Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 96 The Dragon King's Thoughts

Tyrion sat in the resting place under the Prime Minister's Tower and waited for a long time, and finally waited for Varys.

"Lord Tyrion," Tyrion noticed that Varys seemed to be surprised when he saw him. He stopped and paused before greeting him with a eunuch's shrill voice, "You are here today."

Today, too?

So what day is he not here?

"Of course I'm here, isn't it surprising?" Tyrion was originally blocked here because he couldn't squat in the eunuch's small and cramped residence under the north city wall. There must be a secret passage for the eight-clawed spider to come and go, but unfortunately he didn't even find a piece of paper there, and waited there for a long time until late at night, finding nothing, and his legs and feet were numb. He didn't leave the eunuch's residence until the wound had to be returned for dressing.

Today, he decided to wait here in the Prime Minister's Tower, because Bronn told him that eunuchs frequently come in and out of the Prime Minister's Tower.

The prostitute Alayaya, who had previously been disguised as his mistress, was tied to a pillar in the middle of the courtyard and tortured, and then pushed out of the gate of the Red Fort naked and bloody. Tyrion initially thought it was Cersei who did it, but later when Tywin asked for Casterly Rock, he learned that all this was done by Lord Tywin because he had previously threatened Cersei for his mistress.

Lord Tywin said Casterly Rock would become "his whorehouse" in his hands.

"Casterly Rock," Tyrion will never forget that Lord Tywin told him in his flat, cold, dead voice without any emotion at all, "Never."

Tyrion was angry and angry, but could only be furious.

Damn, after waking up from a serious injury, his eyes and ears disappeared along with his power. In the Red Keep, only Bronn and his attendants still listened to him, and the mercenary Bronn became a knight and was about to leave him. In the Red Fort, he is now blind and deaf, no different from a blind man. Now that he has calmed down, the situation is stronger than others. He has to come here to find Varys. The condition of his mistress Shae is unknown, and her whereabouts are unknown.

But the eunuch's words just now made him regain his lost mind, and he realized that Varys's frequent visits to the Prime Minister's Tower were not normal in today's peaceful King's Landing.

"It's great to see you so strong and healthy." Varys's smile was as flattering as it could be. "But I have to admit, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"The matter is very serious, isn't it? My noble father has been devoted to the country's affairs recently, and he must have a few smart people to help him use his brains." Tyrion said, "Then, first talk to me about this discovery. What’s new?”

"Oh." Varys still had a smile on his face, "Dear Lord, please let me explain it in front of Lord Tywin. This is not a matter of one or two sentences."

Varys is like a slippery loach, no longer the "candid" person he was when Tyrion was in power.

They walked into the hall.

"Tyrion." Tyrion heard the voice of his uncle Kevan Lannister, and he knew he was about to suffer.

Tyrion stepped forward and said, "Uncle Kevan, it's so nice to see you."

The scars on his face were so terrible, but his uncle Kevan was very kind and kissed his cheek: "Tyrion, Lancel told me all your heroic deeds. He admires you very much."

The eunuch smiled behind him. Tyrion knew his trick had been seen through. He forced himself to smile: "My good cousin is too polite. His injury is healed, uncle?"

Sir Kevan frowned: "It goes back and forth. Sister You often visits his bedside to cheer him up and pray devoutly."

"." That's right, but is she praying for his life or his death? Tyrion wanted to say something, but Lord Tywin appeared from behind the drawing room door, and he had to shut up.

"Kevan, Varys." Lord Tywin called two names. The person who was named walked into the drawing room of the Hand's Tower, and the dwarf acted as if he had never appeared in front of Lord Tywin.

Tyrion angrily found a seat at the dining table in the hall. He gritted his teeth and said, "Someone, please give me a drink. Is there anyone in the Prime Minister's Tower responsible for waiting?"

When he tried to get a second cup of summer red, Lord Tywin's squire came to him: "Lord Tyrion, Lord Tywin summons you."

He should have asked for the second glass of wine and then gone. But the actual situation is that he has climbed down from the chair and said calmly: "Humph, lead the way."

In the prime minister's reception room, Lord Tywin seemed to have finished discussing secrets with Kevan and Varys: "Tyrion will also attend the royal council tomorrow. Varys, tell him what we just discussed."

"Yes, my lord." The eunuch smiled flatteringly, "Lord Tyrion, please let me tell you some news. Two days ago, King's Landing received a letter from the direction of Dragonstone. The letter was Viserys Targaryen. ——”

"Who?" Tyrion. He looked up and met Lord Tywin's stern gaze.

Varys cleared his throat: "Viserys Targaryen, who calls himself the 'Dragon King of Dragonstone', sent a letter calling on the princes in Westeros to quell the war."

What happened to this "Dragon King"? What are you thinking about?

