Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 94 Letter from Dragonstone

The ravens from Dragonstone carried Viserys's letter to all parts of Westeros like snowflakes. The castles to which the ravens went were near and far. In just a few days, the first batch of great lords had received Viserys's letter.

King's Landing.

When the fastest merchant ships that entered Blackwater Bay after the throat was released arrived near King's Landing, they were shocked by the broken hulls and countless floating corpses lowered by the iron chains blocking the river upstream. They dared not go forward and turned around one after another, wanting to return to Tidehead and Point to wait and see the situation.

But there are always merchant ships that are not afraid of death. They think they have mastered a huge secret and are eager to rush to King's Landing to sell first-hand information at a high price. Some ships were even sunk by the wreckage of ships on the water while trying to rush to King's Landing.

But this still cannot stop the determination of some people. They are going to detour to Duskendale and rush to King's Landing by land. However, in Duskendale, these people were trapped by the town's martial law and could not leave the city, because there was intelligence that Stark's army in the north was burning, killing, looting and attacking Duskendale.

There were smart people who thought of taking the land route from the south bank and going around the King's Road to King's Landing. However, that was the area where the Lannister and Tyrell troops were cleaning up the battlefield. There, the bodies of ordinary soldiers in Stannis' army, stripped of their armor, were scattered all over the mountains and fields and no one dealt with them. If they walked there, they would only encounter wild dogs and wolves eating the bodies, and soldiers who would cut off the heads of everyone they saw as Stannis's defeated soldiers in exchange for rewards. No one would listen to the intelligence that sounded like a fairy tale.

They could only wait, and could only wait for the passage on Blackwater Bay.

And when it was finally passed, the port terminal of King's Landing was not very friendly to these first batches of people who arrived in King's Landing, because the problem of the shortage of supplies in the siege of King's Landing had been solved at this time, and these merchant ships rushing to King's Landing to make war profits were strictly inspected.

And ravens always walk faster than people.

When the ravens from Dragonstone arrived at King's Landing, people were still discussing the earth-shaking Battle of the Blackwater River ten days ago, the ghost of Lord Renly who appeared on the battlefield, the mighty armies of Lannister and Tyrell, the truckloads of food that the Tyrells had brought from Highgarden, and the upcoming wedding of Joffrey and Margaery.

The whole of King's Landing was in a state of ecstasy, which lasted for more than ten days.

Grand Maester Pythias was no exception.

The Grand Maester, who failed to uphold the impartial political ideas of the maesters and was loyal to Lord Tywin and the Lannister family, had a happy ending during these days.

Previously, the acting Prime Minister Tyrion had thrown him into the black cell of the Red Keep because he had informed Cersei, but now as soon as Tywin arrived, he released him from the black cell and restored him to his post. Although he had lost his beautiful beard and had suffered a lot in the black cell, his body had become very weak, and he looked dilapidated and old. But he was still very happy, and felt like he had regained his vigor. He wanted to call a young maid to serve him personally, but when the beautifully dressed maid came to his room, he had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Unfortunately, when the raven from Dragonstone arrived at the Maester's Tower, Grand Maester Pyhill was dozing off.

It was his steward who took the letter from the raven, opened it and read it, and then exclaimed in surprise, and the Grand Maester woke up tremblingly. "What's wrong?"

"It's a letter from Dragonstone, Maester."

The maester staggered to his feet, and his necklace rang softly. His necklace was thick and heavy, weighing more than ten times that of an ordinary maester's necklace, connected together and inlaid with gems. The number of chains of gold, silver and platinum far exceeded that of other worthless metals.

Pycelle moved slowly. He opened the rolled-up letter paper: "This" he read again and again, "This" he climbed down from the chair and stood up in a panic, "Come here," he shouted, "Go to the Prime Minister's Tower."

The joy of King's Landing even infected the Octopus Spider, and even Varys was immersed in the joy of surviving the disaster. He wore loose and colorful silk robes every day these days, humming a tuneless little song while walking, exuding the smell of lemon, and talking to everyone with a cheerful smile.

At such a moment, a boy suddenly appeared in the secret passage, silently stuffed a note into him, and then quickly left.

Varys opened the note, and the smile on his face froze instantly, but he did not panic. He carefully put the note away, and then slowly walked with silent and tiny steps, quietly, like a cat, walking in a certain direction along the secret passage.

When Grand Maester Pyhill arrived, Lord Tywin Lannister was sitting by the window, writing a letter in the bright afternoon sun outside the window. He raised his eyes when he heard the sound of the door latch.

"Pyhill." He said calmly, putting down the quill in his hand.

Grand Maester Pyhill staggered forward respectfully: "Lord Tywin, here is a letter from Dragonstone's raven. It is of great importance. I just received it and came here to deliver it to you."

"Yes." The Duke of Casterly Rock was as tough as a man twenty years younger than him, with a stern expression and even a bit of heroism. A strong golden beard covered his jaw, highlighting a stern face, a bald head and a tightly closed mouth. A necklace made of golden hands hung around his neck, and each finger clasped the wrist of the other hand.

