Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 97: Exploring the Secret Passage

This was the first time that Viserys and Daenerys entered the so-called secret passage. They had only briefly seen the entrance and exit before. At that time, Viserys' body could not change back and he could not get in, so they could only pretend to be the same as before. My own Daenerys was waiting outside while the Unsullied came out to report.

This Unsullied guard is the captain of the king's guard now appointed by Viserys. Viserys gave him a new name "Gedian", which means guardian. He was the captain of the team that once guarded the ship for Viserys.

Viserys only had one Unsullied guard with him, and the rest were ordered to guard the door.

To be honest, after entering, the secret passage was wider than Viserys imagined. It could accommodate two people side by side. The height of the head was always maintained at about eight feet. Viserys was almost six feet tall, and he could not touch the top even if he held a torch. The secret passage is not cramped.

They entered through the wall behind the closet in the master bedroom. Godian, who had come in before, held a torch in his hand to lead the way. Viserys held a torch in one hand and touched the wall from time to time with the other hand. The walls and stone stairs were made of Valery Leah's representative fused black dragon stone.

Daenerys followed closely behind, also holding a torch, and touching the black dragon stone on the wall from time to time.

The spiral staircase going down is very deep.

Viserys counted in his mind that there were more than thirty steps in the spiral staircase, which meant that the bottom platform here was already below the castle floor, which was about as deep as a certain level of dungeon.

At the bottom of the secret passage is a rectangular corridor that is slightly wider than the spiral staircase. The corridor is dozens of feet long from one end to the other. At the other end of the corridor is a spiral staircase similar to the one they came down. Going up is a side sleeping room on the second floor of the main castle.

Viserys estimated that if the main entrance of the castle and the entrance to the city wall are horizontal, the underground passage of this secret passage is actually a diagonal "乀" from the upper left to the lower right. Theoretically, if there is a platform under the secret passage A longitudinal tangent line, then one end of this longitudinal line just points directly to the interior of Longshan.

There was a lot of dust in the corridor, and the footsteps on the ground were scattered in the dust. Viserys specifically asked no one to come in to clean it.

Here, Viserys began to speak: "Look carefully, there may be some mechanism here."

Godian, who had come in before, actually tried to search, but he found nothing. However, after hearing the order, he still held up the torch and carefully explored the walls and floor of the corridor.

"Dany," Viserys called Daenerys to his side, "Follow me and tell me what you find." He didn't need Daenerys to help him find something through various subtle traces like a seasoned treasure hunter. , all it takes is her sudden inspiration and peculiar perception.

Daenerys walked closer to her brother: "Yes, I know."

"In a place like this, there is a lot of dust, so it is easiest to find footprints." Viserys spoke while searching, hoping that this would inspire Daenerys. He leaned over and used a torch to carefully look at the footprints on the ground, "Look. Are you here? The footprints are different from the standard boots of the guards, and they are very new. They come from the master bedroom, indicating that they are the original owner of the castle. The footprints are many and messy, indicating that we have followed his footsteps. "

It is not difficult to find the traces left by non-Unsullied boots. Slowly follow these traces. These footsteps have stopped in the middle of the corridor.

"If my guess is correct, there should be something or a mechanism here. Otherwise, the footprints from two directions would not meet here, making it extremely messy." The footprints in the middle of the corridor are the messiest. The Unsullied who had come down before also found footprints stopping here, so they carefully searched for possible mechanisms.

"Look, there might be something here." Viserys slowly raised the torch and looked up at the black dragonstone wall inch by inch from the bottom, trying to find a hidden mechanism behind a huge brick of the stone wall.

Daenerys knew what Viserys was looking for. Viserys told her that the legendary castle had a secret passage leading directly to the interior of Dragon Mountain, and she felt something in the crater, inside Dragon Mountain.

Daenerys looked carefully at the places where the torches illuminated. The huge masonry of these black walls were engraved with the patterns of dragon scales. The complex patterns engraved on the scales made it difficult to distinguish the dust marks on them from the dark walls. It was difficult to distinguish them from the dark walls. The flat floor looked like a trace of dragon stone.

She watched her brother search little by little, and from time to time stretched out her hand to knock on the huge bricks, but the solid stone walls seemed to be one piece, and there was no hidden passage he expected.

Daenerys reached out and touched a piece of wall. She was shocked by the tight connections between the stone bricks that required careful inspection.

When she realized that this huge castle that could accommodate thousands of people was built piece by piece with such huge and thick black dragonstone bricks, she couldn't imagine how the former Valyrian builders had buried this stone between the cliffs. The first cornerstone, then brick after brick, built this huge fortress.

And the dragon statues, gargoyles, and the inscriptions on the masonry on this castle were sculpted by skilled craftsmen.

Daenerys suddenly thought of a question: "Where are the head and tail of this dragon?"

"What?" Viserys heard what Daenerys said and immediately reacted, "Yes, the buildings in the castle are all made in imitation of a giant dragon. Theoretically, this corridor should be part of a giant dragon."

The architectural theme of Dragonstone Island is inseparable from the dragon. For example, the lobby is a dragon lying on the ground. People enter through the dragon head door that looks like a huge open mouth. There are wing doors, claw doors, and back doors in the lobby. Dragon tail door, for example, the kitchen is a curled-up dragon, the belly of the dragon is an oven, and the smoke and steam emitted by the oven are discharged from its nostrils.

This secret passage has walls engraved with dragon scales, so this passage is only part of the dragon's body, and its head and tail are not here.

Viserys remembered: "Its dragon head is on the closet in the master bedroom!" The closet is a long snout of a fire-breathing dragon with its mouth wide open, and the mechanism to open the secret passage in the closet is a lamp holder in the shape of a dragon's nose.