This behavior reminds Tyrion of Joffrey, who would shout "I am the king" to people, as if saying that to people would give power to him.

"It has been confirmed that some merchant ships did indeed see a Targaryen flag warship with a black background and a red dragon on Dragonstone. However, I am afraid that after the capture of Dragonstone, the 'Dragon King' has been unable to succeed. The merchant ships in the past have only stopped at Dragonstone. The island saw Targaryen, and he only blocked the waters near the docks of Dragonstone, while Stannis's flag was still flying at the Point and Tidehead, which showed that he could not even block the throat and control the ships entering the Blackwater Bay. Continue to capture the castles of the Narrow Sea princes, but there is no doubt that there is another 'king' in Westeros, and he is more dangerous. He is a 'Targaryen'. I am afraid that many princes in the territory will make changes. "

"So six kings have emerged in the territory, which is great!" Tyrion said. King's Landing had previously received Balon Greyjoy's declaration of kingship. "King's Landing does not have a fleet to interfere with Dragonstone. When the fleet in Lannisport moves, King Balon will wake up from his dream. So, will Redwyne do this for us? Or will Stannis's remaining soldiers play tricks with the Targaryens? Wait, what? Well, what's your attitude? The agreement we made before——"

Tyrion's mind was racing.

"You don't need to worry about any of this," Lord Tywin interrupted Tyrion. He was tall and looked down at his dwarf son. "I will arrange a position for you at the Royal Council tomorrow. You are the reward you deserve." , that will be the one that suits your position.”


Daenerys did live up to Viserys' expectations. She walked around Dragon Mountain and quickly sensed something, but the bad news was that the thing seemed to be under the magma.

It looked like it wasn't some dragon's hidden lair that Viserys had expected.

But inside the volcano?

But even if Viserys turns into a dragon, he can't dive into the magma and drill into the volcano like bathing in water.

So he turned his attention to the legendary hidden passages in Dragonstone Castle. Legend has it that there are secret passages and hidden ladders in the castle that can reach as far as the center of Dragon Mountain.

In fact, on the first day of occupying Dragonstone Castle, Viserys began to have the Unsullied move along the various paths of the castle to clear the various hidden passages, hidden arrow openings, and towers in the castle, which were narrow and winding, and passed through each other. The corridors, iron gates, and stairs connecting the wooden doors were all touched to ensure that no castle defenders were left behind to hide in them to carry out covert assassinations. In the next few days, the Unsullied were also asked to search for possible secret passages in the passages of each tower.

And we did find several passages that might be called secret passages, leading either to an abandoned darkroom or to an old warehouse that had been abandoned for an unknown period of time under the castle.

There is indeed a very intriguing passage, and Viserys feels that it is not simple.

Behind the main hall on the second floor of the main castle where the king's throne is now located are two bedrooms, a master bedroom and a side bedroom. A corridor separates the two bedrooms. The Unsullied found it in the stone bookcase in the side bedroom. The secret passage.

The process of discovering this secret passage was very simple, because it was the room where Stannis kept the red-robed woman. Viserys firmly believed that there must be a secret there, so he asked the Unsullied to look through it inside and out, and as expected, he carved it into the stone. A secret passage was discovered behind the dragon-shaped bookcase.

The secret passage is in the shape of an inverted figure. After entering from the narrow passage for sleeping on the side, the path leads to the stone wardrobe of the master bedroom.

When told of this by the Unsullied in charge of the search, Viserys thought it was a secret passage designed by the castle builders for some unreasonable purpose.

However, this is inconsistent with the military purpose for which the castle was originally built.

So now when he sets his sights on finding the secret passage leading to Dragon Mountain, Viserys's eyes are first on this place.

Last night's adventure in the Longshan Crater was uneventful, except for the fact that the young dragon he was chasing had been flying back and forth for so long and so far since he was born. He was so tired that he couldn't help but lie down in his corner as soon as he returned to the castle. Moving, sleeping soundly. In fact, it didn't fly to the crater at all. The young dragon is still very small now. When Viserys gets bigger, he can flap his wings and it can fly for half a day. When Viserys and the others entered the crater yesterday, it was actually just hovering on the top of the mountain. It flew several times into the wind - this was a sign of its cleverness, otherwise it would have been lost and would have taken a long time to find it.

After returning, Viserys specifically asked Daenerys to rest for a night. Unfortunately, although Daenerys sensed something inside the Dragon Mountain in the crater, she failed to have any strange dreams to provide guidance after falling asleep. .

Now that the night has passed, Viserys and Daenerys have nothing to do with government affairs these days anyway, so they strike while the iron is hot and plan to use today to carefully search the secret passages in the castle to find the legendary passage to the interior of Dragon Mountain.

Viserys was really curious about what was hidden in Dragon Mountain.

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