As usual, Viserys stayed in his room until noon, and only got up to wash and go out after confirming that Illyrio did not want to meet him today.

Today, only the maid was cleaning the corridor.

Viserys asked her directly: "Where is the housekeeper?"

"Wait a moment, honorable guest." The maid put down her work, went to the corner of the stairs, and rang a bell.

Soon, the housekeeper appeared in front of Viserys: "Would you like to have lunch, honorable guest?"

The housekeeper took the initiative to ask, and Viserys did not ask any more questions: "Yes."

"Do you want to go to the restaurant, or take it to your room?" The housekeeper still asked the same question.

"Restaurant." Viserys answered.

The housekeeper nodded: "Please wait in the restaurant." After saying that, he turned and left.

Viserys waited in the corridor for a while, but did not wait for Daenerys.

He ignored the maid who went back to work silently, walked straight to Daenerys's door, knocked on the door and shouted: "Daenerys?"

No response.

He raised his voice a little: "Daenerys!"

Still no response.

He quickly turned the doorknob.

The door was not locked.

Viserys pushed the door open.

He was not stopped.

"Daenerys, can't you hear me calling you?" His voice was cold, and his eyes quickly swept to the bed.

Fortunately, she was still there.

Daenerys was still lying on the bed, but she looked like she hadn't woken up yet.

Viserys came closer and saw that Daenerys's face was red, her breathing was heavy, and she was frowning and sleeping.

He reached out and touched it, and Daenerys's forehead was hot, as if she had a fever.

Is she really sick?

Maybe not.

Viserys quickly connected Daenerys's current situation with his dream last night, suspecting that it was caused by him swallowing the dragon soul in his dream. After all, what he swallowed might be a wisp of dragon soul that got into Daenerys' body yesterday.

Viserys withdrew his hand and hesitated by the bed.

He was stunned by the bed for a long time, and the maid outside did not respond.

Viserys then got up, walked to the door, opened the door he had closed when he came in, and shouted loudly: "Come, come."

The maid who was cleaning along the wall in the corridor put down her work and hurried forward: "Ah, distinguished guest, what happened?"

Viserys said arrogantly: "Go and get a basin of warm water, my sister is sick!"

The maid replied in a daze: "Ah, what are the symptoms? Do you want to call a doctor?"

"." Viserys paused and replied, "Wait a minute!"

In Westeros, the work of doctors in this world belongs to the bachelors of the Academy. Bachelors are consultants to the nobles of Westeros. They have systematic training in the content related to doctors who have studied and trained in the Academy. They can prescribe the right medicine for some common diseases, and their medical skills should be slightly better than those in the Middle Ages on Earth.

In the free trade city-state, the work of doctors usually belongs to empirical merchants who can bleed, claim to have witchcraft, and can mix herbs. Their way of treating fever is usually bloodletting, using flower milk to relieve pain, and letting the patient sleep. If it is still not good, there are enema, witchcraft, and amputation.

Now that Daenerys is "sick", Viserys wants to suppress the matter of finding a doctor. He enjoyed bloodletting treatment on the first day of his crossing, and he really dared not count on the doctor found through Illyrio.

The maid didn't say much: "Okay."

As soon as the maid left, the butler came up.

The butler asked: "Ani said something happened here, distinguished guest, is there anything I can help with?"

"Help me get some." Viserys wanted to say willow branches to boil water, but he didn't say it when he was about to say it, and only said, "Hot water, for drinking."

Viserys' memory did not allow him to say this folk remedy. His original body knew nothing about dealing with illness. Even if he caught a cold occasionally, the two brothers and sisters relied on their young bodies to get through it.

So he could only try physical cooling.

After watching the butler leave, Viserys was not idle. He immediately returned to Daenerys's room and took a drop of blood from her finger in the same way. Viserys has always been very measured. He only pierced a layer of skin, and the skin on the tip of a person's finger recovers very quickly, leaving no scars.

He did this because although he had guessed in his heart, he still needed to actually test it and compare to confirm that the dragon soul could not be reused.

Soon the maid brought a basin of hot water: "Do you need me to do anything, distinguished guest?"

"No." Viserys tried, "I will do it myself."

The maid hesitated: "Are you sure, guest?"

Viserys insisted: "I will do it myself."

The maid no longer insisted.

Viserys was keenly aware that the maid's attitude seemed to have changed a little, and she was no longer so proactive.

Whether this was the owner of the courtyard secretly conveying a cold attitude, or some other reason, Viserys had no time to think about it.

But in any case, this is a good thing.

There is a big difference between spying and direct intervention.

This means that his scope of operation is larger.

Viserys took the basin and closed the door.

He tested the water temperature and found it was still a little hot, so he simply poured the lemonade from the kettle in Dany's room into the basin, and then began to wipe Daenerys' body with a towel.

First the forehead.

Then the arm that was touched yesterday.

