Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 99: The Targaryen Family Tomb

As the dragon flames breathed out on the first dragon knight sculpture, the black stone sculpture slowly became hot and red. After a crunching sound, the dragon knight sculpture slowly turned its direction. When he turned his eyes When he looked towards the tomb door, he stopped with a roar.

Viserys knew that this was the statue turning to its correct position.

Viserys was actually a little worried. A dragon in the heyday of this world, the dragon's flames could melt stone and steel, and even fuse sand into glass. It takes a period of time for his magic flame ray to do this and it cannot be done instantly.

Fortunately, the judgment of this thing is not so accurate, and it is impossible to distinguish whether the flames spouted by Viserys are otherworldly magic or the dragon flames of this world. Speaking of which, Viserys discovered that since digesting the magic of the Dragonbinder, his fire power had become stronger than before. He suspected that this was because he was transforming into the so-called 'real dragon'.

The next step is to follow the same pattern and spit dragon flames at the sculptures of the other three towers.

As the sculpture of the last tower turned to the correct position, the door of the mausoleum made a clicking sound.

Following this sound, the door of the Targaryen family mausoleum opened on its own without pushing it, showing Viserys and Daenerys what the inside of the mausoleum looked like.

They looked at each other and understood that they were thinking about the same thing, so they walked into the tomb in silence and slowly. Viserys is still in the form of a three-headed dragon, carefully guarding against possible traps and traps. Daenerys held her brother's clothes in one hand and held a torch in the other hand to carefully look at the environment in the tomb.

The tomb is not small, with stone pillars standing inside. The tomb is divided into five areas in an X shape. Each area is filled with huge polished black stone sarcophagi. On the first floor, the sarcophagi they saw as they passed by were all empty. The lid is placed on the side of the coffin, leaving room for carving. After careful inspection, you will find that these black stone sarcophagi are not entirely composed of black stone. There is a layer of melted variegated glass on them, which seems to be made from the fusion of fragments of various colored gemstones. Some method of smelting black stone is used to make it magical. It is flatly inlaid on it in a technical way.

Viserys led the way, Daenerys followed carefully behind him, walking through the passages between stone pillars, the heat in the air was amazing.

There is a shiny and reflective black stone lamp holder in the tomb, which looks like a decoration, but the inside of the lamp is empty.

Their footsteps echoed in the huge mausoleum. The flames of the magical organ on Viserys' head and Daenerys's torch were the only sources of illumination.

In this tomb filled with empty coffins, the eternal darkness is deep.

"Be careful, there is a downward staircase ahead." When Viserys walked to the spiral staircase leading down to the unoccupied tomb, he reminded Daenerys to be careful, but suddenly found that Daenerys was not following behind.

He quickly turned his head and found Daenerys looking intently at a long and twisted strange obsidian artifact in the middle of the empty tomb.

"What's wrong?"

"This thing is so strange." Daenerys stared at the thing strangely. The obsidian artifact was placed in the middle of the first floor of the tomb. It looked twisted and weird. It was three feet tall and thin like a sword. Its spiral edges reflected torches. The fire was bright, and Viserys had no doubt that its edge was as sharp as a razor. He had just seen it and thought it was decoration or some kind of mechanism. Daenerys wondered how people could light this thing. "Like a candle. Is it an oil lamp? Is it empty and can you put grease in it like a fish oil lamp?"

It should light up. Daenerys thought so.

A strange light suddenly emitted from the tomb.

"Be careful!" Seeing this change, Viserys quickly grew bigger and spread his wings slightly to protect Daenerys.

However, no trap was triggered.

Viserys saw that the source of the light was the strange obsidian artifact.

Glass candle!

There is a polished reflective mirror under the black stone lamp holder in the tomb. After the glass candle emits light, it is reflecting the strange flame light. The light is not very bright, but it is dim enough to illuminate the entire tomb. .

Viserys retracted his wings.

Daenerys was shocked: "What's going on? What is this?" She saw this strange obsidian candle glowing. The color of the flame was very strange. There were three layers of flames, the inner layer was as white as new snow, and the middle layer was as yellow as Molten gold, the outer layer is red like flames. Now the entire tomb on the first floor was illuminated by an uncomfortable dim red light.

"This should be a glass candle." Viserys looked for the answer from his impression of the world. "It is a magic candle. Legend has it that it was made by the wizards of the ancient Free Fortress. Valyrian witchcraft is based on blood and fire. Use With this kind of glass candle, the wizards of the ancient Free Fortress can see across mountains, oceans and deserts; sitting in front of this kind of candle, they can enter other people's dreams and show visions, or exchange messages across half a world. Strange, if the legend is true. , why is it placed in the family tomb as a light source? You lit it, Dany, how do you feel, do you feel uncomfortable, do you feel that some kind of power is draining from your body?"

"No, I'm fine. I just saw the way it looked and thought it should light up." Daenerys had an incredible feeling, "When I thought that, it happened."

Daenerys looked at the candle, the process of lighting it was so bizarre that it felt weird and new to her.

Viserys flapped his wings at the candle, but its flame did not flicker.

"If it can really communicate across half the world, then the ancient free fortress doesn't need ravens?" Daenerys participated in the whole process of Viserys' attack on Dragonstone, and deeply felt how important information transmission is on the battlefield and in this world.

"Maybe it can, but it requires certain conditions, such as the magic elements of the world being active to a certain extent. But it was placed here, which means that its function has been ineffective for a long time, and perhaps people found that it was useless except for lighting during that time. I told you about that conjecture, the magic power in the world circulates like the tide, and the disappearance of dragons and magic for a hundred years means that the tide has retreated to the lowest point. This process of tidal retreat may last for hundreds or thousands of years, and now the magic tide is back. Like you, like me, like this candle that was extinguished, and the so-called war between gods and gods." Viserys talked freely.