Lord Tywin took the letter from Pyxil, and after reading it, he only frowned slightly, his expression still serious: "Ah, another king, the Dragon King? What else?"

Pyxil opened his mouth slightly, his face full of confusion: "."

Lord Tywin put the letter aside casually, as if nothing had happened: "Have the wedding invitations for Joffrey and Margaery been sent out? Which replies will come to the Red Keep?"

Pyxil was stunned.

"You have other things to do, right? Go back to work."

Pycelle blinked: "Of course. Of course."

Lord Tywin picked up the quill again, and without looking at Pycelle, he just said calmly: "Don't let more people know about this letter before the next royal meeting."

"Ah... of course." Pycelle retreated respectfully.

After the Grand Maester left.

Lord Tywin summoned his attendants: "Go call Kevan and tell him that I want to see him. Then go to Varys and ask him to come to the Prime Minister's Tower."


Storm's End.

Ser Gilbert Farrin, who was responsible for guarding the castle for King Stannis, was patrolling along the city wall. After receiving the news of Stannis's defeat, he ordered all those outside the city to withdraw to the castle and implement a scorched earth defense. , all the houses and farmland that could not be moved outside the city were burned. In the forest outside the city, Stannis had cut down many trees during his siege, and those that were not used were ordered to be burned. This caused a forest fire outside the castle that burned for two days and two nights before it was extinguished.

A few days ago, he received news that Stannis would go south, so he couldn't help but cast his eyes towards the port outside the castle. Just waiting for the day when he saw the ship coming, he would lead his people out of the castle and cooperate inside and outside to welcome Stannis back. . Fortunately, the siege army sent by Tyrell that had just arrived had not yet paid attention to the direction of the port. They only focused on spreading out their troops outside the city to build camps and prepare for the siege. The Tyrell army has no siege equipment for a short period of time, and it seems that they are planning to rely on siege to kill the people in Storm's End just like they did more than ten years ago.

While Sir Gilbert Farrin was looking intently at the port, the maester from Storm's End hurriedly arrived: "My lord, a letter."

Sir Gilbert heard what the maester meant, quietly opened it to check, and then immediately tore the letter into pieces and threw it into the brazier on the battlement next to it: "Please keep it secret, maester."

The bachelor nodded: "Yes, sir."



Roose Bolton now occupies this place.

From the beginning of the war to the present, this castle, like the people who nominally own it, has changed hands several times.

Early in the War of the Five Kings, the unstoppable Lord Tywin Lannister captured Harrenhal without a single blow and drove out House Harren. At the same time, the castle was granted to Janos Slynt by Queen Cersei Lannister as a reward for his help in defeating Eddard Stark. But Tyrion Lannister, as Hand, stripped him of his title and sent him to the Wall on his father's orders. After the Battle of the Blackwater, Lord Tywin granted the castle to Petyr Baelish and appointed him governor of the lands in the Trident River Basin, commending him for facilitating the marriage between the Lannister and Tyrell families. However, Baelish would not go to the post at all.

Actual control of the castle changed many times during the war, and it concealed countless atrocities. Harrenhal was initially garrisoned by Tywin's vassals, led by Ser Amory Lorch and Ser Gregor Clegane. They are all supported by a mercenary group called the Warriors. And these three groups of people arrived at Harrenhal after burning, killing and looting all the way. These people treated the lower-class civilians in the castle cruelly. Due to the discord between Amory Lodge's men and those of the Warriors, many casualties were caused. After Tywin left, Amory Lodge became the Lord of the City. Arya Stark, who had been hiding in the castle, convinced Jaqen H'ghar to help him free the Northern captives held in the castle and rebel against the Lannister men. Later, the warriors massacred the Lannister men and their minions and handed the castle to Roose Bolton.

Roose Bolton received more than one letter.

After receiving the letter from Dragonstone, Roose Bolton chose to disclose the content of the letter to his Bolton loyalists and the leader of the Warriors. Everyone did not believe it and thought it was a joke and a scam. However, at the same time, When I was alone, I couldn't help but raise my eyes to the east, wondering who had sent such a letter.

Roose Bolton told no one else about the other letters.


The Eyrie.

Lysa Arryn was now the actual ruler of the Vale, which remained neutral to the war. When the maester handed her this letter, she asked the maester to write to the lords within the realm, asking them to continue to remain neutral with House Arryn. Even so, she could foresee that letters from the princes within the territory would be sent to the Eagle's Nest City in an endless stream.

She urgently needs her lover to join her and face the treacherous situation on this continent.


The messenger crow that flew out of Dragonstone Island continues to go south, west, and north.

Despite attempts to block the news.

But this cannot stop the overall situation. One day, the news from the Dragon King of Dragonstone will be known to everyone in Westeros, from the Great Wall to the Qingting Island.

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