, and it was already very deep from the platform where the tomb was located, but Inar's tomb was obviously deeper, and Viserys could already smell the pungent smell coming in from the stairs.

Things went better than Viserys imagined.

Below is a tomb chamber whose main body is made of black stone. There is a channel for draining magma. There is a huge pool of magma flowing inside the tomb chamber. The tomb chamber is very large, more than ten times larger than all the tomb chambers on the upper level, and it is also very grand.

The most eye-catching thing is that in the middle of the tomb, there is a huge dragon skeleton lying in the magma pool. Only less than half of its skeleton is exposed in the tomb.

The dragon's skull was incredibly large, its teeth stood up like giant spears, and it opened an incredibly large mouth facing the door of the tomb.

In the middle of the dragon's mouth, a black stone throne occupies the center position very ostentatiously.

This tomb is different from others, there are no sculptures or sarcophagi.

There is only a naked skeleton wearing a crown sitting on the black stone throne.

And in the arms of the skeleton is a huge dragon egg.

I know that you may not like to read the mysticism and DND-like parts, but these are necessary in the outline setting. After Aegon's conquest, dragon riders patrolled the north, but the dragons did not dare to approach the Great Wall. The magic of the Great Wall is stronger than imagined, and the White Walkers it blocks may also be stronger than what you and I see now, and it is not something that can be easily solved by the dragons breathing fire. Especially the upcoming winter is the home of the White Walkers.

And one more thing, I have always been writing about the ice and fire world. The speed of transmitting news is very slow, so it is impossible to expect that the protagonist will show off on Dragonstone and the whole world will be shocked, afraid, and react violently.

For example, a Westeros citizen received three messages at the same time. One was that someone witnessed a sea monster pulling a ship into the sea in the waters near Crab Island, one was that someone in Qohor in the eastern continent claimed that a three-headed dragon appeared, and one was that a Targaryen appeared on Dragonstone.

Soon, the news that the Targaryen on Dragonstone had a three-headed dragon and the news that the Night's Watch in the north asked for help from the wildlings to go south would come. Would you be shocked? Fear? Horrified? Or would you be happy to ask when the White Walkers would come because so many weirdos had appeared?

The information that Beric of the Brotherhood Without Banners would be resurrected is common sense to readers, right? But how many lords in the Riverlands wanted to catch him and hang him to prove that the resurrection of the dead was a rumor?

An outrageous message must appear repeatedly or be witnessed with one's own eyes before people will be convinced, realize it later, and feel a chill on their backs.

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