Daenerys took over his words: "So, we must be prepared to meet the magic tide that may become stronger and stronger, and use the powerful force to choose our own destiny!" Viserys talked to her about these words, and she already understood what Viserys was trying to do.

Viserys nodded in satisfaction, and then asked her: "Is this glass candle what you feel?"

Daenerys shook her head: "No, what I feel is below, it is clearer here, I can feel its existence from the heat in the air, just like the dragon egg sent by the Red God priest, it is attracting some kind of magical perception in my heart. You can understand, right, brother?"

"I know." Viserys replied, "But, Dany, no matter what it is when you go down, promise me not to touch it when you see it. I am still frightened by the threat brought by the Dragonbinder Horn before, and I don't want this to happen to you."

Daenerys nodded and agreed: "Yes."

The spiral staircase down was a little narrower, and Viserys continued to shrink, turning into a half-dragon with wings and covered with dragon scales, and then took Daenerys' hand down.

Now the glass candle is lit, although the light is dim, the tomb no longer needs torches to illuminate. Daenerys extinguished the torch, put it into the leather bag on Viserys's clothes, and then went down with him hand in hand.

The glass candle in the middle of the tomb seemed to be able to sense the movements of the living people in the tomb. As they walked towards the second-level tomb in the lower room, the pedestal on which the candle was located also slowly sank. The light in the tomb did not even dim, and the glass candle slowly descended from the center of the first floor like an automatic lamp.

When they came to the second floor below, the center of the tomb became a movable lamp holder. The black thin chain slowly descended from the ceiling with the glass candle, illuminating this floor more brightly.

"This is not an iron chain." Viserys touched the black mechanism chain lock that lowered the glass candle lamp stand and found that it was not made of iron, but made of some strange material. It was very light. If it was on Earth, he would think it was plastic, but plastic obviously did not exist in this world.

The tombs on the second floor below were also full of empty coffins.

They continued to go down.

At the fourth floor, the Targaryen family mausoleum began to see covered coffins. The statues on the tightly closed black stone coffins were engraved with their appearances when they were alive. The sculptures on the stone coffins were made of black stone mixed with unknown materials. The sculptures were black and gray, and the faces were vivid, especially the eyes, which had a faint purple light under the light, showing a peaceful look. The sculptures rode on the black stone sculptures of the fire-breathing dragon.

"Aerion Targaryen - son of Daemion, lord of Dragonstone"

This was the first Targaryen they saw buried here. Viserys found that the waist of the stone statue of Aerion riding on the dragon was hung with a carefully polished and shaped black stone long sword inlaid with gemstones. It seems that the burial objects of the Targaryen ancestors were not very luxurious. They did not place Valyrian steel swords on the statues casually, but only used gemstones that were not scarce for them to be melted into sword shapes with black stone.

I don't know if there are any Valyrian steel products in the coffin, but the outside of the tomb is full of chains and mechanisms, and it is obvious that no one will easily open the sarcophagus to disturb the sleeping person inside.

The coffin next to him is a lady, and her statue is not riding a dragon.

"Valiana Targaryen-Aerion's wife"

"Oh my God, these are the parents of Aegon the Conqueror!" Aegon the Conqueror's parents Aerion Targaryen and Valiana Velaryen (the husband's surname must be engraved on the tomb after death) appeared in the well-known story of the Conqueror, and Daenerys recognized these two names.

This Aerion Targaryen also has an illegitimate son named Orys Baratheon, who is the founder of the Baratheon family and the first Duke of Storm's End after Aegon's conquest.

There are other Targaryens on this floor.

"Damien Targaryen - Lord of Dragonstone, third son of Aerys Targaryen, brother of Baelon"

The fifth floor is filled with coffins of the deceased.

Eric, Baelon, Aerys, Maegon. The earliest lords of Dragonstone and their wives, and the individual descendants who did not inherit the lordship are all on this floor.

Near the entrance to the sixth floor of the crypt, there is another Aegon Targaryen, his name suffix is ​​"Son of Gaemon", and his wife next to him is "Elena Targaryen".

"Still down there?" And until here, what Daenerys sensed was still down there, and Viserys couldn't help asking.

Viserys actually had some expectations when he entered the crypt, but when he really had to go down, he couldn't help but have some strange thoughts.

Because according to this order, the person sleeping in the lower tomb is a well-known person in the Targaryen family, "Dream Walker" Daenys Targaryen. In the legend of the Targaryen family, it was Daenys who dreamed of the Doomsday Catastrophe, which made his father Aenar move his family to Dragonstone 12 years before the destruction of Valyria.

Daenerys nodded: "It's still down, I'm sure."

"Okay." Viserys continued to lead the way and walked towards the stairs down.

When they arrived at this level, they soon found that the decoration and environment of this level were different from those of the upper levels. The glass candles stopped on the ceiling of this level and no longer fell, and the space of this level was also a little smaller.

This tomb was decorated like a bedroom, with a huge bed surrounded by four pillars in the middle. In the middle of the bed was a sculpture of a lady lying down and resting elegantly and a calm, solemn and resolute man sitting next to the lady with a sword on his knees. Next to the man's sculpture was a slave owner's whip.

The names on the coffins next to the sculpture are "Gamon Targaryen - Glorious Gamon, son of Aenar", "Dainys Targaryen - Dreamwalker, Gamon's wife".

At this point, Viserys turned his head to look at Daenerys with a strange expression and asked: "Is this here?"

Daenerys shook her head: ". Still down there."

But there is no way to go down in this tomb room.

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