Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 98: Showing Blood and Fire

Without actually being in it, let alone Daenerys, even Viserys could not imagine that there would be such a huge magma cave inside Dragon Mountain.

Unlock the latch of the iron gate and push the door open. Viserys and Daenerys were immediately struck by the enormity of their environment.

They were in a huge lava cave, and the ground they were standing on was hot and hard sedimentary molten rock, with signs of being specially smoothed.

They stepped on it with their bare feet and emitted hot air, which was evaporating sweat. The air had a pungent smell, and their throats felt like fire when they breathed.

Viserys lifted up his trouser legs, and Daenerys lifted up the skirts of her skirts to prevent their clothes from catching fire on the hot stone.

Here, looking up, it's pitch black, with no dome in sight.

A few feet away on the right side is a huge ravine. The ravine is emitting red light and emitting hot air. At the other end of the ravine is a strange and rugged stone wall rising from the ground and extending upward to a very far distance.

To the left, you can see the same huge ravine more than ten feet away. Under the ravine, you can see the dark ground. There is a multi-forked magma river flowing quietly on the dark ground. Farther away are the mountains and rivers. On the right side, there is also a stone wall rising from the ground, extending upward to an end that cannot be seen.

The dark red light emitted by the magma river and the torches in their hands were the only sources of light in this huge lava cave.

When they look back, they can see that the stone corridor door they came from is shaped like a dragon's tail. After coming out of the corridor, they will find that the stone corridor is like a long worm, crawling in the huge cave along the mountain wall to the far distance, until After passing through a huge arc, its head cannot be seen.

They first walked to the left, walked to the edge of this huge stone platform, and tried to look back. However, the curve of this corridor is wider than expected, and the other end of the corridor cannot be seen here.

Daenerys couldn't help but ask: "Was this once the lair of a dragon?"

Viserys answered her: "According to legend, Balerion, the Black Death, is more than two hundred meters tall. If a dragon of that size builds a nest in Dragon Mountain, then this huge lava cave would be just right, or even more than enough."

Daenerys was surprised: "Mi?"

Viserys added: "It's just a few dozen feet. I told you that after I awakened, I turned into a dragon. Sometimes a lot of wonderful knowledge would appear in my memory. Warlocks in different eras had different units of measurement. Meter was the ancient A unit of length in alchemy." Viserys was shocked at this place.

Daenerys did not bother with Viserys' explanation, but said in shock: "This place is too big! Balerion, which is dozens of feet tall, cannot fit into such a large cave here."

"The dragon doesn't like cramped places, so of course the nest it chooses is larger than the dragon's body. Otherwise, how do you think they would turn around in the nest?"

As they said that, they all turned their attention to the obviously unusual building in front of the platform.

Daenerys couldn't help but cast her mind there: "Brother, I'm pretty sure that I felt something in the direction of that building. This feeling is very strong. You said it might be the tomb of the Targaryen ancestors." ?”

"There is only this possibility. Before Aegon's conquest, the Targaryen ancestors moved here to rule. They who do not believe in the Seven Gods will most likely follow the Valyrian tradition and build the family tomb in the volcano." Viserys Telling his guess, "This tomb was most likely built after the Targaryen ancestors migrated here, including this stone corridor. As for the two bedrooms with fireplaces in the throne room of the main castle, I guess they were built by Aegon the Conqueror. Or it was built by his prince, because he conquered the six kingdoms, established his capital, and converted to the Seven Gods. After him, the Targaryen king no longer needed to use this tomb on Dragonstone Island, so he sealed it. . Or maybe there is a secret hidden here that cannot be easily revealed.”

Daenerys felt that Viserys's guess was very reasonable: "What kind of secret?"

Viserys put the boots that tied him and Daenerys together casually on his back, held a torch in one hand, and held her hand with his free hand: "Let's go and see."

This move can be regarded as the work of some weird little thoughts of Viserys. After all, the front may be the tomb of the Targaryen ancestors. He took Daenerys, who was engaged to him, with him. He has already adjusted The descendants of Targaryen will be more confident to visit their ancestral graves.

They continued to move forward along the huge stone platform, and the ghastly-looking black stone building gradually emerged. The main body of the building was a huge garden building, guarded by four towers in the southeast, northwest, and the top of the tower and the main garden building. They are all carved to look like a dragon knight riding a dragon with wings spread and flying into the sky. There are many gargoyles of different shapes along the building walls.

As Viserys expected, this was indeed a tomb.

The swaying firelight of the torch shone on the blazing black stone building. The black stone building was in the shape of a huge mausoleum. The four walls were closed and there was only a huge black stone arch with gargoyle statues on both sides.

The arch is closed.

A tall and burly god was carved on the door. He had human hands, holding a skull in one hand and a flame in the other. His head was that of a dragon.

According to some Citadel scholars, the Valyrian Dragonlord considers all faiths to be equally false and despises clergy and temples as primitive relics. But to appease the lower classes and slaves with fantasies of a better life after death, Valyria encouraged theism. By the same token, Freehold promoted religious tolerance in order to keep believers divided and prevent them from uniting in rebellion under monotheism.

But the Valyrians actually believe in many different gods, including Balerion, Meraxes, and Vahagar, among others.