Then the other hand.

Finally the feet.

Viserys could not see the source of the abnormality, but only found that Daenerys did not have a normal "fever". She did not have chapped lips, and her heartbeat was not very fast. Although her breathing was heavy and her brows were slightly wrinkled, she did not look very painful.

She was just hot, unconscious, maybe still dreaming.

Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that she fainted from the fever.

Not long after, the housekeeper brought hot water.

Viserys also refused the steward's help.

He poured a cup of hot water, cooled it until it was drinkable, and then tried to give Daenerys water.

Although she was unconscious, when the water was brought to her mouth, she still instinctively drank it in small sips, just like swallowing saliva.

When Viserys lifted her up, he noticed that there wasn't even much sweat on her back.

Daenerys is anything but sick.

Viserys finally just put a towel on Daenerys' forehead, and then sat quietly on the bedside to wait.

During this period, the butler came to ask about lunch, and Viserys asked him to deliver it to Daenerys' room. When they expressed doubts about Dany's condition, Viserys just excused them and let them go about their business.

Then, with no one to disturb him - or so it seemed - Viserys began to try to wake Dany up at regular intervals, checking her temperature at the same time.

Six times like this, Viserys estimated that it was two hours after he started recording, Daenerys's body temperature began to drop significantly, and she showed signs of awakening.

Before the seventh check, Daenerys had already faintly woken up.

As soon as Dany opened her eyes, she saw Viserys sitting at the head of the bed with a concerned look on his face. She sat up and the towel slipped from her forehead. She lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice in confusion: "What's wrong with me?"

"You are sick, Dany," Viserys answered. "Don't you feel anything?"

"I don't know." Dany's spirit was still a little weak. She organized her words and said softly, "My head hurts a little."

[She did not show the abnormal fear she had yesterday, but her eyes were blurred and her face was pale, but her appearance was almost the same as usual. Headache? Is it caused by sleeping too much or is it mental aspect?】

Viserys watched her, trying to figure out what was happening to her: "Tell me, Dany, did you dream of something?"

"I don't know." Dany answered subconsciously. She recalled carefully. The dream was vague and only some fragments were difficult to piece together. "I don't remember." Viserys's unusual behavior made her confused. She boldly raised her head and asked. , ".Why do you ask?"

Viserys's scrutinizing gaze swept over, and Dany immediately lowered her head, not daring to look directly.

Viserys changed his mind and finally stopped asking questions and turned to other topics: "You have been sleeping all day. Are you hungry now, Dany?"

"." Dani looked up in confusion.

Viserys explained, "It's afternoon, Dany, and you've been sleeping all day."

Danni couldn't believe it and said subconsciously: "How could that be possible?"

"As I said," Viserys told her, "you are sick." Viserys asked, "So, are you hungry?"

Dany realized that her brother seemed concerned, felt it, and nodded.

"Okay." Viserys seemed satisfied with her answer. He walked out of the room and called the butler to prepare hot food.

After Dany woke up, she gradually realized that she had slept all day, and Viserys was acting strangely. When she was full of doubts, Viserys returned to the room. Under Dany's surprised gaze, he took a piece from the table. Desserts and tea were delivered to Dani's bedside: "First, please pacify your belly."

This unprecedented act of concern made Dany confused. She wanted to see Viserys's expression at this moment, but she didn't dare to raise her head and stare, so she just stretched out her hand to take it timidly, not daring to suggest getting up from the bed, and started to eat. Send a message.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Viserys noticed that Daenerys's face suddenly turned red while she was eating, so he reached out to test the temperature of her forehead.

Dany stopped eating, shrank her neck, and hesitated to speak.

After confirming that she was just blushing normally, Viserys asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Dani spoke for a moment, as if asking for instructions: "I want to get up first and go wash up."

"..." Viserys realized something, his face tightened, and he said, "I'm going to see how the housekeeper is preparing." After saying that, he straightened his clothes and strolled out of Dany's room.

Of course Viserys didn't go to see the steward.

Surprisingly, there was no one in the corridor at the moment.

Viserys then began to scan the corridor. The maid reacted very quickly that day, and he guessed that the place where he was spying was probably somewhere.

He took the opportunity to stroll back and forth in the corridor outside the door, tapping his fingers on the wall as he walked aimlessly. Unfortunately, he didn't notice anything unusual until the butler appeared pushing the food delivery trolley.

When they saw each other in the corridor, it was the butler who first asked in confusion: "Dear guest?"

"I'm waiting for you, butler." Viserys guided the butler to push the small dining cart to Dany's door.

He knocked on the door casually and said, "I'm in." Then he opened the door and asked the butler to bring in the food.

After the butler finished placing the plates on the table in the room, Viserys sent the butler away as a matter of course, while he stayed.

Only then did Danni walk out of the bathroom with a blushing face.

From the looks of it, Viserys doesn't plan to leave for a while.

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