Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 95: First Look at Astronomy

When the young bachelor of Dragonstone was summoned to the Picture Table Hall, he looked as serious as a sixty-year-old man.

Faced with this lord who may be younger than him, Maester Pylos did not dare to show any slightest indifference. He thought that the letter that the king had asked him to send to all parts of the country was all empty words without any effect. The pretext by which the world manifests its existence. But the king actually took the time to inspect the farmland in the town of Dragonstone today, and chatted with the lord's farmers and homesteaders for a long time about the harvest and food reserves before winter. It is said that farmers who went to watch and people from towns and cities to join in the fun surrounded the farmland, and it was thanks to the soldiers in uniforms to maintain order.

These behaviors made Maester Pylos feel that the king was weird and mysterious: "You summon me, Your Majesty."

Viserys wore a purple robe that covered his whole body, leaving only his head and hands exposed.

Paros was in the Picture Table Hall, and the king was at the open window at the other end of the hall. Paros could feel that the wind blowing from there was warm, without any coolness of the autumn night wind.

"That's right, Maester Pyros, I bothered you so late at night. It's because I just came back and saw a letter from King's Landing. It said that King Joffrey of King's Landing and Margaery of House Tyrell will have a wedding on the first day of the new year. Wedding, that is also the first day of the new century." When Viserys said this, he didn't seem to care at all that the original purpose of this letter was to provoke Stannis, but when it fell into his hands, it seemed more like a provocation. He just narrated it as usual, and then asked, "Actually, I have always had a question that I have always wanted to find someone to answer. How does the city determine its one-year turnover?"

The calendar of Westeros was promulgated by the Citadel, but in this world with irregular seasons, it was difficult for Viserys to imagine how people could calculate the calendar. He couldn't find the answer from the body's original knowledge reserve, so he could only ask the most knowledgeable maester on Dragonstone.

"It's the astrology, Your Majesty." Bachelor Palos didn't find the question strange and answered seriously, "The bachelors in the city attach great importance to the study of astrology and use the astrology to calculate the year."

Viserys asked again: "Do you know what the specific horoscope is?"

"The twelve constellations in the sky, the city determines the time based on the position of the twelve constellations in the sky." Paros became a little nervous.

Viserys dug into the matter and said, "If I understand correctly, one year is an astrological return cycle, right? Can you come over and point out to me which twelve constellations are there, and how to determine the astrological return to the starting point?"

"Well," Bachelor Pyros tried his best to answer calmly, "Sorry, Your Majesty, my major in the city was not astronomy. But I can point out the twelve constellations and their main stars to your Majesty."

Viserys said: "No problem, I'm just curious. Come here."

When Pylos walked closer to the king, he could feel the warm wind, and he was sure that the wind did not come from the brazier next to the king. In fact, there is a new legend about Viserys in the town today, and people are whispering that the new king of Dragonstone is the true blood of the dragon king, and has the same heat as the dragon. Viserys hoped that the rumors would eventually turn him into the legendary pyromancer of House Targaryen who inherited Valyrian magic.

Pylos stood on the terrace at the opening of the Stone Drum Tower and pointed out to Viserys one by one the twelve constellations in the sky and the main stars of each constellation.

Maester Pylos is not a good teacher.

Viserys III was not a man who was proficient in astronomy, so he was confused after listening to it. By the end of the day, he didn’t know which stars together formed a constellation and where the main star was. However, he didn’t ask too many questions. In the end, he just said: "You have it?" There are no books about this kind of thing, with astrological charts?”

Maester Pylos replied: "Well, if your Majesty needs it, I can write to the Citadel to borrow such books."

"Okay." Viserys let go of the bachelor who didn't know much about astronomy when he was studying in the city, and continued to ask the next question, "Then how does the city measure the change of seasons?"

Bachelor Palos swallowed his saliva: "The bachelors in the city will observe the changes in the length of the day and hand the results to the cardinal, who will decide when to count the end of a season."

Viserys continued to ask him: "Do you know how to calculate it specifically?"

"Well," Maester Pylos replied, "Your Majesty, can you allow me to write a letter to inquire? This requires consulting the doctors of the Cardinal Council to answer."

The Council of Cardinals is the governing body of the city. The Grand Bachelor is elected by them, and only the Cardinal can decide on the appointment and dismissal of the Grand Bachelor - just like the Archbishop of the Seven Gods is elected by the Holy See. All meetings of the Council of Cardinals are confidential and are held only within the Citadel, isolated from the outside world. Doctors who are considered "masters" in a certain field of knowledge are given the right to attend cardinal meetings.

