"Is that so, butler?"

Illyrio is not a person who listens to certain beliefs. It was only the second day, and a lot of "abnormalities" happened to the Targaryen brothers and sisters in his courtyard. It took him a lot of time to listen to what the maid Ani and the butler had to say. Narrative. Their surveillance work was generally done well, with only one surprise: when Viserys tried to hurt Daenerys, the maid Ani quickly intervened to stop him.

According to Ani, Viserys was hurting Daenerys, cutting her hands with a dagger, drinking her blood, and "wanting to do evil" things.

The housekeeper answered seriously: "I didn't see it, Master. I only heard a noise. After opening the door, I saw a dagger in his hand, and the young lady was shaking beside the bed as if she was being bullied."

Illyrio narrowed his eyes, trying to imagine the scene.

According to the intelligence, Viserys did abuse his sister in private, which was not a big surprise. It's just a matter of cutting your fingers with a dagger and drinking blood

Illyrio was a little unsure, but that didn't stop him from warning the smart maid: "You shouldn't show up so early, Ani, even if he wants to do something to his sister, you should wait until it happens to a certain extent. Until then, it's their private matter."

Arnie replied: "Sorry, Master, I thought you needed the girl to remain intact." Her main task is to get close to Daenerys and win her trust.

Illyrio suddenly remembered that he had heard from some unexplainable places that the "mad king" of Targaryen would scratch and bite his queen when he did that, leaving her covered in bloodstains.

Did Viserys inherit from his Mad King father?

"." Illyrio frowned, "Ani, tell me, is she still a virgin?"

Illyrio was a little worried that Viserys had done something crazy to his sister where Varys's little birds couldn't see it. After all, whether it was from the intelligence or personal observation, Viserys had done something to Daenerys. Si's behavior is indeed a bit, well, perverted.

Ani replied: "It should be, Master."

"Should?" Illyrio was not satisfied with this answer, "Find a way to confirm, Ani."

Ani replied: "Yes, Master."

Illyrio waved her hand to leave.

After Ani left, Illyrio started to ask another question: "Why do you think he told you about Prince Pentos?"

The butler thought for a moment and answered: "I don't know, Master."

Illyrio had his own ideas and didn't expect to get any answers from the butler. He changed the topic: "From what you can see, how is his martial arts?"

"He is thin and weak," the steward thought for a moment and replied, "I can easily take the dagger from his hand."

Illyrio asked again: "Didn't he continue playing with the pendant today?"


Illyrio didn't ask any more questions: "Continue to observe."


After spending a whole day in doubt and fear, Dany fell asleep at some point.

She started to dream.

At first, she dreamed of the house with the red door in Braavos, her childhood.

There, Ser William Darry was old and sick, but very kind, and his brother Viserys always had a smile on his face. He would allow her to climb into his bed at night, telling her stories about the Seven Kingdoms, and describing the journey to the A wonderful life after the throne.

But those things quickly became disillusioned and blurred.

Sir William died, and she and her brother were driven out of the house with the red door, and then fled from city to city, pursued by the usurper's killers, who never appeared, while telling governors, princes, and merchants Wealthy businessmen begged for aid and even traded flattery for food. After selling his mother's crown, the ridicule and humiliation from the outside world twisted Viserys, and he gradually became cruel, violent, and violent towards her.

Then she dreamed of lightning and thunder, and then visions of what Viserys had seen the day he was struck by lightning, thunderstorms, fire, ice, roaring rolling clouds, a huge three-headed beast.

Then she suddenly fell into darkness, and she was in a boundless abyss. The unspeakable boundless silence rolled up around her, and a cold wave like a tide poured into her heart.

It's fear.

In the confusion, Daenerys felt that her body seemed to be trembling, but she had no way of confirming that her senses fell into some strange posture at a certain moment, and it seemed that she was not herself.

The "body" seemed to be out of her control.

Only the senses gradually adapt to the darkness.

The floating purple dust rushed out from her body towards the darkness. The purple dust and the deep darkness turned into deep whirlpools in the void that were as breathtaking as hallucinations. The deep darkness was like a curtain, and the deeper darkness mixed with the purple dust ejected from her body, swimming in a bottomless whirlpool.

Something was being drawn away from her "body" bit by bit and into the depths of the vortex.

If she could still control her throat, she would have screamed. Or maybe she screamed, but the sound was lost in nothingness.

A great fear occupied her, and all other emotions were lost under this great fear.

I don’t know how long it took.

Gradually, her body had a new feeling, and her soul escaped from the wonderful feeling of not being like her own. At this moment, she was standing outside the boundless dark abyss, looking at the dark abyss from a third-party observation posture. The starry purple dust gradually dissipated.

