Viserys studied carefully and recorded Daenerys' state after waking up, body temperature, expression, body shape, food intake, and drinking water in his mind.

Apart from being made suspicious by Viserys's sudden concern, showing obvious discomfort, and acting unnaturally when Viserys touched her forehead, she seemed to have not changed much and was still the same timid little girl.

That strange and fearful attitude of defiance seemed to disappear as the fever subsided.

There seemed to be no side effects and no benefits.

Viserys could be said to be slightly disappointed, but it was more of a fluke.

He had suspected that Daenerys' anomaly yesterday would attract the attention of the 'gods', but with the mysterious incident last night and various observations today, it seemed that the risk was not very high.

If there is a god behind Daenerys, it seems that he acquiesces in Viserys' actions, or that he is unaware of it, at least for now.

But there is no guarantee that the gods of this world will ignore his actions like the goddess Hylia.

He didn't dare to take it lightly.

But the magic that Daenerys now reveals makes her even more important.

Dany carefully glanced at Viserys sitting on her bedside, trying to figure out what was hidden behind his expressionless face, but since Viserys was struck by lightning, Dany could no longer easily peek from his face. To joy and anger.

After dinner, Viserys told her to stay in bed, then sat quietly, seemingly with no intention of leaving her room.

[Is he worried about me? 】

Dany didn't know.

Just like his brother drank her blood twice inexplicably, Viserys didn't explain it, and she didn't know why.

Although his actions now showed concern, Dany always had a strange feeling that his brother had other agendas.

She didn't even know if what she was feeling at the moment was real.

Just like her abnormal fear yesterday, she still doesn't know where that fear came from. Why is it back to the same state today?

[Viserys may have the answers to all her questions. 】

She thought so, but didn't dare to ask.

While Dany was thinking wildly, Viserys broke the silence that was getting deeper and deeper in the room. He said softly: "Dany, I know you are full of doubts in your heart, and I will give you the answer one day, but not now. "

It was easy to see Daenerys's thoughts on her face, and Viserys had already considered it in his mind to remain the Riddler, but to let her feel the change in attitude.

Daenerys is the most important card in his hand. Whether he is using it or coaxing her, he wants to tie her tightly to his ship.

Dany was important to him.

This attitude must be conveyed to Daenerys and also to Illyrio.

Dany is still a little girl who lets herself be pushed around and relies heavily on her brother Viserys. Although she is smart, it is not difficult to cope with it.

As for Illyrio, although doing so is tantamount to actively exposing his weaknesses to Illyrio, as a chess piece, it is only right to recognize the current situation and adapt to changes.

It may not be a test to show his attitude before Illyrio has made any suggestions.

How determined are they to pursue their plans, and how will they respond to this situation?

"." Dany certainly didn't know what Viserys was thinking. Her eyes widened in surprise, surprised by this unprecedented show of kindness.

She was not stupid. With her sensitive mind, she immediately noticed the attitude in Viserys' words, and then instinctively tested this attitude. She murmured and whispered: "I don't want to know anything, I want to answer." Home."

This kind of temptation no longer resulted in scoldings and beatings, but feedback that was beyond Dany's expectations.

Viserys asked: "The 'home' you are talking about, is Ser Darry's house in Braavos? I remember it had a red door and a lemon tree?"

There was a trace of sadness on his face.

Hearing this, Dany's heart was agitated, and she had mixed emotions for a moment: "Do you know?"

"You grew up there," Viserys said, gesturing. "From that little one to as tall as the table, I watched you grow."

Dany boldly asked: "Is it possible for us to go back?"

"Yes, Dany." Viserys took the words easily, as if he answered casually.

When Dani heard this, she realized it was a lie and her heart sank.

Viserys continued: "But, Dany, that is not 'home'."

Dany's expression grew darker.

"One day you will understand, Dany." Viserys reached out and gently stroked the hair on her forehead, "A place with family is 'home'."

Dany held her breath for a moment, her eyes lighting up as she was about to cry. Tears still filled her eyes, but her heart was full of joy.

She became bolder: "You never told me this."

"Before today, my sister," Viserys said, "I never thought I would one day lose you."

Dany's heart was pounding, and she mustered up the courage to raise her head and look at Viserys's face when he said these words.

I saw his gentle expression and concern in his eyes.

".I." Danny couldn't say a word for a while.

"Have a good rest, Dany, and don't think too much." Viserys asked her to lie down and covered her with a thin quilt. "Your illness has just improved, and you need more rest."

"Yeah." Dani got into the bed with half her face, stunned and at a loss. She wanted to tell her brother that she was actually in good health and as usual, but she couldn't.

Viserys withdrew his thoughts and sighed inwardly: His lower limit can be lower than imagined.