In a sense, the Academy is also a huge mysterious organization in this world, but it discloses some of its secrets, causing people to always ignore the nature of its mysterious organization.

Viserys changed the question: "What about the week? Is it the period of a certain star? Do you know this?"

"It is the cycle of seven stars, Your Majesty." Bachelor Pyros still had some confidence in this question, "The positions and brightness of the seven wandering stars in the sky alternate, and one rotation is one week. These seven wandering stars are in the Seven Gods Sect, Believers of the Seven Gods have given it religious significance, that is, the seven-pointed star that represents the Seven Gods.”

This is similar to the earth. There is a saying about the earth's week that the position and brightness of the seven stars of the sun, moon, fire, water, wood, gold and earth alternate in the sky. It is collectively called the seven-star week system.

"Interesting." Viserys asked with interest, "Do you know the origin of these calendars, weeks, and astrology? Did the Citadel teach you these?"

"." Maester Pylos was stumped by the question, "I haven't thought about this, Your Majesty. This knowledge seems to have existed in the Citadel since ancient times. I have never thought about its origin. Perhaps it can be traced back to the astrologers in the Age of Heroes." He was not sure either.

Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of Pylos, Viserys simply stopped asking him and changed the topic: "By the way, has anyone replied to the letter I sent out before?"

"At present, no other reply has been received except from the lords of the narrow sea, your majesty."

"." Viserys didn't ask any more questions, "It's late, maester, go back and rest early."

After sending Pylos away, the regent princess Daenerys, who theoretically should be in one of the towers on Dragonstone, but was placed in the bedroom behind the main hall on the second floor of the Stone Drum Tower, walked out of the partitioned room on the top floor of the king's main castle and asked curiously: "Why are you interested in the stars in the sky?"

Viserys didn't beat around the bush and told her frankly: "I just had a sudden thought. If the gods have entities, how do you think they are most likely to exist?"

"Stars?" Daenerys said, "The scriptures of the Seven Gods say that the seven stars represent the seven gods, such as the red wandering star corresponding to the blacksmith."

Many myths say that the stars and the sun were created by gods, but if they knew what the stars in the sky were, they wouldn't think so.

Viserys said frankly: "Yes, stars. But this is also my wild imagination." He looked up at the stars in the sky.

In a world where true gods exist, are these stars in the sky glass beads on the false sky, or are they planets belonging to the same star system and stars separated by countless light years in the universe?

However, questions without evidence are meaningless except for making oneself fall into nothingness. Viserys cheered up and waved away the wild thoughts in his mind: "Dany, let's go. I promised to take you to a place before. Come with me." He threw his robe and turned into a small dragon body to signal her to get on his back.

"Now?" Daenerys saw that she was wearing silk clothes and was still thinking about whether to change.

"It doesn't matter what you wear there, as long as it doesn't burn me. Don't worry, I have a way."

In the night, the sound of flapping wings came from the top of the stone drum tower. The young dragon in the room was curled up in the corner and sleeping. Seeing Daenerys and Viserys leave, it also flapped its wings and flew away from the castle.

When flying out of the castle and directly upward along the huge cliffs, Daenerys soon discovered that the Dragonstone Castle, which seemed so huge, was so small compared to the huge Dragon Mountain. It was just a small fortress located in the corner of Dragon Mountain.

The steep cliffs of Dragon Mountain were like a huge curtain. The higher you go, the more you can feel how huge this mountain is.

In order to let Daenerys feel the hugeness of Dragon Mountain directly and to let her use the strange sensing ability that he had once appeared in his body, Viserys slowed down his flying speed after he was far away from the castle. He only became four or five meters tall, so that Daenerys could ride on him and have a wider view.

Viserys flapped his wings little by little. They were still climbing up the huge cliff in front of Dragon Mountain.

"It's following." Viserys was not fast, and the wind was not loud. Daenerys heard the sound of the young dragon flapping its wings behind him to catch up.

"Whatever it is." Viserys replied.

Finally, the towering cliff came to the end of the top, Daenerys sat up and took a deep breath. Her vision finally passed the cliff of Dragon Mountain.

Viserys descended from the highest point of the cliff, allowing Daenerys to overlook the volcanic terrain behind Dragon Mountain. Accustomed to seeing common mountains and rivers, Daenerys was shocked for a moment when she saw the volcanic scene behind Dragon Mountain.

Looking down from here, the volcanic area behind Dragon Mountain is a huge basin as a whole. Several protrusions that are much shorter than their location and ridges formed by black lava that can barely be called peaks divide this huge basin into several areas.

It is now night, and the red magma pools of varying heights in the volcanic basin can be clearly seen. In some areas, the red magma pools are connected by magma rivers like rivers, flowing with red molten flames.