As the purple dust completely dissipated, only a dark curtain with no end in sight remained. It was infinitely far upward, infinitely far downward, infinitely far to the left, infinitely far to the right, and boundless. She was shocked and subconsciously stretched out her "hand" to try to touch it.

Then she saw her "hand", dotted with smoldering sparks.

Suddenly, everything fell into nothingness.


Viserys suddenly opened his eyes and put his hand into his chest in disbelief.

He had just had a dream, dreaming that there was a small ball of purple smoke in front of him. The moment he saw it, he instinctively realized that it was the dragon soul he had been looking for, so he swallowed it before it could react.

Then, he briefly explored the magic ocean hidden in his body.

The magic ocean was full of magic elements, but there was a layer of diaphragm blocking it. He instinctively knew that it was the barrier of the world. It was precisely because of the barrier that he could not project that huge power onto himself.

It was indeed the dragon soul.

The tiny dragon soul he devoured stimulated the surge of magic power, and the barrier of the world and the ocean of magic elements in his body were briefly connected, which made him squeeze out a drop of water from the ocean of magic power.

A dragon scale.

Viserys felt it. On his chest, a hard keratin that looked like a scale grew.

From the hard keratin, Viserys felt a trace of burning power. He knew that it was the elemental magic of the ancient king of the other world, the ancient Li Oak.

Instinctively, Viserys realized that he could spray this trace of magic power from his mouth like breathing.

Dragon flame.

Viserys tried his best to suppress the excitement in his heart, climbed out of the bed, pretended to get up to go to the toilet at night, walked into the toilet, closed the door and squatted.


He exhaled.

The air suddenly became hot, and a wisp of flame sprayed out of Viserys' mouth.

It flashed away.

It was indeed dragon flame.

Although it could only last for less than a second, and even though this small flame consumed all his magic power, Viserys was not discouraged.

This wisp of flame meant that he had taken the first step.

Viserys stretched his hand to his chest, and the scaly keratin had faded, as if it had disappeared because the tiny dragon flame just now consumed all the magic power.

But Viserys could feel that a tiny bit of magic power was slowly replenishing, and it would not be long before a dragon scale would be filled again.

Viserys realized that when he swallowed the dragon soul and squeezed out a drop of water from the ocean of magic power. He was like the mage and warlock in DND, using the dragon soul of this world as a medium to obtain a dragon scale's magic slot to fill the elemental magic power from another world hidden in his body.

Now, Viserys can be said to be a dragon fire warlock-although he only has the magic power of one magic slot and can only spit out a tiny flame like a magic trick.

Go back to bed and lie down.

Viserys closed his eyes and thought, and began to sort out the current situation.

【First, the source of the dragon soul. 】

Ninety-nine percent of it comes from the dragon bone pendant. During the day, the pendant came into contact with Daenerys's dragon soul and disappeared. It should have entered her body. He came into contact with Daenerys's blood and finally swallowed the dragon soul through a dream. This guess is very metaphysical, but it is very reasonable. But it cannot be determined yet. He needs to find an opportunity to conduct another experiment to confirm it.

【Next, it is the relationship between dragon soul and magic power. 】

He thought about it and it was a bit like medium and power projection. The elemental magic power in his body came from another world, and he needed a medium like dragon soul to allow the magic power of another world to be projected into this world. The collected dragon souls and the magic power that can be obtained are roughly equivalent. The dragon bone pendant should only be a wisp of residual soul.

【What can you do with this little magic power? 】

Too little magic power. And when he was spitting fire just now, he could clearly feel that his body was now a mortal body, unable to bear the high temperature of magic power gathering in the throat and spitting out dragon flames from his mouth, so a large proportion of the magic power adjusted from the body was dissipated in instinctive body protection.

Before he turns back into a dragon body or uses enough magic to construct a magic organ, this way of using magic is inefficient and wasteful. He is not even sure whether the short and tiny dragon flame can hurt people.

In the current situation, this little magic seems to be unable to do anything.

[Possible spying. ]

He could ignore the spying before, because he had no secrets worth hiding at that time, but he could take the opportunity to bluff and create confusion, but now he has a secret that cannot be shown to others, so this problem cannot be ignored.

This leads to a new question.

[Do I have to live under someone else's roof? ]

Thinking about it, Viserys couldn't help scratching his head. This is not the question he should think about now.

When he traveled to the last descendant of Targaryen, he had no choice, and his actions attracted the attention of many people. If he tried to get out of it before he had a certain strength, he could imagine his next life.

Assassins and plots - those assassins may not all come from King Robert, and they may not all be to kill him, but they may also be to force him into a certain situation and force him to make a certain choice.

The new conspirator - at least for now, Illyrio can still understand a little through the memory of the original book.

Viserys' life is destined to be inseparable from conspiracy and calculation.

There are only two ways to escape from this life: make yourself powerful, or die.

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