The image on this door, Viserys guessed, should be Balerion, the "God of Death", after whom Aegon the Conqueror's dragon was named.

On the right side of the arch door, there is a piece of polished obsidian embedded behind a huge black stone slab.

There is an inscription in Valyrian on the obsidian: "The resting place of all the Targaryen lords of Dragonstone."

Viserys casually placed the torch at the foot of the gargoyle sculpture at the door, then placed a hand on the huge arch of the tomb and tried to push.

The door didn't respond. He let go of Daenerys with his other hand and put both hands on the door to try to force it.


When a certain force was reached, a huge rumbling sound came from the ground, as if the stone door was connected to the vital points of this huge cave in the mountain. Some kind of weird sound was heard, and even the mountain shook under Viserys' push. shake.

Daenerys almost fell under the sudden earthquake, but she managed to stand firm and exclaimed: "Brother, be careful!"

Viserys quickly stopped his strength and retracted his hands. The rumbling sound stopped, and the terror of the earth shaking gradually subsided.

The movement just now frightened Viserys. His push with a little force actually triggered the terrifying power in the mountain through the arch mechanism.

Pushing the door like this is definitely not the correct way to open the door.

Viserys didn't know that with his push just now, the entire Dragonstone Island could feel that Dragon Mountain had become restless. A certain volcanic crater on the top of the mountain was emitting bursts of gray smoke, as if it was about to become active at any time.

However, this push just now did not reveal anything: "Did you hear it just now? Dany, the sound of iron chains."

Just now, Viserys heard the sound of huge iron chains under the platform as the mountain shook.

"Here, wait until I go take a look." As he spoke, Viserys hung his boots on Daenerys and began to take off her clothes.

Daenerys knew what he was planning to do, so she quickly put out the torch in her hand and went to pick up the clothes. She's used to it. She just reached out to take the clothes he handed over as usual.

Viserys stripped naked in front of the mausoleum door and immediately transformed into the form of a three- to four-meter-large dragon: "Wait for me here." After saying that, he started running, flapped his wings and took off, flying to the bottom of the huge platform to take a look.

By the light from the magma at the bottom of the ravine and the firelight from his own middle head, Viserys quickly discovered that under this huge stone platform, there were several iron chains protruding from the gaps between the stones, which were so thick that several people could hug them. It extends to the nearby stone wall, and that's not all. There is also a thick iron chain hanging on the stone wall extending far away.

There are huge black horn-shaped hooks at every other section of the stone wall, supporting these thick hanging chains.

Under the platform were rivers of magma and hot lava. Viserys could not imagine what kind of power the Targaryen family used hundreds of years ago to build such an exquisite mausoleum mechanism here.

He came even though he was here, he just flew around the huge stone platform where the mausoleum was located. Unfortunately, he couldn't find a way to go in directly through a gap in the iron chain under the huge stone platform.

But judging from the number of iron chains, the location of the boulders where the chains are located, and the height of these boulder platforms, this tomb is just as written on the obsidian at the door. This is not a person's tomb, but a Targaryen family tomb.

Theoretically, if there are still deceased people to be buried in this mausoleum, this only door must be opened.

Viserys circled below and flew back.

Daenerys hurried forward and asked, "How is it?"

Viserys was not in a hurry to change back, and only said: "This is the only way into the tomb. Look again. There must be some obvious clues. Otherwise, how can the descendants of Targaryen go in to worship them? Go and see the four towers. ”

The four towers outside the mausoleum are not particularly large. They seem to be mausoleum guard towers used to decorate the mausoleum. They are about ten feet away from the mausoleum, almost at the edges of the four corners of the stone platform.

The tower is about three feet high, with a square base and a length and width of about seven feet. The tower is tall and thin, with a statue of a flying dragon knight on top. The tower is open and there are no coffins inside. Each tower has a guardian. The dragon knight statue in the mausoleum. In the same tower, the dragons carved in the tower and on the top are consistent. Different tower sculptures have different shapes of dragons and dragon knights.

Under the statue in each tower is a black stone slab inlaid with smooth and shiny obsidian, the same as the tomb door. There were no names of dragons or knights on it, only "Show of Blood and Fire" written in Valyrian.

"Showing blood and fire?" Daenerys already understood, "Showing dragons?"

How to display a dragon?

Viserys already knew: "Dracarys!"

He gathered fire in his mouth and breathed it towards the dragon knight statue in the tower.

When I was reading, I read that the woman in red robe was suspected of leading Stannis into Dragon Mountain through a secret passage in the castle, which caused Long Mountain to tremble many times. At that time, I guessed that the mountain was a tomb, because only in this way can I explain the relationship between the Targaryen ancestors on Dragonstone Island and Where were all their dragons buried? They didn't believe in the Seven Gods, so they couldn't simply bury them in an ordinary cemetery on Dragonstone Island. So in my fanfic, I designed the place leading to the Longshan Secret Passage to be a mausoleum.

According to legend, the Targaryen ancestors brought five dragons with them when they migrated to Dragonstone following Dany's prophecy. Until the outbreak of the War of Conquest, Balerion, the Black Death, was the only surviving dragon among the five dragons. Theoretically, five hundred-meter-level dragons once existed on Dragonstone Island at the same time.

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