But in fact, the red magma land does not account for a large proportion of this huge basin. More places here are dark volcanic rock reefs that appear particularly dark in the night - yes, reefs. This terrain reminds Daenerys of the occasional chaotic reefs on the seabed after the sea water recedes.

In the night, these volcanic lava have strange shapes and ups and downs. From time to time, hot steam comes out of geothermal vents, as if Longshan is a huge beast breathing.

This dead land where few people go and it is difficult for creatures to survive is intricate. From the highest point here, you can easily see several huge craters that seem to lead directly to the interior of the volcano. There are gray-white hot steam coming out, and the deep red magma is dazzling even in the night.

Viserys waited for Daenerys to recover from the shock before telling her: "Choose a place you want to go, and I'll take you there."

Daenerys could smell the pungent sulfur smell of the volcano, which did not make her uncomfortable, but made her inexplicably excited. Hearing Viserys ask this, she glanced around, wanting to go everywhere, but not in particular. Suddenly, she had an idea: "Where did you go before? I want to go to the place you have been to."

"Yes." Viserys agreed to all requests, "But the place I went to before might be a little dangerous for you. There, do you see the huge crater below?"

Daenerys looked at the direction where Viserys' head pointed. It was a huge crater. From a long distance, you could see the heat waves in the hole, the bright and dazzling magma, and the huge mountain pass was like the gate of hell: "Oh my God, you rested in that place before?"

"You can too." Viserys's body suddenly became larger, and he opened the mouth of his left head. "You go to my mouth, it's safe."

Viserys's ancient Li Ok dragon body has a feature that its mouth can be opened very wide. When his body reaches a certain size, Daenerys can fit in his mouth. It's just that both parties may have to endure the uncomfortable feeling.

This is the first time Daenerys has observed the mouth of Viserys's dragon body in this way. There is a layer of densely packed huge fangs on the outer gums of his mouth, like huge sharp spears.

Viserys has now transformed into the largest form he can transform into, with a body length of sixty to seventy meters. At this time, the teeth in his mouth are too huge, so Daenerys will not feel that entering his mouth will hurt herself.

Viserys's current form is a magical structure, so he does not need to eat, and the magic of his left head is not activated, so his mouth is clean, and there is no need to worry about the blood and flesh of wild animals or the smell of bad smells.

Viserys lowered his left head and stretched out his huge snake-like forked tongue, making room for her to move up, and then used his middle head to say to her: "If you feel uncomfortable, pull your tongue, pull it three times, and I will take you away immediately."

The steam of the volcano is full of sulfur gas, which is very dangerous for ordinary people. Although Daenerys is no longer a human in Viserys' eyes, it is still better to be careful.

Daenerys climbed onto Viserys's huge tongue, and as his tongue curled, she drilled into the mouth of her brother's dragon-like left head, which made her feel wonderful and novel. When she came in, she found that the temperature in Viserys' mouth was lower than she thought, even lower than the outside of the volcano at the moment, and even cooler than the temperature of the scales on Viserys' body. His huge tongue was soft against her back, like a warm and soft cushion. His mouth slowly closed to a half-open state, leaving a space.

Viserys's right head turned around to observe the situation inside and asked, "Dany, can you see outside?" This body structure that is very difficult for humans to understand was like instinct when Viserys became like this in Hyrule, just like breathing, naturally and without learning.

"Yes!" Daenerys told him loudly.

While they were doing this, the young dragon, who was particularly close to Daenerys and no longer afraid of Viserys, fluttered in front of Viserys, as if he wanted to get into Viserys' mouth with Daenerys.

Viserys ignored it and just took off into the air, flying wildly and flying towards the crater in the basin below.

As the size of the dragon grew, it became difficult to fly slowly. Viserys had slowed down as much as possible, but each flap of his wings still covered half a body length, so Daenerys could only see the surrounding scenery changing in a blur through the gap in the dragon's mouth.

Finally, at a certain moment, she felt Viserys hovering in the air. The temperature in the dragon's mouth, which had originally felt cool, rose sharply. She could smell the strong smell of sulfur and feel the burning in her throat when she breathed.

Then, she felt Viserys slowly descending. Through the gap in the dragon's mouth, she saw that she was descending to a position lower than the ground with Viserys. On the strange stone wall in her field of vision, there was a dazzling flame. She could feel the burning air on her body, making her sweat. Daenerys carefully climbed to the side of a huge tooth, hugged the giant tooth, and climbed to the gap between the two giant teeth to look down.

She could see that there was a huge lava lake below, and she had a strange feeling, as if something was attracting her, right beneath the hot lava.

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