With an idea, Viserys immediately took Daenerys and called on Godian, who led the way, to return to the master bedroom on the second floor of the main castle.

The first thing that came to mind as the switch of the secret passage was undoubtedly the dragon's eyes. Following the long snout of the closet dragon, looking up, the snout of this dragon is very long, and its eye statue is even above the huge opening window on the north side of the master bedroom. That position is too high. But after having an idea, you can quickly imagine the direction where the dragon's eyes are looking.

The dragon statue in the master bedroom is only half of the face, and the dragon statue is not like a human statue, so it is difficult to tell where its eyes are looking.

But this dragon is breathing fire, so its eyes are undoubtedly looking at the direction it is breathing. There are only a few carvings of dragon flames near the wardrobe, but they all point to the same thing.

It's a fireplace.

When he found out it was a fireplace, Viserys felt that he should have discovered this anomaly long ago.

The fortress on Dragonstone Island, even the king's bedroom next to the table hall, had no fireplace, and could only use a huge brazier for heating. Because this castle was not built for comfort at the beginning, but as a bridgehead military fortress for Valyria to spy on Westeros.

It is very unreasonable for a fireplace, which is built for comfortable life, to appear in a military fortress. Viserys guessed that these two rooms should be newly built by Targaryen after moving from Valyria.

Soon, after Viserys's guard captain Godian searched inside and outside the fireplace, he found that there was a brick in the hearth that could move, and it took a lot of force to press it down. But after pressing it down, nothing happened in the room.

However, Viserys immediately called Daenerys and Godian down to the corridor that had been unable to find a way out before.

As expected, on the right side of the corridor, a door leading to the unknown appeared.

A slight hot wind was blowing in from outside the door.

"Godian, lead the way. See what's going on." Viserys ordered his captain of the guard. Although the Unsullied have begun to learn the common language from Missandei in private, Viserys is still used to giving orders in Valyrian.

This passage that obviously leads to the Dragon Mountain is very warm. Observing from the door that appeared, the wall behind the door is very thick, more than ten feet, and is made of huge black stone bricks.

Entering this passage, you can feel the warmth when you put your hand on the wall of the stone passage.

This passage is flat and warm, and the walls are also huge black stone bricks engraved with dragon scales. After walking out of the door, there is a very obvious black stone brick bulge along the corner of the outer wall.

"Wait, Godian, try to see if this is a secret door switch." To verify that the black stone brick protrusion can open and close the heavy stone wall secret door, Viserys took Daenerys back to the corridor, and then left Godian there to try.

This stone passage is so deep that it is hard to see the end, and it is tilted downward. Viserys needs to make sure that he and Daenerys can come back normally after entering.

This is not the first time that Viserys has done this. Although Daenerys sympathizes with the loyal captain of the guard, she can only pray for him secretly that he will not trigger any fatal trap.

Godian, the captain of the guard who led the king, had no complaints and just followed Viserys' orders silently.

After Viserys and Daenerys returned to the corridor, Godian pushed the brick protrusion, and a low rumble sounded inside and outside the secret door. Then, huge black stone slabs slowly slid out from the heavy door wall. Under the light of the torch, the wall was reassembled like a puzzle. When the sound subsided, the only thing left at the door was a solid, crack-free stone wall.

Then, a low muffled sound resounded, and the stone wall cracked. Pieces of black stone slabs were retracted from the wall behind the door, and a secret door leading to an unknown place appeared again.

"Not bad." Viserys led Daenerys back into the stone passage, "Keep leading the way."

This stone passage was very deep. Walking inside, it was obvious that I was walking diagonally downward in the direction of Longshan. The deeper I went, the hotter the air in the passage became.

Godian, who was wearing armor, was breathing heavily. He seemed to be very uncomfortable with the sultry heat. Even Daenerys was sweating profusely.

The stone passage was still extending inwards, and there was no end in sight. This passage was not very straight. Viserys felt that it was a huge arc.

They walked for a while, and gradually, the stone walls in the passage felt hot to the touch.

"Stop." Viserys called to stop the forward steps, "Godian, it's not suitable for you to continue ahead, go back to the entrance of the passage and wait for us."

The captain of the guard turned around seriously, nodded to Viserys, and then turned back without any doubt.

Viserys raised the torch and looked at the still dark and deep black stone passage: "Do you know how far we have walked, Dany?"

Daenerys swallowed: "I counted the number of steps I took, and it's 266 steps to here." Even though the road is inclined, this is undoubtedly the interior of Dragon Mountain.

Viserys was quite expectant: "Do you feel anything here?"

But Daenerys shook her head: "Only heat, nothing else."

They continued to move forward, and the air in the passage became hotter and hotter, so much so that the boots began to smoke when they stepped on the black stone slabs, as if they would burn at any time.

When Daenerys took the 332nd step, the passage seemed to have reached the bottom and began to tilt upward. Despite this, the road ahead was still extremely hot. Viserys and Daenerys had to take off their boots and walk barefoot on the hot stone passage.

Finally, at Daenerys' 450th step, they saw a faint red light at the end of the stone passage, and at Daenerys' 518th step, the stone passage came to an end.

At the end of the passage was an iron fence gate, which was a bolted gate and not locked.

From the passage, you can see from the iron gate that the space outside is much larger than the passage. There is a red light source shining from behind the cliff outside a huge stone platform, and a huge black stone building stands on a huge stone platform not far from the door. The building was made of black stone like the castle. The main building consisted of a garden building and four towers, all of which were carved with the image of a flying dragon with wings spread. Many gargoyles of various shapes were built along the walls of the building.

If you look closely, you will find that there are huge human statues on the carved dragons. They are either standing, sitting, or holding up swords and riding on the dragons.

If I guessed correctly, this is a tomb.

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