Of course, he knew very well that the original person often instilled in Dany the importance of ancient Valyrian people keeping their blood pure through incest marriage, so that Dany had always thought that she would marry Viserys one day since she was a child.

In fact, the original Viserys's vicious violence against Dany also originated from this. He regarded his sister Daenerys as a queen since he was a child and determined that he would marry her in the future.

From the moment he sold the crown of his mother, Queen Leila, he realized that one day he would also sell his sister, so his feelings for his sister were distorted and turned into a perverted possessiveness.

Viserys knew very well that his overtures would make Dany feel the wrong way, and she might have feelings for him that were different from brother-sister love.

But this will also make Dany more dependent on him, trusting what he does, and facilitating his follow-up actions.

Everything will wait until he completely transforms into a dragon.

At the very least, the current Viserys would not sell her out, and letting her suffer might not lead to a happy ending.


Illyrio narrowed his eyes: "Did you hear it with your own ears?"

Ani replied: "Yes, Master."

Illyrio's expression condensed: "Did you personally hear him say to Daenerys, 'I never thought I would lose you one day'?"

"Yes Master."

Illyrio asked, "Do you think he is telling the truth?"

".I think it's fake, Master," Ani hesitated for a moment before giving her judgment, "I know what it's like when a man deceives a woman."

Illyrio hesitated: "After seeing what he did to his sister today, you still think so. What is your basis?"

Regardless of the intentions, just look at the behavior. Viserys took great care of Dany when she was in coma during the day. For two hours, every quarter of an hour, he wiped Daenerys' body with fever to cool her down. He was obviously very concerned about her condition.

Ani frowned: "Uh, intuition, Master."

"Why?" Illyrio didn't say he believed it, nor did he say he didn't believe it. He just asked, "Why do you think he did this?"

".I don't know yet."

Illyrio closed his eyes and did not ask again: "Ani, find something other than 'intuition'."

"Yes, Master."


There was a knock on the door.

Viserys stopped swinging his dagger and walked toward the door.

Outside the door is the butler, holding a lamp: "Distinguished guests, the master invites you."

"Oh," Viserys pointed to the pajamas he was wearing, "Wait a moment."

The butler nodded and motioned for him to wait outside the door.

Viserys closed the door and calmly walked to the table. He poured a glass of wine and drank it to quench his thirst. Then he slowly changed into his regular clothes, straightened his clothes and hair in front of the mirror, and then walked out of the room gracefully: "Lead the way. housekeeper."

He just went to the appointment and didn't ask about the place or what was going on.

The butler just silently led the way. After a while, he passed through the living room, walked through the corridor of the courtyard, and came to a room full of bookcases, which he thought was Illyrio's study.

The study room is filled with oil lamps with lampshades, making it very bright.

Viserys took a quick glance and quickly discovered that this lack of awareness of fire prevention was intentional. The decoration in the study was very vulgar. Most of the books in the cabinets had gold edges. The precious lights of the paintings and ornaments hanging on the walls shone brightly under the lights.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, at least Illyrio behaves like a complete upstart.

Illyrio was very enthusiastic. As soon as Viserys arrived, he stood up from the desk and walked toward the door with his fat body: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for disturbing me late at night. I have been very busy these days and I have only had time today. Goodbye."

Viserys only said politely: "My Lord Governor, it is a good thing to be busy in your career. It will bring you wealth and prosperity." He only said auspicious words and had no intention of actively raising the topic.

"Here's the thing," Illyrio said straight to the point, "Your Majesty, do you remember the Dothraki I talked about a few days ago?"

"Of course." Viserys replied, and then stopped talking, only looking at Illyrio expectantly.

Although Viserys was vague, Illyrio had his own plan: "Your Majesty, will you be free tomorrow to watch the Dothraki troops with me?"

Viserys asked curiously: "Is it possible that Pentos and the Dothraki are fighting?"

"Of course not," Illyrio twitched his lips and simply asked, "Your Majesty, don't you want to go?"

[Of course not. 】

Viserys replied: "Of course not. I have long heard that the Dothraki cavalry are brave and invincible. Now that I have the opportunity, of course I want to see it. But if I show up, will it bring inconvenience to the Governor?"

Illyrio pretended not to hear his resistance and looked at Viserys with a sincere face: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have made arrangements, I just want to make you pretend to be my attendant."

Viserys agreed: "Since the Lord Governor has made arrangements, I can do anything."

"." Illyrio couldn't help but pause. Compared to refusing, the other party's immediate agreement caught him off guard.

The very act of having a "king" dress up as a follower was a temptation, and Viserys could care less about it.

Illyrio had other words planned, but in the end he said nothing. "Then please get up early tomorrow, Your Majesty."

After being in contact with this "Beggar King" in the past few days, Illyrio became suspicious of Varys's intelligence.

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